Monatsarchive: August 2017
















Published on Aug 11, 2017

At this time upon your planet, that which we have called ‘The Emerald Gateway’ it is in actual fact a collective initiation. It is most significant for you to realise this. It is an anointing on a grand scale. We call this the Starseed Initiation.

Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick using royalty free media.

Get Magenta Pixie’s NEW BOOK “Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template” at…
Magenta Pixie Website:




Published on Aug 8, 2017

AVAILABLE NOW at in Print and Amazon Kindle eBook. Magenta Pixie presents her NEW BOOK “Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template”.

We are now at a time in our planetary evolution known to many as ‘ascension’. Those individuals who are known as ‘starseeds’ are currently in their millions and are collectively going through an awakening process. Why is this happening? What does the awakening entail?

Magenta Pixie has been communicating with the ‘White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine’, a sixth dimensional ‘monadic light structure’, about these concepts for the last 24 years. They have spoken much of ‘memory recall’ and the reconstructing of the original DNA template. In this transmission, they bring forward ‘memory triggers’ designed to act as a catalyst into the awakening process at various stages and respond to many of the questions which the starseeds are asking.

Why are we here? Who are we? What are we supposed to do? What is it that we are to remember? Why did we lose our memories in the first place? What is the call of humanity? What is the fall of man? What is ‘zero point’? Is it true that we can travel through other dimensions through the activation of our Mer-Ka-Bah? How is ‘the lost city of Atlantis’ connected to our memory recall?

The Nine present a model of working with the individualised matrix field, known also as the Mer-Ka-Bah, through ‘Matrix Architecture’ and ‘the golden triad of ascension’. An in depth analysis and explanation of the ‘twin flame consciousness’ and how this relates to the ascension experience is part of this transmission.

Embracing the inner archetypes of the ‘Alchemist’ and the ‘Architect’ and knowing how to construct your own personal matrix will move you into the memory recall needed. This transmission will take you on a multidimensional journey of profound discovery as you move into the creation of the Divine Architecture. The triggers contained within this material are there to assist you in accessing the codes for the new formation of the original crystalline DNA matrix known as the ‘Starseed Template’.

Order now at





















Published on Aug 8, 2017

Accompanied links:

Gregg Braden – Missing Links Full Episode 1 (FREE) –
Suspicious 0bservers YouTube Channel –
David Wilcock: “Transformation of the Solar System” –
Dr. Brian O’Leary Video: “Energy Solution Revolution” –



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For the first time, Foster and Kimberly are hosting live, interactive, online video events to engage the Thrive Movement in addressing key principles and strategies to inform the most leveraged solutions. Check out our new ThriveTogether initiative ( to learn more.

If you value what is presented in this movie, please go to you can support Thrive Movement by making a donation. You will also find more in-depth information on each of the subjects discussed in the movie, learn about Critical Mass initiatives supported by Thrive, and connect with others who are waking up and taking action.

Film Synopsis:
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.





Published on Aug 7, 2017

Jason Bermas goes over the latest news in Quantum Computing regarding the team behind the world’s fastest Quantum Computer.

Visit our MAIN SITE for more breaking news

SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange

OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out

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Published on Jun 4, 2017

Luke of We Are Change speaks with longtime friend Jason Bermas- a documentary film maker, outside the entrance to the 2017 Bilderberg Conference in Virginia. They discuss a number of somewhat concerning topics regarding big science projects, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. 

What are the ramifications for these new technologies, how much do we understand, how much are they telling us and what are some of the potential problems and applications for it. 

Also discussed is how Bilderberg is quickly changing and adapting with the times as a lot of the old guard pass away, and technocrats of companies like Google and Microsoft replace them.

Google Engineers Leave Because of Shady AI…


Published on Apr 2, 2013

Oh, Hey! MinuteEarth! ………and you can also subscribe to MinutePhysics!

MinutePhysics is on Google+ – 
And facebook –
And twitter – @minutephysics

Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics — all in a minute!

Music by Nathaniel Schroeder
Drums by Jason Burger

Thanks to Nima Doroud and TED-Ed for contributions.

Created by Henry Reich Created by Henry Reich


I would say that Zuckerberg is right when he says ” I don´t understand” :)))… right, he´s absolute not qualified in this matter … so I suggest : “Marc, do us a favour and just shut up”. Go playing with facebook and your invisible dark overlords. 



…that brings us back to the MATRIX films …you think it´s only films? …well, go on dreaming 🙂



Image result for pictures make love not war








Anmerkung von Thorsten Schulte:

Amzon liefert mein Buch aktuell erst mit einer Frist von zwei bis vier Wochen. Mir sagt mein Verlag, dass man alles getan hätte, um dies zu ändern. Amazon und andere große Konzerne dominieren und diktieren. Ich sage NEIN dazu. Vielleicht fragen Sie wie viele andere bei Amazon einmal nach. Ich bin darüber fassungslos wie auch über die vielen Sperrungen und Löschunge in Facebook und Twitter. Leute, wacht endlich auf. Danke an David Berger für den Bericht:


Published on Aug 7, 2017

▶Alles zum Buch und die Bestellmöglichkeit:…
▶JournalistenWatch: “Kaufen Sie Kontrollverlust – unbedingt.”…
▶Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite: 

Das neue Buch Kontrollverlust mit einem Vorwort von Willy Wimmer “Freiheit, die wir meinen”, der 33 Jahre für die CDU im Deutschen Bundestag saß, ist ab 26. Juli 2017 erhältlich. 

Vorbestellungen sind ab sofort über unsere Seite zum Buch möglich. 

Willy Wimmer schreibt: “Freiheit wird verspielt und bewusst eingeschränkt – und Thorsten Schulte redet und schreibt dagegen an. Dazu braucht es Mut, und den hat Schulte…”

Viele Informationen über das neue Buch erfahren Sie auf der Seite zum Video:…

Thorsten Schulte ist Vorsitzender des gemeinnützigen Vereins “Pro Bargeld – Pro Freiheit e.V.”. Erfahren Sie mehr:
▶Pro Bargeld – Pro Freiheit:

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Vielen Dank und bis zum nächsten Video!

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Zu Ihrer Information: David Icke erhielt nicht die Erlaubnis während seiner World-Tour 2016/2017 in Deutschland aufzutreten. Machen Sie sich Ihre eigenen Gedanken dazu, warum in Deutschland zunehmend intelligente Menschen, die die mit fundierten Fakten untermauerte Wahrheit aussprechen, angeprangert und ausgegrenzt werden. Hatten wir das in unserem Land nicht schon einmal? Es ist interessant zu sehen, wie in Deutschland die Schuld, Scham und Schande in Bezug auf unsere Vergangenheit geschürt wird, wie kein anderes Thema…alle starren wie gelähmte Schafe auf unsere Vergangenheit des “Wegsehen mit katastrophalen Folgen” und bemerken dabei nicht, dass aktuell JETZT vor unser aller Nase das Gleiche geschieht, nur in einer modernen, subtileren Form der Manipulation. Seien Sie so gut und wiederholen Sie nicht das gleiche verleugnende Verhalten unserer Vorfahren !!! Sie haben eine Stimme !!! Stehen Sie auf und sagen Sie “NEIN”, bevor es auch dieses Mal wieder zu spät. Ich richte mich hiermit gezielt an die deutschen Mitbürger. Wir haben eine starke Wurzel und Willenskraft, die in unsere  Genetik eingebettet ist und immer wieder erfolgreich von “unsichtbaren Drahtziehen” geschickt beschnitten wurde, bishin zur heutigen scheinbar vollständigen Verrottung. Die Deutschen wurden einmal als das Volk der Dichter und Denker bezeichnet und wurden durch mediale Verdummungskampagnen zu einer Masse degradiert, dessen Jugend gefangen ist in medialen Belanglosigkeit und kaum eine korrekte Rechtschreibung beherrscht. Schütteln Sie sich bitte den Staub unserer manipulierten Vergangenheit ab. Wir alle haben einen starken Willen, eine kräftige Stimme, Mut und enorme Schöpfungskraft. Dieses begleitet von Weisheit und Mitgefühl gibt uns die Kraft Berge zu versetzen. Stehen Sie auf und sagen Sie “ich bin und ich will” !!! Vielen Dank. Arya


…wenn man uns schon die Freiheit nimmt David Icke live in Deutschland erleben zu können, nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und hören Sie hier in diesem Video, was David Icke Ihnen über die EU mitteilen möchte … spätestens danach werden Sie verstehen, was hier gespielt wird …. und dann erinnern Sie sich bitte an die Kraft Ihrer deutschen Wurzel und handeln Sie adäquat !!! Vielen Dank.

Published on Nov 27, 2016

World Tour Tickets – 2016/17 

The Real Agenda of the European Union

All David’s Books Now Available Here

Social Media

To have David’s Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here All David’s Books Now Available Here 2016/17 World Tour Tickets Latest News From David Icke – Videos, Articles and Social Media For The People By The People – Europe’s Number One Independent Radio Show

Social Media

Music –…

…very well spoken…and so it is for everybody of us !!!!…so, don´t worry and keep on moving, living ans speaking your truth !!!








Published on Aug 2, 2017

The Heat is On, August 2017 Forecast
August 2, 2017
by Emmanuel Dagher

This Article:…


Published on Aug 2, 2017

August Gateway, Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid
August 1, 2017
by Sandra Walter


Published on Jun 29, 2017

Blessings Beloveds ~ This is a complex topic of conversation, be responsible and read the supportive articles. The intention is to reach Lightworkers who connect via youtube. More & more Wayshowers are confirming the intel received in December 2016 about a timeline split, and it is wonderful. Let us unify to reveal the New Earth experience for all concerned. Weekly articles about these unfoldments and upcoming Gateways at Intel Links below. 

Join us every SUNday for the Unity meditations:…

Light Intel articles:

Eclipse maps by Nasa
and Fred Espenak…

Ascension Path online class:…


Published on Aug 1, 2017

…I really love this bright shining, heart wide open young man so much. It´s very rare finding people presenting highly qualified informations in such a balanced way …. Thank you so much Jordan for all the work you are doing, to help shift this world into a place of beauty, compassion and joy!

Please Support Jordan on Patreon !!! Thank You.

Published on Aug 4, 2017



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DTI Clothing –…

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Published on Aug 3, 2017

August 2nd, 2017 – Real News of the day

Today’s Sources:
Zerohedge: “General Kelly In 2014: Human Trafficking And Drug Cartels ‘Most Concerning’ Threat Facing U.S.” –
NeonNettle: “Blink-182 Singer Tom DeLonge Exposes Pedophile Ring Leading to Arrests” –
Yahoo: “How These Astronauts Had Life-Changing Experiences With Aliens” –
The Atlantic: “The Racism Behind Alien Mummy Hoaxes” –


Published on Aug 2, 2017

August 2nd, 2017 – Cutting through the vaccine propaganda 

Helpful links for more education:
NVIC: “FAQ’s About Mercury (Thimerosal) in Vaccines” –
The Liberty Beacon: “The Problem with Vaccines” –
Dr. Mercola: “The Case Against Aluminum in Vaccines” –
VaxTruth: “Mercury and Aluminum in Vaccines: a Primer on NVIC’s Vaccine Ingredients Calculator” –
Trace Amounts Documentary –
The Greater Good Documentary –














Today’s Sources:
Washington Post: “Watchdog group asks Congress to probe Rep. Wasserman Schultz over fired IT aide” –
CNN: “Anthony Scaramucci out as White House communications director” –
Zerohedge: “Gauntlet Thrown: House Judiciary Demands Special Counsel To Investigate Comey, Lynch, And Clinton” –



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