Natalie Glasson OmNa
A Shower of Peace by the Pleiadians
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings to all beings upon the Earth, we are the Pleiadians. We come forth as a collective consciousness bringing forth vibrations and frequencies often represented as a blue, purple, white, and golden light. We give to you all we are, we are present in service for the ascension process. The Earth is a particularly important and essential part of the ascension process everyone is journeying through in relationship and side-by-side with the Creator. Each ascension journey is recorded, the information is valued and treasured. The understanding and acknowledgments you discover are immensely important and they add to the greater whole of all that is the Creator. Therefore, we are in service to you, our purpose is to share our tools, skills, and understanding with others to inspire and encourage a deep awakening within their being.
We wish to share with you that a Shower of Peace is being anchored into the Earth, and in fact into the entire Universe of the Creator. This Shower of Peace is extending directly from the core of the Creator, it is cascading through the many levels of the Creator’s Universe and anchoring into the Earth and all beings. There are numerous shifts taking place within your being and upon the Earth, this means the foundation of your being and of the Earth is constantly shifting and changing. You are forming and creating a new foundation because your vibration and light frequency is quickening. Your foundation is the basic energies, qualities, and vibrations of the Creator that you choose to embody and become your purpose of expression. Your foundation is constantly changing now, for some this is creating chaos and confusion, for others, it is creating excitement and joy. You are constantly shifting and recreating your foundation the key energies within your being, reflecting them into your reality.
The vibration of peace is needed. Peace brings forth calmness, it allows you to centre into your being. It supports you in taking a moment, simply being present with who you are. It invites you to ask who you are becoming and who you are creating? This is immensely important now, allowing you to remain balanced. Peace also acts as a cleansing process washing the unneeded away.
Shifts and the Flow of the Creator
We, the Pleiadians, wish to encourage you to recognise the shifts and the transformations taking place within your being and your reality.
– We encourage you if not daily, but often to connect into your being, to take your focus within, breathing deeply.
– Ask your soul, your soul group, and your guides to make you aware of the shifts and transformations currently taking place within your being.
– Then allow yourself to be receptive, to notice, becoming aware of any insights, shifts, and transformations take place within your being. However, they can be easier to see within your reality as they are reflected from within.
When you allow yourself time and space to recognise the shifts taking place within your being you dissolve any resistance, hindrance, or blockages that you may be unconsciously be creating. When you acknowledge some of the transformations and shifts taking place within your being, even if you do not understand them, then you allow these shifts and transformations to come about with greater ease, quickness, and perfection. This ensures your entire being remains in balance, it is then far easier for you to discover your foundation and the new foundations you are creating. We the Pleiadians do encourage you to practice and explore this tool.
We also invite you to bring your attention deep into your being breathing deeply. This time we, the Pleiadians ask you to become aware of the shifts and transformations taking place in the world around you, Mother Earth, Humanity, and all you recognise to be the Earth. You may recognise that healing is taking place, energies are being released, the light is being activated. These may be the sort of shifts recognise in the world. Observing certain scenarios on the Earth may allow you to recognise the shifts and transformations that are truthfully taking place. You begin to not only allow for the flow of the Creator to move freely within the world, you also witness the shifts and transformations of the world. Thus, you move freely in the world. This is a valuable practice to achieve it will allow you to stand in your power, to be more certain and confident in your truth and pathway on the Earth. We the Pleiadians encourage you to experiment with this process.
Exploring the Shower of Peace
We, the Pleiadians, invite you to experience the Shower of Peace. You may be interested to explore how peace influences and affects you in your current stage of ascension. What is the purpose of Peace for you in your current stage of ascension?
When you are ready, in your own time, in a sacred space appropriate for you, invite your soul, soul group and the Creator to deliver to you the Shower of Peace.
You may simply utter these words. ‘Please deliver to me the Shower of Peace, support me in embodying and expressing the Shower of Peace.’
Simply allow yourself to receive with ease as you focus upon receiving the Shower of Peace, let it flow to where it is needed. Observe and witness its presence and how it works with your being. The more you observe this Shower of Peace, the more you will come to know its colours, qualities, and the way this Shower of Peace is supporting you and your ascension now. You may recognise its purpose of assisting you and its purpose of moving through you to touch the hearts, souls, and lives of others. It is important to take time to fully experience and fully ground the Shower of Peace being gifted to all by the Creator now for it is truly needed and essential at this time of Ascension. You may continue to use this tool in the coming days, weeks, months, even years if you feel a connection with it. We, the Pleiadians, wish for you to know we are present and ready to support you. Please do call upon our energies and presence.
With love and peace with thank you.
We are the Pleiadians.