…Tom Waits (on Jim Wilson): “Wilson, he’s always playing with time. I heard a recording recently of crickets slowed way down. It sounds like a choir, it sounds like angel music. Something sparkling, celestial with full harmony and bass parts – you wouldn’t believe it. It’s like a sweeping chorus of heaven, and it’s just slowed down, they didn’t manipulate the tape at all. So I think when Wilson slows people down, it gives you a chance to watch them moving through space. And there’s something to be said for slowing down the world.”
…close your computer and go out into nature…you´ll find yourself uplifted and relaxed
DVD and book available at www.sirius-disclosure.myshopify.com
iTunes: http://radi.al/Unacknowledged
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/ondemand/Unacknowledged
…more great messages clearly spoken from my wonderful “colleague” Andrew Martin …. listen carefully
Sometimes things fall apart. Sometimes things get challenging.
When it’s falling apart it’s not necessarily evidence you did anything wrong. Let your experience guide you and teach you. When things feel overwhelming sometimes the only refuge we have is the internal connection with our truth. Even when that’s all that you have, that internal connection is always enough.
Creation and desruction are part of the same process.
Can you be present in a difficult situation without turning your experience into your adversary?
Your triggers are your teachers leading you to the parts of you that still require your acknowledgement, love and acceptance.
Ask to be shown the value that is inherent in every moment.
Ask to be shown how to thrive within your experience as it is now.
Ask to be shown the message in the mess.
JULY SOUL EXPANSION – http://bit.ly/2sIj2kd
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You want tricks on how to make it through these intense times? You want to know how to shift your experience starting NOW? I’ve got your answers below and the explanation in the video.
That’s it. That’s as simple as it gets. But remember simple isn’t always easy.
There’s this loop that we often get stuck in in spiritual circles where we are trying so hard to escape our humanness. Somehow there’s this idea that humans are the lowest on the totem pole in the galactic hierarchy. This is a perfect recipe for suffering.
Certainly humanity as a collective has a lot of room to grow up, evolve, and expand. To be a human you must be a soul of a very high order. It takes a huge amount of light to incarnate on this planet. That’s why we are all here. To push the evolution of humanity back to its original perfected blueprint. To bust through the layers of density so we could get back to living a life that feels like paradise.
Now more than ever, it’s important for us to step fully into our humanness and reclaim the sovereignty that is ours.
…updated on July 15, 2017
Jeff discusses his early experiences in business and the dot com crash, his long series of awakenings starting with reading ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island’. Health and well being, fasting, what is going on in the USA and how to get out, finding freedom and much more.
Apologies for the poor video quality
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Liebe Campact Freunde,
Türen zu? Nicht mit uns! Seit 2013 wird JEFTA im Geheimen verhandelt. Dass sich das Handelsabkommen zwischen Deutschland und Japan bislang ganz schüchtern vor der Öffentlichkeit versteckt, ist schnell erklärt: Es nützt vor allem den großen Konzernen. Umwelt-, Sozial- und Verbraucherstandards bedroht JEFTA massiv. Gleichzeitig sieht es Schiedsgerichte vor: So könnten Konzerne den deutschen Staat auf Milliarden verklagen – und das ohne jede Kontrolle. Bereits diese Woche wollen Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und Japans Premier Shinzō Abe ganz nebenbei die letzten Fragen zu JEFTA klären. Darum müssen wir sofort handeln und das Abkommen in dieser Form stoppen. Während Merkel und Abe im Stillen verhandeln, sind wir laut: Am Donnerstag protestieren wir zusammen mit Greenpeace vor der Vertretung der EU-Kommission in Berlin. Besonderes Geleit haben wir schon einmal organisiert. Eine verkleidete Aktivistin als mythische Figur Europa und ein Sumo-Ringer wollen zeigen: Die Bürger/innen sowohl in Europa als auch in Japan stehen gegen JEFTA ein. Denn ihre Rechte sind in Gefahr. Seien auch Sie Teil der Aktion und konfrontieren Sie die EU-Kommission mit Ihrer JEFTA-Kritik! Ort: Vertretung der EU-Kommission, Unter den Linden 78 (auf dem Mittelstreifen), 10117 Berlin (Stadtplanlink) Wenn Sie kommen, teilen Sie uns dies doch bitte in einer kurzen Mail an aktion@campact.de mit. Dann können wir besser planen. Und bringen Sie gerne eine selbst gestaltete Fahne oder ein Plakat mit. So wird die Aktion noch bunter. Herzliche Grüße PS: Die Zeit bis Donnerstag ist knapp. Um möglichst viele Menschen für unsere Aktion zu mobilisieren, freuen wir uns, wenn Sie diese Mail auch an Freund/innen und Bekannte weiterleiten. |
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…this is not a fairytale, people !!!!! … what would you do if your children would be involved ? …time to take action to stop this !!!! Support Craig Sawyer with your donation…that´s an easy thing you CAN do. Thank you.
And again…. When going through this material, please keep in mind the point of “reflection”, meaning “this is all me”, for not falling into the polarity of “black and white”, “good and bad”, “me and the other”….which in fact doesn´t exist. Everything being played out on the outside world is a reflection of the game we play inside of us and the first place for changing something is to look deep inside ourselves and our lifes and make new choices there. Choose clearly with your thoughts, emotions and actions which version of reality you want to support in your life and also on a global scale.
We all have a sensor inside of us (beyond the mind). Finetune this sensor, when it comes to informations given to you, no matter from which source. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind and keep in mind that things often are not what they appear to be.
With that said, my love and best whishes for you all…and remember, you are never alone. We are all in this together, and there are more friends around you in the “unvisible” dimensions, than you think. Call for them, be still and listen. They always answer, also through “coincidences” in your daily life. J
Many of us have hoped for a long time that some well-trained special forces military white knights might come along and ban together to target the bad guys, especially the Satanic elite bad guys who target children. Well, I’m happy to report that we may have gotten our wish. Former Navy SEAL and trained Federal investigator Craig “Sawman” Sawyer has decided to dedicate his life to exposing, and with any luck bringing to justice, those who prey on children. Sawyer has started the group Vets 4 Child Rescue. Please visit the site and DONATE to help us in this fight here: http://www.vets4childrescue.org/
You see my friends, Craig Sawyer is a Navy SEAL badass:
And Craig knows the truth about Pizzagate, Pedogate and the international scourge of child sex trafficking – and he has vowed to expose all of it.
Craig says, “There’s a lot of different ways that people are trafficking and harming children that the American people need to know about so that we can stand up and combat it politically, legally and every other way.”
This is one interview you can’t afford to miss. Thanks for sharing it.
For REAL news 24/7:
Epidemic Sound: “Who’s There 1” paid license for You Tube use
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 – SGTreport.com channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 – SGTreport.com assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
Craig “Sawman” Sawyer | |
![]() Craig Sawyer
Born | 1963 (age 53–54) |
Nationality | American |
Known for | Former Navy SEAL, Technical advisor |
…more about it
…concerning this issue start to listen at 24:45 min in this video
…this was part 1 of the interview…for listening to the following parts go searching on youtube
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For all our children of the world
Seid der Rede von George Friedman ist vielen Menschen bewusst, daß die Aufgabe der amerikanischen Außenpolitik der letzten 100 Jahre war, kein deutsch-russisches Bündnis zuzulassen. u.a. darum wurden die beiden Weltkriege gemacht. Doch trotz der Ereignisse im 20en Jahrhundert wollen sehr viele Rußen ein deutsch-russisches Bündnis haben.
Schon seit vielen Jahrzehnten wird eine antirussische Propaganda im Fernsehen gemacht mit dem Ziel, ein schlechtes Bild über Russland und die Menschen die dort leben zu machen. Mit an der Spitze der westlichen Propaganda liegt Wladimir Putin. Über den in den meisten Fällen nur Lügen und Halbwahrheiten verbreitet werden, obwohl er seit seinem Amtsantritt schon sehr viele Versuche für eine deutsch-russisches Zusammenarbeit unternommen hatte.
Vielen Fragen sich, warum all diese negative Propaganda gegen Russland läuft? Denn wenn die Europäer insbesondere die Deutschen sich mehr mit Russland und ihrer Vergangenheit beschäftigen würden, dann würden die sehr schnell erkennen, daß sie mit den Menschen die heute in Russland leben die gleiche Abstammung haben. Daß sind ihre Brüder und Schwestern.
Weil die Vorfahren aller weisen Menschen auf der Erde haben vor langer Zeit im Norden gelebt und wegen Naturkatastrophen ihre alte Heimat verlassen mußten. Was dazu geführt hatte, daß sie sich auf dem gesamten eurasischen Kontinent angesiedelt hatten und so die ganzen Nationen entstanden sind.
In Russland gibt es sehr viele Natur Denkmäler wie z.B. die Megalithen die über die alte wedische Zivilisation aufzeigen. Es gibt in Russland auch sehr viele Dolmen, Pyramiden, Hügelgräber und vieles mehr. Wenn nur ein Bruchteil dieser Fundstücke an die Oberfläche kommt, dann müßte die ganze „offizielle“ Geschichte umgeschrieben werden.
Lange Zeit wurde Deutschland und Russland erfolgreich voneinander getrennt. Doch die Zukunft der beiden Länder liegt in einem deutsch-russischen Bündnis der „Gerussia“. Auf der geistigen Ebene gibt das Bündnis schon und wie Wjatscheslaw Seewald sagt: „Gott hat keine Hände außer unseren“ und wann die Gerussia in dieser materiellen Welt voll sichtbar sein wird, hängt nur von den Menschen ab. Je mehr Menschen mitmachen umso schneller kommt es.
Webseite: http://www.seewald.ru/
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Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office.
Simon’s biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 – 1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working “jointly” for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth’s surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams.
Simon’s Grandfather, who was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence often called MI6. But again in his case he was closely associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America. During this time he was awarded the Order of the British empire (OBE) medal as well as the Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medal, however he turned down a Knighthood from the Queen. Simon’s Grandfather was also a prominent Freemason and was Britain’s appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s .
Simon went public with his story in 2010, and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by the establishment media in a concerted effort to discredit him. However an event in 2013 was to be a game changer, when Simon was invited by the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) to join a small party being given a tour of a secret space radar base in the UK. This totally confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon’s story by them.
Simon has assisted a growing number of people who have come forward from Illuminati families/bloodlines – where they have suffered torture and trauma, many from MILAB situations. Simon is able to re-integrate any alternate personalities that the individual may have, remove any Jinn/demonic possession and “de-activate” any suicide programmes placed in the person.
On a lighter note Simon also does Soul readings, where in most cases is able to identify the individuals soul/star family background. A reasonable fee is charged for these services – Simon is offering a nearly unique service and places the highest value on client confidentiality – having helped people from many countries and from widely differing backgrounds, from college students to employees of the Rothschild’s. Simon understands the critical nature of his de-programming/healing/soul reading work and the support that his clients need.