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Webinar Archive “After Abundance” now ready for downloading…

We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.


In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, explains what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.

Free Webinar Preview: End of Debt Slavery

Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure? 
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery? 
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed? 
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds. 
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change? 
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?

How will we be mentored?

After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?

To order Webinar 72 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


A Saul Message

by John Smallman

It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict.


It is humanity’s collective intent to awaken and, as all are One with Source Whose intent it also is, awakening is inevitable. You are on the path to awakening, you always have been, and you will continue on it until awakening occurs. There is nothing to fear, you cannot miss your moment of awakening because you have made that irreversible decision to return Home. To awaken is to find yourself once again at One with God, eternally in the divine Presence from Which you have never been separated; eternally held in God’s loving Embrace that is ALL. The ALL is ALL-embracing, there is no beyond It, outside It, without It, no exclusion from It. It is God and You engaged in an eternal and ecstatic embrace, eternally inseparable, and eternally desirous of continuing in this state, and so You will.

All the spiritual channels keep reconfirming for you the imminence of humanity’s awakening, and yet many of you keep allowing yourselves to be drawn back into doubt by the negativity of the illusion as you are continually reminded by the media of the wars, suffering, unconscionable poverty, and unconscionable corruption that is occurring worldwide. Yes, there is an enormous amount of suffering across the world, but unless you feel intuitively called to physically assist in alleviating it by working with charities, or by going to areas that you have access to where you can personally help, or in some other appropriately active fashion, then do not dwell on the suffering. Instead intend to send love, compassion, and healing to any areas that particularly concern you, or even to the whole world, and truly know that your powerfully held intentions are extremely effective. Then rejoice in the knowing that all manner of things will be well.

The awakening process is moving forward unstoppably because humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, and is firmly holding the intent to do so. As humans it is almost impossible for you to understand how powerful your loving intentions are. I assure you that they are infinitely so. However, bad or unsettling news can distract you, causing you to focus your attention elsewhere, thus reducing the effectiveness of what should be and needs to be your main intention in life, namely to send love to wherever it is needed in every moment. When you wake in the morning, when you meditate, relax, contemplate, or pray, during the day, and again before you go to sleep at night renew that main intention, and know, truly know, that it is infinitely effective because it is in complete alignment with God’s Will.

On Earth, as humans, you appear to be living in an environment that is demonstratively unloving, an environment in which individual and corporate greed is relentlessly rewarded, while those who are loving and live lovingly, with love in their hearts empowering them in every moment, are ridden over roughshod, ignored, sidelined. However, the love that so many express is infinitely powerful, and it is changing the world. Do not be misled by the stories reported in the corporate media, those are stories whose intent is to mislead you and to arouse your fears so that you will continue to give away your power – which truly is enormous – to the authorities who claim to be acting in their citizen’s best interests.


You are divine beings on Earth at this time to share and extend love to everyone without exception. More and more of you are realizing this daily and are releasing your fears as you engage lovingly with all with whom you interact in even the briefest of encounters or interchanges, and that is what is bringing humanity to awakening. Do not allow your doubts or fears to influence your behavior negatively, instead remind yourselves that you are the infinitely powerful children of God, on Earth in this moment to heal and awaken your sleeping brothers and sisters. Truly that is what you are doing.

Without your input, without your loving intent, humanity cannot awaken. That is why you are presently embodied. You all made the magnificent choice to be catalysts in humanity’s accelerating awakening process, and although you mostly are unable to see what an enormous effect you are having, I can assure you that your intentions are dramatically effective.

The reason that the various uplifting spiritual channels keep on reiterating the need for you to renew your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation is because, due to the impermanent nature of the illusory world in which you are experiencing all of this, you keep getting distracted or diverted from your holy task by the daily demands of earthly living. Our task is to keep bringing your attention back to the knowledge of who you truly are so that Love, your true nature, flows through you continuously and abundantly just as you intended when you chose to incarnate. Together we are doing this.

No one acts alone. No one can act alone. Everyone on earth is acting in harmony with many others as divine activists to bring this stage in the divine plan for humanity to its successful conclusion – the awakening of humanity. Although it appears to be something that is to happen in the future, it is in fact a done deal that has already occurred, it is just that the veil hiding Reality from you is also hiding from you the fact of your awakening. What you are all doing is dissolving or dematerializing the veil. As it disintegrates Reality, Love, God will be revealed in all the splendid glory that is All that exists, and of which each and everyone of you is an inseparable aspect, a brilliantly shining facet.


Keep on loving!That is why you chose to incarnate, and you are all masters of loving. When doubts as to your abilities, competence, or effectiveness arise . . . Love those doubts! As you know perfectly well, Love is the answer to every issue with which you are presented or with which you have to deal. And your own personal doubts and anxieties are issues that need only to be loved.

There are very few among you who have not comforted small children when they have hurt themselves, and have then witnessed the amazing effect that comforting can have. Your doubts and worries are like small children within you that need your loving care and attention, they do not need self-condemnation or disparagement which only aggravates them. If there are aspects of yourselves that you feel are unworthy or unacceptable just acknowledge them without trying to change or eradicate them. By just acknowledging them and nothing more you prevent internal conflict from arising, and it is your internal conflicts that cling to that which you would like to release.

All the wise mystics and sages have told you again and again that the way forward on the spiritual path is through surrender. Conflict always leads to further conflict while Love dissolves conflict. You are Love, there is nothing else. What appears to be in opposition to It is illusory. If you bat a ball against a wall it keeps returning, if the wall is removed the ball fails to return. Conflict is like a ball hit against wall, and surrendering to Love removes the wall.

Humanity has, over the eons, built numerous psychological barriers between its families, tribes, nations, cultures, and religions, and they have all led inexorably toward conflict. Now, finally, many loving and wise ones among you are helping to remove those unreal barriers and showing you that they are unnecessary. As the barriers fall people begin to examine and study the differences between themselves and others and discover that there is much to be honored and admired. Truly, all are one, and the differences that have seemingly separated you, one from another, are but wonderful creative opportunities you can use for healing, reconciliation, and harmonious interactions that will bring joy to all.

As you intensify your determination to express and demonstrate love in action in every moment you are waking humanity from its eons long nightmare of fear, pain, and suffering. It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict. Your true nature is Love, and when you embrace It and engage with It you heal yourselves and you heal the world. Focus on the acceptance of your true nature, let go of any doubts you may have about your worthiness, and know that there is nothing for which God ever condemns any of His beloved children. In that knowing, which you can access by going to your holy inner sanctuaries and opening your hearts to receive what is offered to you constantly in every moment, rejoice. God’s Love for you is infinite, eternal, and unchanging, and that is the perfect reason to rejoice!

With so very much love, Saul.

For more from SAUL

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Webinar archive for downloading…

OUR CHANGING PERCEPTIONS are Transforming Reality

Webinar Preview: Divine Reality and Prosperity

Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.


With our awakening 
perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.

Topics include…

• How the “New You” is altering 
your perceptions 
• Developing a new consciousness 
• How the concept of transparency is 
changing your world 
• What once was acceptable is no 
longer good enough 
• A new science is transforming 
our world 
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance 
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves

To order, click HERE





We are merging with elemental nature and calling in the rains!!


Dear Family,

In case you haven’t heard, there is a massive wildfire that is devastating scores of acres, homes, neighborhoods and entire communities. It is fiercely growing and now spreading to the neighboring province of Saskatchewan. The situation remains uncontrolled and highly dangerous Sources say that it is now so big that it will take months to put out.

One of the most powerful things we can do to assist this situation is to call in the divine intervention and consciously merge with the forces of the elements to help bring calm and hopefully lots of rain. Will you join me in this group activity and as soon as possible?

Below is an invocation activity to give support to your calls. Please say it with full conviction followed by a brief meditation. Visualize the rains coming immediately and putting out the fires. See the winds coming after the rain to quickly clear the smoke. Give your prayers up for the people already affected and that all people, homes and firefighters are safe.

For more information about the fires, please google Alberta wildfire.

Let’s go into action now!! 

Tiara Kumara



In the name of God and the Great Presence of all life, we call forth and invoke Divine Intervention from the realms of light to assist in stabilizing the massive outbreak of fires raging across Canada.

By and through universal law, we call into immediate dynamic action…

The Spirit of the Earth
The powers of nature and the forces of the elements 

The legions of angels assisting Earth’s evolution
and the field of Unity Consciousness

Please come and amplify our efforts one thousand fold in accordance with the highest good of all. THY WILL BE DONE!

Beloved Creator, send the transforming universal light into ALL of these wild fires to neutralize and calm the destructive effects. May these fires be immediately contained with an impenetrable bubble of pure spiritual energy. THY WILL BE DONE!

Assisting angels and elemental family, let the rains pour over the earth in all of the affected regions. Drench, soak and saturate the land with the flow of rain until all fires are safely out. Bring forth cooler weather that supports balance in the realms of nature. THY WILL BE DONE!

Please protect all of the brave men and women fighting these fires with an invincible shield of Cosmic Power. Bless them with unlimited energy and every possible means of support. Expand this field of protection to all people, wildlife and nature in the affected areas. THY WILL BE DONE!

Assisting angels and elemental family, please clear the air of all toxic smoke and chemicals caused by the fires. Guard the health and safety of all residents along with their homes that may stand in the fires path. Stand vigil at their sides until all fires have ceased. THY WILL BE DONE!

Great Presence, may this intervention and its containing matrix be made imperishable, eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding until the Divine Plan is fulfilled for Western Canada and its surrounding areas.

We seal this activity in Cosmic Peace.


* Talk to the fire elementals. Lend them your inner peace. See them responding in great calm.

* Become one with the water element. Visualize the rains coming immediately dampening the flames.

* Breathe with the element of air. See the winds coming after the rain to quickly clear the smoke.

* Give your prayers up for the people already affected.

* Ask that all people, homes and firefighters are safe. Give support to all volunteers and agencies assisting.

It is done.

We are so grateful.

©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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