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Did you miss PAO’s last Galactic Activation Webinar?

If you were unable to register for PAO’s Live Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, July 22, it is now available for downloading.


So many of you have written in, asking to be guests on one of PAO’s Webinars. Since not everyone can be on at once, we have invited two of our special friends, Reverend Marilyn Latham and Howard Richman, to join us this month. They are both long-time PAO supporters and will give a grassroots glimpse into the multitude of galactic questions and concerns you may have.

Subjects discussed:

• Galactic Federation of Light
• Dark Cabals
• NESARA – Abundance and Prosperity
• First Contact and Disclosure
• New Technologies
• Ascension – Inner Earth – Light Chambers
• Full Consciousness
• Divine Time and Coping in 3D



A special highlight during this Webinar is a brief sound healing sample, Music for Planetary and Individual Transformation,
created expressly for PAO by Howard Richman. (imbedded in the webinar).


About Marilyn:

In May 2013, my husband passed away. I was ordained the same year. I had already been actively running a church and the congregation had urged me to become a minister. I continue to hold services and be intensely involved in my church, called The Gathering, in Roseville, CA.

As a visionary and entrepreneur, I am honored and blessed to provide a “Spiritual Home” in my community. I value this position, which gives me the earthly responsibility to serve mankind.

My Motto is: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”.

How are you connected to the PAO?

The information we receive from the PAO website has always been extremely significant to those of us “earthlings” who want that connection and confirmation to the Galactic Realm. Now, in 2018, PAO’s information is vital, as I know that full Disclosure is upon us. The knowledge I receive from Sheldan and the PAO helps to pave the way for that great welcoming reunion with our galactic community. I look forward to the time when we can finally meet and work with the Galactics, who will bring us the wisdom to make earth the planet it was intended to be.


About Howard:

Howard is a sound healing pioneer. Since 1982, he has created more than 3000 individual sound portraits for people. Howard’s specialty is to help people break through their most stubborn blocks. He blends his advanced music training and his intuitive awareness to create music for transformation.

As an empowerment coach, Howard is able to teach people an effective way to reach their goals, combining learning how to do affirmations properly, along with releasing the cellular memory of old traumas.

How are you connected to the PAO?

In 1994, my friend, Miles, was visiting me in L.A. We both love to improvise music, and it was a very special time for us, creatively and energetically. One day, I left a book lying on the guest room bed entitled Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak. It was about the Pleiadians. Miles read the Marciniak book during his stay. Back home, he combed his largest local metaphysical bookstore for other similar books. The book that most caught his eye was You Are Becoming a Galactic Human, and wow! . . . the rest is history.

Whenever Sheldan brings out an update or PAO produces a Webinar I know that Miles is helping with the transcription of the info and putting it into a visual/graphic form. At these moments, I do feel a secret small pride and a little thread of connection to have held an important piece of the puzzle, even behind the scenes. The world is in so much turmoil and the info in an update or newsletter or webinar creates a sense of hope for me. I’m already an optimist, but it is certainly easy to get beaten down just by being in the world. PAO has been a great comfort to me over the years.

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-5 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.



Message from Archangel Zadkiel ~ August 2018

Transmitted through Linda Robinson


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today we wish to discuss being fully present.

The incoming energy is moving rapidly to a higher frequency. It is calling you to absorb it and integrate it into your Being. It is calling you to a higher consciousness.

As this new energy enters your field, you are being given the opportunity to learn new insights for your progression. They are very subtle and require your full attention to gain the complete benefits from them.

As a multidimensional Being of Light, your energy field is fluid. It is not a fixed point of time but rather a constantly changing and evolving field. It is designed for progression and harkens back to the time when you were subtle energy and had not yet become solid matter.

As such, the more you remain open to new insights, the more rapidly you progress on your ascension path.

One way to do this is to be fully present.

Being fully present means to focus on the task at hand. It is not focusing on what you did yesterday or what will take place tomorrow. It is focusing on the present moment.


This does not mean that you are oblivious to what is taking place. It means that you have expanded your awareness to encompass the past, the present, and the future simultaneously. You have gained the ability to expand and contract your awareness as needed. You are aware that linear time is a third-dimensional concept, and this frees you to focus on the present moment. You are a point of Light in the great cosmos, and events are points of energy in this process.

This realization allows you to focus on the point of energy that is currently taking place.

When you are fully present in the moment, you are able to receive the subtle insights from the Universe. These prompts may come in the form of a thought that passes through like a gentle breeze. When they enter your awareness, they may seem to be a curiosity or a questioning of where that came from or what it means.

When you are focused on the present moment, these insights remain in your consciousness and are there to guide you at the time you need them.

It is as if your energy field is always open to receive these insights, and it adapts to reflect on them and accommodate them as appropriate. This allows you to move forward because you are open to receive the incoming energy.

To remain open, it is important to be willing to receive the new insights. If you are attached to a preconceived idea of how things are supposed to be, it will be more difficult to recognize the insights as they occur. However, when you are not attached to a certain concept, you can flow with the new awareness as it occurs. This allows you to progress with ease and grace. The new awareness enters your energy field, and because it is fluid and flowing, it is assimilated as appropriate.

This does not mean that you automatically accept every new insight. It does mean that you are aware of it. If you are unsure of what it means for you, you can place it in a holding pattern for further reflection.


In addition to being open to receiving new insights, you can enhance this process by focusing on what is taking place in the present moment. Be fully focused on what you are doing. It does not mean multitasking to the extent that you have no concept of what is occurring around you. It means that you are focused on the task at hand, and this allows you to receive incoming insights.

If you find your attention straying from what is going on, you can simply pause, take a few deep breaths in and out, and return your focus to the present moment.

The more you practice this, the more automatic it will become. You will relax into being fully present, and you will be at one with All That Is.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are being fully present in the moment. We are with you as you receive insights for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst

…and WE surround you with Love.

And so it is.

Copyright © 2018 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,

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