For thousands of years, humanity has been living in a world where almost everyone is controlled by their ego’s desires for power, material wealth and sexual gratification. The need to be rich, powerful and sexually appealing have been keeping humanity away from their true nature and their deepest and most profound desire, which is to live in Unity or Christ Consciousness! Now is the time for this primary powerful desire to be actualized!
Many of you have already shifted away from your earlier needs because you intuitively knew that your former earthly desires would have kept you living in the 3rd dimension. You therefore redirected your earlier passions into an entirely new direction that is now allowing you to live on the Earth in freedom. Somewhere along the way, you knew that there was really no need to carry forward any of the limiting belief structures that originally brought your world into fear, lack and duality consciousness. If this is true for you, then you have surely embraced the deep knowing that your life is always providing you with everything you need to live in Christ Consciousness.
As Jesus, I lived in a deep state of trust by maintaining my unbreakable alignment with Mother/Father God. I also stayed in oneness with the “ocean” of the great unknown which kept me living in profound humility. With just one small glance into the vastness that I knew, you would most probably surrender any strands of connection that may still be remaining between you and your limited self. Your only desire would be to keep diving deeper and deeper into your connection with the infinite Heart and Mind of the Creator and in that oneness you would then discover that the Christ within you is your true, unlimited Self and your ONLY identity.
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