In this video former CIA Robert David Steele talks about his plan and what you can do to support it. After listening look for the informations below the video…I think this is a good idea… Blessings
Published on Jan 19, 2018
Tweet http://tinyurl.com/TrumpTriumph and ask POTUS to give Robert Steele 3 minutes to share ideas in creating the new communication platform “Trumpet” from where he can broadcast directly and exclusively. Let’s rally behind @realDonaldTrump @POTUS with #TrumpTriumph and let him know we want to support him in having direct connection to #WeThePeople. ++NOTE++ I consent to the conscious copy and distribution of this video for the purpose of supporting POTUS in getting the message out. Let’s blow Twitter with #TrumpTriumph starting NOW!
Published on Jan 22, 2018
Published on Jan 22, 2018
Published on Jan 20, 2018
Published on Jan 19, 2018
Published on Jan 5, 2014
Published on Mar 13, 2016
Published on Jan 18, 2018
Published on Jan 16, 2018
“Clear, Connect, & Align Your Sacred Heart Center”
This is a beautiful meditation or gentle daily practice that can nourish your heart center.
Humans have been living in “separation consciousness” for eons. And our hearts are calling us Home now, to re-union, and to unity consciousness, once more.
This Heart Integration Exercise was given to me through my guides to support and assist this inner attunement and soul ascension process occurring in us all.
It is easy to do, and it opens a vibrational connection between
you, your heart, and your soul’s wisdom.
Each day, choose a quiet place (a physical one or simply an internal one) to take a deep breath and go within the four (energetic) chambers of your heart. These four chambers reflect the four energy bodies of your divine essence. They are ready to heal, rise, unite, and thrive with your renewed, conscious, and loving attention.
The first chamber is the Chamber of your Heart’s Wisdom.
It is your Emotional Body.
Take a moment and look with your inner eyes at this chamber in your heart. You might see it as a quarter section of divine “tubing” that will join the other three energy bodies’ “tubes” to form a complete circle. See what feelings or images come into your awareness, as you focus your inner eyes on your Emotional Body. Gently allow what you “see”. Is there debris? A block? A memory? A color? A feeling? When you are ready, visualize your Emotional Body cleansed, cleared, and filled completely with Pure Source Light and Love.
The second chamber is your Physical Body.
Pause now and look within this “tube”. See what feelings, sensings, and images come to mind in your heart’s awareness, as you focus your inner eyes on your Physical Body. It is the Physical Body that transmits Health, Clarity, and Divine Energies within all cells of the physical being that you are. When the physical body declines, it indicates or represents the physical separation of Conscious Body from the Body of Matter. Fill your Physical Body now with Pure Light and Love from its Original Source Light. See how much Light can fill these Chambers, so much so that they are glow-full and abundantly filled with Divine Love and Perfection.
The third chamber is your Spiritual Body.
The Spiritual Body carries many Divine Memories of Earth Perfection, Wisdom, and Flow. These are memories of Millennia of Goodness. All Wealth and Supply. Where all that is needed is already supplied and available. It is your All-Beingness. Your Oneness with All That Is. It is your Reservoir of Happy Thoughts. Take a moment and call its consciousness to you. Pause now and look within. This is a vital heart chamber. It is the seat of your Psychic Vision and Manifesting Power. Thus it is important to honor and cleanse this chamber and fill it with extra Love and Source Light to restore Full Flow, Trust, and Perfection once more. When it is cleansed and clear, consciously re-connect the Spiritual Body to the Physical Body and to the Emotional Body to gently form the shape of a circle. Visualize these bodies aligned and connected, and working together in flow.
All are serving you well. Coming to life with the Light and Love shown in clearing away debris and this grand re-fueling with strengthened believing Source Light.
The fourth chamber is your Mental Body.
It is kind of the Library of the House. It records all Wisdoms, Lessons, Skills, and more learned across lifetimes. It is your link to the Akashic Records. It is your own personal Akashic Record and where you connect to the memories and records of others. It of course connects with your other three bodies/chambers, providing Inner Balance and Divine Flowing Perfection. Pause a moment and look within at your Mental Chamber, your Mental Body’s “tubing”. See what feelings, sensings, or images come into your awareness, as you focus your inner eyes on your Mental Body. Whatever you see is okay. It has been calling to you to give it this loving attention that it needs, requires, and deserves. This is your link to past, present, and future. With Gentle Love, Light, and Healing, you can restore this chamber to it’s full prowess; It’s archives of rich energy and tremendous wisdoms; And it’s balance of power to guide your creative essence, through the full wisdom flow and spectrum of possibility from what was and what can be. Pause now and look within. Fill your Mental Body with vibrant Love and Light, and connect it to the other three energy bodies to form a complete circle of wellness, wholeness, happiness, and greater awareness.
This completes your Inner Chambers’ Re-birth and Re-awakening. Breathe Light and Life into your Heart Center, visualizing each chamber receiving full Flow, Belief, and Light, and seeing this reflected in your Energy Bodies (as Rings of Light around you). Do this daily. Ancient civilizations nurtured these chambers like gold – for they were the gateways to enriched divine living and all of the magic they could ever need.
Welcome back to your Center. Your Truth. Your Light. Your Heart Wisdom.
Your gifts are returning.
Be ready. Be well!
Bewusstseinforscher und Erfolgsautor Bruno Würtenberger spricht im Inteview mit Michael Friedrich Vogt von Quer-Denken.tv über sein Nahtoderlebnis, seine daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse und die spannende Frage: Hat jeder von uns eine „von Gott gegebene Lebensaufgabe“ oder ist das „absoluter Schmarrn“, wie Bruno Würtenberger es ausdrücken würde?
Keine Angst vor dem Tod!
Normalerweise fürchten wir den Tod oder legen uns ein Konzept zurecht welches unsere Ängste minimiert. Im schlimmsten Fall fürchten wir eine Art Hölle und glauben, dass wir sie aus diesen oder jenen Gründen verdient hätten.
Dies macht schon das gegenwärtige Leben zu einem Albtraum. Bruno Würtenbergerwusste nicht, welches Bild er sich machen sollte aber er glaubte zunächst den Ausführungen anderer, meist religiöser Menschen. Die fürchten sich. Dann kamen die Esoteriker, sie legen sich eine Traumwelt zu und tun so, als wäre das Leben nach dem Tod ein Paradies.
Beides entspricht gemäß seinen Erfahrungen und seinem gegenwärtigen Wissenstand nicht unbedingt der Wirklichkeit.
Todlebendig – oder die Folgen einer einzigen Sekunde
Bruno Würtenberger im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt von Quer-Denken.tv auf YouTube.
In seinem aktuellen Buch Todlebendig – oder die Folgen einer einzigen Sekundebeschreibt Bruno Würtenberger die eine Sekunde, die sein Leben veränderte und ihm den Wert des Lebens ins Bewusstsein rief.
Das Abschließen mit dem Leben öffnet den Zugang in eine ganz andere Welt.
(Bruno Würtenberger)
3-teiliger gratis Videokurs
Folgende Tipps gibt Bruno Würtenberger jedem an die Hand:
- Bringe Denken, Fühlen und Handeln in Deinem Leben in Übereinstimmung.
- Vertraue dem Universum, es arbeitet immer für Dich und spiegelt nur Dich, in allen Deinen Facetten.
- Behandle alle und alles so, wie auch Du gerne von anderen behandelt werden würdest.
- Folge stets den Impulsen Deines Herzens und lass Dich nicht von kurzfristigen persönlichen Vorteilen leiten.
Wenn wir diese Tipps in unserem alltäglichen Leben kultivieren und wirklich so leben, dann wird es mit Sicherheit keine unliebsamen Überraschungen geben, wenn wir eines Tages die Ebene wechseln. Da ist sich Bruno Würtenberger sicher.
Weitere inspirierende Beiträge unseres Gastautors Bruno Würtenberger findest du in seinen Autorenblog.
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Kommentiere diesen Beitrag gerne unter der Autorenbeschreibung.
Teile den Bericht, wenn er Dir gefallen hat. Das hilft diese Themen zu verbreiten. Vielleicht bist Du das “Zünglein an der Waage”.
Published on Mar 18, 2017
Published on Jan 16, 2018
Published on Jan 17, 2018
Published on Jan 16, 2018
Published on Jan 13, 2018
Unglaublich … aber nicht unerwartet für den, der wach ist … und die Frage an diejenigen , die noch immer lieber wegsehen, ist: ” Wieviel Ohrfeigen in Form von Betrug und Lügen brauchen Sie noch, um aufzuwachen?” … die Konsequenzen werden auch Sie tragen !!!
Published on Sep 5, 2017
Kerry Cassidy https://projectcamelotportal.com/
Excerpt from William Tompkin´s Bio
As a teenager, William Tompkins’s keen eye for detail nearly landed him in hot water with the Navy as his models of Navy ships included specifications which were classified. However, the Navy took interest in his capabilities and recruited him into their Intelligence programs to work on advanced technology projects. After the Navy, Tompkins worked within highly classified think tanks designing advanced weapons for aerospace companies, including North American Aviation, Northrop and Douglas Aircraft Company. He even assisted with the Saturn and Apollo Space Programs for NASA.
He is coming forward, now, to reveal that his many years with clandestine programs included much more than designing conventional technology. With naval intelligence he also evaluated the plausibility of extraterrestrial threats from known civilizations. During his time with the aerospace think tanks, he was instrumental in the design of space-faring vehicles for the Navy. All the while, he had the assistance from Nordic-type aliens who helped to guide the design process… https://www.gaia.com/video/william-tompkins-bio
Published on Jan 16, 2018
Published on Jan 17, 2018
KenFM jetzt auch als kostenlose App für Android- und iOS-Geräte verfügbar! Über unsere Homepage kommt Ihr zu den Stores von Apple und Google. Hier der Link: https://kenfm.de/kenfm-app/ +++ Dir gefällt unser Programm? Informationen zu Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten hier: https://kenfm.de/support/kenfm-unters… https://www.kenfm.de https://www.facebook.com/KenFM.de https://www.vk.com/kenfm https://www.twitter.com/TeamKenFM https://www.youtube.com/KenFM.
Published on Jan 17, 2018
Im folgendende Video von Megenta Pixie gibt es sehr wichtige Ratschläge, wie man in diesen aufdeckenden Zeiten die innere Balance bewahren kann …
In the following video from Magenta Pixie you can learn how to stay in inner balance while being aware of the shadow game…
Published on Jan 16, 2018
Published on Jan 14, 2018
This message was channeled by Marie Mohler on January 9, 2018. For more information and inspiration by Marie Mohler, or to subscribe to her blog, please visit: www.frequencywriter.com