Monatsarchive: März 2017

2017 European Tour - Eckhart Tolle & Kim Eng - London, Dublin, Paris, Norway, Moscow
Join Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng for their special European Tour as they bring the power of now to London, Dublin, Paris, Norway, and Moscow. Experience the profound yet simple teachings that have helped countless people from around the globe awaken to a vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives.
An Evening
with Eckhart Tolle
Join us for a rare and transformational opportunity to spend an evening with Eckhart Tolle as he discusses spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness.
Presence Through Movement
with Kim Eng
Join Kim Eng, life partner and associate of Eckhart Tolle, for a Presence Through Movement workshop, where Kim facilitates an awakening through the body and guides us in a harmonious synthesis of action and stillness.
A Retreat with
Eckhart & Kim
Join us at this wonderful location for a special opportunity to awaken to the timeless dimension of life and experience the transformative power of Eckhart Tolle and his partner Kim Eng’s teachings and presence.
An Evening with Eckhart Tolle
An Evening with Eckhart Tolle
Presence Through Movement with Kim Eng (Afternoon Workshop)
Presence Through Movement with Kim Eng (Afternoon Workshop)
Your friends at Eckhart Teachings
Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of consciousness grows stronger.
Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of consciousness grows stronger.

Please read first the INTRO of Galactic Heart below, before listening to Dr. Steven Greer in the Video !!!….also see Bashar: “First Contact” Documentary Trailer at the end of this post


GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

Yesterday I posted a video from Dr. Steven Greer. In it he talks about the cabal’s plans (for years now) to initiate a false flag alien invasion. Yes, it has been tried many, many times in the past 10 years and has been stopped by our beloved Galactic Federation every time. This will never take place. It is not allowed. Heaven has decreed false flag alien invasion is not permitted. I wish I had made that clear when I posted the video.

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 1.29.05 PM

It is important to know that the cabal has tried this many times and is resurrecting the idea of a false alien invasion. This is to create fear to keep you dis-empowered. It is also important to know that this option will never happen. These facts are important to know so you can alleviate fears from those around you.

I spent time with my sister last weekend. She is on the spiritual path however she does not embrace the galactic part. Sure, she believes other off-world civilizations exist, but she is not interested in the subject. She read something on the internet while I was with her and she became fearful that we will have a war with the aliens. It was my opportunity to share with her what I know. It did alleviate her fears.

Check in with your own heart knowing. Learn to discern and know when your doubting mind is in play. When this happens, consciously slip back down to your heart-knowing. All is well as the divine plan unfolds. Keep shining your Light bright.

Enjoy this power-packed message from the Arcturians with Natalie Glasson.

Selamat Ja! 


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for March

Galactic Federation of Light vs The Dark Cabals

For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF’s latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.


Topics include…

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members? 
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles? 
• Why can’t the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays? 
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals? 
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


The Process of Your Transformation by Arcturians

From Natalie Glasson ~ Sacred School of OmNa

Screen Shot 2017-03-11 at 5.57.06 PM

We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, the Arcturians, wish to guide you through this process so you may assist yourself more fully, calling upon the necessary aid so that each transformation you experience is easy, effortless and enjoyable.

When you begin to focus on observing your entire being each day, even if only for a few minutes, you allow yourself to connect into the energy, feelings, sensations, colours and sounds of your entire being, becoming present with yourself. At first, you may not understand or even be able to explain the energy of your entire being. Instead, you may be distracted by emotions, thoughts or areas of your body. Acknowledge anything that rises into your awareness and then continue with your focus and intention of observing your entire being. There is no need to focus on experiencing love or connecting with the Creator, simply observe what your energy feels like to you at that moment. Is there a lot of light pouring into your being? Do you feel heavy and drowsy? Do you sense that you are ungrounded or resisting something? Whatever you observe, acknowledge it first and then let it go, if the same observation keeps returning to you then allow yourself to focus on the energy as it may require your attention. Once you feel you have become familiar with your energy then you may wish to use this innovation:

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support my constant transformation, healing and ascension. I allow all resistance to dissolve as I receive the necessary light to support me now. Thank you.’


Take a few moments to imagine yourself receiving the necessary light and assistance from the Universe of the Creator. This simple process will not only allow you to release blockages and resistance to your ascension, often without realising, you will also become familiar with the presence of your energy. This means that you will be aware when you are moving through a transformational process and when you are experiencing a rest period where your entire being is recalibrating, and light is settling within your being. The more you achieve this practice, the more you will understand yourself and the ascension process you are moving through. Recognising whether a cold is simply a cold or whether it is helping you release old energies. Whether a pain in your body is due to something you have done physically or a resistance within your being that requires your intuitive attention. You may realise that you feel tired because of the great volumes of light that are anchoring into your being, recognising that you require rest. You may feel low in mood because a past lifetime aspect of yourself is returning to merge with your soul and requires to release all burdens before it can fully surrender to the light of your soul. When you are in tune with your entire being, you are more able to assist yourself in moving through your ascension process with ease and happiness. Thus you become intuitive to your spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and ascension needs.

The process of spiritual transformation within a physical body encourages you to trust your intuitive senses. By developing your intuitive senses to aid your own ascension, you become alert and aware of the transformations and positive transitions into greater light occurring within others and the entire Universe of the Creator. Thus, you become a powerful source of light assisting, supporting and encouraging the ascension of the entire Universe of the Creator.

A process of your transformation which occurs often is that new aspects of your soul download and ground into your being to merge with the aspect of your soul already present within your physical body. This means that the presence and influence of your soul becomes stronger within your being, new tools, skills and abilities develop, new passions and desires materialise leading you upon new pathways in your reality, and new wisdom or understanding dawns offering a clearer understanding of self and the Creator. For some people, new aspects of their soul can download every few weeks or months, for others, it can be every few years, depending on the mission of the soul and the focus or acceptance of the personality.

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When a new aspect of your soul anchors, this often creates a shift or change in your being or reality which encourages you to let go of an aspect of yourself you are familiar with such as a perspective, habit or understanding.

Frequently in order for the new aspect of your soul to enter a transition must take place where you let go of a perception of your identity which no longer serves you. This can be a challenging process especially if the physical body, personality or mind is resisting, unwilling to change or let go. Sometimes we are asked to let go of perceptions, ideas and aspects of ourselves that seem so familiar, which seem to describe who we are and are very much a beloved part of our existence. This can even manifest in your physical reality such as a beloved friend leaving, having to leave a home, job or area which you have enjoyed immensely, losing a precious object or even a part of your body. Often these transitions are so subtle that many people do not notice them and simply perceive them as a natural part of life. However, a perception, idea and understanding of yourself is lost, released and let go of to make space for the new aspect of your soul which will bring forth greater fulfilment and new perspectives. A grieving period may even take place which will allow for a deep cleansing to be experienced, a purging of the old to allow for a new perception, idea and understanding of self to dawn which is when you connect with and accept the new aspect of your soul. With the connection of the new aspect of your soul that was waiting to download you will experience a healing and renewal process allowing you to feel as if you are soaring high. This entire experience is a process of transformation, becoming more of the Creator’s light, love and wisdom upon the Earth.

If you are asked in your life to let go of something or someone, realise that not only new energy are entering into your life, a new aspect and level of your soul is grounding and awakening within you, ready to share all its insights, love and skills with you.

In these times with your intuitive senses, you will be able to comprehend that you require support and assistance.

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support me in letting go and releasing all that is no longer necessary, so I may accept a new aspect of my soul to merge with my physical being, becoming fully present with me now. I am ready to transform with ease and happiness. I invite my soul and soul group to support me now. Thank you.’


It is important to remember that your ascension process can be found in the subtle actions and reactions of your entire being, from your thoughts to your emotions. Even experiences within your physical reality or within your being which do not feel remotely connected to your ascension such as worry, exclusion, fear or anxiety, are keys that encourage you to continue forth, transforming and shifting into the light of the Creator, into your ascension.

Take notice of all that you are; the Creator is speaking to you, through you, guiding you to recognise and remember yourself once more as the light, truth and love of the Creator, and All That Is.

We the Arcturians are supporting the transformation of all upon the Earth. We are aiding you in understanding, experiencing, moving through and accepting each process of your transformation. We are sharing skills, wisdom and tools to encourage, enthuse and support all. Please call upon us for assistance, and we will come forth to share our energy, wisdom and understanding of transformation, as well as offering insights into your own transformation.

‘Arcturians, I call forth your loving, supportive energy to surround me completely. Assist me in gaining new understanding and wisdom concerning transformation and my own transformation process now. Surround me with your healing and inspirational light, love and consciousness as I inhale and accept all you wish to share with me. Thank you.’

In loving transformation,

The Arcturians 
Read More from the Arcturians

Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 11.17.40 AM
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ARCTURIANS~Sacred Healing Masters


If you are interested in learning more about the Arcturians, Sheldan has a webinar archive download featuring the Arcturians ~~ Webinar Archive #78

For more information, Click here



GalacticHeart banner

Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for March

Galactic Federation of Light vs The Dark Cabals

For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF’s latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.


Topics include…

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members? 
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles? 
• Why can’t the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays? 
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals? 
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Triple Numbers and their meanings 111, 222, 333, 444, 555……..

Source: ElaineMARK

NOTE from Colleen: Do you see repeating numbers on the clock, in addresses or in other coincidental ways that are too eerie to ignore? When this happens for me, I know the universe is sending me a message. Lately, I have been waking up at either 3:33 or 4:44 every morning. I’ve been working with the Ascended Masters before I go to sleep so when I read what 3:33 stands for, I smiled acknowledging the Ascended Masters/Angels are encouraging me to continue connecting with them.

I mentioned this to a few friends and we found that all of us are experiencing triple digit messages. Hope you enjoy one interpretation for triple digit numbers.

3 33

Are you seeing numbers, triple numbers and they’re “flashing” their significance to you? Do you see a succession of these same numbers throughout your day? There is a message being brought to you to be aware of! These messages are being brought up in numbers and symbols for you to awaken to! Your Guides, Angel Guides are helping you in your journey and want you know of their significance……..

If you’ve been going through big changes lately in life, big “shake up” calls and experiencing upheaval and distress in many areas of your life…….do not despair. If you are also experiencing good SHIFTS in your world…….you are on the right track!!

The whole world is experiencing MUCH MORE than what we are accustomed to right now in the sense of bringing up areas of life that no longer serve us for our highest Self. These are seen as any old beliefs, judgements, grudges, anger, fear, doubt, anything that would hold us back from stepping into our Truth, our authentic Self.

Transformation of Earth is to bring Mother Earth and her inhabitants into Alignment for our Highest Selves. It is NOW that we are transforming. So NOW is the time you are experiencing… transmuting… metamorphosizing All that needs to be “cleansed” from you. So come on!

600 338319012

When we are barraged once again with OLD beliefs and such , we are to delve into them, acknowledge them, see them as they are, give it LOVE, and send it on it’s way – release these and bring to your Self the Truth and Love that you so deserve, part of our Birthright, the Truth of Who We Are. When we are awakened to Life, we will begin to see symbols, numbers, messages that speak to us. Some of these are Triple numbers. There are messages associated with them, and these are your guideposts, MARKings that light your path, your journey….back to You, your Higher Self.

111 – An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring they match your desires. Don’t put any energy into any fears at all, lest you manifest them.

222 – Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.

333 – You’ve merged with the ascended masters, and they’re working with you day & night – on many levels. They love, guide, and protect you at all times.

444 – Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth Angel yourself. You have nothing to fear – all is well.

555 – Major changes and significant transformations are here for you. You have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve.

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666- It’s time to focus on Spirit to balance and heal your life. Tell Heaven about any fears you have concerning material supply. Be open to receiving help and love from both humans and the angels.

777 – Congratulations! You have listened well to your Divine Guidance and have put that wisdom into fruitful action. You’re now reaping the rewards. Your success is inspiring and helping others, so please keep up the good work.

888- The Universe is abundant and generous, and you’ve learned how to step into the shower of its ever-present flow. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.

999 – Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine Life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred misssion without delay or hesitation.

There are many other number combinations you may get as you allow your daily journey to guide you to your Highest potential. When in the NOW, you will see much more and the numbers are messages to your inner Self, your Divine, your Soul. If they show up a lot, check out what the messages have to say. On my personal journey of transformation in the last 2 years, I have seen much numbers and symbols and have recently received my very own copy of the ANGEL NUMBERS (Doreen Virtue, PhD.) from my friend Sophia, that I use on a regular basis. Very interesting that the messages are in total alignment with what I needed to confirm with my Highest Self. Record these, all your synchronicities, all the coincidences (because they’re not JUST), all the varying ways that the Universe is trying to get “Things” to you to help you along your journey.

Keep your thoughts in JOY, your words in TRUTH, and your action in LOVE, and the Universe only happily obliges to meet ALL your needs. It’s just the natural Law of Attraction!

Play well, laugh much, AWAKEN to your Life!

your LightMARKer, 

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Please read first the INTRO of Galactic Heart below, before seeing the videos !

GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

Yesterday I posted a video from Dr. Steven Greer. In it he talks about the cabal’s plans (for years now) to initiate a false flag alien invasion. Yes, it has been tried many, many times in the past 10 years and has been stopped by our beloved Galactic Federation every time. This will never take place. It is not allowed. Heaven has decreed false flag alien invasion is not permitted. I wish I had made that clear when I posted the video.

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 1.29.05 PM

It is important to know that the cabal has tried this many times and is resurrecting the idea of a false alien invasion. This is to create fear to keep you dis-empowered. It is also important to know that this option will never happen. These facts are important to know so you can alleviate fears from those around you.

I spent time with my sister last weekend. She is on the spiritual path however she does not embrace the galactic part. Sure, she believes other off-world civilizations exist, but she is not interested in the subject. She read something on the internet while I was with her and she became fearful that we will have a war with the aliens. It was my opportunity to share with her what I know. It did alleviate her fears.

Check in with your own heart knowing. Learn to discern and know when your doubting mind is in play. When this happens, consciously slip back down to your heart-knowing. All is well as the divine plan unfolds. Keep shining your Light bright.

Enjoy this power-packed message from the Arcturians with Natalie Glasson.

Selamat Ja! 


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for March

Galactic Federation of Light vs The Dark Cabals

For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF’s latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.


Topics include…

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members? 
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles? 
• Why can’t the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays? 
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals? 
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


The Process of Your Transformation by Arcturians

From Natalie Glasson ~ Sacred School of OmNa

Screen Shot 2017-03-11 at 5.57.06 PM

We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, the Arcturians, wish to guide you through this process so you may assist yourself more fully, calling upon the necessary aid so that each transformation you experience is easy, effortless and enjoyable.

When you begin to focus on observing your entire being each day, even if only for a few minutes, you allow yourself to connect into the energy, feelings, sensations, colours and sounds of your entire being, becoming present with yourself. At first, you may not understand or even be able to explain the energy of your entire being. Instead, you may be distracted by emotions, thoughts or areas of your body. Acknowledge anything that rises into your awareness and then continue with your focus and intention of observing your entire being. There is no need to focus on experiencing love or connecting with the Creator, simply observe what your energy feels like to you at that moment. Is there a lot of light pouring into your being? Do you feel heavy and drowsy? Do you sense that you are ungrounded or resisting something? Whatever you observe, acknowledge it first and then let it go, if the same observation keeps returning to you then allow yourself to focus on the energy as it may require your attention. Once you feel you have become familiar with your energy then you may wish to use this innovation:

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support my constant transformation, healing and ascension. I allow all resistance to dissolve as I receive the necessary light to support me now. Thank you.’


Take a few moments to imagine yourself receiving the necessary light and assistance from the Universe of the Creator. This simple process will not only allow you to release blockages and resistance to your ascension, often without realising, you will also become familiar with the presence of your energy. This means that you will be aware when you are moving through a transformational process and when you are experiencing a rest period where your entire being is recalibrating, and light is settling within your being. The more you achieve this practice, the more you will understand yourself and the ascension process you are moving through. Recognising whether a cold is simply a cold or whether it is helping you release old energies. Whether a pain in your body is due to something you have done physically or a resistance within your being that requires your intuitive attention. You may realise that you feel tired because of the great volumes of light that are anchoring into your being, recognising that you require rest. You may feel low in mood because a past lifetime aspect of yourself is returning to merge with your soul and requires to release all burdens before it can fully surrender to the light of your soul. When you are in tune with your entire being, you are more able to assist yourself in moving through your ascension process with ease and happiness. Thus you become intuitive to your spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and ascension needs.

The process of spiritual transformation within a physical body encourages you to trust your intuitive senses. By developing your intuitive senses to aid your own ascension, you become alert and aware of the transformations and positive transitions into greater light occurring within others and the entire Universe of the Creator. Thus, you become a powerful source of light assisting, supporting and encouraging the ascension of the entire Universe of the Creator.

A process of your transformation which occurs often is that new aspects of your soul download and ground into your being to merge with the aspect of your soul already present within your physical body. This means that the presence and influence of your soul becomes stronger within your being, new tools, skills and abilities develop, new passions and desires materialise leading you upon new pathways in your reality, and new wisdom or understanding dawns offering a clearer understanding of self and the Creator. For some people, new aspects of their soul can download every few weeks or months, for others, it can be every few years, depending on the mission of the soul and the focus or acceptance of the personality.

Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 3.35.36 PM

When a new aspect of your soul anchors, this often creates a shift or change in your being or reality which encourages you to let go of an aspect of yourself you are familiar with such as a perspective, habit or understanding.

Frequently in order for the new aspect of your soul to enter a transition must take place where you let go of a perception of your identity which no longer serves you. This can be a challenging process especially if the physical body, personality or mind is resisting, unwilling to change or let go. Sometimes we are asked to let go of perceptions, ideas and aspects of ourselves that seem so familiar, which seem to describe who we are and are very much a beloved part of our existence. This can even manifest in your physical reality such as a beloved friend leaving, having to leave a home, job or area which you have enjoyed immensely, losing a precious object or even a part of your body. Often these transitions are so subtle that many people do not notice them and simply perceive them as a natural part of life. However, a perception, idea and understanding of yourself is lost, released and let go of to make space for the new aspect of your soul which will bring forth greater fulfilment and new perspectives. A grieving period may even take place which will allow for a deep cleansing to be experienced, a purging of the old to allow for a new perception, idea and understanding of self to dawn which is when you connect with and accept the new aspect of your soul. With the connection of the new aspect of your soul that was waiting to download you will experience a healing and renewal process allowing you to feel as if you are soaring high. This entire experience is a process of transformation, becoming more of the Creator’s light, love and wisdom upon the Earth.

If you are asked in your life to let go of something or someone, realise that not only new energy are entering into your life, a new aspect and level of your soul is grounding and awakening within you, ready to share all its insights, love and skills with you.

In these times with your intuitive senses, you will be able to comprehend that you require support and assistance.

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support me in letting go and releasing all that is no longer necessary, so I may accept a new aspect of my soul to merge with my physical being, becoming fully present with me now. I am ready to transform with ease and happiness. I invite my soul and soul group to support me now. Thank you.’


It is important to remember that your ascension process can be found in the subtle actions and reactions of your entire being, from your thoughts to your emotions. Even experiences within your physical reality or within your being which do not feel remotely connected to your ascension such as worry, exclusion, fear or anxiety, are keys that encourage you to continue forth, transforming and shifting into the light of the Creator, into your ascension.

Take notice of all that you are; the Creator is speaking to you, through you, guiding you to recognise and remember yourself once more as the light, truth and love of the Creator, and All That Is.

We the Arcturians are supporting the transformation of all upon the Earth. We are aiding you in understanding, experiencing, moving through and accepting each process of your transformation. We are sharing skills, wisdom and tools to encourage, enthuse and support all. Please call upon us for assistance, and we will come forth to share our energy, wisdom and understanding of transformation, as well as offering insights into your own transformation.

‘Arcturians, I call forth your loving, supportive energy to surround me completely. Assist me in gaining new understanding and wisdom concerning transformation and my own transformation process now. Surround me with your healing and inspirational light, love and consciousness as I inhale and accept all you wish to share with me. Thank you.’

In loving transformation,

The Arcturians 
Read More from the Arcturians

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ARCTURIANS~Sacred Healing Masters


If you are interested in learning more about the Arcturians, Sheldan has a webinar archive download featuring the Arcturians ~~ Webinar Archive #78

For more information, Click here



Join us in Las Vegas – April 8, 2017
If you cannot read this message please click here for online version

PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

It is not easy to overturn a financial and political system that has been entrenched for over two millennia. This system is now in the final process of being replaced. The soldiers of the Light carried out a truly amazing event.

You have wonderfully altered how you react to the manipulations of the dark cabal. These changes have allowed us to take many necessary steps forward. We thank all for what you are achieving.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

3 Imix, 4 Ceh, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! All is going extremely well. The dark is becoming shell shocked, as it is quite apparent that its supposed victory is quickly fading away. The dark cabal is now racing in vain to somehow preserve what little is still solvent. It is like a sudden spray of acid that was unexpectedly added to the mix. The US, Inc. is about to dissolve as it becomes crystal clear that the new NESARA Republic is again on the world’s horizon. The dark cabal can now see the inevitable writing on the wall. Its old ways are finished and the old guard now awaits its long delayed punishment. The true Constitution with many needed revisions is shortly to make its appearance and Congress and the rest of the dark’s regime is to go on hiatus. The new policies of the de jure regime are to soon become a normal every day event. This globe has long waited for what is about to swiftly happen. This project is one that the Light has long waited for. You are about to receive your freedom and obtain the beginnings of your prosperity.

This process required a careful and cautious approach. The dark had been lulled into a belief that somehow its madness was to find a way to continue. Our forces were guided by a group of wonderful and dedicated individuals whose magic is shortly to be applauded by this globe. What they did was truly miraculous. It is not easy to overturn a financial and political system that has been entrenched for over two millennia. This system is now in the final process of being replaced. The soldiers of the Light carried out a truly amazing event. We need to commend their efforts as well as their magnificent patience. We are about to watch you make a most wonderful leap in consciousness. It is to enable you to move a giant step toward contact. It is this fact that makes us happy about your efforts. You have been able to create a scenario that is permitting not only a new realty to form but, in addition, to outline how you are to forge this new world of yours. This realm is to possess the wherewithal to prepare a new and heavenly epoch.


The process of change was long in the making. The key issue was the final proclamation needed to be able to draw in the minions and their friends. It was the continuation of the old reality that initially confused the warriors of the Light. The worry was that this strategy was based on the belief that the dark had won its small but nevertheless significant victory. The dark swallowed this as fact and began to use the principals of USA, Inc. as a basis to rebuild their defeated party. In fact, the true nature of all this was that USA, Inc was a non-fact. It was dead and at the right time it was to be placed in the great dustbin of history. This truth is now becoming fact as the new treasury notes and the RV are in the process of being rolled out. As hoped, this process is leading to mass arrests and to new NESARA governance that is now to be born. America was ready to lead the world to a quiet revolution. This is to allow manifestation of a world long promised by Heaven. This miracle is now fully under way and is to lead to your freedom and prosperity.

As this moves forward, you are to see many necessary changes. These changes are to permit your consciousness to keep growing and your move toward full consciousness to increase. It is this process that is to be the key to the rise of your new reality. We are fully aware of how all of this is playing out. We realize that disclosure is something that needs to be addressed. The old governments strongly defended the strange belief that UFOs did not exist. This is now to be overturned and the truth that you are not alone needs to be revealed to you. In addition, there needs to be a series of announcements that permit us to directly address you. In these communications, we intend to explain who we really are and why we were told by Heaven to create a monitor system to better prepare you for full consciousness. You require a number of ways to resolve the past lives you experienced in limited consciousness. This process is essential in helping you adjust to the physical changes that you are shortly to encounter.


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to help you better understand what is now happening to you. Over the past decade and a half, you have been subjected to a number of subtle changes that we generally call Ascension Symptoms. These changes by Heaven are one of the many ways your body, mind and Spirit are being readied for a grand change in consciousness. These changes are shortly to reach a point when deeper explanations are in order. Our series of vital lessons are then required. The rise of new governance is to accommodate this. We expect that once you are armed with the truths behind your past histories, you can be better prepared to accept why this is the time for immense alterations of this reality. You are suddenly to learn about Agartha and why you first came here some 900,000 years ago. Lost memories are to be recovered and explained.

Dear Hearts, we know that this wisdom is only the start to learning about yourselves as a people and as Gaia’s human guardians. This process needs to be discussed by your mentors as you require knowledge about how this first occurred. What is ahead is a grand period that can aid you in showing your true relationship to Gaia and her remarkable ecosystems. Your positive intentions and deep support of this divine process makes all of this possible. You have wonderfully altered how you react to the manipulations of the dark cabal. These changes have allowed us to take many necessary steps forward. We thank all for what you are achieving. This growth is yet another sign why Heaven decided that a divine process was now possible. This brings us to the present. This is indeed a time for blessed events to happen!


This is a moment when humanity again joins with the Divine to restore its sacred and magnificent purpose. When you again become fully conscious you can take this all in, in a wondrous divine motion. You are then to see why Heaven carefully drew us forth and created a special core of Beings to Love and assist you. In this new consciousness our mission is to be divinely reordered. We are to become supervisors of missions decreed by Heaven. This process is something that you are to become intensely aware of. This process is to be when our new galactic society is formed and utilized. How this is all to work is something that we are to share with you, along with your mentors. These coming moments are to bring great joy to us. It means that we can fully adjust to a series of new purposes. It means that we can fully adjust to a series of new purposes, to reform not only you but the entirety of Heaven and Gaia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we continued our weekly reports. We are on the verge of a change that is to affect not only these reports but as well how you are to relate to a number of new developments. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for March

Galactic Federation of Light vs The Dark Cabals

For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF’s latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.


Topics include…

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members? 
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles? 
• Why can’t the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays? 
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals? 
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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Dr. Steven Greer


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Greetings from Galactic Heart…

I’m traveling and have experienced a lot of problems connecting to emails and internet. I will be back on Tuesday. I appreciate your patience.

Selamat Ja!

Selamat Ja! PDF E-book ~ ready for downloading

Inspired by your many heartfelt requests… We are now offering a special PDF E-book edition of Selamat Ja! Guide for Galactic Humans

Selamat Ja  E-Book Now Available Ad

Sheldan Nidle (author of the bestselling, “Your First Contact” and “Your Galactic Neighbors”) presents timely information on the formation of Planetary Activation Groups, nodes of consciousness in the fast-growing global web of Light that will promote the restoration of humanity to full consciousness. The Planetary Activation Organization is creating a global network of consciousness dedicated to developing the tools needed to bring about a fully-conscious society.

You will learn:

The role of the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO)
How to form Planetary Activation Groups (PAGs)

The significance of the global web of Light
The coming role for Galactic Adventure Centers

* The three easy-to-apply principles of Fluid Group DynamicsTM

The ascension shift that lies within reach is full of concerns clouded in uncertainty. This book helps to clarify these issues and shows you how to create a light network that is solution-focused and self-organizing and that points the way toward the restoration of your full consciousness.

To order Selamat Ja! PDF E-Book: Click Here


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