Monatsarchive: Dezember 2015

Die geheime Geschichte der Menschheit
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This Sunday, you are invited to
“The Amplified”
for a special Global Synchronized Meditation
to Support the UN Conference in Paris.
Sunday, December 6th
11 am EST
5 pm in Paris
 Go to THE AMPLIFIED and the EarthLove Global Room

We are continuing to generate a super powerful wave of hope and
vision for the highest positive outcome at the Climate Conference.
There is GOOD NEWS coming out of Paris! It is reported that world leaders have reach an initial climate change draft agreement. Officials will now work through next week to craft a complete, final agreement that will serve and benefit all people and all countries of the world. This is an extraordinary task to say the least! Let’s keep our inspiration and supporting energy flowing their way.

We invite you to join thousands of people from all over the globe in a new connective app called…
The Amplifield that enables us to generate a coherent and resonant field of energy to support the international delegates and all people who hold positive intentions about this crucial conference.

The plan for Sunday is to continue building the field for highest positive outcome for the conference. There will be a statement by an EarthLove organizer, Patricia Ellsberg, and a powerful, guided meditation led by David Nicol, Founder of The Gaiafield Project, followed by 15 minutes of silence.





1. Use The Invocation for Divine Intervention
Download and use this transmission alone or in group settings.
2. Go to The Amplified this Sunday for the Synchronized Meditation
and share your intentions.
3. Share on Social Media and keep inviting everyone to join us in
this pivotal action.

Let’s together, keep sending our light of grace to the negotiation process and help empower the minds of everyone involved with ideas for sustainable solutions that are fundamental to lasting peace and financial justice.

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World leaders are now in Paris to negotiate an historic climate agreement. Join us in urging bold climate action         

COP21 has started in Paris, with leaders, experts, and advocates from around the world meeting to negotiate a historic climate agreement.

This is an extraordinary opportunity for the world to address the threat of climate change, but these leaders need our support. They need to hear our voice.

Join us as we amplify the message to urge bold climate action, from Earth To Paris!

News & Updates

Do COP21’s NGOs and Activist Observers Actually Affect the Negotiations?

How civil society became a critical part of the process.

via GOOD ›

In New Draft Text, U.N. Climate Negotiators Grapple With Divisive Issues

There are just eight negotiating days remaining for all countries to agree to a groundbreaking climate treaty in Paris. As one might expect, progress hasn’t exactly been speedy so far.

via Climate Central ›

The Poignant Letter From An Indigenous Andean Leader to World Leaders at the Paris Climate Talks

General Coordinator of the Abya Yala Indigenous Forum writes why an agreement in Paris is crucial for survival in his Andean home.

via Global Daily ›

World’s Cities Join Growing Push to Divest From Fossil Fuels

The grassroots movement against fossil fuels is spreading beyond colleges and churches to cities, dozens of which are getting on board.

via National Geographic ›


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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . . .

What’s the latest on Ascension symptoms?

August was powerful with so many astrological events. September was integrating the energies of August. In comes November with more activations and body aches and pains.

For me personally, November was all about balance~walking into walls, strange headaches, leg weakness and tingling, shoulder and neck pain revisited along with problems swallowing ~ literally some days I choked on my own saliva (thank Heaven that’s over). On two days for hours all I could do was sit up in my bed with my eyes closed. Spirit wanted me to just be with my Self ~ no visual or audio stimulus. Every time I opened my eyes, my eyelids involuntarily closed. Actually it was a pretty sweet experience…very peaceful, very zenlike.*


Another ascension symptom: Several times during the month of November (and today), Sheldan and I had the shivers. For the entire day Sheldan could not get warm. The next day I couldn’t get warm. We drank ginger tea which felt good but did not take away the shivers. Many people emailed us reporting the same symptoms.

Often when I close my eyes, I experience a sequence of faces coming into view and fading away while another face appears. Some of the faces I recognize and some I do not recognize. I don’t know what it means but I find it interesting and pleasant ~ cared for in some beautiful way.

Other times, as soon as I close my eyes before going to sleep, I will receive a slew of sacred geometric symbols. I simply open my heart and allow the message to come through. Again, this is a fun one. Remember our Light body process is not linear. Several of my friends experience this one too.

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Oh and did I mention….where did my brain go. Some days I could not put together a sentence for the life of me or remember simple things like my bank pin number which I use every day. And time, we thought time was speeding up before….it is “insane” lately. I can’t believe it is December 2015….it feels like it should be June or maybe July 2015. All I can do is laugh. Earlier today i sent a posting reminding us to become more childlike and do the things that make us feel good and that bring us joy. For children time really doesn’t exist…they don’t have time schedules like adults seem to have. I often remind myself: “You have all the time you need.”

As we are dropping density, using the violet flame of transmutation is a miracle worker. Use it several times a day. See it pouring into your physical body and filling it up. Then bring it through the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies separately. Keeping your space energetically clean is essential ~~ not only because you are transmuting and dropping density, but because everyone on the planet is transmuting also.

Hope this missive helps you know you are not alone. We are living in exciting times.

Selamat Ja!

*One way to think of zen is this: a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.



Considering the extent of cabal corruption on Earth, many wonder why Gaia became the object of the Galactics’ attention and concern.


In this Webinar, Sheldan examines the reasons Gaia came to be a key to this Galaxy’s shift in consciousness.

Topics include…

• Why Earth/Gaia is a key water planet in this galaxy 
• Why Earth/Gaia? Considering the levels of cabal
corruption, why did Heaven choose us?

The Gaia Cetacean Human Connection
• Gaia and Humans I: Together, we are
raising each other’s vibrations
• Gaia and Humans II: Why are we
almost ready for first contact?
• Gaia’s Secret Sacred Societies 
• Gaia’s Earth Allies 
• What are our current roles as lightworkers/starseeds?
• Gaia: a pristine and exquisite new world after the landings

For Free Webinar Preview: Why Gaia?

To order your downloadable Webinar Archive #57 ~ Click Here


We Walk Wide-Open Into NEW Earth Existence

from Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara)


Yesterday was BEYOND POWERFUL and it’s going to continue INCREASING daily now. I will be sharing daily where I can, updating on energies, writing to assist and working to guide through the massive waves and blasts of cosmic love, light and liquid energy activations that occur all throughout every day now.

These CRYSTALLINE activations are running through the physical LightBody at high intensity now. The more present, aware and assisting you are, the easier it is. If you are just coming into your LightBody activations, then it is a beyond challenging ride. If you’ve been holding, anchoring and merging light intentionally as it comes through you and walking on NEW Earth for awhile, it’s very easy and just an awareness and honoring process. Purification is HARSH on the carbon-based human body systems, yet every one of us came here to transcend old programs from within. This is a HUGELY INTRICATE PROCESS that is simple when understood and in no way conforms to old limited belief systems. Not ONE THING that you/we THOUGHT WE KNEW applies here.

The KNOWLEDGE OF ALL OF THIS is inside of everyone of us. The challenging part is trusting, learning to understand and RE-PROGRAMMING EVERYTHING, proving to yourself that all will be okay by trusting that which is not visible and DOING WHAT IT TAKES.


Your own higher self aspects are here to guide and assist you and emerge from within your physical body vessel. The human aspect does not like to give up control, wants it to be “their way”. That’s not how this journey is done.

Separation goes. Every ounce of it. Not one bit left. Open up loves. WE walk wide-open into NEW Earth Existences.

Everything you’ve ever desired comes forth as you embrace, let go and honor all from within. I love you!

Today’s energies are running through the cells and upgrading our consciousness strongly subtly and we are charging, aligning, loading new programs, continually getting ready for whats next. Every part of the body is being worked daily now. It’s a very physical experience for all. Lots of star-particles and crystalline movement huge! ♦

Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara)

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Wir sind das globale Bewusstsein

von  | Dez 3, 2015 | AstrophysikBewusstseinVideo

Liebe Freunde,
sicherlich habt Ihr schon einmal vom HeartMath-Institute gehört. Wer meinen Dokumentarfilm „Solarrevolution“gesehen hat, wird sich an Rollin McCraty erinnern. Als stellvertretender Präsident und technischer Direktor vom HeartMath-Institute zählt Rollin McCraty zu den führenden Wissenschaftlern im Bereich der Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Feldern von Mensch und Erde. Seit einigen Jahren fördert das HeartMath-Institute die Global Coherence Initiative, eine internationale Initiative mit dem Ziel, die Herzkohärenz der Menschen zu fördern, um Frieden, Harmonie und eine Veränderung des globalen Bewusstseins zu bewirken. GCI führt bahnbrechende Forschung über die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und magnetischen Felder der Erde und energetischen Systemen durch. Gemeinsam mit Rollin McCraty plane ich im nächsten Jahr ein Symposium in Österreich.

Unser Ziel ist es, die Fähigkeiten unseres geistigen Potenzials sichtbar zu machen, und das globale Bewusstsein durch bestimmte geistige Übungen anzuheben. Bekanntermaßen beeinflusst das Erdmagnetfeld unsere Gehirnchemie und damit auch unsere Stimmungs- und Bewusstseinslagen. Dass dieser Vorgang auch umgekehrt funktioniert, zählt zu den neueren Forschungsergebnissen. Jeder Mensch interagiert durch seine körpereigenen Felder auch mit den erdmagnetischen Feldern – die primär vom Gehirn und Herz ausgehen. Nachweislich kreieren wir alle kollektiv eine Art planetarisches und kollektives Bewusstsein. Ungeachtet ob wir davon wissen oder nicht, unsere Gedanken und Gefühle generieren messbare Magnetfelder, welche unmittelbar in das Erdmagnetfeld eingespeist werden. Das HeartMath Institute geht davon aus, dass dieses globale Kollektiv das planetarische Bewusstseinsfeld nachhaltig bestimmt. Diese Aussage deckt sich mit meinen langjährigen Forschungen im Bereich der„Wechselwirkungen zwischen elektromagnetischen Feldern und biologischen Systemen“ (Lebewesen).

Warum ist Kohärenz so wichtig?

Bewusstseinsentwicklung und Kohärenz unserer Gehirnwellen

1977 entwickelte Paul Levine die Methode des Coherence Spectral Array, des COSPARs, um die für die Meditations typischen Gehirnwellenkohärenzen sichtbar zu machen. Dabei legen die Untersucher gleichzeitig immer zwei Elektroden an der Kopfhaut an und leiten dort diejenigen Gehirnwellen ab, die sie miteinander vergleichen wollen. Üblicherweise untersuchen sie die Tätigkeit des Gehirns an zwei verschiedenen vorher definierten Ableitungsstellen, beispielsweise über derselben Gehirnhälfte jeweils vorne und hinten am Schädel, oder aber auf gleicher Höhe spiegelbildlich über beiden Gehirnhälften. Im Jahre 1994 untersuchte Nicolai Nicolaevich Lyubimov, Direktor der Forschungsabteilung für Neurokybernetik des Moskauer Hirnforschungsinstituts, die Hirnaktivität bei Meditierenden. Er fand heraus, dass während der Meditation plötzlich weite Bereiche des Cortex (Hirnrinde), die normalerweise still liegen, auf kleinste akustische Reize (80-100msec) hellwach reagieren. Und was genauso bedeutsam war: Die Ausbreitung dieser feinen Aktivität ging von einer Hirnhälfte aus und erfasste auch die zweite, die vorher nicht aktiv war, fast gleichermaßen. Seine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass während der Meditation beide Gehirnhälften eine erhöhte neuronale Aktivität hatten, und beide Hirnhälften synchronisiert werden (wobei das synchronisieren einer Kohärenz entspricht).

Heute kann man eindeutig feststellen, dass mit wachsender Bewusstseinsentwicklung das Gehirn deutlich messbare, geordnetere – also kohärentere – Funktionsweisen annimmt. Die Beeinflussung der Vakuumenergie durch Gedanken, Vorstellun­gen, Gefühle und Glauben funktioniert über die Grenzen unseres Kör­pers hinaus(Ursache für die Fernwirkung ist die „Nichtlokalität“. Nichtlokalität­seffekte lassen sich mit Richard Feynmans Absorbertheorie erklären.) Diese Effekte werden besonders effektiv durch Kohärenz (Doppel- oder Mehrphotonen mit jeweils entgegengesetzten Spinausrichtungen, die in der Summe null ergeben und eine Einheit darstellen). Es existiert also ein brauchbares Modell der Realitätsbildung (Verfestigungs-Kas­kade) unter Beteiligung des menschlichen Bewusstseins.

Kohärenz ist Ordnung – beides sind Zustände der Negentropie.

Negentropie bedeutet „die Entropie (Chaos) umdrehend“, also Ordnung, Kohärenz, Komplexität, Verschiedenartigkeit, Inhomogenität erzeugend. Ätherische Energie, Bewusstsein und freier Wille sind negentropisch. Es ist die Auflösung des Einflusses der linearen Zeit, die ansonsten alles in Richtung auf Zerfall und Tod führt.
Liebe Freunde, in etwa einer Woche werde ich dieses Thema weiter fortsetzen. Ich halte die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch für besonders bedeutsam. Indem wir uns mit einer gleichen Haltung mit einem gleichen Thema befassen, werden wir unser geistiges Potenzial erheblich erhöhen können. Besonders dann, wenn wir das zu gleichen Zeiten tun. So soll das Symposium im nächsten Jahr auch eine Möglichkeit sein mit gleichgesinnten Freunden eine Realitätsbildung in Richtung Harmonier und Freude zu generieren. Hierzu werden wir durch Liveübertragungen die messbaren Ergebnisse, die die weltweiten Messstationen aufzeigen, anzeigen können. Ein derartiges Feedbackverfahren erweitert und festigt unseren Glauben an unser geistiges Potenzial.

Me Agape
Dieter Broers

Einige Grundlagenforschungen zum Thema Kohärenz (Coherence):
Fröhlich, H. “Long-range coherence and energy storage in biological systems”. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2:641-9.1968
Fröhlich, H. “Long range coherence and the actions of enzymes”. Nature 228:1093. 1970
Popp, F.A. “Evolution as the Expansion of Coherent States”. The Interrelationship Between Mind and Matter (B.Rubik ed.), Center of Frontier Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, Marketing Graphics, Southampton, PA, 1992Reitboeck, H. J., „Coherent oscillations: a mechanism of feature linking in the visual cortex?“, Biol. Cybern., 60, 121-130, 1988
Sassaroli, E.S., Srivatava,Y, Swain, J. and Widom, E. “Macroscopic Quantum Coherence”,World Scientific, Singapore-New Jersey, 1998

Uniting with your Divinity~is Pure Magic


Clarifying things about Being Child Like, and living in the wonder and the magic of You. This  is not about seeking happiness or even being happy. Joy is the result of being in the natural state (child like) of doing and being what you came here to experience, just like being in love, finds you, you don’t find it.

Many of you, have forgotten what you love, what is most natural to you, and your life may have become an endless daily grind for survival and security, while attempting to attain, higher levels of your awareness, with a sternness and a complexity, that only leaves you more perplexed while continuing to seek, that which is not here now.

The reason for this is simple, the mind and ego never settles for now~ for what is most natural to you, to come to you, and through you, as in playing. Playing as and in, what naturally brings you joy.  The ego bypasses what appears child like, as it forsakes its innocence, as inconsequential.

I desire to be very clear about this, what I write is not about language, or about dissecting the meaning of words, that is what the ego does, as it always seeks more, to find more meaning. To seek out endlessly, and never arrive, accept, and simply enter that state of innocence, where it is ok to not know.

I don’t know why I want to play like this, it just feels good. That is nonsense to the ego.

I don’t know why I want to do is …..(fill in the blank) And time flies by as if it doesn’t exist.

Do not judge what you enjoy. Or what others enjoy. This could be for some golf, or watching a sport, or for others knitting, or dancing. Follow this, what brings you Joy.

Let go of the reasons about why.

That is play, the ego doesn’t understand it, and that is ok, PLAY ANYWAY.

Accept it is ok to not know. To not know what is in store for you as your Destiny.

The ego struggles with this, and the ego isn’t bad, it’s just when you enter playing and being, and accepting and loving everything that arises, then, everything becomes play. And in the state of play (again just words) there is no ego, only wonder, joy, embracing what is, through loving and accepting, what you are.

Whether you are an Angel in human form (the word Angel is even just a word) or whether you are Source or God, Or Divine (they all point to the Eternal You which has no name for it in mortal language) this State of Being, is your state of innocence, where you have let go of the concerns of the ego, and you enter a state of Pureness and Play, through loving everything and accepting everything, including the ego, and you fully become that which you already are.

So let go of trying to figure it out, that is the endless seeking of the ego.

Play and be the innocence that you are.

Love what you love, with the undying Passion of your experience.

Allow this to be the Way in which you embrace the unknowable, as the way of Being, the pureness of you.

To some who live through the filter of the ego still, these words will appear as nonsense, and you will continue to seek.

To those of you that are ready, you will enter ever more deeply the Magic and the Beauty of your Soul. These words activate all that is dormant within you.

Your life will be the ease, grace and wonder of simply Being and living as the Destiny that you Are and have always been.


Eternal Love and Endless Ecstasy!




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Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
Udo Grube

auch in dieser Woche erwarten dich hier, in deinem HORIZONWORLD-Wochenüberblick, Nachrichten der etwas anderen Art:

Neuigkeiten, die dich wirklich berühren, dich inspirieren und dir auf deinem Weg ein Stück weiterhelfen sollen.

Viel Spaß und erhellende Erkenntnisse beim Lesen wünscht dir

Sign Udo

Bild: Udo Grube, Gründer & Geschäftsführer der HORIZON bewusst leben & denken GmbH
SPIEGEL Bestseller Platz 11: EMOTION
SPIEGEL Bestseller Platz 11: EMOTION

Auf den tiefsinnigen Film “Emotion” ist nun auch die allgemeine Medienwelt aufmerksam geworden und platziert ihn diese Woche gleich direkt auf Nr. 11 der Spiegel-Bestseller-Liste.

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„Unsere Schulen produzieren leidenschaftslose Pflichterfüller“
„Unsere Schulen produzieren leidenschaftslose Pflichterfüller“

Wenn es nach Prof. Gerald Hüther geht, gehört das Schulsystem, wie wir es heute kennen und praktizieren, in den tiefsten Sondermüll – denn es bildet nicht Menschen, sondern Maschinen, die stumpfsinnig Matheformeln auswendig lernen. Jedes Kind könnte jedoch etwas Besonderes werden.

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