Monatsarchive: Februar 2016

Humanity's Team
Dear Arya,

Listen to Steve Farrell and our extraordinary guest, Matt Kahn, on this beautiful journey into the heart of awakening. Matt is a spiritual teacher, mystic, empath and author of his new book Whatever Arises Love That. Using his highly attuned intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt serves as a bridge between the mystical realms and the journey of awakening. This call was so amazing, that our words cannot do justice… You’ll have to listen for yourself.Pearls of Wisdom from Matt…

“If love is the one thing we don’t wake up out of…  quit trying to fulfill a spiritual to do list. The one who works so hard (you) deserves more love not less”.
“There is a loving intelligence at the core of your being that can lead you to the fulfillment of your destiny.” 
“Take the time to receive and fully digest spiritual energy.”
“Relax and cultivate faith and knowing.” 
“There are so many approaches to embracing our own divinity.”
“There are bigger and bigger truths that take you higher and higher into realms of love.”
“Allow love to lead the way.”

Thank Yous from Listeners…

Matt’s teachings are so profound, I find myself having to relisten over again very attentively to what he says. I love him and am grateful for his work done with so much love, simplicity and humility. Sandra

Love love love from Italy for taking my question.;)))))))) so beautiful shock feeling listened to. Infinite thanks beloved Friends Alda – Italy

Thank you for your gifts and love. Love, Ria

That was amazing!! I love this so much, thank you both for your loving energy!!! Sharon

Many of you requested information about Matt’s upcoming course on Sounds True.

In this complimentary preview video from Matt Kahn you will:

Open Your Heart by Easing the Overactive Mind and Relaxing the Overstimulated Nervous System

Awaken the Light of Your Highest Potential

Become More Receptive to Giving and Receiving Love

Further Your Journey of Awakening for the Well-Being of All

Get access now to enjoy a free preview of the eight-week course.

Not a Member? Join now for only $10.00 a month
Special Members Only Replay Access 24/7

In Oneness,

Dee Meyer, Nannette Kennedy and Penny HeipleCo-Coordinators of Community Circle

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URGENT MESSAGE To PAO Webinar Attendees!!!

Our Thursday Webinar proved to be unexpectedly popular, and more people than usual signed up. But, because our hosting service allows us a maximum of 1000 attendees for each session, only the first 1000 registrants were able to listen to Thursday’s Webinar.

If you missed the cut-off time on Thursday, we invite you to join us on Sunday, February 28, beginning at 12 p.m. PST.

As a courtesy, we ask those of you who joined us in Thursday’s Webinar not to re-attend Sunday’s session to give those who missed it the first time an equal chance to participate.

We thank each one of you for your understanding and your continuing support.


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for February

Testimonials from Thursday’s Webinar:

Many thanks for the blockbuster webinar last night! GJ

Hi Sheldan and Colleen,
Tonight was awesome! I experienced so much excitement about what we have to look forward to. I had wonderful moments of peace and calm and a deep knowing that all is perfect. I was bouncing all over knowing every moment how extremely blessed I am to be here for this amazing ride. Thank you for taking us on that amazing journey tonight. 
I’ve already had one friend ask if it will be available to see again soon. There’s so much information here that I feel we will soon need (YEA!!!) so I hope it will be available sooner than 2 months.

Tonight was absolutely thrilling. I was surrounded by wonderful beings and felt so loved and blessed. There are not words to describe the experience. It was such a special blessing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hope you are feeling better, Sheldan. Love and Blessings, Jan D

A wonderful webinar. NESARA now & here! Love to all, Kay from Texas


We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.

In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.

Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?

Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST


Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Message for March Equinox 2016

by Solara An-Ra


Light tribe of Gaia, we come at this Equinox juncture to bring an assessment of the Earth energies and your evolution. And our purpose is, as always, to raise your frequency. The easiest way to achieve this is to bring good news, is it not? When you feel encouraged, hopeful, reassured, this leads to a lifting of those emotional states which do the opposite – anxiety, stress and hopelessness, which lower your vibration – the corollary of which are to attract yet more negativity. And so we will focus on the good news, which is always there if you search it out.

When, Like Pollyanna, you look for the positive in every situation, you attract more of that which pleases you – and so we will uplift you with the glad tidings that we detect regarding your evolution into 5-D. The good news is this: What we perceive in your planet’s atmosphere at this time is a lifting of the density of your fourth dimension. This is being achieved through the progressively larger numbers of your people letting go of negative belief structures that are based on untruths.

We will name 3 significant lies that are being dissolved in your present time-line: –

Firstly: ‘Women are the weaker sex.’ This blatant untruth was seeded as far back as the collapse of Atlantis, when the dark lords succeeded in compromising the confidence of the people in the priestess orders. In the cycles of time you have experienced on Earth, the power of the Goddess has regained its former strength in many civilisations, only to be crushed again by the patriarchal powers who sought to take control. Right now on your planet, there is a joyful uprising of the Goddess energy, acknowledged by both sexes. This is dissolving the collective pain of your fairer sex which has been held in 4-D – and this is good news, is it not? The belief in the beauty and power of women is being restored, and it is as if a cloud is dissipating that allows the sun to shine through into your world once more.


The second untruth being dissolved is that ‘you are a victim of your circumstances.’ You are never a victim, people of Terra. You are always in control of your destiny. Despite the circumstances into which you were born; despite the experiences of your childhood; you are always the masters of your destiny – for you have been given the gift of free will. And this gift allows you to choose your thoughts; to use your emotions as a guidance system; to perceive the world through the eyes of love rather than fear. You are always able to look to the light and not the shadows; you are always able to choose whether to be self-serving or to be of service to your tribe. Truly, you are designed to blossom into the awareness of the truth of existence known as self-realisation. Your consciousness awakens through the chakric wheels that are part of the human design – that which differentiates you from more simplistic forms of life. These new beliefs have already blossomed in millions of you – and in this very now moment, there are more still letting go of victim consciousness. Poof! Another lie collapses, and the clouds lift even further.

Thirdly: ‘There is not enough for everyone.’ This is a negative belief that was seeded to propagate fear, greed and scarcity consciousness – and it is in every way a falsehood dear ones. Yes, there is a need to be respectful of the resources of your planet, and to work in loving cooperation with her. But there are resources as yet untapped that will solve the energy crises that concern you – and there is much knowledge still hidden from you that when revealed will bring solutions for your survival and your prosperity. The calamities that present themselves to you will ultimately lead your civilisation to the hidden truths, for the truth must and will come to light in the end. It is decreed that your people will know the truth of all things in the generations to come. You are on an upward spiral in your evolution, and nothing and no one can stop this expansion.

These 3 examples of lies that are imploding demonstrate our point beautifully – that the fear-based collective consciousness which holds the 4-D blanket over your world is dissipating – as the truths become clear to you, new beliefs are seeded and your path towards fifth dimensional consciousness opens up, like the yellow brick road to the promised land.

Know this, dear ones – that your individual state of mind matters, more than you can imagine. Each one of you who steps towards positivity, relinquishing the negative beliefs and patterns of your forefathers and mothers, opens an energetic pathway for others to follow. You are the paradigm shifters. You are the way-showers. And you do this first and foremost by changing your own way of thinking. Your thoughts and beliefs are the primary substrate, the soil into which the seeds of higher consciousness can blossom. Start by reinforcing the truths that negate the above deceptions. In these days that lead towards the March equinox, and in your ceremonies on the day, we ask you to say the following affirmations – for this will speed up the process of the healing of your world stupendously, and you will be achieving your soul purpose by being of assistance to your tribe:


1.) ‘The power and beauty of women is acknowledged world-wide!’ This affirmation, along with the visualisation of strong, happy, liberated women across your planet, will heal so much suffering in the collective consciousness of your planet. The power of women is not a power over the male species. The strength of the Goddess is a natural truth of existence; part of the yin-and-yang of the principles of life.

2.) ‘I am the master of my destiny!’ This truth brings you into a feeling of excited anticipation – of the opportunities awaiting you for love, happiness and abundance. You choose to look at the light; to take the next step towards achieving your dreams; to know that the universe is working in cooperation with you whenever you believe that you can succeed.

3.) ‘There is enough for everyone!’ This certainty dissolves scarcity consciousness and universal fear of lack. Visualise the abundance of water in the ocean; the infinity of stars in the night sky. As your society self-corrects and begins to work in cooperation with the natural world and all nations are forced to band together in the big re-think of life that planet earth is experiencing, competition and selfishness dissipates.

You are all one. We are all one. We are made from the stars; we are made in the image of the creator. And as we all remember the bliss and joy of the one-heart that rules all universes, we rejoice once more in the unity consciousness that heals all ills. Love is all there is dear ones. Truly, love is all there is. And so it is. Namaste.

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Obama will TTIP durchboxen – halten Sie gegen

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Ende April kommt US-Präsident Obama nach Hannover, um mit Kanzlerin Merkel gegen alle Widerstände TTIP durchzudrücken – und eine große Werbeshow dafür abzuziehen. Doch das lassen wir nicht zu: Mit Zehntausenden wollen wir am 23. April auf die Straße gehen und so die Bilder des Tages prägen.
Ermöglichen Sie die Großdemo – mit Ihrer Spende
Liebe Cornelia Dix-Kühn,

in zwei Monaten schwebt er ein: US-Präsident Barack Obama eröffnet am 24. April die Industrie-Messe Hannover. Doch der eigentliche Grund für seinen Besuch ist ein ganz anderer: Zusammen mit Angela Merkel will er die wegen des großen Widerstands feststeckenden TTIP-Verhandlungen mit aller Macht freirütteln – damit der Vertrag Ende 2016 steht. Obama und Merkel haben es nötig, die TTIP-Werbetrommel zu rühren. Die Zustimmung für das Abkommen nimmt rapide ab: Laut Emnid sind nur noch 25 Prozent der Deutschen für TTIP. Im letzten Juni waren es noch 47 Prozent. Ein Desaster für die Befürworter!

Die Umfrage macht Mut, jetzt kräftig dranzubleiben. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen wollen wir die große TTIP-Werbeshow durchkreuzen – und selbst die Bilder des Wochenendes prägen. Drinnen Obama und Merkel, die die Hände der Konzernchefs schütteln – aber draußen ein Meer aus Fahnen und Transparenten! Zehntausende Menschen zeigen: Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger wollen das Abkommen nicht. Diese bunte und kraftvolle Großdemo wollen wir am Samstag, den 23. April in Hannover steigen lassen – getragen von einem breiten Bündnis.

Eine Großdemo in nur zwei Monaten zu organisieren – das ist eine riesige Herausforderung: Plakate und Flugblätter müssen gedruckt und möglichst viele Busse organisiert werden. Für den Tag benötigen wir eine große Bühne und Lautsprecheranlage. Bitte ermöglichen Sie daher die Demo mit Ihrer Spende. Schon 5 Euro helfen enorm!
Sie haben schon in der Vergangenheit für unsere TTIP-Kampagne gespendet. Herzlichen Dank! Bitte helfen Sie auch diesmal, die Demo zu realisieren.
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Obama will sich in seiner zweiten Amtszeit mit Erfolgen den Platz in den Geschichtsbüchern sichern. Zuletzt gelang ihm das in Paris. Er brachte den Weltklimavertrag mit auf den Weg. Dass er Klimapräsident werden will, dafür können wir ihm immer noch zujubeln – so wie das zehntausende Menschen 2008 vor der Siegessäule in Berlin taten.

Doch bei TTIP trifft er nun auf unseren Widerstand: Wenn Obama Ende April nach Deutschland kommt, richten sich die Menschen auf der Straße diesmal gegen seine Politik. Dabei machen wir deutlich: Unser Protest wendet sich nicht generell gegen ihn oder die USA. Auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks protestieren Menschen nämlich gemeinsam gegen das Abkommen – weil es primär den Interessen transnationaler Konzerne dient. Auf unserer Demobühne kommen daher auch etliche Kritiker/innen aus den USA zu Wort.

Damit nicht nur Obama am letzten April-Wochenende einfliegt, sondern auch Vertreter/innen des Widerstands gegen TTIP, brauchen wir Ihre Unterstützung. Flugtickets für die Gäste aus den USA, eine große Demobühne, zehntausende Plakate und Flugblätter – all dies ist nötig, damit der 23. April eine kraftvolle Demonstration wird. Schon 5 Euro bringen sehr viel!
Spenden Sie jetzt für die Großdemo
Ich setze auf Ihre Unterstützung.

Herzliche Grüße
Ihr Christoph Bautz, Campact-Vorstand

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Wir schicken Ihnen diese E-Mail nochmals zu, um sicher zu gehen, dass Sie dieses Schreiben gelesen haben. Es zeigt einen Weg auf, wie wir TTIP und CETA stoppen können.Mit besten Grüßen

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Roman Huber



Niesco Dubbelboer und Arjen Nijeboer sind gegen CETA und TTIP. Die beiden Niederländer stehen für Millionen Menschen in ganz Europa, die die Handelsabkommen der EU mit Kanada und den USA stoppen wollen. Aber anders als viele kritische Europäer/innen haben Niesco und Arjen ein Druckmittel in der Hand: Sie werden einen Volksentscheid organisieren, der CETA, vielleicht auch TTIP, zu Fall bringt. Das wäre ein Wunder? Genau. Und das geht so:

CETA kommt nur einstimmig zu Stande. Es müssen also alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten zustimmen. Ein Rechtsgutachten bestätigt das. Stimmt nur ein Mitgliedstaat gegen das Abkommen, ist es gescheitert. Stellen Sie sich vor: Das niederländische Parlament ratifiziert CETA – dann sammelt die Initiative in sechs Wochen genug Unterschriften, um einen Volksentscheid darüber zu erzwingen. Die Abstimmung bindet die Regierung zwar nicht rechtlich, aber politisch. Beteiligen sich über 30 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten an der Abstimmung, wird die Regierung sich an das Ergebnis halten – das haben die Parteien bereits erklärt. Sagen die Niederländer „Nein“, ist Schluss mit CETA.

Helfen Sie jetzt mit einer Spende, die undemokratischen Handelsabkommen zu stoppen…

Eigentlich bräuchten wir in ganz Europa, auch in Deutschland, Volksentscheide über TTIP und CETA. Aber nur in fünf Ländern kann die Bevölkerung selbst eine Abstimmung anstoßen. Das Land, wo die Chancen am besten stehen, sind die Niederlande: 300.000 Bürger/innen können dort ein Referendum fordern. Unsere niederländische Partnerorganisation Meer Democratie, für die Arjen und Niesco arbeiten, hat diese Möglichkeit sogar selbst mit eingeführt – die beiden wissen also genau, was sie tun. Jetzt stellen sie gemeinsam mit weiteren Organisationen eine Kampagne auf die Beine, um die Handelsabkommen zu stoppen.

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Sagen die Niederländer „Nein“ zu CETA, dann ist wahrscheinlich auch TTIP erledigt.Sicher trauen sich dann auch andere Mitgliedstaaten, etwa Portugal, Österreich und Griechenland, ihre Kritik deutlich zu äußern. Niesco Dubbelboer und Arjen Nijeboer wissen, wie man Kampagnen organisiert. Aber Meer Democratie in den Niederlanden ist noch zu klein, um diese Kampagne alleine zu stemmen.

Wenn wir ihnen jetzt helfen – dann können sie einen riesigen Stein ins Rollen bringen.Jetzt müssen das Bündnis erweitert, Campaigner eingestellt, die Webseite ausgebaut, Zehntausende Kampagnenflyer gedruckt und verteilt werden. Gemeinsam können wir CETA und TTIP stoppen – es beginnt in den Niederlanden, mit diesen zwei Männern. Ein geeignetes Druckmittel haben die beiden in der Hand, es fehlt einzig am Geld. Schon mit 5 Euro tragen Sie dazu bei, eine schlagkräftige Kampagne in den Niederlanden zu organisieren.

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Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Ihre Unterstützung!

Mit den besten Grüßen

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Roman Huber

PS: Eigentlich ist es ganz einfach: Wenn wir Bürger/innen direkt mitentscheiden und eine Mehrheit undemokratische Handelsabkommen ablehnt, dann können diese Abkommen nicht beschlossen werden… Wir planen weitere direktdemokratische Initiativen, um TTIP und CETA zu Fall zu bringen – in mehreren deutschen Bundesländern prüfen wir die Möglichkeit, Volksinitiativen zu starten. Und wir werden die Forderung nach dem bundesweiten Volksentscheid stark machen. Damit wir zukünftig auch selbst solche Abstimmungen herbeiführen können.

Helfen Sie jetzt mit einer Spende, die undemokratischen Handelsabkommen zu stoppen.

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Direkt abstimmen über wichtige Zukunftsfragen – von der regionalen bis auf die internationale Ebene. Mit einem fairen Wahlrecht mehr Einfluss auf die parlamentarische Demokratie nehmen. Schleichenden Demokratieabbau durch Lobbyismus, intransparente Entscheidungsstrukturen und Machtkonzentration bei wenigen verhindern. Dafür kämpfen wir. Wir bewegen viel, könnten aber noch viel mehr bewegen – mit Ihrer Unterstützung!

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

This past weekend I attended a workshop on Hybrid Children. It was fascinating. During the workshop, we watched a short video with Darryl Anka who channels Bashar, a multi-dimensional Being. One of the messages that struck a cord with me was his emphasis on EXCITEMENT. One way to manifest what you want is through excitement ~ a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.


This isn’t a new concept but it is one that does not come easy to most of us. We have been taught to “not get too excited”, inferring that would be bad for us. When we hear a group of people having fun, someone will say: “hey, you are having too much fun over there.” Or when something good happens to us, we might say: “I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Meaning, when something good happens, something bad will follow.

That is old (3D) paradigm consciousness. We are stepping into 5D consciousness. People often ask, “How do the Galactic Beings manifest what they want?” One way is through EXCITEMENT! Also, intending and FEELING what it feels like when what they want is manifested.

EXCITEMENT is in the air. All over the internet people are reporting that something good is about to POP. I’m feeling it, are you? If not, you can choose to get excited and choose to learn how to stay in the harmonic field of excitement. This is why I’m sharing Archangel Gabriel’s message on Harmony. He states:

We are standing in the midst of powerful waves of high-frequency light. When we are in Harmony, we can integrate this universal force of All Creation within our being and ground it through us to connect Heaven to Earth. We can then direct Divine Light into our own lives or to any place on Earth in need of healing and love. As we use these harmonic frequencies, it allows us to work with others in more Harmony because from this place of high-frequency alignment, we are all in Harmony within us to the Oneness of All That Is.

Join us for this month’s webinar, After Abundance. How do we manifest our new paradigm of prosperity~~~by integrating and embodying the harmonic frequency of EXCITEMENT! WhooHoo! YES, I SAY YES TO FREEDOM, GLOBAL PEACE and PROSPERITY FOR ALL!

Selamat Ja!
(Sirian for “Be in Joy”)


Wow!!! Are we at PAO ever excited!

Our Webinar registration has hit an all-time high!!!

The downside: our hosting service allows us to admit only up to 1000 attendees for each Webinar session.

This means that once the first 1000 people sign on to Thursday’s Feb. 25, 6:00 p.m. (PST) Webinar, we will have reached our limit for that day.

The good news is that a second Webinar is scheduled for Sunday. So if you missed the cut-off on Thursday, we invite you to join us on Sunday, Feb. 28 beginning at 12 p.m. PST (California time).

We thank each of you for your understanding and your continuing support.


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for February

We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.

In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.


Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?

Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST


Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



By Shanta Gabriel

The Gabriel Message Card for this week: 02/22/2016


One Way to Harmony is to remember who you are in every moment, a Divine Expression, Spirit into Matter.

The spiritual principle called Harmony was first introduced to me by Archangel Gabriel in 1991. Prior to that, I had no awareness of what Harmony meant to me and why Harmony was so important to my life.

I found that Harmony represents alignment with Source Energy. It is connection to my Higher Self and the guidance working in and through all that I am. When I am in balance, I feel a sense of Peace and Harmony within myself. In short, when I am in Harmony, I am happy.

I started using Harmony as an intention. I would go into situations and ask to be in Harmony with all who were involved. My intention was to be in Harmony with my Highest Good and with that of all concerned. I also asked to be in Harmony with the Truth of my Soul. These intentions would feed the divine substance of Love and Peace into every moment.


Most of us are familiar with the idea of harmonies in the music of choirs or symphony orchestras. When music is out of harmony, it is glaringly obvious. Disharmony makes us very uncomfortable. In fact, that is my clue — when I am not in harmony, I feel uncomfortable. When I become aware of how uncomfortable my body feels, I can take positive action. From that point, I can start to breathe into my heart and come back into alignment with myself and with my guidance system. That is Harmony.

I looked up the word Harmony in the dictionary. The definitions are mostly musical, although there is one that says, “the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole.” This sounds like Harmony as perfect Well-being to me — living in a pleasing and consistent wholeness. It even sounds like a worthy goal for my life.

In the dictionary, there is also a reference to physics in the word harmonic. It is defined as relating to component frequencies of a complex oscillation or wave. To me, this relates to the power of Divine Light. We are standing in the midst of powerful waves of high-frequency light. When we are in Harmony, we can integrate this universal force of All Creation within our being and ground it through us to connect Heaven to Earth. We can then direct Divine Light into our own lives or to any place on Earth in need of healing and love. As we use these harmonic frequencies, it allows us to work with others in more Harmony because from this place of high-frequency alignment, we are all in Harmony within us to the Oneness of All That Is.

When we are in Harmony with ourselves it is easy to remember that we are all becoming a more Divine Expression of who we are on the Earth. We are each here in this life to blend our most divine selves in Harmony with our most human selves thus allowing all life to evolve.

Through becoming this fullest aspect of ourselves, we bring spirit into matter so all of humanity may live in true Harmony.


Divine Presence,

I call forth the Light Field of Pure Harmony into every area of my life right now. I ask to be so in tune with myself, that when I slip out of Harmony, I can reset the energy to be in Harmony in a graceful, automatic way.

I ask to be in Harmony with any situation that I am facing in my life. May this sense of Harmony guide and direct me so I can respond in more resourceful ways. May I be in Harmony with my Soul’s Purpose and allow that Presence to guide me at all times. I give thanks for the spirit of Harmony working in and through me now and always to be a blessing to the world. And so it is.

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Supporting the Peace Process in Syria

A Free Virtual Event
With Special Guest, The Peace Troubadour
James Twyman

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm GMT

(click here to find your local time)

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Hosted by David T. Nicol, Gaiafield Project Co-Founder & TSN Faculty Member

Our special guest James Twyman is known as the Peace Troubadour. On the first of February, 2016, James led a worldwide global prayer vigil for peace in Syria from a small village in Israel overlooking several Syrian villages held by ISIL or Hezbollah. Ten days later, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that world powers had agreed to an ambitious ceasefire plan in the region.

The ceasefire agreement is fragile and the roots of violence in the region are deep. Syria still very much needs our prayers. James will share stories from his remarkable recent trip to the Middle East, discuss the inspiration behind the event, and guide us in deep meditation and prayer for the success of the Syrian peace process.

Your host for the call will be Gaiafield Project co-founder and The Shift Network faculty member David T. Nicol.

About James Twyman

 James F. Twyman is the New York Times bestselling author of 15 books, including Emissary of Light, The Moses Code, and The Barn Dance. In 1994 he put the peace prayers from the 12 major religions to music and began traveling the world as “The Peace Troubadour,” often being invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the concert in countries at war. He has performed in Bosnia, Iraq, Serbia, South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland, and many other places.

James has also produced seven music CD’s, and is the producer/director of five films, including the award winning “Indigo” and the upcoming “Redwood Highway.” He is also the founder of The Beloved Community, a network of spiritual peace ministers around the world, as well as the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking which has graduated and ordained over 500 ministers. James lives in Portland, Oregon.


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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

Yikaroonies! It is time for PAO’s next webinar ~After Abundance.

Owing to the live webinar on Thursday, there will not be a weekly update.

We are breaking records on attendance for this webinar. This is fantastic because we need everyone to add their unique Vibration to the tapestry of Light we create during each webinar. PAO’s regular attendees have created a strong connection with each other with the intention of anchoring in our new 5D reality. We welcome all the new attendees. There is strength in Unity.


Because we have many new webinar attendees this month, let’s go over a few things that will help to ensure you have your link and successfully connect to the webinar.

▪ We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. Each session is LIVE. You are only required to attend one session. Some people choose to attend both dates.

▪ We encourage everyone to register early. When you receive an email with your personal webinar link, put it in a safe place. You will receive a reminder one day and one hour before the webinar. This is one reason it is better to register early.

▪ If you are registering using PAYPAL, the cut off time is 4pm on Thursday. We cannot help you after 4 pm.

▪ If you are using PAO’s safe shopping cart to register, you can register up until the time of the webinar. Again, we recommend registering early. This avoids potential problems.

▪ If you choose to listen to the webinar using your telephone, you will find the phone number and PIN number in the email with your link. The number provided is for Australia…do not call that number (unless you live in Australia). Directly under the Australian number is a link in blue: “calling from another country”. Click on that link to retrieve your country’s telephone number.

▪ If for any reason you lose audio during the webinar, simply log off and log back on. We don’t anticipate this to happen but it is good to be prepared.

Let’s shine our Lights bright! It is time to work in cooperation for Freedom, global Peace and Prosperity!


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for February

We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.

In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, will explain what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.


Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure?
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery?
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed?
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds.
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change?
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?
After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?
How will we be mentored?

Thursday, February 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST


Sunday, February 28, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
Udo Grube

auch in dieser Woche erwarten dich hier, in deinem HORIZONWORLD-Wochenüberblick, Nachrichten der etwas anderen Art:

Neuigkeiten, die dich wirklich berühren, dich inspirieren und dir auf deinem Weg ein Stück weiterhelfen sollen.

Viel Spaß und erhellende Erkenntnisse beim Lesen wünscht dir

Sign Udo

Bild: Udo Grube, Gründer & Geschäftsführer der HORIZON bewusst leben & denken GmbH
Porträt: Dan Millman – der friedvolle Krieger
Porträt: Dan Millman – der friedvolle Krieger

Dan Millman, Bestseller Autor von „Der Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers“, welches in Hollywood unter dem Titel “Peaceful Warrior” mit Nick Nolte in der Hauptrolle verfilmt wurde kommt nach Basel.

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Wir sind das Zünglein an der Waage
Wir sind das Zünglein an der Waage

„Menschen sind Riesen, denen man eingeredet hat, dass sie Zwerge sind“. (Robert Anton Wilson) Es geht um Alles oder Nichts. Um unsere Freiheit oder um unsere Versklavung…jede Krise ist ein Signal dafür, dass sich eine neue Ordnung bildet… so Bio-Physiker und Bestseller-Autor Dieter Broers in seinem Beitrag ‘Wir sind das Zünglein an der Waage”…

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Gregg Braden – Brillianter Forscher und spiritueller Lehrer zu Gast in der Schweiz
Gregg Braden – Brillianter Forscher und spiritueller Lehrer zu Gast in der Schweiz

Gregg Braden, international bekannter Bestseller-Autor und spiritueller Lehrer, ist vom 26.02. – 28.02.2016 zu Gast in der Schweiz. Mit Büchern wie “Der Jesaja Effekt”, “Der Gottes-Code”, “Im Einklang mit der göttlichen Matrix” und “Fractal Time” erreichte Gregg Braden internationale Bekanntheit und zählt heute zu den brillantesten Forschern im Bereich „Neues Bewusstsein“. Sei dabei und erlebe Gregg Braden live!

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Video from Crossing Point of Light workshop

February 26, 27, 28, 2016
Advanced Intensive on Contact, Remote Viewing and Becoming an Ambassador to the Universe.
Offered as a full weekend with Dr. Greer in person- and also as a webinar .
Join Dr. Greer at Miracle Springs Resort and Spa in Desert Hot Springs CA, outside of Palm Springs.  10625 Palm Dr, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 ; Phone:(760) 251-6000

Group Meetings will cover:
-The Philosophy of Contact, Meditation Training and the Science of Consciousness – Friday night , February 26, 2016- 8 – 11 pm
-Remote Viewing Training – Saturday afternoon, February 27, 2016 – 1:30 – 5:30
-Contact and the Crossing Point of Light ( with video of actual contact ) – Saturday night , February 27, 2016 – 8pm – 11pm
– How to set up a contact group and the Interstellar Human Future – Sunday afternoon, February 28, 2016,  2 – 6pm
See below for details of each session.
When not in session enjoy the world’s best Natural hot mineral water .
Nestled in the foothills just minutes from Joshua Tree National Park, Miracle Hot Springs Resort and Spa overlooks beautiful Palm Springs and the California desert.  You can practice your remote viewing and meditation while in the courtyard of eight natural hot mineral pools.  Discovered centuries ago by Cahuilla Indians, these waters are known worldwide as the very best for therapeutic and health benefits.
The live in-person presentation is $295 paid in advance or $395 at the door. click here OR
Via live webinar – whole presentation is $95;  $30 if you wish to choose specific segments.Click here for the webinar.
You may watch the webinar when it is presented or at your convenience.
The price for the in-person presentation is for the whole weekend.  Single session admission is not available.
The sessions will include:
Friday February 26, 2016 – 8 pm – 11pm – Session 1
-The philosophy of contact and becoming an Ambassador to the Universe
-The central role of consciousness – the Aware State as the foundation for peaceful Contact
-How higher states of consciousness develop – the ancient Vedic siddhis and remote viewing
-The session will end with an ancient Sanskrit puja and actual meditation instruction including breathing techniques and mantra meditation.
Saturday February 27, 2016 – 1:30 – 5:30 pm – Session 2
–   How remote viewing works, and why: understanding the nature of your infinite mind.
 –  Practical techniques for remote viewing that you will learn from Dr. Greer and can use at home.  Actual techniques that work will be taught.
–  Q & A
Saturday February 27, 2016 – 8 pm – 11pm – Session 3
– Contact and the Crossing Point of Light – What exists beyond the Crossing Point, or speed of light, and how it manifests around us
–  Video and stills from the CSETI archives of actual contact with full explanations from Dr. Greer of the lights, sounds, tones and other ET Contact phenomenon. You will be amazed!
– Understanding ET Contact and transdimensional phenomenon – materialization, dematerialization, bilocation, thought/technology interfaces, electronic transdimensional ET Contact and more.
Sunday February 28, 2016 – 2pm – 6pm – Session 4
– How to set up a CE-5 Contact Group and why its important to do so: Mass Consciousness and how it can create a peaceful interstellar future.
– The CE-5 protocols
– Dealing with covert military interference counter-measures and suppression. –      The history of interference and how our CE-5 teams have overcome it.
–  Military stagecraft and abductions – how they work and how to be a mind warrior to transcend them.  How to deal with radionics and psychotronics and understanding how they really operate.
–  The Interstellar Human Future circa 3000 AD -A vision of an entirely new civilization on Earth that is interstellar and rapidly approaching!


to get your tickets for this amazing weekend

in person with Dr. Greer ! 



for webinar tickets.
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Sirius Technology Advanced Research ,LLC –
PO Box 265, Crozet, VA 22932
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