Dear Leaders and Partners for Peace:
Being a part of the global meditation movement is truly an honor. At UNIFY, we are privileged to be able to interact daily with leaders, organizers and meditators from all corners of the globe, from Serbia to New Zealand, Mongolia to Mexico that are sharing how Peace is being expressed in their regions.
Every day, we hear from the people who are stepping up to “Be The Change” they wish to see in the world. They are signing up to join millions of others around the world to participate in World Peace Weekend events in their communities.
Every day, the world starts to feel more connected and committed to peace. And soon, we will be able to see that connection and commitment too. We are excited to announce the launch of the 2015 UNIFY Global Peace Map!
The UNIFY Global Peace Map is the virtual reflection of our intimate interconnection. We are One Human Family and this is a Global Movement. You, and organizers like you from around the world, can now upload the details of your World Peace Weekend event and we will share it far and wide!

This map not only allows you to find World Peace Weekend events in your region; it also demonstrates how Inner Peace in communities around the world is creating a Global Unified field of Peace, the seeds of World Peace.
Each event on the map represents an organizer who is committed to creating peace and a community of meditators and peacemakers that are unifying for the cause.
Last year, we had 1170 events registered on the map. This year, support us to register even more!

Be inspired and create your own event. Please follow these four steps to add an event to the UNIFY Map:
1. Go to our UNIFY website (
2. Click “Create Event” on the Map
3. Input your information
4. Breathe and smile
It’s that simple!
Let the whole world know about your World Peace Weekend event and let us all see how connected we are this year. Upload your event today! Virtual events are also welcome to be posted on the map
You are a Leader for Peace.
Your participation and contribution makes a difference for us all.
Thank you for all your heart work,
The UNIFY Team