Monatsarchive: Juli 2017

In this video we break down in simple terms the only way “those in power” can stay in power. It’s not as complex at it may seem. They need us more than we need them.

Music: Xtrngr – Dreams
Speech, Voice and Video Editing: Elina St-Onge […]
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“The race issue based on skin colour is a deeply emotional one among many, that has caused unimaginable separation and was used very craftily to position large groups of people against each other. This is a wake-up call to all those who believe they are free because of race or class or wealth. We have all been denied freedom and dignity, trapped in a life of servitude to the banking families and their economic stranglehold on our planet – no matter what colour our skin may be.”


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 Joy is our divine nature … get off your knees and start being alive again



Published on Jul 8, 2017

July 8th 2017 Real News

Today’s Sources:
FoxNews: “Trump hits Podesta over DNC server; ex-Clinton chair fires back” –
CNN: “Congress and the Air Force are in a space war” –
Dahboo77: “What Is This? Massive Anomaly from South America to Antarctica Caught On MIMIC” –
The Local: “Italy set to relax its controversial child vaccine law” –


Published on Jul 9, 2017

The Portable Jung –
King Warrior Magician Lover –
Kybalion –
How to Eat, Move, & Be Healthy –


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…relax, play, go out into nature, breathe deeply, be grateful for being alive… and …enjoy your weekend 🙂









Published on Jun 9, 2017

Will the Russians disclose the ET presence first? Or will the U.S.? Will they do it slowly, or all at once?

SpaceDaily: “Russia thinks microorganisms may be living outside the space station” – “Scientists find ‘PROOF’ aliens exist as samples from ISS reveal something extraordinary” –
ScienceAlert: “The 40-Year Old Mystery of The “Wow!” Signal Has Just Been Solved” –
Futurism: “Expert: We’ll Find Alien Life in the Next 10 to 15 Years, but It Won’t Be Intelligent” –

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I highly recomment THE MOVIE…you can watch it in many languages on



Den G20-Gipfel in Hamburg will er auf keinen Fall verpassen: Jean Ziegler. Europas bekanntester Globalisierungskritiker, 83, ist schon ein paar Tage früher angereist und aspekte hat ihn in Hamburg begleitet. Zieglers hartnäckige Botschaft am Vorabend von G20: Es gibt Kämpfe, die wir verloren haben, aber auch solche, die wir gewinnen können. Und G20 gehört abgeschafft, ersatzlos, sagt der Vize-Präsident des UNO Menschenrechtsbeirat.







Anmerkung: Meine Absicht den vorangegengenen Beitrag zu posten ist nicht das Modell des “Königsreich Deutschland” zu bewerben,  sondern die  Zusammenstellung der Recherche zur Verfügung zu stellen. Arya






Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening.

A few months ago, I freed myself from standard-procedure society. I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that.

Why is the world changing? In this post, I’ll point out the eight reasons that lead me to believe it.

1. No one can stand the employment model any longer.

We are reaching our limits. People working with big corporations can’t stand their jobs. The lack of purpose knocks on your door as if it came from inside you like a yell of despair.

People want out. They want to drop everything. Take a look on how many people are willing to risk entrepreneurship, people leaving on sabbaticals, people with work-related depression, people in burnout.

2. The entrepreneurship model is also changing.

Over the past few years, with the explosion of startups, thousands of entrepreneurs turned their garages into offices to bring their billion-dollar ideas to life. The vortex of entrepreneurship was to find an investor and get funded — to be funded was like winning the World Cup or the Super Bowl.

But what happens after you get funded?

“Isn’t it absurd that we, 7 billion of us living in the same planet, have grown further apart from each other?”

You get back to being an employee. You may have brought in people not sharing your dream, not in agreement with your purpose, and soon it’s all about the money. The financial end becomes the main driver of your business.

People are suffering with it. Excellent startups began to tumble because the money-seeking model is endless.

A new way to endeavor is needed. Good people are doing it already.

3. The rise of collaboration.

Many people have figured out that it doesn’t make any sense to go on by yourself. Many people have awakened from the “each man for himself” mad mentality.

Stop, take a step back, and think. Isn’t it absurd that we, 7 billion of us living in the same planet, have grown further apart from each other? What sense does it make to turn your back on the thousands, maybe millions, of people living around you in the same city? Every time it crosses my mind, I feel blue.

Fortunately, things are changing. Sharing, collaborative economy concepts are being implemented, and it points towards a new direction. The direction of collaborating, of sharing, of helping, of togetherness.

This is beautiful to watch. It touches me.

4. We are finally figuring out what the Internet is.

The Internet is an incredibly spectacular thing, and only now — after so many years — we are understanding its power. With the Internet, the world is opened, the barriers fall, the separation ends, the togetherness starts, the collaboration explodes, the help emerges.

Some nations saw true revolutions that used the Internet as the primary catalyst, such as the Arab Spring. Here in Brazil, we are just starting to make a better use out of this amazing tool.

Internet is taking down mass control. The big media groups controlling news by how it suits best what they want the message to be and what they want us to read are no longer the sole owners of information. You go after what you want. You bond to whomever you want. You explore whatever you may want to.

With the advent of the Internet, the small are no longer speechless. There is a voice. The anonymous become acknowledged. The world comes together. And then the system may fall.

5. The fall of exaggerated consumerism.

For too long, we’ve been manipulated to consume as much as we possibly can, to buy every new product launched — the newest car, the latest iPhone, the top brands, lots of clothes, shoes, lots and lots and lots of pretty much anything we could our hands on.

Going against the crowd, many people have understood that this is way off. Lowsumerism, slow life and slow food are a few types of action being taken as we speak, pointing out the contradiction of how absurdly we have come to organize ourselves.

“With the advent of the Internet, the small are no longer speechless. There is a voice. The anonymous become acknowledged. The world comes together. “

Fewer people are using cars. Fewer people are overspending. And more people are swapping clothes, buying used goods, sharing assets, cars, apartments, offices.

We don’t need all of that they told us we needed. And this consciousness of new consumerism can take down any company living on the exaggerated end of it.

6. Healthy and organic eating.

We were so crazy we even accepted eating anything! It only needed to taste good, and everything would be alright.

We were so disconnected that companies started to practically poison our food, and we didn’t say anything!

But then some people started waking up, enabling and strengthening healthy and organic eating.

This is only going to get stronger.

But what has this got to do with economy and work? Just about everything, I’d say.

Food production is one of the basic fundamentals of our society. If we change our mindset, our eating habit and our way of consuming, corporations will have to respond and adapt to a new market.

The small farmer is getting back to being relevant to the whole chain of production. People are even growing plants and seeds inside their homes as well.

And that reshapes the whole economy.

7. The awakening of spirituality.

How many friends do you have who practice yoga? What about meditation? Now think back, 10 years ago. How many people did you know by then who practiced these activities?

Spirituality, for too long, was for esoteric folks — those weird-like and mystic people.

But fortunately, this is also changing. We’ve come to the edge of reason and rationality. We were able to realize that, with only our conscious mind, we can’t figure out everything that goes on here. There is something else going on, and I’m sure you want to get hold of that as well.

You want to understand how these things work — how life operates, what happens after death, what is this energy thing people talk about so much, what is quantum physics, how thoughts can be materialized and create our sense of reality, what is coincidence and synchronicity, why meditation works, how it’s possible to cure some ailments using nothing but bare hands, how those alternative therapies not always approved by regular medicine can actually work sometimes.

Companies are providing meditation to their employees. Even schools are teaching the young how to meditate. Think about it.

8 . Un-schooling trends.

Who created this teaching model? Who chose the classes you have to take? Who chose the lessons we learn in history classes? Why didn’t they teach us the truth about other ancient civilizations?
Why should kids follow a certain set of rules? Why should they watch everything in silence? Why should they wear a uniform? What about taking a test to prove what you actually learned?

We developed a model that perpetuates and replicates followers of the system, that breed people into ordinary human beings.

Fortunately, a lot of people are working to rethink that though concepts such as un-schooling, hack-schooling and homeschooling.

Maybe you’ve never thought of that and even may be in shock. But it’s happening.

Silently, people are being woken up and are realizing how crazy it is to live in this society.
Look at all these new actions and try to think everything we were taught so far is normal. I don’t think it is.

There is something extraordinary happening.

Gustavo Tanaka  is a Brazilian author and entrepreneur, trying to create with my friends a new model, a new system and maybe helping to create a new economy.

This post originally appeared on Medium.



…audio version

GalacticHeart banner

A Timely Webinar…


Moving From a 3-D Money-Based System to 5-D Full Consciousness

In this Webinar Sheldan will explain why a money transition phase is necessary as a first step before announcements and the landings can occur.

The crucial questions everyone is asking are: 
Why are the Galactics so focused on money and prosperity? 
Why are they not simply fast-forwarding their arrival? 
Why must we first transition through abundance and prosperity programs?


Topics include…

• Power Corrupts – How the power-hungry cabal has exploited humanity.
• Debt Slavery – How a money-based system has kept us in servitude.
• Why the Galactic Federation requires us to transition through prosperity programs and abundance. 
• Why the Cabals are making it so difficult for us to financially move forward.
• Why our current banking system needs to change to allow prosperity funds finally to be delivered: a look ahead to when this can be accomplished.
• What happens during delivery of prosperity funds and after.
• After the transition phase: when and how we will be able to travel to Inner Earth and enter our light chambers.
• What will happen to our money and possessions once we become fully conscious beings of light.

Thursday, July 20, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, July 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



from John Smallman

Forgive and be at peace.


All is One. Each and everyone of you is individual, and, in this same now moment, the only moment, the eternal endless moment, in fact the Holy Instant, you are One with Source, Father/Mother/God. There is No Separation! There is only One, but, as humans in physical form, you remain unaware of this.

Intellectually many have accepted this truth, but very few have sufficiently detached from their ego personalities to be able to truly know it and live it. To awaken is to know yourself as you truly and eternally are – One with the All – and in that knowing you are in eternal peace, joyfully fulfilling your creative potential in the most beautiful and harmonious union with your heavenly Father. You need nothing and you want nothing because he has already given you everything – Himself and All of Creation.

In your human state, apparently separated from your Source and from the spiritual or heavenly realms, to suggest that you are One with God and with each other seems to make no sense at all to the vast majority who are totally caught up in the 3D physical environment that the illusion so effectively provides. The physical environment is an enormous distraction! And yet, because it appears to envelop and surround you, you do, as a human, have to deal with it constantly because your physical bodies, through your egos, make constant and extremely needy demands – food, shelter, sleep, entertainment, love, acceptance, safety.

However, as your spiritual guides, mentors, and channels keep telling you, when you listen to them and hear them, you are One VAST energy field of Love in which all of God’s divine Creation has Its eternal and infinitely joyful existence and expression. Yes, there is individuality which expresses itself beautifully in an infinite number of creative ways or, more appropriately, through creative thoughts or ideas, while at the same precise moment you are One.

The human experience that you are all undergoing is just a single idea that you each share in your own individual fashion. That becomes very clear to you when you have disagreements with one another! But in the vastness that is Love, that is All, that is Father/Mother/God/Source, the Oneness is always in perfect divine harmony. To put it rather simplistically, it is like an enormous orchestra where each instrument comes together under the conductor to play a divine symphony or other orchestral work, perfectly.


I repeat, there is only ONE! What you experience as humans is unreal, an ongoing dream that continues for as long as you choose to engage with it. It seems very demanding – that is its purpose – and so it occupies almost all of your attention. So much so that even if you want and intend to go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you feel very strongly that you cannot afford the time. But when you do go within and allow the Love residing there eternally to embrace and comfort you, time seems to stop and your worries just fall away.

Then your ego interrupts your state of intense peace, suggesting to you that it is but a time-wasting reverie from which you need to withdraw to attend to the important things in life. But that state is not a reverie, it is a brief glimpse of Reality which gives you the strength and faith to renew your intent to be loving in every interaction and in every situation. And those of you who follow through on your intent know that what you experienced so briefly was indeed Reality, as your loving intentions and motivations smooth your daily living experiences as humans.

All that you need to awaken is with you in every moment, but your ego manages to convince you that this is not so, and then persuades you to stop wasting time and get on with living. But Reality is where you live, and the more powerfully you can accept that idea and engage only with Love in your daily human life, the more smoothly will flow your experience of being human on Earth. Then your energy field, Love, will expand as you allow it to do so, affecting everyone with whom you interact in any way at all, quite beautifully.

This is how the awakening process for humanity is put into effect, by each one of you intending and holding the intent to be who you truly are – Love – in every moment. The more you practice doing this the more effective you become, and the more you believe in yourself and prove to yourself that this is indeed who and what you are. The power of knowing this is immensely inspiring and uplifting for you, and for those with whom you interact. It is your divine task, the reason you are presently incarnate on Earth, so make a point of remembering this, and of reminding yourself that you are divinely guided in every moment if you will just allow yourself to accept and follow this guidance or inner knowing; then enjoy the peace and contentment that flows from this acknowledgement.


You are never alone, abandoned, discarded, or rejected, although as a human you experience those feelings very intensely at times. You are a perfect child of God, infinitely loved in every moment, make a point of acknowledging and accepting this divine truth by honoring and loving yourself as God does. Love is within you, not outside you, so cease looking for it out there! Once you truly accept and love yourself as you were divinely created, and also accept that in your human state you make errors of judgment on which you sometimes act, and that these are all learning opportunities, opportunities for you to forgive yourself, and others, instead of dwelling on those errors, just release them and allow them to dissolve, as they most surely will. Dwelling on them drains you energetically, and for no good purpose. Instead move on – yes, if you feel the need and can do so, make amends – and remake your intent to be only loving.

God never judges you, He loves you and supports you in every moment. If He did not you would cease to exist, and that is impossible, because He created you to be One with Him, eternally, in perfect joy. It is your dwelling on and harshly judging your errors that cause you so much unnecessary pain and suffering. All humans make errors that hurt and offend others. But remember, to be hurt or offended is a choice you make. When you choose only Love you will not be offended or hurt, and everyone has the ability and the loving strength to make that choice.

So, make amends when you believe you have offended someone and then move on. If that other chooses not to accept your offering then he is choosing to be hurt or offended, and that is his free will right. You have done your part, and you do not need his acceptance. You are, just as is he, a divine child of God in the process of awakening. Honor that in both of you, as does your heavenly Father.

True forgiveness, forgiveness without conditions, offered wholeheartedly to another and to yourself will bring you peace and dissolve guilt, guilt which drains and disempowers you. So forgive and be at peace.

With so very much love, Saul.


POWER in numbers ~ Unity

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….this post will be updates as situations unfold

Reminder > Keep in mind the reflection principle of  “it´s all me”…… well, I think there is a big fight about the shift of structures going on inside of self … a lot of anger of self about self, feeling caught inside the own game of illusion. Blame and destruction is not the way out…but reception and choosing consciously each moment of you life, taking responsibility for and acknowledging that you are the only creator of your life. Arya




….(nächstes Video) ….  WIE BITTE ????????


…what a following sweet cartoon … well hiding the real stories ?





…what a wonderful creative and peaceful way of protesting…much better than the following way of senseless violence !!!







…this is a very interesting and symbolic scene…sitting like in an ivory tower…and outside the streets are burning…enjoy your meal and go on dreaming…






After the GAMES are over the actors shake hands….the illusion is an interesting playground…when you know that it is illusion 🙂


…pull your head out off the sand….wake up and start making your own research…unluckly this is not a fairy-tale….I wished it would be one !!!




…maybe together we can create a smoother transition :)…when we remember who we really are !!!