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Erschaffe Wunder
Putin: New World Order Are In Final Stages Of Their European Masterplan

“The New World Order put hornet nests in your countries,” Putin told a Kremlin tour group. “And now they are poking them.”
With France in a state of emergency, the United Kingdom under martial law with thousands of troops patrolling the streets, and Germany and Sweden suffering migrant-related breakdowns of law and order, it is hard to argue with Putin.
The New World Order’s plan to fill Western nations with radical Islamic immigrants – against the will of the citizens of these countries – and then unleash hell on earth by “poking them“, has been achieved.
Putin believes that the open border policies forced on European nations must be rejected if the continent is to have any chance of a peaceful future.
“My European brothers and sisters must reject the globalist open border policies being pushed onto them by the elite.”
There is no place for sovereign nations in the globalists’ vision of the future, according to Putin. And the Russian president pointed the finger of blame directly at the Rothschilds and their cabal of international elites.
“The Rothschild-cabal have infiltrated your government, your media, your banking institutions. They are no longer content with committing atrocities in the Middle East, they are now doing it on their own soil, desperate to complete the plan for a one world government, world army, complete with a world central bank.
“They think they can do this by terrorising you into submission. Scaring you into accepting whatever new laws they will put in place to protect you.”
Putin issued a call to arms, urging Europeans to reject the siren call of the globalists and their death cult.
“The governments of the west are no longer hiding their true intentions. You can see the horror that lies beneath their mask. Keep your eyes on them. Don’t fall for their tricks.
“Russia will not stand by and allow its European cousins to be slaughtered and dehumanised like this. The battle is over. The war has begun. Truth and justice will prevail.“
Baxter Dmitry
Email: baxter@yournewswire.com
Follow: @baxter_dmitry
…I felt these energies very strongly and even my cats were sleeping nearly the whole time during the last 2,5 days :)…keep the heads up, all is well. Arya
Published on May 26, 2017
Event Is Coming Soon – Brief Urgent Energy Update
May 24th 2017 is more significant than December 21st 2012, says Mayan calendar expert
In the human linked to our Spirit in the last 18hours the 9th wave of energy came through building up, with such intensity as a ‘crossroads’ of the old and the new.
‘A cosmic crossroads of consciousness’. Service to self or service to others, our core truth, determine the frequencies our cellular system vibrates at. The point of critical mass is being reached’.
This has also ‘come out’ as an inner breakdown, terror, panic as we go through the ‘eye of the needle’ as we are feeling the ‘chaos’ of humanity, those that feel so deeply will feel this more so.
This is being also felt as confusion, not being able to make a decision due an imbalance of the logic/ration and the creative/intuitive.
Extreme fatigue on top of all else we are feeling physically as well, another layer of extreme exhaustion of feeling ‘run down’…in many ways for each of us.
Things have ‘come up’ and altered very quickly and ‘old plans’ may need to radically be altered to accommodate this as this is a ‘shake up’ and a ‘wake up’ for many!
Find the path of the least ‘interruption’ during this time with any plans that may be having to be altered. The ‘path of least resistance’
This is breaking through with the 9th wave to Enlightened Unity Consciousness (refer diagram and all other information to this, in the link shared).
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..I think you know that one from yourselves 🙂