2016 ~ 19th Annual
Peace Pals International
Art Exhibition & Awards
Art Contest Open Now

Deadline June 30th 2016
Get Children Involved!
Age 5 – 16
Children from around the World are invited to submit their artwork to the 19th Annual Peace Pals International Art Exhibition and Awards.

2nd Place Winner – 2015
Kennard Alvaro Hadinata – Age 6 – Indonesia
2016 Theme and Message
Oneness with Diversity
The Fuji Declaration – Promising to care and love the world and all living beings.
This year we are partnering with The Fuji Declaration. The Fuji Declaration is a group of people from around the world who promise to make a commitment to a flourishing world through love and understanding that all living beings are important, creating peace on earth, creativity and helping your community members.  Please visit The Fuji Declaration for more information:  www.fujideclaration.org
Draw and paint your artwork to express your vision of a world that is filled with everlasting peace, which treats all people as one and a world where all living beings are loved and honored.
Register Online Now!
Visit Peace Pals International today to register for this years Art Exhibition and Awards.  We invite Individuals, Parents and Teachers to Register

in English, French, German and Spanish.

Rules are Simple:
May Peace Prevail On Earth must be part of your artwork design.  May Peace Prevail On Earth can be in English or in your native language and must follow the theme “Oneness with Diversity.”
Please read the rules in English, French, German and Spanish. Click the flag for your language on the website.
Every child will receive a certificate of participation by creating their artwork and registering online.
Winners and Finalist will receive certificates and great prizes.
Deadline for entries to be received online and by mail: June 30, 2016

First Place Winner – 2015
Parthi Jain – Age 7 – Bahrain
Please visit Peace Pals International for more information.
Diversity with Oneness in Action

Join thousands of individuals and organizations who are
committed to bringing about a more peaceful, compassionate,
and flourishing planetary civilization.
Sign The Fuji Declaration

The 2016 annual International Essay Contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.

*This program is an activity of the UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on
Education for Sustainable Development.

Organized by The Goi Peace Foundation
Endorsed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, Japan Private High School Federation
Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Nikkei Inc.

Learn More

2015 ~ 2016
“Discovering Fraternity”
An Education Program to Promote Peace and Fraternity
Peace Pals International is a program of The World Peace Prayer Society, which promotes the message May Peace Prevail On Earth as a simple, universal expression to unite the hearts of all people in our common desire and  hope for peace on earth.
Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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The World Peace Sanctuary, 26 Benton Road, Wassaic, NY 12592

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