….this post will be updates as situations unfold

Reminder > Keep in mind the reflection principle of  “it´s all me”…… well, I think there is a big fight about the shift of structures going on inside of self … a lot of anger of self about self, feeling caught inside the own game of illusion. Blame and destruction is not the way out…but reception and choosing consciously each moment of you life, taking responsibility for and acknowledging that you are the only creator of your life. Arya




….(nächstes Video) ….  WIE BITTE ????????


…what a following sweet cartoon … well hiding the real stories ?





…what a wonderful creative and peaceful way of protesting…much better than the following way of senseless violence !!!







…this is a very interesting and symbolic scene…sitting like in an ivory tower…and outside the streets are burning…enjoy your meal and go on dreaming…






After the GAMES are over the actors shake hands….the illusion is an interesting playground…when you know that it is illusion 🙂


…pull your head out off the sand….wake up and start making your own research…unluckly this is not a fairy-tale….I wished it would be one !!!




…maybe together we can create a smoother transition :)…when we remember who we really are !!!

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