Monatsarchive: März 2016

Udo GrubeLiebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

es ist großartig, dass der Film Emotion eine so hohe Resonanz erhält und immer mehr Menschen begeistert. Es trafen viele Anfragen, nach einer Umsetzungsmethode bei uns ein, so dass wir das Praxisbuch zum Film Emotion näher für Dich beleuchtet haben.

EmotionsCode – Das Praxisbuch zum Film Emotion

Mit seinem Buch EmotionsCode ist es Dr. Bradley Nelson gelungen seine wirksame Selbsthilfe-Methode verständlich, praxisnah und auf leichte Art und Weise zu transportieren. Übersetzt wurde das Buch von Frau Dr. Hufnagel, die uns für diesen Beitrag einige Fragen zur Anwendung und Wirkung der EmotionsCode-Methode beantwortete.
Mehr Infos findest du hier: Der EmotionsCode – Das Praxisbuch zum Film „Emotion“

Zum Staunen hat uns eine neuartige, übersinnliche Dokumentation gebracht.

„Die Übersinnlichen“ von und mit Thomas Schmelzer, Moderator und Experte der ganzheitlichen Szene. Im Dokumentarfilm „Die Übersinnlichen“ besucht Thomas Schmelzer einige der bekanntesten Medien und Experten zum Thema und lässt uns Zuschauer hautnah an seinen Erlebnissen und Erkenntnissen teilhaben. Haben wir vielleicht alle den „sechsten Sinn“ und wissen es nicht? Dieser neuartige Dokumentarfilm hat uns bewegt, inspiriert und staunen lassen. Infos zum Film & Trailer findest Du hier:Die Übersinnlichen – Der große Film über Medialität

Eine Spende macht es möglich – Spannende Vorträge ab 4,99 Euro

Aufgrund einer großzügigen Spende, für die wir uns von Herzen bedanken, können wir einige unserer Produkte sehr günstig anbieten: Ab sofort findest Du diese hier im Shop unter Angebote ab 4,99 Euro. Schau mal rein, vielleicht ist ja etwas für dich dabei.

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March 6-13, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The transformations continue as every cell in your body is upgraded and recalibrated. With this activity, your emotions also come up for review and acknowledgement as former frustrations and injustices that occurred in the past can be front and center in your focus during these times. It is important to find a new way to look at these unresolved issues in your lives. Ask your spiritual guides to show you a more enlightened way of looking at these situations from the higher perspective. It is time to consider viewpoints that are more in alignment with the higher version of yourselves that you are now entering into and aligning with them.

Know that distractions continue to take center stage in all facets of human life. At the same time, there are a lot of changes that are being contemplated and implemented. New rules are being written and applied. The wheels of progress turn slowly but inexorably and will continue to make improvements in all facets of human existence. There are a lot of creative and wonderful ideas being brought forward by the progressive thinkers of these times. Every day brings new revelations that keep people engaged in the continuing dramas that are unfolding at the same time as these wonderful new beginnings unfold.

Humanity is being exposed to the good, the bad, and the ugly and is daily being challenged to love it all into wholeness. It behooves each soul to maintain their integrity and high standards of conduct while watching others on the world scene show the evidence of the breakdown of the accepted norms of human interactions in current society. Employing the practice of constantly blessing all people and situations that tax one’s patience is a wonderful way to work on attaining your mastery over the denser vibrations that are rampant upon worldly affairs during these transformational times.

Love in all its expressions continues to provide the answers to the many perplexing challenges besetting humanity. We maintain that for every low vibrational act, there are at least a dozen that come from a place of love and the desire for peace and good will. The majority of humanity, in their heart of hearts, wants a world of harmonious and respectful solutions to the challenges that all of humanity is facing in their daily lives.

Continue to be the loving, aware and compassionate individuals who uphold the higher vision for your world. It is your love that enables the coming forth of higher solutions and resolutions. Those who participated in the focus for peace in Syria with James Twyman are now seeing a ceasefire in that area. It is a powerful and wonderful example of the power of people united and what they can accomplish. You are being strongly encouraged to add your energy and focus in the upcoming Planetary Heart Meditation on March 11th, 12th and 13th. You, in unity with millions of others, CAN love the world back to wholeness. Let us do this together!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Total Energy Clearing 

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

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Im Schnitt ist alle vier Tage eine Kampagne auf in Deutschland erfolgreich. Immer wieder zeigen Menschen, dass Online-Petitionen etwas bewirken können.

Klaus Pawletko vom Freunde alter Menschen e.V. zum Beispiel sammelte Unterschriften gegen die Kündigung einer Demenz-WG in Berlin-Steglitz. Der demenzkranken Käthe (94) und Ihren ebenfalls an Demenz erkrankten Mitbewohnern drohte nämlich der Rauswurf.

In unserem Video-Interview erzählt Klaus Pawletko davon, wie er das mithilfe seiner erfolgreich verhindern konnte. Schauen Sie mal rein!


Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin,

Ihr Deutschland-Team


Möchten Sie etwas verändern?
Starten Sie eine Petition.

…also see below the videos with Dr. Masaru Emoto

Let’s appreciate the Water of the World!

Join us as we Bless The Water

On the coming Equinox, Saturday March 19th, as part of World Water Day, we invite you to join us and hundreds of other events around the Planet
in a Global Synchronized Meditation and Water Blessing.

At 5pm Pacific/ 12am GMT the #BlessTheWater campaign will culminate in a global event anchored on the the banks of the Ganges River in Rishikesh, India and the free online premiere of the new UPLIFT film,
‘Water is Sacred’

Watch the “Bless The Water” Trailer



“The greatest difficulty is the mental resistance to things that arise, and the underlying assumption that they should not.”

Eckhart Tolle

Announcing the Launch of World Peace Youth
Imagine witnessing history in the making. Join in live video discussions with youth from around the world who are sure to be our future world peace leaders. Hear their ideas on how to make the world a more peaceful place for all of us.
These young Ambassadors of Peace are not only our future,
They are our present.
Creating a Visible Change

We invite you to join us on April 30th for our first live video webcast with youth panelist from around the world who will discuss The Fuji Declaration and share their views of world peace and how they are making a viable difference in the world today.
Learn more about our International Speakers

World Peace Youth is a joint partnership between Living Peace and Peace Pals International.  Together, creating a platform where International youth commune to share ideas and experiences through live video.

visit: to learn more.
Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.
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The World Peace Sanctuary, 26 Benton Road, Wassaic, NY 12592
Dr. Greer’s relationship to Clinton, Podesta and release of UFO files
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Podesta and Hillary
LAS VEGAS.   This is the story as reported:
Several U.S. presidents are on the record, talking about the UFO mystery. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan say they had UFO sightings of their own, but the current presidential campaign might be the first in which UFO disclosure has been championed by a major party candidate.
During a recent campaign stop in Las Vegas, the campaign manager for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told Politics NOW co-host Steve Sebelius that Clinton will try to get to the bottom of the UFO question.
John Podesta has always been a strong advocate for declassification of government files in general and UFO files in particular.
“I think the American people can handle the truth about this,” he said.
As White House Chief of Staff for former President Bill Clinton, Podesta helped declassify hundreds of millions of documents. If there were UFO secrets being held somewhere, however, they eluded even the president.
Podesta returned to the White House as a special advisor to President Barack Obama. On the day he left the job, he sent out a Tweet saying his biggest disappointment was the failure to find and uncover the UFO files.
These days, Podesta has the ear of another potential president; he’s running the campaign for Hillary Clinton. He made it clear to Sebelius that the UFO question has been discussed.
Here is what was left out!
1) It was Podesta who delivered Dr. Greer’s Presidential briefing to President Obama.   Click here for cover letter.  The most cogent and comprehensive summary of the ET/UFO/New Energy issue you will ever read.
2) It was Dr. Greer’s Project Starlight that gave information to Laurance Rockefeller to share with the Clinton’s.  From files of the Clinton library.
Podesta and Bill Clinton
If you want the full story about the Disclosure movement watch : The Hidden History of Disclosure.
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Sirius Technology Advanced Research LLC – PO Box 265 Crozet, VA 22932
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“We are here and this is the true calling-
To answer to the small still voice within, and lay it down, wherever we are.”
~ Marianne Williamson

At the Parliament of World Religions, Marianne Williamson shared a powerfully inclusive and universal speech. In it, she reminded us that the same small voice that is within each of us- encouraging us, guiding us- is the same small voice that has led great leaders throughout time to help serve and transform our world.  We hope that you find a time today to tune into whatever life-giving practice you have. Our question for you is: ‘What is that small still voice within you speaking to you, right now?’
Soon, in just a few days, on March 8th, International Women’s Day, we will be making history. Already, thousands of women from over 40 countries have listened to that voice within, that inner knowing, reminding us of a simple truth:
As we transform ourselves, we transform our planet. 
These women have joined with us to embody the Global Sisterhood movement, through facilitating and attending a wave of synchronized women’s circles at 7pm Local Time March 8th. We  invite you to listen to that small still voice within- and if you are inspired- join us, too.

To our sisters, daughters, mothers, friends- all the women of the world:
We invite you in the following ways to join us in celebrating women and unifying the Global Sisterhood:

  1. Facilitate a women’s circle in your community. Our Global Sisterhood team at UNIFY will provide you all the resources and support you need. Sign up to facilitate by clicking here.
  2. Find a women’s circle in your community. Check the map here.
  3. If you will not have the opportunity to attend a circle, you can still tune in live on March 8th Sign up for the telecast with Women Network. Sign for up the telecast, featuring Michelle Patterson, CEO of Women Network, and Gabrielle Bernstein, by clicking here.

To our brothers, sons, fathers, and friends- all the men of the world: We invite your love and support, too.

  1. Sign up on our Men Supporting the Global Sisterhood list and we’ll share ideas on how to support and uplift the global sisterhood and women in your life. Sign up by clicking here.
Check out Marianne Williamson’s full speech here.
As always, we are honored to be on this journey with you.

Jess and your UNIFY Team

UNIFY’s mission is to galvanize the peace movement through global synchronized meditation and social action events.

Want to learn more? Click here.
UNIFY is a 501c3.

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GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

As always, I loved this blog from Suzanne Lie. Lately I’ve been lucid dreaming more but still upon awakening the messages are illusive. I’ll incorporate the suggestions the Arcturians shared in this posting. Exciting times. Through meditation and lucid dreaming we become more of our True Selves.



NOW Ready for downloading…

Andromedans~Galactic Masters Of Spiritual Science

Webinar 70 Preview: Andromedans’ Origins

During this Webinar Sheldan explains how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.


Topics include…

• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy

To order Webinar 70 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


Meeting In Dreamtime ~ The Arcturians

From Suzanne Lie

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More and more of you are awakening with vivid, yet quickly disappearing, messages from your nightly meetings in dreamtime. These meetings are very real, but as soon as you awaken from your fourth dimensional dreamtime, your third dimensional self will quickly forget them.

Therefore, we advise that you keep a writing pad or means of documentation next to your bed so that as you awaken you can document these inter-dimensional meetings.

You must document these inner meetings almost immediately upon awakening, as your third dimensional brain is not yet trained to store this frequency of information and will quickly forget the meeting that was initially very vivid and “real.”

We say “real”, meaning that when you first awaken, and/or slightly before you awaken, your third dimensional brain is able to store these messages not as a “dream,” but as a “real” experience. Remember, your third dimensional brain is programmed to only perceive physical encounters as “real.”

Hence, any experiences that occur within your fourth dimensional, alpha-wave consciousness are considered by your 3D brain to be “a dream” or “just your imagination.” Fortunately, your own multidimensional consciousness, which is NOW interfacing with your physical brain, will remind you that, “everything you perceive is real.”

However, it may not resonate to the frequency of the third-dimensional, physical world. Your meditations are real. Your daydreams are real. Your night dreams are real, and your imagination is real.

You are NOW being called on to activate your entire physical body. By that we mean, you are being called upon to bring your “whole brain thinking,” your dreams, day-dreams, and your power of imagination, online with your third dimensional brain.

You may think that this information would be overwhelming, but please remember that you have been “brainwashed” over myriad incarnations on Earth to believe that your perceptions were only real if they resonated to the frequency of the third dimension.


Your perceptions were also considered “real” if they were “OK’d” by the 3D consensus reality. This primitive use of the wonderful interface system of your physical brain began when you were “brainwashed” during your lives in the later days of Atlantis.

This brainwashing continued then during the long, dark ages, and even into your “modern” world. The myriad churches that were actually run by the Illuminati, as well as the many forms of brainwashing that given to you via your modern “commercials” has been very affective.

These “commercials,” which inflict your consciousness from every form of media, as well as road signs and huge billboards, tell you how you need to think, act, and be if you want “others” to accept, or even like, you.

As we said before, this type of brainwashing began after the peak of Atlantis when it was moving toward its fall. Atlantis had been a fourth dimensional reality that slowly sank deeper and deeper into the third dimension due to the malefic intentions of the “power over others” that had immigrated to Earth after they lost the Great Galactic War.

You, our dear ascending ones, are just NOW expanding your consciousness beyond the third dimensional beta waves. This beta wave, third dimensional thinking, greatly limits your beliefs to think that only the third dimensional, physical world was “real” and everything else was “just your imagination.”

However, more and more of you are expanding your waking consciousness to embrace the concept that the fourth dimensional world is “not just a dream.” You, the awakening ones, are increasingly remembering the many messages that you are receiving and the experiencing that you are having in your dreamtime.

Once you remember these inner experiences, you realize that there is much to be gained by remembering and documenting your dreams. Once you begin this process, your conception of “the real world” slowly—or quickly—expands to include the fourth dimension.

It is at this point that you begin to remember your “meetings in dreamtime.” We, the Galactics and Celestials who have extended our multidimensional essence to resonate within the bandwidth of your fourth dimension, are happily greeting you within this frequency of reality.

You can, and many of you do, communicate with us while you are awake and meditating. You can enter “Dreamtime”, and much higher worlds, via meditation. Furthermore, if you are meditating, rather than sleeping, there is part of your multidimensional self that can document your experiences within the NOW that you are experiencing them .

This documentation is vital, as your physical brain cannot effectively store multidimensional messages. Fortunately, as you document your experiences, and especially if you share them, you ground them into your physical world.


Once grounded into the third dimension, these messages begin to interact with the myriad third dimensional thought forms that invisibly float through your physical reality like a virus. In many ways these 3D thought forms serve like a virus in that they “infect” your innate multidimensional thinking.

It is for this reason that the lost/dark ones have flooded your reality with myriad 3D messages telling you that if you want to be accepted, if you want to be “good enough,” you MUST buy this “thing.”

Of course, the money that it costs you to buy this useless thing all goes to those who have used the fear of your not being “good enough” so that you will give your money to them. This is a double-edged sword because when you give you money to “them,” you do not have enough money to give to the person, places, establishments, and situations that would use your money to heal persons and planet.

It is for this reason that we have taken the risk to have regular meetings in the mid-to-higher fourth dimension, so that you can join us during your dreamtime. We say, “taken the risk,” because the fourth dimension to us is much like you being on the bottom of the ocean.

The fourth dimensional frequency is so dense to us that it feels as if the weight of an ocean is on us. Therefore, we take short shifts and only remain at the frequency for a short amount of what you would perceive as time.

We wish to congratulate you, our volunteers to Earth, for clearing up your own fourth dimensional auras, which serve to clean up Gaia’s fourth dimension aura, enough that we can briefly tolerate the density of the fourth dimensional aura of dear Gaia.

We are very pleased that many of our friends wearing earth vessels have been able to educate more and more of our visitors to Earth who became lost in the lies and illusions of the timeline of your third dimensional Earth.

Because so many of you have been able to awaken to your true, multidimensional nature you are able to consciously accept the higher frequencies of light that are bathing dear Gaia to prepare Her for planetary ascension.

Those wearing an earth vessel NOW have the rare opportunity to participate in the impending event of planetary ascension. By “planetary ascension” we mean that Gaia is opening up Her fifth dimensional habitat zone for “conscious population.”

We say “conscious population” because many of you have been visiting fifth dimensional Earth, but do not remember that experience once you return to the limited perceptions of your third dimensional earth vessel.

It is for this reason that we are visiting your dreams, just before you are ready to awaken, in hopes that you will remember our meeting. We further hope that you document our meeting and share it with others. Be sure to remind those with whom you communicate to also share their experiences.


Your commercials have trained you that you must hear the same message over and over again in slightly different ways before you can determine that that message is “real” and not “just your imagination.”

Fortunately, this 3D indoctrination does not cross the barrier over into your fourth dimensional thinking unless your self-esteem has been greatly weakened. By “self esteem,” we mean the esteem in which you hold your self.

Many of our “Meetings in Dreamtime” have been focused on reminding you that you are held in great “esteem” by your Galactic Family for all that you have done to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.

How do you remember that you have just awakened from a meeting in dreamtime? You will likely remember our meeting immediately upon your awakening, but our message is too often very fleeting to your third dimensional consciousness.

Therefore, when you awaken with a dream in your mind:

Immediately close your eyes again before you fully awaken.

Then, relax into the feeling of being in both your dream world and your physical world.
Allow images of your nightly journey to dance with your 3D memory.

Go into a meditative state in which you are not asleep, but not fully awake.

In this state, you can often recover the important higher dimensional messages that your 3D brain has interpreted as “just a dream.”

Once you recapture that dream:

Step into the dream and tell your self the dream with your eyes closed.

When you tell your self your dream, you transfer the dream from your fourth-dimensional dream reality and into your third-dimensional conscious thinking.

Then, when you open your eyes:

Immediately reach for the pad and pen that is always stored next to your bed.

And quickly write down everything that you can remember. If you slip back into sleep, it is likely to assist you to remember your dreamtime message. Hence, be sure to tell yourself the dream, and immediately write it down.

With practice, you will train your third dimensional waking brain to remember your dreams longer, and/or to remember the short picture or message that flew through your awareness at the moment of your awakening.

This short picture or message is telling you, “This is an inter-dimensional message that you will want to remember in your waking life.” As you follow the above process, you will begin to more vividly and more often remember your dreams.

You will also be able to remember your dreams for a longer time, so that you can get to your computer to type them. If you have a daily meditation practice, even if it is only for a few minutes, you will be more able to remember your dreams.


Remember that daily meditations expand your conscious perceptions into higher and higher frequencies of reality.

As your daily states of consciousness expand into higher and higher ndimensions, your experiences of daily life will change.

Then, your priorities will shift from day-to-day survival to the ongoing process of planetary ascension.

There are more and more grounded ones who have made this shift away from 3D survival and into 5D ascension. What they are all discovering is that, “What you think about, you bring about.”

Therefore, if you think about all the horrible things that can happen in your 3D world, you actually serve to calibrate your attention to those experiences. On the other hand, if you think about planetary ascension, you calibrate your consciousness to your Multidimensional SELF.

With your focus on your Multidimensional SELF, you are in constant communication with the higher frequency perceptions of your own Higher SELF.

Then, while those who can only attend to the physical world worry about the myriad negative and controlling messages that they receive every day, you are focusing on the higher dimensional reality that is continually merging with your daily, 3D life.

Via this higher dimensional focus, you will gain more and more information about the developing multidimensional reality that you are visiting during your dreams, meditations, creative endeavors, and conversations with others who have also embraced their higher dimensional SELF and higher dimensional PERCEPTIONS.

Those who keep their perceptions pinned to the third dimensional and lower fourth dimensional versions of reality are becoming increasingly frightened, angry, erratic, and confused.

On the other hand, those who have embraced their higher dimensional experiences as “real events” that are occurring in the “real world,” are becoming calmer, more centered and increasingly dedicated to assisting Gaia with Her process of Planetary Ascension.

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