Forget Everything You’ve Been Told About Your Heart. Everything!
And Rediscover How to Heal, Empower & Enlighten Your Heart
Physically, Emotionally & Spiritually
FEB 25 – MAR 5, 2017
Join Us Feb. 25-Mar. 5, 2017 for inspiring insights from scientists, researchers, doctors, spiritual teachers and more, as we explore the role our heart play in all aspects of our lives.
In This Free Online Event You’ll Get Insights From …
Medical Experts
Learn from medical experts how to prevent and even reverse heart disease with natural medicine. They will share some insights that unfortunately even modern integrative and alternative medicine is rarely aware of.
Cutting-Edge Researchers
We present researchers that are leaders in their field and that will show you a picture of your heart you have never seen before: If you think your heart is a pump you are in for a big surprise. Your heart is so much more and we have just begun to discover it’s secrets.
Relationship Experts
Anger, fear, grief, loss, anxiety, depression and loneliness have a profound effect on your physical and emotional health. Discover how to heal and transform your relationships with your heart’s capacity for love and compassion.
Spiritual Teachers
Many of us have lost a deep connection to life and our own self. Discover how to connect and listen to the subtle voice of your heart again. And embark on a path to a life beyond your wildest dreams. Your heart is your compass to your soul-filment.
Forget Everything You’ve Been Told About Your Heart. Everything!
These researchers will present scientific facts about your heart that will free your consciousness from believes that limit far more than ‘just’ your health.

Aruni Bhatnagar, PhD, Prof.
The impact of our environment on heart health and the emerging field of environmental cardiology.

Shamini Jain, PhD
Bringing light to the relationship of our consciousness, it’s role in healing and what role our heart plays in all of this.

Sayer Ji
How online education about the power of natural medicine can help you emancipate you and your heart.

Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, Prof.
Important new findings regarding the physical and spiritual component of our hearts.

Jeffrey Long, MD
His decades of research shows what people experience in near death situations. Your heart will be changed forever …

James Maskell
Discover a movement that is changing doctors hearts about medicine & glimpse into the future of cardiology

Harrey Massey
How using the human biofield information for diagnosis and treatment will be part of the medicine of the future.

Rollin McCraty, PhD, HeartMath
His decades of research will show you a ‘new’ heart: a mind-bending organ, that will turn all you knew about life, heart & health upside down!

Dr Tom O’Bryan
Uncover the relationship between gluten and its damaging effects on the heart

Gerald Pollack, PhD
The ‘magic of water’ and how this could revolutionize our view of the heart supposed to be pump.

Beverly Rubik, PhD
The ‘strange’ effect of transplantation memory and a passionate advocacy to follow your heart.

Thornton Streeter
Specialized in the research of the Human Biofield he will explain the bioenergetic dimension of our hearts.

Akiko Stein
Carrying forth the ‘Masaru Emoto’ water crystals work that visualizes how our hearts affect matter.

Steven Stosny, PhD
Discover how compassion can transform resentment into soaring love.
Your Heart Is Literally The ‘Heart Of The Matter’
These speakers will open your consciousness to the central role our heart plays in every aspect of our lives. From before our first heartbeat to beyond our last.

Ameet Aggarwal, ND
Our Hearts and generational emotional entanglement. Is your heart connected and influenced by experiences of past generations?

Dr. Eben Alexander
A near death experience changed the worldview of science, consciousness heart and soul of this renowned neurosurgeon.

Razi Berry
Discover how self-sabotage leads to illness and the natural path that will heal your broken heart and transform your broken health.

Elaine Glass
Finding quiet and the purpose of your life. A journey to your heart and deeper self.

Niki Gratrix
How does trauma in our childhood affect our emotional and physical heart and how we can heal.

Peter Gray, PhD
The necessity of play for our children and how it affects our emotions and heart of life.

Lee Harris
Uncovering your hearts purpose & mission on Earth, and committing to being an change agent. Are you already on your heart’s path?

Madan Kataria, MD
The ‘Guru of Giggling’ will explain and show you the powerful benefits of laughter yoga for our heart and soul.

Jonathan Landsman
Your heart-health is directly related to your oral health. Learn how to take care of this important connection!

Julie McIntyre
Discover the link between our hearts, earth, emotional intimacy and sacred sex.

Michael Mendizza
The importance of the heart in early mother-child bonding and the role of heartful play for a healthy future of humanity.

Wendy Myers
The benefits of detoxification for your heart health and why ‘detox’ should be a lifestyle aspect and not a short term thing.

Deanna Minich, PhD
Discover the mysteries and magic of your heart chakra and how it will help you to life a full spectrum life driven by joy and dreams.

Dr. Sue Morter
What role do our hearts play in accessing higher frequency energy patterns to realize your life purpose and living it with grace.

Karen Newell
Accessing the inner wisdom of the heart with sound technology that can help us experience our higher selves and facilitate healing, greater creativity and intuition.

Joseph C. Pearce
About the Heart-Mind matrix and how our hearts can teach our minds new ways of thinking that will enable us to evolve.

Christina Rasmussen
Learn to restart your heart, soul and life after devastating loss and heartbreak from death, disease, betrayal.

Michael Sandler, Host of Inspire Nation
Discover how to access your inner resilience to overcome tragedy and adversity. Learn how to listen to and follow your heart to achieve personal success.

JP Sears
Coaching you to find yourself and the biggest version of yourself in life while embracing your shadow as well.

JJ Virgin
Learn about the miracle mindset when facing extremely challenging situations and JJ’s tips for staying strong and centered.
Discover how medical trailblazers see and
treat your heart
Treating heart disease without pills and surgery is just the beginning. Learn how to prevent heart problems and what these medical experts know that your doc might not know yet.

Alan Christianson, NMD
Discover the link between our heart and our adrenals and how to support better health through these biological pathways.

Drew Christensen, MD
Rather unusual and personal empathic view of a medical doctor on the heart and how to help people with heart problems.

Charley Cropley, ND
How your doctor could and should be a teacher in helping you to help yourself. Education as medicine.

Peter D’Adamo, ND
How to utilize knowledge about your blood type to take care of your heart health and also treat heart problems.

Paul Epstein, ND
How to not only the ‘cells’ of the body, but of the ‘self’ in the healing process with heart patients.

Dr Keesha Ewers
The wonderful benefits Ayurvedic and Mystic medicine holds for our hearts and bodies.

Joel Kahn, MD
Renew the strength of your heart & support clean arteries with excellent blood flow at any stage of heart disease.

Christoph Kaufmann, MD
A cardiologist explains Rudolf Steiners teachings about our hearts and the anthroposopical approach to heart treatments.

Laura Koniver, MD
How the simple practice of grounding, a re-connection with our beautiful planet can benefit our physical and energetic heart.

Thomas Kruzel, ND
The benefits of professional usage of homeopathic medicine in the growing field of naturopathic cardiology.

Ben Lynch, ND
The art and science of nutrigenomics (using nutrition to influence your genes) in prevention and treatment of heart disease.

Steven Masley, MD
What every patient and doctor should know about the cause and treatment of heart disease.

Tyna Moore, ND
The importance of strength training for our heart and overall health.

Michael Murray, ND
Ways we can take care of our hearts, prevent problems and even reverse heart disease with natural medicine.

Markus Peters, MD
German approaches to heart treatments that utilizes rarely used but highly efficient concepts of the heart.

Knut Sroka, MD
Your heart’s own natural bypasses & his alternative view of heart attacks that could help millions of heart patients.

Shawn Tassone, MD, PhD
Fascinating research and findings about non-local healing and prayer for heart care.

Decker Weiss, NMD, FAFSA
Naturopathic preventative cardiology: Experience from his treatments of over 40,000 heart patients.

Doni Wilson, ND
Stress & the Heart: Things you did not know about stress, emotional support and better heart health

Jack & Heather Wolfson, DO/DC
“The Paleo Cardiologist” approach to heart health, instead of the conventional Band-Aid fixes.
Have your hearts and minds inspired by these restless activists for more freedom and health.

Dr Wieland Debusmann
His heart attack 30 years ago led him to discover a nearly forgotten heart remedy that might have a big comeback very soon.

Ocean Robbins
The heart of a soul who was building movements to empower people with actionable insights from age of 16.
Ignite Your Heart & Soul With Spiritual, Religious, Ancient & Indigenous Wisdom
Learn how what your heart really is, far beyond pumping blood and how to re-connect to it’s mystical magic far beyond what words can explain.

David Freidel, PhD, Prof.
The Mayan culture’s fascinating concepts about the heart and it’s importance for our life.

Mingtong Gu
The Taoist perspective on the heart and how to take care of our heart health with QiGong and Chinese Medicine.

Kabir Helminski
The central focus of Sufism on the magic and mysteries of our hearts and how to experience divine truth beyond the mind.

Serge Kahili King, PhD
The traditional Hawaiian view of the heart and it’s relation to this world.

Ilarion Merculieff
Beautiful, playful & heartwarming teachings from an Aleut wisdom carrier, and how to find your heart with the help of gibberish