A Hathor Planetary Message |
A Stream from the Higher Worlds
In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind. In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called“A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity. As your world enters an ever-larger Chaotic Node there is a corresponding increase in hostility and antagonism. Indeed, this emotional toxicity is so pervasive it can affect even the most spiritually advanced among you. Before we get to the instructions on how to use this meditation, we would like to address a very important but complex concept. For the sake of brevity, we will do so in as short a space as possible. Dimensional Tendencies Whenever you enter a strong emotional response and its corresponding thought forms you have entered a specific dimension of consciousness. This is a vibratory field of energy that exists independently of you and is co-created by all sentient beings who are experiencing the same emotions and thought forms—including yourself. Let us take two emotions as an example: anger and hatred. From our perspective your collective is experiencing an extreme polarization. If you experience anger at something that has occurred (as you perceive it), the neurochemical reality of your body changes. If this anger response escalates into hatred then you have entered a very toxic dimensional reality, and due to the nature of the interconnectedness of dimensional realities you will be sharing the same energetic with all beings who are in the same energetic and emotion. We want to be very precise in how we address this. There is nothing wrong with anger. Indeed, at times anger is the correct response to a situation. It sets a needed boundary. When, however, anger escalates into hatred it becomes a toxic poison to your psycho-spiritual nature. By the term Dimensional Tendencies, we mean that all human beings (and many animals as well) have perceptual and emotional habits that are deeply ingrained—thus the term Tendency. The challenge with Dimensional Tendencies is that they can color your life with thought forms and emotional responses that are not of your conscious creation, but rather they are driven by forces (i.e., habits) in your unconscious mind. Some Dimensional Tendencies—such as the tendency to loving kindness, compassion and self-love—are positive in their effects. We will have more to say about this in future messages, but we wish to focus, now, on the negative impact of Dimensional Tendencies so that you can be aware of these in yourself. Dimensional Tendencies are also meme-like and in that sense they can be contagious. If someone is caught up in hatred, for example, anyone with a Dimensional Tendency to hatred—whatever the reason might be—will be prone to be stirred by hatred as well. From our perspective your world has become venomous and is overflowing with emotional and spiritual toxicity. The purpose of this sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds, is to assist you in a most vital task as we view it, which is to purify yourself of your own deeply held emotional and spiritual toxicity. These impressions come to you from every negative experience of your life (as well as all other lifetimes). The culminated history of your life/lives is encoded into the cellular memory of your body and mind and/or your energy field. This sound meditation utilizes the sound of a stream as well as sound codes that we (the Hathors) generated from the realms of light and the voice of Mary Magdalen, who also brings forth sound codes she has created from the realms of light. This orchestration of these elements to gently and profoundly release deeply held psycho-spiritual and emotional toxicity was created to assist you. This meditation has two aspects, the personal and the collective. We wish to address the personal use first. How to Work with This Sound Meditation There are two ways of working with this sound meditation: passively or actively. The passive method is for when you are too exhausted to focus your attention. In this instance you simply listen to the sounds and the music, letting it take you wherever. The active form of listening is the most powerful way to work with this meditation. Imagine that there is a diamond at your crown, at the top of your head. You do not have to see this; just imagine it in whatever ways seem natural to you. As you hear the sound of the stream, sense, feel and imagine a crystal clear stream of liquid white light entering your body from the diamond at the crown of your head. Allow this stream of light to flow downward from your head through your entire body, allowing the stream to exit from the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. Imagine that this stream of light is flowing through every organ of your body, every cell and tissue, even through the very atoms that comprise your body. You may find it helpful to relax into your exhales, letting each exhale be more relaxed than the one before it. The central idea is to relax into the stream and the sound codes. They will do the work. You just relax and give the stream and sounds permission to move through ever-deeper levels of your being. The meditation itself is 8 minutes 44 seconds in length. If you have the space and time to do so, you could listen to it multiple times, back-to-back for deeper purification, release and healing. Working with this sound meditation on a regular basis will assist you, especially if you alternate it with the Aetherium that we gave earlier. Using this Meditation to Benefit the Collective For those of you who feel aligned with imparting to the collective a calming purifying energy field, we invite you to use this meditation not only for yourself but also for the elevation of all humanity and for the benefit of all sentient beings—since all sentient beings experience benefit or harm from human emotions and thought forms. The use of this meditation for the collective is not a substitute for working with it for yourself. This is because you cannot give what you do not have. You must maintain some level of calmness and clarity without toxic elements if you are to serve the collective this way. Having said that here are the instructions for the use of this meditation for the benefit of the collective consciousness. Imagine the Earth in front of you in whatever ways feel natural. The perspective may be that you are close or at a great distance. It does not matter. Imagine that a large diamond sits at the North Pole. As the sound of the stream begins, allow a stream of clear white light to descend from the diamond through the central axis of the Earth, flowing through and out the South Pole. Allow the stream and the sound codes to move outward throughout the entire planet imparting a calming and purifying effect. After you have completed the meditation, either for yourself or for the world, we suggest you rest for a few minutes, if possible, in order to let the subtle energetics settle into your body and mind. This will have very beneficial effects. So our suggestion is not to rush out of the meditation too quickly. The World Sound Meditation We are calling for a world sound meditation using A Stream from the Higher Worlds as a means to introduce into the collective a calming and purifying effect as a direct antidote to the venomous psycho-spiritual toxicity that is moving like a plague on your planet. The nexus point of this mediation will be in New York on October 2 at an event called The Inner Streams: Worlds of Healing. The group that will have gathered for this one-day event will spend the last thirty minutes in the World Meditation we described above. During this sound meditation an extended version of A Stream from the Higher Worlds will be played, and we (the Hathors) will alternate with Mary Magdalen to sing on top of these sound codes. This triad of sonic and psychic forces will strike the energetic of calm planetary purification and healing. The reason Mary Magdalen has joined us in this is due to a simple and compelling fact. The domination and subservience of women must come to an end. The feminine must be raised in balance to the masculine. The alchemical iconographic symbolism of the full Moon must be in balance to the Sun. This refers to the internal symbolism of the psyche and not to astronomical objects. The energetic of this first striking will last for twenty-four hours. This means you can fully participate in the first energetic anytime within the first twenty-four-hour period from wherever you are. The second harmonic will last for forty days. If you feel the deep calling to serve the higher good in this way (and have the fortitude to do so) we would ask that you engage the world meditation, whenever possible within your schedule, in that forty-day period. Do not forget, however, in this forty-day period to engage this meditation for yourself first. In other words, clear yourself before you engage this meditation for the world. The third striking is for those of you who are Adepts and Initiates or for those of you who are on the threshold of becoming one. You will know and sense through the power of gnosis (direct knowing) when it would be advantageous for you to engage the World Meditation. For some of you this action will continue for many months or years. More details about the timing of the World Meditation are given below, including a link to the sound meditation itself. We hold within the highest realms of our being, which includes theAethos—the non-dual realms of our collective realization—and within the realms of our deepest hearts that this action will benefit you and all living beings upon your planet. We bow to you, the co-creators of your destiny. May the light of your own higher realizations illuminate your way. Tom’s Thoughts and Observations I think the Hathors’ instructions on how to work with this unusual sound meditation are clear and straightforward. Having listened to it multiple times now, I think it is more effective if you make it the sole focus of your attention. Avoid the temptation to multitask on this one! I have also found that listening to this sonic piece multiple times, in one listening session, takes it to much deeper levels of cleansing and purification. One of the paradoxes of this sound mediation is that although its purification can be quite deep, it does so in a deeply relaxing and nurturing manner. When I was first approached by the Hathors to bring forward this sound meditation so close to their release of The Aetherium, I balked a bit. But then they informed me that it would be a synergetic co-creation between them and Mary Magdalen. Intrigued, I asked for more details and was told that the purpose of A Stream from the Higher Worlds was to gently cleanse and purify the body/mind from deeply held toxicity and emotional negativity by imparting unique energetics from the “higher realms of light.” They also told me that Magdalen would direct the recording process. As far as the recording itself is concerned…the stream in the background was recorded at a remote location on Orcas Island where I often experience nature spirits. The main voice you hear is that of Magdalen, while the surrounding voices are those of the Hathors. The core of this evolutionary catalyst is actually from a short sound meditation that was recorded during The Spiral of Ascension workshop in 2015. For me this fascinating weaving of sound creates openings in my energy field for higher dimensional energies that are both purifying and healing. While I found the meditation to be truly profound, I was stupefied by the Hathors’ and Magdalen’s request to call for a World Sound Meditation during the one-day event on October 2nd at Symphony Space in New York City titled Inner Streams: Worlds of Healing. When I chose to create this event—many months ago—I felt there would be some very potent and healing energies released for the benefit of those who attended the New York workshop. But I never ever imagined that the Hathors would ask to add their energy to this event, much less M (as I refer to Magdalen), or for their combined energetic to be extended to the world. Upon further dialogue, it became clear that both the Hathors and M are of the opinion that our world is so wracked with negativity and hostility, we are on the verge of self-destruction. They are thus joining forces—so to speak—to introduce a purifying and healing energetic into the human collective. This is being done for the benefit of all sentient beings on Earth, not just human. It is not an energy that is to be imposed upon humanity, rather it is an energetic of purification, release and healing that all persons can draw upon. I consider this to be a very important aspect of the World Sound Meditation. As in past global meditations directed by the Hathors, nothing is being imposed on the collective or on any individual. Rather a field of purifying and healing energy is being emanated throughout the world. All beings are free to draw this beneficial energetic into themselves or not. In their message the Hathors addressed M’s participation in this highly unusual sound meditation, but I would like to add a few things to the mix. Many of the problems our world is facing are a direct result of the patriarchy and its domination of the feminine in all levels of existence—from the economic and social treatment of women to their perceived inferiority in many (if not most) of the world’s major religions and spiritual traditions. At a symbolic level the Earth is our Mother, and as a collective, humanity is raping her. Our oceans are increasingly toxic and the very fabric of our ecosystem is on the verge of collapse as reported by a growing number of the world’s ecological scientists. While many of the physical challenges to the continuation of life upon our planet are driven by physical processes created by mankind, there is a subtler force at work here. I would call it the philosophical/religious and symbolic devaluing of the feminine principle in all its many forms. It is not, however, just the biological expression of the feminine that is so devalued and in some cases outwardly attacked. The internal and psychological expressions of the feminine are also suspect in our current patriarchal worldview. By this I am referring to the feminine part of our human psychology, which Carl Jung referred to as theanima. The anima (internal feminine) dwells in both women and men, just as the internal male, or animus, also lives in every man and woman. These are dynamic forces that affect our choice-makingas humans in very real ways. In my opinion, until the internal anima and animus are brought into balance within our human psychology we will continue to make unbalanced choices that disregard or denigrate the feminine aspect. This antagonism against both the outer and inner feminine affects us as well as other life forms in perilous ways. Both women and the planet are suffering from our cultural over-emphasis of the animus (male principle), which is firmly rooted in our dominant philosophies, religions and socio-economic systems. But it is not just women who suffer from this imbalance. Men also suffer because we are denied a whole range of human potentials such as depth of feelings and intuitive knowledge. For those readers unfamiliar with “the” Mary Magdalen that will be adding her spiritual weight to the upcoming World Sound Meditation, I suggest you take a look at the Mary Magdalen Section of our website to get a feel for who this powerful feminine presence is. This Magdalen is not the prostitute of the New Testament that many Christians believe her to be. If you are interested in more details about the ecological crisis facing our planet as well as some fascinating information about the ascension process in relation to what are called “operations of increasing order” go to the Articles section and click on The Spiral of Ascension—Class Handouts. Returning to the sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worldsis a subtle weaving of potent energetics for personal purification and healing, but it is also for the human collective when engaged with that purpose in mind. Instructions for The World Sound Meditation on October 2nd2016 The World Sound Mediation will begin on October 2nd 2016 at 8:00PM EDST or at Midnight between October 2nd and 3rd GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). (Check the World Time Clock to determine the exact time in your area.) The group in New York will be in meditation for 30 minutes. During this period, an extended version of A Stream from the Higher Worlds will be played as I channel sounds from the Hathors and Magdalen. The energetic from New York will move quickly throughout the planet, and it will last for twenty-four hours, which means you do not have to meditate with the gathering in New York when we engage the global mediation. You can do it anytime within this twenty-four-hour period and still fully participate in its intended outcome, which is to introduce a gentle, purifying and healing energetic into the human collective. If you choose to join the World Sound Meditation during this twenty-four-hour window, I suggest you listen to it twice for yourself according to the instructions given by the Hathors under the section sub-titled How to Work with this Meditation. Then listen to it two times for the collective—as directed by the Hathors above, in the section titled Using this Meditation to Benefit the Collective. After you have gone through the meditation four times—two for yourself and two for the world—rest for a few minutes (or longer if you have the time) to let the subtle energetics settle into your body/mind. Please do not listen to the meditation from our website but download it onto your computer. At the level of consciousness where the World Sound Meditation unfolds, there is no separation between us in time or space, so you can fully participate wherever you live or whatever your individual circumstances may be. As you engage the sound mediation, you will enter a sphere of being that transcends the limitations of our embodied existence. For those of you who will be joining us in this World Sound Meditation from afar, I extend to you my deepest appreciation and acknowledgement. Finally, I think I should mention an important aspect of this rare occurrence. As some of you who have worked with me know, I often get a sense of the energetic before an event takes place. Based upon my psychic perceptions of this gathering in New York on October 2, I feel that when the Hathors and Magdalen conjoin their energies, both during the event and the World Sound Meditation, they will release a potent energy-field that will be a profound and life-changing experience for those who are physically in the room. In other words, if you have the space and resources to get to this event in New York, I would seriously consider it. For more information about the event, click here or go to the Calendar at www.tomkenyon.com Click here to listen to and/or download A Stream from the Higher Worlds. You will then be taken to the Listening Agreement page. After agreeing to the terms of usage, you will have complete access to all of the audio files in the Listening section for your personal use only. ©2016 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved www.tomkenyon.com |
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Quan Yin ~ Reclaim your Sovereignty
We come to you today to talk about an important subject. It is the understanding of your true power and the changing of your perception. We understand that this process has been difficult and many of you have toiled on for years. What you must know deep within your being is that there is no longer anything holding you back from achieving the peace within yourself that you so desperately crave. It is you who must now change all that you have come to know and believe.
The awakening process is not an easy one as each of you have had to come to the realization that life was not what it seemed. It is as if you have come out of a fog to realize that all is not what you believed. You looked around at your world and mourned for the people, the animals, and the earth. You were shocked to discover that mankind has gone so far out of balance that money controls all. You were shocked to learn that your food, air and water have been tampered with by the very people that you believed would protect you. You have mourned and raged and even become fearful. You desperately have wanted change and often feel mislead because you are unable to see the change reflected in the outer world. It has left you feeling helpless and miserable. These emotions are part of the process, but ones that must be left behind now.
It is time for each of you to reclaim your sovereignty, your power, your creation. Each of you are able to hold more light than you ever have before. This is an important distinction because this light from source that illuminates your being is your power. Understand that this light from source is your soul. You are not separate from source, you never have been and it was only the illusion that led you to believe so. This illusion has served you well, your soul was able to participate in learning that cannot be achieved anywhere else in the mulitverse. Many of you have spent countless lifetimes on earth submerged in the veil of forgetfulness, exploring all the aspects of duality and all of what you are and what you are not. You have learned well from these experiences. That time has now come to an end, it is now time to come back home within yourself.
The work that you have done to clear out the negativity and veils has created space for your light, your soul, to reside ever more fully within you. It is important for you to realize the deep changes that have taken place within you. Now it is time to take full responsibility for the light you now hold. It is now in your reach to completely change the hologram that you have created. You can now shift all things around you by merely shining your light onto whatever is in your view. Instead of railing against what you fell you can not change, instead now see all things in their highest potential light and allow them to change in reaction. The things and people in your life that are unable to rise up to the highest possible light in which you hold them will move from your field until they are ready to do so. However, many will rise to the occasion and begin their own transformations. When you freely extend your light to all without judgement or expectation you provide space for miracles to occur. There are many stories of mystics and healers throughout your world that have performed miraculous healings. It is not that these beings healed another, it is that they saw each person as whole and healed and this alone allowed for the miracles to take place. Each of you have this ability. It is simply unconditional love in action. See all as the perfect example of themselves and see how much changes within them and in your reality as a whole.
Through this process you learned how important your thoughts are on your reality. It is not each individual thought that changes the frequency in which you create your reality, but the predominate emotions created by your thoughts. It is for this reason, that we have talked so much about the need to have joy in your life. The word joy to so many is an unobtainable concept. Yet, we ask you to look at your life and times in which you have laughed, relaxed, been in awe, or even felt simple contentment. This is joy. When you break it down into moments, you will find that you have indeed felt joy many times in your life and in those moments you experienced a shift within. This shift is you moving into a frequency that brings more joyous occasions to you like a magnet.
You are powerful beyond measure but it is you who must believe you are so. It is you who can shift all that is taking place in your life by simply focusing on what brings you joy. Each of your contributions are needed within the collective. Each of you that stands empowered will help to alter the course for all. It is time to be the master of your own reality.
With Love and respect,
Quan Yin
Conversation with Quan Yin:
Me: When you were talking about fact that there is nothing standing in our way of walking fully empowered, all I pictured was an elephant held in place by a chain. The chain was used when the elephant was a small baby and was too little to break free. Even though the elephant grew, it didn’t realize that the chain couldn’t hold it anymore and didn’t resist.
Quan Yin: Yes the elephant was conditioned to believe it was powerless to change its fate. This can be likened to the human who through the veils of forgetfulness was conditioned to believe that they were powerless to change their direct reality. It is this conditioning we are asking all to see through.
Me: I have a client who goes into a grocery store and sees the fruits and vegetables as whole and perfect, blesses them, and with her intention knows that the will be healthy to those who eat them regardless of organic/nonorganic and gmo/non gmo.
Quan Yin: That is it exactly. It is understanding that you can alter the frequency of all, your foods, your water, and your air and those around you just by simply holding them in the highest light. The more light you are able to hold within your being, the higher of frequency you will be able to transmute.
Me: The concept of being joy is a hard one. When I was first awakening I was so anxious, scared, angry and felt powerless. I couldn’t get how people could run around as if nothing was wrong. I even found myself begrudging football fans as being asleep fools. Didn’t they understand that the sky was falling? What I have come to understand now is those football fans were enjoying themselves. They were gathering with friends and celebrating life while it was I who was negative and unhappy. In those moments of fun, it was they who were holding more light. Watching the Olympics now I can see how much my thoughts have shifted. I see the competitors as people experiencing this life just as they wanted too and in their own way are breaking limits.
Quan Yin: (laughing) It is quite a change isn’t it? You see you are now able to honor each person’s path, each person’s contribution and are seeing that it is perfect for them. With the ability to experience many lives and realities why wouldn’t you choose to experience all that you can?
It is important for each person to see what definitions and restrictions they have placed around the term joy. I prefer to think of Joy as the state of being present, open and in awe.
Me: The vasovagal nerve is being activated for many right now. They are experiencing headaches, neck aches, heart palpitations and stomach aches. I understand that this also correlates to the Well of Dreams Chakra at the back of the head.
Quan Yin: Your entire brain is being changed by the energies. No longer will you be left of right brained but you will have the ability to access all parts. This also correlates with the Divine masculine and feminine. These too will come into balance within each person. As the chakra at the base of your skull is activated it will allow for greater access to the unseen realms. As this opens, it also may release pent up fears and anxiety may be increased until it is fully balanced and functional.
Me: What can people do to alleviate this anxiety?
Quan Yin: Observe what is coming up and see where the cause lies. For some things you will be called to action, to change what brings forth the fearful reaction. For others you will find that they are irrational and have little to do with your present situation. Maintaining present focus and assessing your current situation in each moment will help you to realize that most anxiety is created by projecting into a reality that does not exist yet. This is why breathing is essential to move through anxiety. It allows you to be present in the body and helps alter your perspective.
In receiving this channeling there was an air of urgency of great importance. I asked her about it and she said that decisions were being made on an individual soul level that would affect the collective consciousness as a whole. I didn’t press her further but prior to publishing I saw an article posted by Sandra Walter that really helped me to understand the urgency. I’ve attached a link so that you can read it as well. http://www.sandrawalter.com/preparing-for-the-third-wave-and-timeline-shift/
Max Loughan is an inspiring young man with a big vision. “As cheesy as this sounds, from day one on this planet, I knew I was put here for a reason. And that reason is to invent and to bring the future.”
“My true goal is to help. It is to invent a future where people can be happy, where they can be safe and sound.”
This unusual 13 year old has invented a free Tesla inspired energy device, using a coffee tin, spoon and some wire, which he says cost him 15 bucks.
His eloquent theories on God, the universe, the Bible, and physics, are sure to touch your heart and mind.

What we perceive as our physical material world, is really not physical or material at all, in fact, it is far from it. This has been proven time and time again by multiple Nobel Prize (among many other scientists around the world) winning physicists, one of them being Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory.
“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr
At the turn of the nineteenth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy.
“Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)
Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Therefore, if we really want to observe ourselves and find out what we are, we are really beings of energy and vibration, radiating our own unique energy signature -this is fact and is what quantum physics has shown us time and time again. We are much more than what we perceive ourselves to be, and it’s time we begin to see ourselves in that light. If you observed the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.
“Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual” (1) – Richard Conn Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University (quote taken from “the mental universe)
It’s quite the conundrum, isn’t it? Our experience tells us that our reality is made up of physical material things, and that our world is an independently existing objective one. The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, suggested by Newtonian physics, and instead comes from a holistic entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, among others. (0)
The Role of Consciousness in Quantum Mechanics
What does it mean that our physical material reality isn’t really physical at all? It could mean a number of things, and concepts such as this cannot be explored if scientists remain within the boundaries of the only perceived world existing, the world we see. As Nikola Tesla supposedly said:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Fortunately, many scientists have already taken the leap, and have already questioned the meaning and implications of what we’ve discovered with quantum physics. One of these potential revelations is that “the observer creates the reality.”
A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)
One great example that illustrates the role of consciousness within the physical material world (which we know not to be so physical) is the double slit experiment. This experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. (2)
A double-slit optical system was used to test the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wave-function. The ratio of the interference pattern’s double-slit spectral power to its single-slit spectral power was predicted to decrease when attention was focused toward the double-slit as compared to away from it. The study found that factors associated with consciousness, such as meditation, experience, electrocortical markers of focused attention and psychological factors such as openness and absorption, significantly correlated in predicted ways with perturbations in the double-slit interference pattern.(2)
This is just the beginning. I wrote another article earlier this year that has much more, sourced information with regards to the role of consciousness and our physical material world:
10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World.
What’s The Significance?
The significance of this information is for us to wake up, and realize that we are all energy, radiating our own unique energy signature. Feelings, thoughts and emotions play a vital role, quantum physics helps us see the significance of how we all feel. If all of us are in a peaceful loving state inside, it will no doubt impact the external world around us, and influence how others feel as well.
“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.
Studies have shown that positive emotions and operating from a place of peace within oneself can lead to a very different experience for the person emitting those emotions and for those around them. At our subatomic level, does the vibrational frequency change the manifestation of physical reality? If so, in what way? We know that when an atom changes its state, it absorbs or emits electromagnetic frequencies, which are responsible for changing its state. Do different states of emotion, perception and feelings result in different electromagnetic frequencies? Yes! This has been proven. (3)
HERE is a great video that touches on what I am trying to get across here. We are all connected.
“Space is just a construct that gives the illusion that there are separate objects” Dr. Quantum (source)
(1) http://henry.pha.jhu.edu/The.mental.Universe.pdf
(2) http://media.noetic.org/uploads/files/PhysicsEssays-Radin-DoubleSlit-2012.pdf
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