Monatsarchive: Oktober 2015

In part two of this Special Edition Pass it OnThe Voice in Your Head, Eckhart and spiritual teacher Steve Taylor discuss the impact that our thoughts can have on our inner state. In addition, Steve Taylor reads a poem aptly titled, The Voice Inside Your Head from his new book The Calm Center.
Your Primary Responsibility
Joyful Activism
Steve Taylor is the author of The Calm Center, and numerous other books including Waking from SleepOut of the Darkness, and The Fall. He lectures on psychology at Leeds Metropolitan University, and lives in Manchester, England. Visit him online to learn more.


Dear Thrive Movement,
Last Saturday we held a lively ThriveTogether event that unpacked current events around the globe.
Tune in to Foster’s download about big shifts in world power dynamics including currency wars, global currency revaluations and what it all means for you:
Toward a thriving world,
 Foster, Kimberly and The THRIVE Team 
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October 7, 2015

Please post and circulate widely

Bengaluru innovator creates super high-efficiency machine that produces power from vacuum
Comments from Dr. Greer:
We have been following this inventor’s work for many years and it is promising that an apparent tangible new energy device has been developed.
Many of you have asked about this and we can only share what the Indian media have reported and await further developments, independent testing and independent reproducibility of the results which claim an over 200% efficiency.
Our concern is that once again the technology may never make it out to the public to benefit the earth and humanity because the inventor is pursuing a patenting and commercialization route that has never succeeded previously . While we hope that – this time- the technology is fully disclosed, thousands of such break-throughs in the past have resulted in technology seizure. sequestration and “black shelving” of the technology by large corporations, and so forth.
Perhaps in India it will be different this time. Only time will tell.
We have been following and researching such developments for 25 years. In each instance where the technology is patented or secret and ends up in the hands of corporations, the technology has vanished.  We advocate an open-source, transparent release of any such technological developments so that new energy can be promulgated globally as quickly as possible.
To find out more about the history and the New Energy movement and our strategic plans for releasing these technologies see our New Energy Workshop on Vimeo or YouTube (in 6 parts).
Or visit The Orion Project part of our website which give the vision for the future with new energy and many research articles about the subject.


CSETI | 1210 Crozet Avenue | Crozet | VA | 22932

Die nachweislichen Wirkungen der Sonne auf Psyche und Bewusstsein


The Keshe Foundation announced free power will be disseminated to the world on October 16, 2015. And this is just the beginning of the technologies they have ready to share with the world….And all in the name of PEACE. They are publishing the blueprints without copyright or patents….


GalacticHeart banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart

I’m on a weekend retreat with several of my StarSisters. We are having a vibration raising, love fest. So much fun!

I wasn’t going to post anything for the next couple of days but this exciting news from Keshe Foundation can not wait. I’m beyond excited, I’m ecstatic at the bold moves they are taking to free the world by providing free energy (plasma energy) technologies. The video is over 2 hours and I have not watch it in its entirety. However, several people have sent me a summary of what is covered. I invite you to do your own research ~ Keshe Foundation.

For the ground breaking video, click HERE

80th Knowledge Seekers Workshop Sept 24 2015

Published on Sep 25, 2015

▪ Mr. Keshe shows the final prototype of the Keshe Foundation Power Unit.

▪ News about World Peace Conference of 16th October.

▪ Alexz shows how to feed the masses.

Mr. Keshe has come full circle for humanity with an invention called a ‘Plasma Energy Unit’. In this video, he explains how plasma is going to catapult us into the future we’ve been told that we have awaiting us. I’m speaking of the future on which we are standing at the edge of a precipice. Keshe is virtually closing the gap completely on its arrival. We have to wait no longer!

Here are some highlights of the 3 hour conference, one you will want to listen to again and again.

It all starts with World Peace and includes space travel and world travel literally within minutes with no borders on any country.

He has created a ‘Plasma Energy Power Unit’, and this technology is faster than the speed of light. He plans to use the Plasma Unit as leverage to bring about World Peace at the Peace Conference on October 16th in Rome, Italy. The only way that the representatives of every country can receive a unit is to agree to sign a World Peace Treaty.

I believe that this could well be the culmination of the people of the world praying, meditating and calling for WORLD PEACE all of these years, coming to fruition through Keshe’s invention.

Some of the benefits of the Plasma Power unit are as follows:

The unit is designed specifically to be affordable to every person on the planet. For a cost of $200 every home can generate power and not be reliant on power companies. For those who cannot afford the unit funding will be available from many sources around the world.

We will be able to maintain a heating as well as cooling system in our homes. It will maintain a consistent room temperature always and does not require a cooling system itself.

Some of the benefits of the Plasma Power unit are as follows:

The unit is designed specifically to be affordable to every person on the planet. For a cost of $200 every home can generate power and not be reliant on power companies. For those who cannot afford the unit funding will be available from many sources around the world.

We will be able to maintain a heating as well as cooling system in our homes. It will maintain a consistent room temperature always and does not require a cooling system itself.

There will also be a unit available for our cars saving thousands of dollars of fuel costs. There will be no more need for crude oil! He is urging the sale of oil to cease as it will no longer be needed.

Neither will there be need for a backup generator. There is no copyright and it cannot be copyrighted.

This is the answer to helping our climate change expeditiously cleaner.

We have been hearing over the years from people such as Sheldan Nidle that we will become Galactic Citizens and be able to travel the Universe. Until now, no one has explained how.

Sheldan also specifically explained that we will be able to travel across the world via ‘Teleporters’, literally within minutes. The unit resembled an ordinary TV cabinet. The way Sheldon described how it worked is precisely the way Keshe explains how the Plasma Unit works.

If you research Plasma, you will find that it plays a very important role in our body as well as the role it plays in our Universe.

Keshe reminds us that the result of our interaction with the plasma depends on our vibration as…it is ambient. In essence, we can communicate with the unit.

So October 16th 2015 is a very important date for Humanity. It may very well mark a point in ‘time’ for the change we have been working toward for centuries – and it’s finally arrived because we are ready.

Keshe repeatedly says it doesn’t matter whether a country will sign the Peace Treaty because the units will go out worldwide regardless. Keshe says that within the next 6 to 12 months our world will have changed dramatically for the better as manufacturing will have created enough units for the entire world.

So….cheers! Here’s to our future. We really are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Many Galactics have continually said they cannot do the work for us.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Keshe!

my source for summary: holistichealthadvisor

Selamat Ja!

Keep holding the Vision! Keep Shining your Lights Bright!


PAO’s Live Webinar for October

In this extra special, Live Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!

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Topics include…

• How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us
• Gaia’s current ascension symptoms – mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option – the New You and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe rewards action!)

Sunday, October 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, October 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


Welcome to this special section of Eckhart Tolle TV. Join Eckhart Tolle, as he teaches us about the deeper meaning of Love.


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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Learn to be kind to yourself. You are, in actuality, gestating a new version of you. This spiritually aware one is able to be more intuitive and consciously more able to perceive the spiritual realms.

from Planetary Activation Organization


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

6 Cauac, 12 Tzotz, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Various positive factors are coming together to assure that your blessings are to be received by you shortly. Our earthly allies have agreed to a time schedule, which is now underway. As we stated last time, a great movement of funds to extremely secure depositories has been completed. The next step is to see that these funds can be safely placed in their distribution centers. Our liaisons report that these measures are nearly complete. It is the intention of our allies that you take possession of these monies as soon as is possible. Hence, the time of the various illegal regimes is coming to an end. Thus, those who have long done the dirty work for their bosses are mostly under house arrest. Major arrests are to become public once these scalawags can be safely transferred to special holding areas. The heads of this evil bureaucracy of bankers and vile businessmen are to be picked up when new governance is ready to emerge. Until then, we have restricted their formerly unlimited powers. The days of the dark and its heinous manipulation of you are basically over! Ahead of you lie days filled with mostly miraculous news!

This series of exercises is expected as well to shut down a global psychic network of specially trained young people with strong psychic abilities, which was put into effect in the 1950s and 60s. Their handlers, over the decades, have created special conditions where those with the proper mental profiles have made possible a great series of horrible and despicable crimes. This network as well outputs special suggestions to subtly control and manipulate all. This horrible network is to be “put down” when these oligarchy-controlled regimes are no more. As you can see, the dark cabal continued many of the ideas given to them by their former masters, the Anunnaki. At present, we have limited the effects of this program and a number of others, which are being used by the dark to interfere with and disturb your daily lives. We cannot fully eliminate these yet, since the lives of those doing these dastardly deeds are in constant danger. Our intention is to “deep six” a number of such programs when the right time appears before us.


You are on a path, which is to swiftly lead to higher and higher consciousness. Along the way, you are to abandon customs and perceptions that are no longer applicable to you or your society. It is these changes that are to show where you are going. When the Atlantean experiments lowered your level of consciousness, you adopted certain customs due to the suggestions given you by the Anunnaki. These many customs are to be dropped and new ones are to become the norm. For instance, the inequalities between men and women are to fade away. Your societies are to take on customs that in many ways mirror our own. Others are to be the beginnings of methods, which closely resemble those of galactic societies. When we land, our mentors intend to show you how your new beliefs developed as your consciousness evolved. This progression is something that we generally expected. Your old customs are based on your fears and certain controlled beliefs. Now, you can go beyond this. Your mentors desire to converse with you and explain this natural process as you return to who you once were.

This process of transformation is to prepare you to take in a lot of data, which your mentors are to explain. This process can often be confusing. A number of human societies on other worlds have experienced this transformation process. What makes yours so unique is that you were dropped from full consciousness to a limited one. We have helped a number of societies to reach their full potential. We use these times as a learning curve to measure what is now happening to you. No group of humans has ever done what you are doing. Throughout this galaxy, societies are in various stages of fulfilling their consciousness potential. Normally, this process takes hundreds of thousands of years of continuous progress. You have not yet been able to forge societies capable of the much-needed set of pre-condition. Thus, you are to be pushed forward by us by applying a certain variant of the crystal Light Chambers, which can take you from this depleted state to full consciousness. This operation is being allowed by sacred decrees of Heaven. The time for your rebirth arrives!

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Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! The decrees of Heaven are taking effect as the many waves of energy and the works of our associates are really complete. There is a timing effect, which is slowing how these various funds and new rules come together and produce a new prosperous financial system. In light of this, we have a few suggestions. First, learn to be kind to yourself. You are, in actuality, gestating a new version of you. This spiritually aware one is able to be more intuitive and consciously more able to perceive the spiritual realms. Use your off time to rest, meditate and generally get more in touch with your inner self. Second, learn to play in an easier and more conscious way. You are becoming more aware of this realm in a different way. Relax and learn to use your discoveries to reinforce a more positive outlook. Come together and become more able to envision what you truly desire. These brief exercises can help to acknowledge to Spirit how you have grown!

It is wise to learn to share your most positive new awarenesses with each other. Spiritual knowledge is all about sharing your joys with each other. We humans love to be in community. We Masters often come together to do just that. We pray and chant together to help our global human community. This process comes naturally to us. As you grow in consciousness, you likewise begin to see the power of positive and divine community action. What this can accomplish is truly astounding! As you practice this over time, you can as well discover its delightful power. It leaves you in joy to aid another and provide a pathway for them to grow. These divine acts of kindness are most satisfying. As you make this a true habit, you learn how these actions truly touch the Divine! Be one who follows one’s heart and practices the way of Love!


The way of the Heart is the way of the Divine and the sacred! It is the energy of Heaven flowing deep inside you! When you first go beyond your magic ritual, you go to a special Master whose loving task is to teach you about what Heaven so wishes you to do. Once mastered, you quickly become accustomed to your sacred duties. These swiftly become second nature to you, so you are successfully set upon your path. We Masters often come together and tell our wondrous stories of how, after many lifetimes upon this Earth, we were given a great dispensation. This was earned by a number of exemplary lifetimes. The ceremony of admission was truly glorious. This, in our mind, is to mirror what you are to go through in the Crystal Light Chambers. Hence, be wise and follow your heart to a truly positive and most wondrous experience!

Today, we examined more of what is occurring around you. This realm is quickly approaching the point when it is to go through the first of many graduations in consciousness. As you pass through each successfully rejoice! Know that you are ever closer to full consciousness and your own galactic society. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



PAO’s Live Webinar for October

In this extra special, Live Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!

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Topics include…

• How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us
• Gaia’s current ascension symptoms – mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option – the New You and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe rewards action!)

Sunday, October 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, October 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762





MobiClip: TTIP stoppen! Aufruf zur Großdemo am 10. Okt.

Hurra! Der erste MobiClip für die Demo ist da. Aus München für Berlin – Vielen Dank an das Umweltinstitut München.