
Published on Jan 24, 2019
Premiered Jan 22, 2019
Published on Jan 28, 2018
Awake2 Paradise gewann den 3. Platz beim Cosmic Angel Award Jurypreis (Grande Jury Prize) 2018 http://www.cosmic-cine.com • http://www.facebook.com/CosmicCine AWAKE2PARADISE – Ein Reiseführer ins Leben Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der Menschheit befinden wir uns an einem Punkt, an dem unser Handeln über unser Überleben und das unzähliger Spezies entscheidet. Was aber ist die grundlegende Ursache für unseren Zerstörungsdrang gegenüber uns selbst, untereinander und der Erde? Und – ist es zu spät – oder haben wir noch eine Chance das Paradies auf Erden zu leben? Mit diesen Fragen im Gepäck macht sich Catharina Roland auf eine neue, transformierende Reise, um Wissenschaftler, Coaches und Visionäre zu befragen, wie wir wieder in Balance kommen können. In berührenden Bildern, gewürzt mit bewegenden Geschichten und inspirierenden Interviews zeigt der Film, wie unsere innere und äußere Gesundheit und die Gesundheit der Erde in einem untrennbaren Kreislauf miteinander verbunden sind und inspiriert die Zuschauer zu der Veränderung zu werden, die wir uns in der Welt wünschen. Denn um das Paradies im Außen zu erschaffen, gilt es zuerst, das Paradise in uns zu finden und genau dafür öffnet der Film die Türen… INFOS ZUM FILM Ein Film von Catharina Roland Dokumentarfilm, Österreich 2018 LÄNGE: ca. 112 Minuten SPRACHE: Deutsch & Englisch (Deutsche Untertiteln bei englischer Sprache) REGIE: Catharina Roland PROTAGONISTEN: Catharina Roland, Chamelie Ardagh Clemens G. Arvay, Dieter Broers, Charles Eisenstein, John Gray Dain Heer, Barbara Marx-Hubbard, Gerald Hüther, Raz Ingrazi, Bernd Kolb, Andrea Lindau & Veit Lindau, Mooji, Bruce Lipton, Roger Nelson, Eric Pear,l Jonathan Robinson, Deborah Rozman, Linda Tellington-Jones, David „Avocado“ Wolfe, J. Reuben Silverbird, Eva-Maria Zuhorst, u.v.m.
Published on Nov 30, 2012
Published on Apr 4, 2018
01/18/2019 by John Smallman
The New Age has arrived! Yes, there appears to be increasing chaos and confusion, with some major catastrophes occurring across the world at present, but that is just a sign that life on earth is changing for humanity. The ongoing changes are enormous, never before, in all of human history, have such major changes happened. This is a First,and it is a VERY GOOD SIGN! Nearly everyone is going through very unsettling emotional and or psychological issues as they make room to fully accept the Love that has been waiting patiently for this moment in order to enter into and completely infuse your hearts.
As I have said before, and quite recently, this is truly a time for CELEBRATION. The old order, which has never really served you at all well, is collapsing as its foundations crumble, because humanity is no longer willing to accept the authoritarian dogma that it has used – in the service of a few powerful but very misguided ones – to control and subdue you. You have become FREE – in truth you have always been free – but you are only just beginning to understand what this means. It is indeed a vast learning curve, as you move from bitterly held resentments for pain and suffering imposed upon you over the eons, to a place where you can understand why it happened, and then lovingly forgive yourselves – remember, there is no separation, You are all One – and the perpetrators who are themselves in intense pain.
Everyone has lived in fear for a very long time, and although you are discarding it very rapidly indeed, the scar tissue, the psychological and emotional damage that you have undergone needs to be healed. And that is what Love is doing right now as you write down this communication that I offer you, and asothers read it, listen to it, or in anyway become aware of it. This is about your awakening, about (figuratively) rubbing the sleepy dust from your eyes, splashing cold water onto your faces, and leaving behind the world of dreams and nightmares.
Fear has, for far too long, been an intensely damaging emotion that has caused humanity to deceive and distrust one another, leading to disagreements, harsh judgments, blaming, and, then, wars. War has been endemic on Earth for eons because so many humans are fear-driven and seek to strike others preemptively before they themselves can be attacked. When this attitude is present in and encouraged by people of prominence in society – politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, and governmental leaders – trust is destroyed, devalued, dismissed, and presented as gullibility, further intensifying the sense of fear with which so many live, who then spend their lives justifying to themselves and to others the validity of their fear, and the dangerous vulnerability to which they expose themselves by trusting others.
The truth is that Love is completely vulnerable, and herein lies Its infinite and eternal strength.
Love can never be defeated, It can only be denied and ignored by people closing their hearts in fear. But doing that changes It not at all, because It is ALL! Love is the life force, the field of consciousness in which all that God has created has its eternal existence. Without Love, which is impossible, there would be nothing. But God is, therefore there is no place, no space, no room for nothing! God, Love, Source IS ALL that exists, and is, therefore, every sentient being, every conscious being ever created.
What Father/Mother/God creates is eternal, exists forever. There is no end point, there is not the slightest possibility of anything Source creates, or has ever or will ever create, being terminated, destroyed, removed, obliterated. Only what is unreal can be terminated, dissolved, and that is purely because it is unreal and has never existed.
All sentient beings, all life forms, all that is in any way conscious, are eternal divine creations, created in Love for eternal joy. Fear is unreal, a figment of unreality that has arisen because you have forgotten who you are, as you apparently live in the dream of separation. If it was possible to be separate from Source there would be reason for fear, but there is absolutely no such possibility. However, as humans in form, this truth escapes you because you are in a state of amnesia, not knowing who or what you are, and that state of seemingly total ignorance of what is real is terrifying.
God, Source, is All. Every life form is lovingly and eternally held in the divine embrace – safe, warm, whole, and joy filled. That state can never and will never change, because Love, Source, supreme Intelligence, divine Wisdom, the Will of God is eternal and unchanging.
Truly, I cannot stress for you sufficiently, make real in your extremely limited human minds, the fact that fear, and all else that, like it, is not in complete alignment with Love, is but a figment of your unreal human minds. When you awaken, as you inevitably will, and far sooner than you can conceive of, all that is unreal will just fall away as you become fully and utterly aware of the overwhelming JOY that is your divine right, that is God’s Will for you, and that is your permanent state of existence.
Therefore, CELEBRATE, utter Joy is at hand!
With so very much love, Saul.
Published on Jan 19, 2019
Super Moon Eclipse, What To Do – by Djwhal KhulChanneled by Rev. Terri Newlon |
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek. We are at a major shift. This Super Moon over the weekend along with a lunar eclipse and the Sun entering Aquarius is sort of, well I want to say, the ball that is kicked at the start of the game and it is going to, like a football, is going to tumble high through the air and where exactly it lands you won’t know until it is about to land so from a spiritual perspective you want to prepare for that and then navigate through it. So your life is pretty much going to look like a kick-off basically. Government affairs, world affairs, other important issues are all going to be that sort of tumbling through the air. Where will it land? When will it end? How will it be? Is everything going to be okay or not okay? So that element of the unknown is also highly present. Remember that all levels of the consciousness is programmable. So you can talk to your body, you can talk to health, you can talk to your bank account, you can talk to the air molecules, you can communicate through the ethers about what kind of world you want to live in, you know, peaceful, open arms, immigrants welcome, people helping people, feed people that need food, give water to people that need water and animals that need water, etc. |
So this is a very good time to put in all of your well wishes and focus on what you do want. Where you want the ball to land, so to speak. On a more personal level, certainly, again “I choose health” “I choose wealth”, “I choose happiness”, “I choose the perfect living place or the perfect relationship partner” whatever it is. So lots of positive thinking. Lots of positive affirmations. Write them down. Perhaps even make a collage because images are very important and may also help program the cellular structure. Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you. Djwhal Khul (Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet) |
Published on Jan 14, 2019