Published on Jul 5, 2018
DARRYL/BASHAR’S LINKS: – for Darryl’s “First Contact” documentary – for all Bashar information – for Darryl & his wife’s Zia Films production company and their film “Dearly Departed” about the afterlife. – for Darryl’s sci-fi novel “Shards of a Shattered Mirror – Book 1: CRYPTIC”
ABOUT KAREN, YOUR HOST: Karen A. Dahlman is an author of infinite possibilities and a spirit communicator. Having a lifelong connection with spirit beings, she teaches within her books creative ways to commune with the Higher Self, spirit guides and the unseen dimensions and energies that exist among us. Within her message Karen shares the positive side to the Ouija Board as a tool for exploring the expansive realms of consciousness. To learn more about Karen’s work: Want to learn how to use a Ouija Board with exceptional communication, check out Karen’s book: The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication: To learn how to connect with Your Guides/Source Wisdom, check out Karen’s book: The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion: