Monatsarchive: Mai 2015

…for more informations from and about Bashar and Darryl Anka go to






…without having the complete knowledge background it may sound just “to simple” and our mind has the tendency to believe thinks must be complicated, to be real :), but the truth is that by focussing and feeling the state of complete health, the body follows that focus and turns back to health. (In going deeper it´s a fact that he is always healthy and we only create by our thoughts and feelings the illusion of dis-ease…but for now, we don´t have to go so far…:) ). Arya





I  just want to let you know that I´m currently working on creating webinars to download for bringing out the


In the Vywamus Foundation , Vywamus worked with us since 1999 to teach us the tools and ground them deeply inside, to be able to work with them in daily life, to transform immediately any issue coming up, which needs transformation. As we worked through it, now a path is layed out for others to walk this path much more easily and faster. Don´t think that my path was easy. I had heavy layers of denial put over my lovely, joyful being through out the ages and it was a tuff piece of work to transform it. There were times, where I was deeply stuck in depressions and fears, thinking it would never end…but it did :)…and today I can say that I´m soooo grateful for having walked this path together with my wonderful physical and non-physical teachers, guides and fellow students. And i´m mostly happy to share this with everybody, who is willing to give high priority to his/her transformation, to be finally who he/she really is, again. You are all very beautiful beings ! Clear the foggy layers and shine brightly. With all my love and gratitude, Arya.








…before you read the important message from Hilarion, I want to let you know that I´m currently working on creating webinars to download for bringing out the


In the Vywamus Foundation , Vywamus worked with us since 1999 to teach us the tools and ground them deeply inside, to be able to work with them in daily life, to transform immediately any issue coming up, which needs transformation. As we worked through it, now a path is layed out for others to walk this path much more easily and faster. Don´t think that my path was easy. I had heavy layers of denial put over my lovely, joyful being through out the ages and it was a tuff piece of work to transform it. There were times, where I was deeply stuck in depressions and fears, thinking it would never end…but it did :)…and today I can say that I´m soooo grateful for having walked this path together with my wonderful physical and non-physical teachers, guides and fellow students. And i´m mostly happy to share this with everybody, who is willing to give high priority to his/her transformation, to be finally who he/she really is, again. You are all very beautiful beings ! Clear the foggy layers and shine brightly. With all my love and gratitude, Arya.

             HILARION 2015

May 24-31, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There is a deep alignment taking place within your inner self. Many of you are feeling as though you are back to square one, having to start the process of purging and cleansing all over again. This is not so and if you can observe the thoughts that come through you, you will see that this particular strain of thought process comes from an earlier time in your lives. Once you make that distinction, you will observe and release these much more easily. Some of these are your core wounds, deeply held in this lifetime and which you brought with you from previous lifetimes to be addressed and resolved in your current lifetime. It may not feel pleasant as you go through this process but be assured it is bringing the final resolution and you will soon pass through this difficult portal. Try to keep a positive focus during this time as it truly means a great accomplishment for you when it is seen from your soul’s higher perspective. 

Be extra kind and forgiving of yourselves during this final cleansing. Ask us to help keep you uplifted and focused on higher thoughts as you feel the density within you. By now, you know what you can personally do to help yourselves get through this time as you take stock of the methods you carry in your personal toolbox. You have been here and done this before – remember what worked for you before and revisit those methods once again. Be assured that there is a greater Light than ever felt before at the end of this tunnel. You are loved unconditionally and with no judgement from your Family of Light; it remains for each of you to incorporate this same love into your own understanding of self. Sometimes, each human can be their own worst enemy and harshest taskmaster. Growth is taking place, Dear Ones, and a shift to a greater awareness is happening. It is all good in the end result. Keep this knowledge in your hearts.

Let your spirit be sustained by the knowledge that the spiral of life moves ever closer to a higher outcome than you at first believed was possible. You are creating miracles as you allow this experience. On deeper levels of your multi-dimensional nature, you are the teachers who impart your hard won knowledge, wisdom and experience to others throughout the universe. Each person who is undergoing the rigors of life on the planet is looked upon as hero and heroine throughout all timelines and dimensions. As you focus on the here and now, you are further aligning to your true divine essence and more of the gifts you bring to this world are unfolding and ripening in their potential. Even though it seems that you have been standing still, on the inner levels, much progress is being made as further healing takes place within you. 

Finding your way through this maze is easier than ever before, for now you honor yourselves for the efforts you have made in this game called life  upon a physical planet. Much has changed within your perspective and the wisdom you have gained in this and former lifetimes is blossoming forth from within you now. You know now that you are the creator of your reality and that you can intend a different and better reality than you’ve lived and experienced before. It is all up to you to decide and determine how your life should go. Your higher soul aspects are eager to merge with you and there is a great excitement in the anticipation of this event. As you surrender to this metamorphosis that is taking place within you, life on Earth becomes much easier to endure and experience. 

You are slowly beginning to realize that your life can be more beautiful than you have ever dreamt it could be. As you reconnect with your divine inner child abiding within your sacred heart space, you are creating the life of your dreams. It is a life filled with joy, peace, healing, accomplishment, success and achievement. It is up to you how quickly or slowly you bring this into your experience. You are in the driver’s seat and all of life is working with you and for you!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message. 




Jesus through JohnGuidance from an elder brother

Humanity’s awakening is happening right now!

May 24, 2015 by John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening is inevitable. Of course you have heard that many times before, but within the illusion doubts and anxieties assail you almost constantly. That is why it is necessary for me to keep reminding you, so that you hold your course regardless of the apparent lack of physical evidence within the illusory environment on which you focus most of your attention, to confirm that God’s plan is unfolding just as He intends.

The illusion is a place in which inconsistencies flourish, new information arises that displaces previously held beliefs by demonstrating their inadequacies, and the pace at which that is happening is constantly accelerating. No wonder you feel so assailed. The illusion is an environment of almost constant change – peace to war, love to hate, trust to betrayal – and reversals of those states. At this point in your spiritual evolution – and everyone physically incarnate on Earth is here to evolve spiritually – an enormous effort is being maintained through prayer, meditation, and through humanity’s intense desire for positive change, to move from violence to non-violence, from endless states of war to lasting peace, and awareness is growing that this can only happen if people trust each other and absolutely refrain from betraying that trust.

The briefest moment spent considering what is required to bring a state of peaceful and harmonious coexistence to all on Earth makes it quite clear that no progress can be made without first establishing trust, and to do that it is apparent that all cultures, ethnicities, lifestyles, religious and political beliefs must absolutely respect all others. The intense egoic need to be right that so many have, the need to belong to the right religion, the right political party, the right nation, the right . . . (fill in the blanks!) is, as history never fails to demonstrate, an unmitigated recipe for disaster, because it spends its time making others wrong, and thereby making others its enemies.

Worldwide, as children are born and start to grow, they have egos that need to grow and mature to enable them to live on Earth as wise and balanced individuals. Initially they have needs that they cannot fulfill for themselves, needs that require acknowledgment and fulfillment by someone other than themselves, and so they have to learn to attract the attention of those who are there to provide for those needs, and that attention seeking behavior strengthens their egos. This is normal.

What is not normal, but in fact always happens, is that these egos, the egos of nearly every individual human without exception, are hurt and abused to a greater or lesser extent by their caregivers during their years of growth to adulthood. Generally the caregiver’s intent is to teach and not to harm, but because of the damage that the caregivers themselves have experienced, they teach fear, not love. They unintentionally betray the trust of those for whom they are responsible, mostly believing that “it is for their own good!” The result is that the little ones growing up experience betrayal of their trust by those who are there to nurture them, and they are consequently conditioned to expect betrayal and thus learn to be forever on their guard. Consequently trust is not something they will offer lightly to another once they have lived through those unavoidable human growth experiences and had it betrayed.

How can humanity move forward then? The only way forward is by trusting one another, and yet to do that seems at best insane and at worst a total denial of reality. Your experience shows you that trusting individuals are gullible, unwise, immature, lacking intelligence, and are almost always betrayed. And yet reason and logic make it abundantly clear that without trust progress towards lasting peace is impossible. It would seem that humanity is caught in a “Catch 22” situation. There appears to be no way to escape from an absence of trust because, as experience shows most clearly, those who trust are always betrayed.

Nevertheless, the only way forwards is by choosing to trust. The vast majority of humans want only to live in peace and harmony with everyone else. When that state is achieved, as it has been many times in small communities, amazing cooperative creative ventures are undertaken and brought lovingly to fruition. However, the success of those communities arouses jealousy among those whose environments are less loving. If you look closely at what happens you will see that only a very small number of badly damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a harmonious community by spreading rumor and gossip.

That is the point – only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community, BECAUSE others listen to them and believe their embittered gossip.

If that gossip is ignored the gossipers move somewhere else. They seek egoic satisfaction in destroying the harmony and peace that others have established because they themselves are so damaged. And because they are in such intense pain, which is mostly denied and buried deep within them, they wait attentively for an opportunity to project that pain on to others for the slight relief it brings to them. When individuals are that badly damaged their only pleasure is found in hurting others. When you meet or interact with someone as hurt as that do not judge or condemn them, just intend for them to be healed, and send them love or blessings. That is one of your earthly tasks.

The way forwards therefore is to ignore all gossip, and instead to trust your own intuitive sense which tells you that others can be trusted, and then to trust them! Yes, within the illusion, your present apparent “home” environment, your trust will be betrayed occasionally. But, being an illusion, those experiences cannot harm you, they are the just unreal dreams from which you will awaken. The way forwards towards your awakening is to forgive those who betray you!

As I said above, only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community. However, if the community refuses to be influenced or manipulated by those in pain then those efforts are ineffective.

Each and every human, each beloved child of God, is permanently connected to the divine field of Love in which all of creation is eternally maintained, but the illusion, which seems so real to those living within it, is ego-driven and fear-driven, and it does every thing it can to convince you that you are an insignificant life form whose existence is short and meaningless. And of course that is its purpose. It was conceived of and built to allow you to experience separation from your Source, the infinitely loving God who created you in joy and for joy.

Your real state of existence – eternally present in the field of Love that is God – is unalterable. You are there always, and you have never left. You could never leave because there is, as you are constantly being reminded, nowhere else. Therefore there is nothing to fear!

As we in the spiritual realms keep telling you, through the various channels that we use to make contact with you, and through the divine intuition that you each have access to in every moment, there is only Love! God, the divine Source of all that exists, the sole Awareness, the One Sentient Consciousness that permeates every individual mind is Love. You are never absent from God, and therefore Love is your true and inviolable nature. What you experience within the dream, within the illusion – fear, conflict, betrayal, suffering, pain, and constant confusion – is unreal.

When you detach from the illusion, even momentarily, by going within to that sacred place where the flame of God’s Love burns constantly within you, then you will find peace. By going within and intending to know God, your divine Source, the place from which you arise renewed in every moment, you spread and extend Love to all with whom you interact in any way at all. That is your purpose during this incarnation. You chose to incarnate as a human this time around to help others to awaken, because the Love that you share with God motivates you most powerfully to bring all of humanity home to their natural state of awareness that all are One with God. You know that state, and being Love incarnate you want everyone to experience it permanently. You are in truth perfectly in alignment with the divine Will, and you are walking on Earth to shine the Light of God’s Love so brightly that no one can fail to see It.

That Light is shining brilliantly all across the world because so many of you chose to be on Earth at this time to awaken humanity. No other options are available, humanity will awaken, and the chaos and confusion that seem to be intensifying all across the world are clear indications that humanity’s awakening is happening right now!

Your loving brother, Jesus



5 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix

By Steven Bancarz| If you want to truly live free, you have to first recognize the things that are preventing you from doing that.  Life isn’t what it used to be.  Being born in our day and age is a lot different than being born 5000 years ago.

Back then, you were born, rinsed off in a river, and grew up learning how to work and hunt.  Now when you are born, you are assigned a social insurance number, you have a government authorized birth certificate, you are piled on with cultural programs, launched into a public education system, and you are brainwashed into conforming with societal expectations.

The “Matrix” is a combination of philosophies, ideas, institutions, societal structures, and agendas that are keeping blinds pulled over our eyes preventing us from seeing our life for what it really is.  Some people are so deeply invested into the Matrix that they think it is who and what they are.

Here is a list of 5 grand illusions that are keeping humanity enslaved to the matrix.  If you want to break free, you first have to learn what it is you need to break free from.  After reading this article, you will see clearly that the world we live in is a big Matrix designed to keep us asleep.

1) The illusions of choice and freedom

Your government may tell you that you are free, but what happens when you try to grow a certain type of planet to use for medicinal or recreational purposes?  How can you be free if you live in a society that has made plants that grow in nature illegal?

Did you know that some people have been arrested for growing their own gardens, and community gardens have been shut down because they conflict with the interests of big business?  That’s right.  According to a news report from a few years ago, a man from Georgia was sued by his county for $5000 for growing too many of his own vegetables…

You can be fined for peeing in a forest or for walking around without a shirt on.  Your phone calls can be recorded at any time.  Your internet search is monitored.  Your emails can be accessed by Intelligence at any time.  If you say one wrong thing about the president, the CIA may show up at your door the next day.

In some states, you aren’t even allowed to film public servants (police officers) for your own protection.  You are not free.  You are free within a very narrow scope of behaviour that has been prescribed to you by the 1% that runs our planet.

2) The political system

Do you think your votes actually matter?  Votes would only matter if you lived in a democracy, but according to a recent study from Princeton University, the United States is an obligarchy.  This means its laws and policies are shaped around the interests of corporations and the economic elite, instead of being shaped around the desires and wellbeing of the citizens.

After reviewing almost 1800 policies and laws within the US, the peer-reviewed study says: “The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”

When people run for president, who do you think funds their campaigns?  Here is a list of the institutions that funded the campaign of Barack Obama during the 2012 election:

  • 19 million dollars from communications/electronics
  • 2.5 million from energy and natural resources
  • 21 million from finance and insurance
  • 28.2 million from lobbyists and lawyers
  • 19 million from health

The list goes on and on.  If someone from Goldman Sachs walks up to Obama and says “Here is a 10 million dollar check.  Good luck on your campaign this year ;) “, are we really naive enough to think that laws won’t be constructed in favour of that business?  The day I’ll vote is the day people start wearing NASCAR uniforms when they run for office so everyone can see the business and corporations that have sponsored them.

Our leaders serve the 1%, are funded by the 1%, and are puppets to the 1%.  Going down to the local vote center with your family and choosing between which head of the two-headed dragon you want to be enslaved by does not make a difference.  We are being ruled by greedy, power-hungry sociopaths who are destroying the planet, go to war for profit, and suppress the God-given rights of citizens.

3) The education system

School teaches you how to memorize, repeat, and regurgitate.  Just the skillset that is needed to spend your life working for someone else’s dreams.  With ‘writing’ being a subject which is currently being taken out of schools, emphasis is being put more on memorization of knowledge and less on creativity and comprehension.

A few years ago when I was in university for Philosophy, I got a taste of how education SHOULD be.  The arts is the only thing that restored by faith in the school system because it encouraged critical thinking, the organization of thought, and creativity.  All of my other non-philosophy classes didn’t care about how much you knew about any given topic.  They would just give you a few multiple choice tests each semester to see if you could repeat what you had read.

The system is designed like this.  Go through school, don’t push the boundaries, memorize and repeat, get good grades, get a degree, and then land a “job” where you are an employee for someone else your whole life.

What do Oprah, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Tiger Woods, Richard Branson, Simon Cowell, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison all have in common?  They are all extremely successful icons (some are millionaires and billionaires), and none of them have a college degree.  In fact, about half of them dropped out of high school.

Here is a list of 100 successful entrepreneurs who all millionaires and billionaires that dropped out of college or high school. School doesn’t teach you to find your passion, develop your own talents, or develop your own identity.  It doesn’t even teach you how to pay taxes, buy a house, raise a family, or pay your bills.  It simply prepares you to work for someone else until you die.

4) The “pursuit of happiness”

This is a dead-end pursuit because we are brainwashed by marketing, advertising, and propaganda to think that happiness comes in the form of material possessions.  We then spend our whole lives trying to win the rat race without every stopping to reflect on what “happiness” really entails.

Loving relationships.  Spirituality.  Nature.  Meditation.  Reflection. A relationship with God.  Self-discovery and personal development. Self-realization. Living in the present moment.  Emotional/mental mastery.  These are the things that comprise happiness, yet we are taught that getting a job, marrying a partner, buying a house, and raising kids is how we become happy.  If this was the case, then why do half of all marriages end in divorce?  Why is suicide the 10th leading cause of death in America? Why is depression, anxiety, and mental illness at an all time high?

We are born into a hollow society that is designed to keep us media-obsessed consumers who buy things we don’t need to fill a void that has only been created due to the emptiness of the society in the first place.  When you get taught about “the pursuit of happiness”, what they really mean to say is “the pursuit of material gain”.

5) Ideologies, religions, and culture

You’re not an American.  You are not a Muslim.  You are not a businessman, a humanitarian, a German, a Christian, a conservative, or a middle-class citizen.  All of these things are unnatural titles that have been prescribed to you and exist superficially to your natural state of pure being in this moment.

For example, you may ask someone “Who are you?”.  They may respond with “I am a right-wing neo-conservative American businessman with a degree in economics.” They are confusing the formless identity of their own soul with their social labels as they relate to the Matrix.

Your beliefs.  Your heritage.  Your political stance.  Your religion.  Your job title.  Your diet.  Your culture. All of these things you learned.  They were taught to you by society, and you most likely carry these things around with you as a part of your identity.  It’s only natural to identify with certain titles, but consider this.

If you got hit on the head with a rock and suffered from amnesia, you wouldn’t remember anything about your socially-constructed identity.  You would still exist, but now you would exist within the present moment in a state of pure being.  You would be more “you” then you have ever been in your life.  When your soul is no longer piled on with all of this cultural fluff, you begin to see the world and yourself through a clear set of eyes.

Your spirit doesn’t care about any of those titles, names, labels, or cultural viewpoints.  Neither does God or the Universe.  One of the biggest parts of living with a Matrix is that there is a massive confusion of self-identity, and a feeling of distance from your true self.

Who am I? You feel like something is missing, because instead of feeding your spirit, you have been taught to acquire a new label in an attempt to provide yourself with a sense of meaning and worth.  The Matrix has not only taken over our way of life, it is now starting to infiltrate our own sense of individuality.  The best way to break free from the influence the Matrix has on your sense of identity is to meditate.  The more still you become, the more you will see.

Breaking free

Create art.  Meditate.  Soul-search.  Study philosophy. Do independent research.  Follow your dreams, your heart, and your passion.  Read articles and blogs from websites that give you new perspectives.  Get to know yourself.  Do things that make you feel alive.  Once you discover yourself, you begin to see through the veil of deception and you are no longer mentally or spiritually enslaved to the Matrix or its ideologies.

Every single person reading this has the power to change the world for the better.  You are more than a gear in the machine of capitalism, and your identity is much grander than your social insurance number and job title.

You are the focal point at which the Universe becomes self-aware and experiences human form.  You are connected to all things in creation.  The Matrix wants to keep us asleep to the illusion of separateness because it makes us fight with each other instead of fighting against the people who have been enslaving us.

All of these 5 grand illusions are designed to dis-empower you, dumb you down, enslave you, and keep you a happiness-chasing consumer.  You are a soul with infinite potential, free will, purpose, and creative insight. Don’t let the Matrix consume you.

About the author: My name is Steven Bancarz, and I am the creator of ‘Spirit Science and Metaphysics’.  Thank you for reading this article! If you are interested in staying connected, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter HERE.

Let PINTEREST/PFINGSTEN remember you, that EVERYONE is able to align in conversation with other dimensional frequency beings to let the wisdom come through. I´s NOT an ability reserved for “some special” people. It´s our nature, because we are multidimensional beings. Listen to your own wisdom inside and create your own communication lines to the multidimentional template…



Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat im Bundestag angekündigt, dass sie die Konzernabkommen TTIP, CETA und weitere auf dem G7-Gipfel auf Schloß Elmau bei München politisch eintüten will. Doch nicht mit uns: Gemeinsam gehen wir am 4. Juni in München auf die Straße! Wir zeigen: die große Mehrheit der Menschen ist gegen die Konzernabkommen.

Video ansehen, teilen und am 4. Juni nach München kommen!

Komm mit zur Demo !!!

Diese Großdemonstration gegen die Politik der Gruppe der sieben größten Industriestaaten mit tausenden Menschen wird bunt, vielfältig und friedlich. Damit wir richtig viele werden, brauchen wir auch Dich! Hier findest Du alle Infos zur Demo:








…if you don´t want it, become active in any possible way !!!






Ärtze und Apotheker warnen vor TTIP

Campact : Wir halten europaweit gegen TTIP und CETA zusammen






If you don´t want it, a first step could be to sign PETITIONS AGAINST TTIP and share your informations in your community…here some examples (look for actual petitions)
