5 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep

Sleeping for at least 7 to 8 hours on a daily basis is highly essential to remain in the best of your health. However, with the changing lifestyles and dynamic work environments, a number of individuals complain about the lack of sleep.
Taking a sleeping pill is always an alternative, but it is not the right step forward. Some of us might be surprised to know that there are a number of effective natural remedies for better sleep. They include:
1. Regular intake of Calcium & Magnesium
Known as sleep boosters, both calcium, and magnesium when taken together can have drastic impacts on the sleeping patterns. The fact that magnesium cancels the possibility of any heart problem is a reason enough to include more of these in your diet. A recommended diet for the same would include 200 milligrams of magnesium coupled with 600 milligrams of calcium every night before you sleep.
2. Consuming Lettuce
Anxiety, muscle pain, headaches and joint pain are some of the reasons why you might not be sleeping right. However, consuming wild lettuce can take care of this problem. It is so effective in calming restlessness and further reducing any kind of anxiety that you might start feeling that it comes with some magical powers. On a serious note, adding 30 to 120 milligrams of these in your diet before you are off to sleep can take care of almost all the problems mentioned above. It even helps you to get rid of that irritating restless leg syndrome.
3. Including Hops
Yes, it is the same female flower that is used for making beer. If you are a beer fan, then you might already be knowing about it. Its extract has been used as a mild sedative for insomnia and anxiety over the ages. Consuming about 30 to 120 milligrams every night can definitely help you get a better sleep.
4. Try Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is quite a popular term and it is fast gaining acceptability. Usage of Lavender for this purpose can not only be a nontoxic way of sleeping better but is inexpensive as well. The market already offers lavender sprays that you would only need to spray over your pillow before you are off to sleep. You may even buy a lavender filled pillow for that matter.
5. Meditate or practice Yoga
Yoga and meditation seem to have divine powers to rejuvenate your senses and make you feel fresh from within. Besides adding the extra bit of energy in your body, some asana has the potential to take care of your sleep. Hence, try some gentle yoga and stretching, but yes never try out an ashtanga yoga or other vigorous forms. Simple yoga stretches on your bed coupled with simple meditation for 5 to 10 minutes every night can work wonders for your sleep. The only thing to concentrate while doing so is on your breathing.
There are definitely a number of other natural remedies that can help you in getting the desired amount of sleep each day. The above recommendations are among the simplest to follow on a day to day basis.
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