The Star Elders say… “A wall of fear and anger is being aggressively built on the Earth at this time by the ones who would like to see you not complete your ascension. It will take some great activity of light to penetrate this energy field that is pitting one people against another; one religion against another; one race against another; one country against another, etc…. The biggest wall at this time that keeps humanity from becoming ONE, united and peaceful is the separation created by prejudice.”
As a child, people that were different than me were the most fascinating people to me. Racist or prejudiced thoughts never entered my mind. When I became more aware of others opinions, I was stunned, shocked and surprised by people’s judgements and fears of those that are different than they were.
By the time I was in 5th grade, I was a little and annoying human rights activist. I had a friend in the same grade as me named Stanley. Let’s say he was intellectually challenged, but I didn’t care. I loved how he saw the world and how he didn’t have judgements or anger; he had love. Most kids didn’t like him, because he was different. One day we were out on the play ground, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of kids gathering and one kid was about to throw a ball at Stanley. As the ball flew, I leaped up and stopped the impact to Stanley’s head. My wrist snapped. The next day I was waving my cast around the playground preaching about being nice to each other. The offending kids were sheepish and embarrassed and of course didn’t like me much for making them face their bully mentality. I guess I missed my calling as a gospel preacher. The message is this … Do I remember the kid who threw the ball? Nope! Do I remember the kid that I saved from a possible concussion? Oh yes. And most of all, was the price I paid worth it? It certainly was!
Then there was my Grandfather. He was an amazing man, and I was fascinated by his grace and nobleness. My grandmother was an amazing person as well. But before I was born, they were forced to join the KKK in their small town in the mid-west, otherwise no one would come to my grandfather’s barber shop, and he would be ostracized from the community. They were forced to take sides even though it was not true to their hearts. I learned from this story to never let anyone (like current corrupted mass media and Internet) turn us against another innocent human being. We are all children of God.
Are we being brain washed by the mass media’s tainted agendas about politics, world affairs … infused with fear regarding a multitude of things including concerns about groups of radicalized crazy people? I think it was Mahatma Gandhi that said We can’t fight a sane war with an insane opponent. So let us, humanely immobilize these insane ones, the few monsters that have lost all sight of all their humanity and are making our whole world blind to our humane-ity; thus building this wall of fear that is keeping us from manifesting our divinity.
When I took my first trip to Egypt, I purposely didn’t study anything as I wanted to enter the sites as a little child… innocent. It is the best way to take a sacred journey. I had no preconceived notions about the history or the current culture. But neither did I understand the impact that other religions had on this area a long time ago. As I walked through temple after temple, I began to notice many of the faces of the various Gods that had been chiseled off. I asked my local guide about this, and she said without prejudice, anger or judgment, “Oh…. the Christians did that when they came here.” Just so you know, she is Muslim, and I was raised Christian. I was ashamed and wanted to learn more!
Most people do not understand … that the Quran was also studied by early Christians and Jews, before it was standardized. The Quran recounts stories of many of the people and events recounted in Jewish and Christian sacred books, although it differs in some details. Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, Moses, Zechariah, John the Baptist and even Jesus (among many others) are mentioned in the Quran as prophets of God. In fact, Jesus is mentioned more often in the Quran than Muhammad, and Mary is mentioned in the Quran more than the New Testament. (from Our linages do come from the same source.
“God has no religion.”~ Mahatma Gandhi
What breaks my heart is that after 2000 years, we are still fighting the same holy wars with those whose roots are the same as ours. We all agree … radicalism and extremism in any form is out of balance. It is an extreme form of separation and is certainly not based in love. No good comes from hate and anger; nor does judgement and prejudice. These emotions separate us. Separation is painful to the soul, and what is separated and is out of balance for a long time eventually becomes angry and insane. Terrorism and war is insane and is an extreme form of separation. This angry monster labeled terrorism goes way beyond any religious boundary, color of our skin, social status or educational level. There are good people everywhere. We must only look to each one’s heart to know who they really are. We are one, humanity.