By Patrick Wood on Dec 15, 2017 08:36 am
In a race against time and the CCTV cameras, it took Chinese police only 7 minutes to physically apprehend a BBC reporter in a city of millions. One executive says, “We can match every face with an ID card and trace all your movements back one week in time. We can match your face with your car, match you with your relatives and the people you’re in touch with. With enough cameras, we can know who you frequently meet.”
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By Rich Wordsworth on Dec 15, 2017 08:16 am
Technocrats have no moral or ethical compass, so if humans are just bags of molecules and atoms, then they are no different than animals. This is the most hideous side of Technocrat thinking, and the most dangerous to the societies they are trying to engineer. Now that the discussion has started, it is just a matter of time before someone suggests recycling humans for food, aka Soylent Green.
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