Earth Rising
A new free community of subtle activists and world healers
Dear friends of the Gaiafield Project,
In October last year, my life partner Kate Naga and I launched the Earth Rising Community, a new, free community of subtle activists and world healers coming together regularly to harness the remarkable healing powers of coherent group consciousness for personal support and collective transformation.
If you haven’t joined the ERC yet and would like to, please click here.
The ERC has emerged as an organic offshoot of the Gaiafield Project, which for over a decade developed strong intellectual, spiritual, technological, and social foundations for the (then) new field of subtle activism.
I recently recorded this short video to talk about the exciting emerging potentials of the Earth Rising Community. (Click on the image below to link to the video.)
We currently have over 500 members in the ERC and are deeply excited about what we sense emerging in 2019 — a watershed year of creative expansion.
Membership of the ERC is free and provides the following:
In mid-March we will launch a new quarterly series of calls to help catalyze the collective spiritual intelligence of this community through providing a space for offering and receiving support from the group field for each member’s creative projects.
We are also planning to introduce several very fresh and innovative new offerings, including a free call and course by David Todd and Kate on “How to Stay Human in a Tech-Saturated World” and one by me and Cynthia Jurs on “Gaia Calling: Becoming Holy Vessels for Global Healing and Collective Awakening.”
As with every offering from Earth Rising, these courses are intended to support us to reconnect with nature’s intelligence as our primary teacher and to tap into the synergistic healing potentials of coherent group awareness.
Here again is the link if you would like to join this dynamic new community.
And if you want to stay updated about news, events, and offerings from Earth Rising, you can join our mailing list here.
Blessings of Peace,
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Gaiafield Project ~ www.gaiafield.net