Monatsarchive: Oktober 2015

October 20, 2015 by John Smallman

Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me tonight?

Jesus: And a very good evening to you as well, John. Change is in the air, can’t you feel it?

Me: I’m not very good at feeling! So, I’m hopeful, because of what others are saying, and I have a sense that “all manner of things will be well.” And then I read the mainstream media and learn about all the suffering – floods and mudslides in the Philippines, destruction of homes and families in Syria, thousands of migrants making their way to Europe in desperation – on and on. I send love, I think I intend, but it all seems so hopeless as those “in charge” seem set on military responses to these ongoing “problems,” problems from which they are very securely separated! Yes, they talk of humanitarian responses, but they only seem to be able to conceive of military might to contain and control the frightful situations for which it would seem they are largely responsible. And how many thousands of times has that been unsuccessfully tried? As the song goes “When will they ever learn?”

Jesus: Yes, the mainstream media reports are not encouraging. But underneath and behind the scenes much is happening that will bring essential changes for the benefit of all. Keep on intending to send love to all – not only to those who are suffering but also to sadistic and violent criminals and dictators – because all are being seriously influenced by the Tsunami of Love that has enveloped the planet since late in 2012, and the divine plan is for all awaken. God is not complete without even one of His children. There is not one that He does not Love infinitely and eternally. Some are just more confused and seemingly separated from His Love than most.

Seek the good news that the alternate media are reporting, there is a LOT of it! Then relax into your inner self, your own personal altar, tabernacle, or sanctuary, and be Love! That is your true nature, and if you intend to operate through It instead of through your ego your intentions are extraordinarily effective. Love is All, engage with It and change not only yourself, but also the world. Enormous numbers of you are doing that and it truly is extremely effective. KNOW that the intent of the collective has changed from fear and doubt to hope and optimism, and that that intent is strengthening in every moment. There is Light ahead, so focus your vision there as you move into It.

As I, and many others, keep telling you, you are not alone, abandoned, adrift in an ocean of danger and despair. You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams, but, nevertheless, you are close to your inevitable awakening. The dream has lasted far longer than you intended when you chose to experience separation from our divine Source, and it is drawing to a close. Deep within yourselves, but mostly hidden from you because of your frequent choices to be unloving and self-centered, you know that the lives you are experiencing in the illusory world you built are unreal, despite the pain they have caused you. That pain, like time, like the illusion, is unreal, and when you awaken it will be as though it never happened . . . because, in truth, it never did!

You are all the divine and beloved children of God, created in Love for eternal joy, and nothing has or ever can change that because there is nowhere except the Presence of God, Heaven, your eternal Home, where you reside permanently and without interruption. When you awaken it will be as though you had never left, because you never have.

That is very hard for you to conceive of, let alone believe, as you wander, seemingly lost, within the intimidating and frightening maze that is the illusion that you built with such skill. You have incredible skills, you just used them rather unwisely when you built the illusion, but illusions, by their very nature, do not last. They fade away, and all that occurred within them is quickly forgotten, because what is unreal cannot be remembered for more than a very brief moment. You will barely have time to think “isn’t this amazing, and wasn’t that utterly insane, how could we have believed it was true?” as you awaken into Reality, and the joy and wonder with which It presents you, and all that was the illusion rapidly dissolves and is totally forgotten, because you do not need memories, especially ones like these, in the eternal now.

Go daily within, seek the peace that that holy place provides, make a point of rejoicing because you are soon (that unfortunate and much misunderstood word comes up yet again!) to awaken into the brilliant Light of God’s divine Presence and know It once more as your eternal Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Announcing the Global CE-5 Initiative !
We are happy to announce the Global CE-5 Initiative Day on The first Saturday of each month.  Join others world wide who want to unite in consciousness to reach out to the stars in Universal Peace.
Thousands around the globe have already formed contact groups.
Now is the time to magnify global coherence by all of us coming together in higher consciousness in a way that can move the world and humanity onto the path of Universal Peace. Get together with your existing group, or form a group of your own to reach out to the ETs with your intent for peaceful contact.
Imagine each individual or group as a light shining from Earth into the Cosmos – all on the same day around the globe.   The earth will be glowing!
If you want to form a group you can go to our free website/app – and put in your name and contact information.  If you don’t want to use your usual email , create a special email address just for this purpose and then you can form a group with others nearby.  If you do not put some form of contact information, no one will be able to reach you.
Let’s start on Saturday November 7, then Saturday December 5 and move into 2016.
We will send out a reminder each month.
If you wish, share your experiences on the facebook page : SiriusDisclosure(formerly Sirius:TheMovie).
If you want ideas about how to make contact or how to form your own group you may want to use these tools:
Iphone or Android app – a full training program on what to look for, how to make contact and more.   Click here for a more complete description but go to your app store to purchase – ETContact Tool.
We have a comprehensive program including Dr. Greer’s books and CDs called the : Contact Training Program.  Click here for the details about it.
You may also want to watch some of our videos: Crossing Point of Light or the Glendale webinar available on our vimeo or via youtube:
PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

You are very close to seeing new governance, your abundance and a new financial system bloom before you! Our liaisons are quite overjoyed with what is presently occurring.

As you start to move through the final stages, which return you to the realm of physical Angels, know deep in your heart the wondrous joys awaiting you. You are a most special group of humans.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! This reality is being swiftly disassembled by the various decisions of a new group of the ancient families and the new royalty of Europe. Their decisions are making it possible to speedily take down the many-headed monster that is the cabal. Those who are involved in the legal aspects of this operation are quite pleased that these vital decisions are finally being made. Our liaisons report that the new financial system and its many parts are in fact completed. We expect these newly finished parts to take on the US Federal Reserve and its numerous central bank allies. The many precedents set up by our legal division promises to make these strikes quick and easy. These banks lack the precious metal support offered to the world by the new financial system. Hence, we feel that this new system can be in charge of a new financial reality before this 10th Gregorian month ends. These events can clearly signal that the many currency revaluations and the grand global currency reset can be finished and put in operation. This is to be the time when a whole slew of new governance is to be operating. These new governments are to finally end the decades-long UFO cover up!

When this cover-up is lifted globally, we can start to broadcast a number of programs that are to inform you of who we are and to explain your off-planet origins. What the Atlanteans did to their political dissidents was a growing sign of their obedience to the dark. This policy was fully demonstrated again by the dark deeds of their successors, the Anunnaki. You have been treated since this time to a series of lies and misinformation. We, in the Light, intend to explain this history to you and especially the many manipulative stories recorded in your history books. Since childhood, you have swallowed what the authorities told you. This set of false core perceptions was repeated again and again. War is a psychopathic activity. The same can be said for hatred and the resulting false sense of a prejudicial superiority over those you are taught to hate. The rise of your consciousness is a process, which is beginning to fracture the set of lies concerning hatred and other similar feelings given to you. You are now starting to question what is told to you. We wish to use our technology to show you what has really been happening since the start of the last century!

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This world of yours is changing for the better. First, it is done surreptitiously. Then, it is, at the right time, these changes can become public. This process for societal change is taking place under high security as was decided on long ago. At present, the preliminaries are under way. These operations now cover the Americas, Europe and Asia. A new series of policies are emanating from the ancient families as a new generation of members of their various councils has come on board. These new policies are speeding up those operations, which were agreed upon several weeks ago. Hence, you are very close to seeing new governance, your abundance and a new financial system bloom before you! Our liaisons are quite overjoyed with what is presently occurring. This manifesting new reality requires you to see it in a new light. These new governments are to be transparent and need your close watchdog observations. Your participation is truly needed. The strong relationship between governance and yourselves is more than ever both needed and required!

As you can see, a quiet revolution is starting to manifest. Each of you is the true reason for this most dramatic change. You need to see the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) as just the first step in a global event that is to end debt slavery and bring you a growing prosperity. Your deepest dreams are shortly to be met. In addition, the UFO cover-up is to be transformed into one where you can meet us. We see this moment as a true watershed in your history. The nearly 13 millennia of a global quarantine is to end. Your mentors are to initially take the time to introduce themselves and explain in detail who you really are. This is just the start of a grand adventure, which is to conclude with your divine time in your own personalized Crystal Light Chamber. Then you are to become fully conscious and reunite with the Agarthans, and with us. Your communications to Heaven are to be fully restored. A new star nation is to be born! You are to complete your grand destiny! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

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Blessings! We are you Ascended Masters! At the present time, you are being bombarded with extra dimensional energies. These are blessedly boosting the many updates to your physical and non-physical bodies. All of this is about integration. The new physical components need to have their many spiritual parts merge with your physical and mental parts. This is how Heaven is rapidly permitting you to move successfully to higher and higher levels of consciousness. This divine process is happening in union with our allies and associates. You are as well being gently changed in your perceptions and your ways of dealing with this realm.. This is how we were prepared for our transformations. See these precious alterations as a sacred kiss from Heaven. You are truly blessed and cared for. Long ago, we progressed through these same types of changes. These took a number of lifetimes to achieve. The outcome was a marvelous state of grace and divine service.

As you start to move through the final stages, which return you to the realm of physical Angels, know deep in your heart the wondrous joys awaiting you. You are a most special group of humans. You have suffered unbelievable sorrows and been placed in numerous lifetimes that have truly tested you. You have seen death, pestilence and the ill effects of unfettered tyranny. Despite this, you have not fallen from the sacred support of the Light. This is a long testing, which deserves proper recognition. We are a part of these grand lives of challenges to the heart and to the ways of Heaven. Through all these lifetimes, you have survived. Now there comes the final defeat of the dark and the grand triumph of the Light! We have watched and seen the horrors of life amidst these lies and a grand tyranny. You are blessed and given a sacred dispensation for full consciousness and a divine return to physical Angelhood!


You are to be saved from any further lifetimes in this dark horror. We are awaiting you when you come in joy from the Crystal Light Chambers. This transition has taken longer since the dark cast a deep net of sorrow about this realm. This is removed! The next task is to fill this land with joy, freedom and prosperity. Already, our associates are preparing the way for things to manifest, which are to astound you. Hence, know in your heart that a new realm is forming. It is One in which the minions of the dark are formally removed. Those who favor that truth and transparency govern you are to need your full participation. Hence, be ready to exercise your new attainment of Light and Love. Be ever grateful and thank Heaven for this most sacred act of mercy. The Earth is to be transformed and you are to rejoin with your ancient spiritual and space families in the lands of Agartha. Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we carried on with our weekly reports. You are very near to the time when this marvelous land is to be reborn. The dark is at last readying to relent and surrender. We are as well near to the landing of those who have long protected us. A truly grand moment is at hand! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation


Your Won’t Want to Miss Our Next Live Webinar

We have reached a stage in our ascension preparations when our vibrations are able to process more refined energy. The Galactics will transmit to Sheldan the latest information on our progress. More important, during this live Webinar they will ramp up the intensity of our energy vibrations.

Please join us to listen and to learn. And get ready to hit the next level of vibrational energy!

Sunday attendees wrote:

Hi Sheldon and Colleen, as always, each webinar gets more exciting, uplifting, and genuinely filled with an abundance of light energy. Thank you! Both of you are darling lovable angels of light. Selamat Ja! DO/US

I feel blessed to be able to receive such an abundance of knowledge through you and from the Galactic Federation. I have been following you for over 20 yrs. and am so grateful for the coding and vibrational energies received. In gratitude, Bianca

Sheldan, Fabulous! Our Galactic Family came through with such reassurance, uplifting messages and bundles of love. It is a gift to the world.
Tazz~Tazz&Paula Radio

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In this extra special, Live Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!

Topics include…

• How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us
• Gaia’s current ascension symptoms – mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option – the New You and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe rewards action!)

Thursday, October 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
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Eckhart on Awakening
I am
As Awareness Grows

Inter-dimensional Communication Portals-The Arcturians


Connecting With Your Higher SELF
Free meditation download at:
Inter-dimensional Communication Portals
  The Arcturians
Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities.
Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once perceived as yesterday or tomorrow. In fact, you are beginning to release the confines of time that were bound to your third-dimensional, or even fourth-dimensional, thinking.
Your fourth dimensional thinking moves faster than third dimensional thinking. However, as you move into your fifth-dimensional thinking and states of consciousness, you are beginning to release your concept of time.
Without time, that which has been in between who you want to be, what you want to do, or where you want to go is not there. That third dimensional “in-between” was actually an illusion of the third and fourth dimensional matrix.
As you continue your acceleration of consciousness, you will find that as your consciousness peaks into your higher states of consciousness, such as your alpha, theta waves or gamma brainwaves, you perceive something that seems to blink in and out of your reality. First it appears to be over there. Then you realize that it is to your right, or even within you.
Increasingly, you are perceiving something that there is going on around you, over you, under you or even through you. But your third-dimensional brain has no way in which it can interpret this situation. Furthermore, when you stay in higher states of consciousness too long, your third dimensional brain and ego becomes concerned and pulls you out of your reverie.
Then in a flash, the 3D breaks go on and your attention is directed back into the third-dimensional matrix, back into the fourth dimensional matrix, back into time. The third and fourth dimensional matrixes are much like webs to which you automatically attach your third-dimensional thoughts and emotions to create third dimensional thought forms.
These third dimensional thought form travel out into your world to gather other thought forms that are similar and bring them back to you. Therefore, if you have a third dimensional thought of, “I would like to have a wonderful conversation with some people that I care for” that energy field will come back to you and soon you receive an email or a Facebook or a phone call from somebody who is important to you.
If your thought form is fear based it will still go out. For example, if you were to say, “I am lonely. I have no friends. No one ever connects with me” what you will see in return is that no one will connect with you.
As you are moving into your higher states of consciousness, you will able to actually perceive these thought forms. You will not perceive them in the same manner as you perceive a book or a newspaper with your third-dimensional perception.  Instead, you will likely think you are “imagining” them. Yes, you are imagining them because imagination is fifth dimensional thought.
Many of you are still using for your third-dimensional cause and effect thinking, but you are slowly realizing that when you put out positive loving thoughts, something positive and loving will come back to you.
You are also realizing that if you are in the midst of a situation that you don’t know how to deal with, instead of pondering and worrying you just say, “Dear Higher Self, there is something that I need to understand. Could your please assist me.” Then you wait for a thought form from your Higher Self to return to you.
Because you called your Higher Self, you have made a different kind of thought form. You have made an inter-dimensional thought form. When you call into the higher dimensions and say, “please assist me with this situation,” you have used your free will to open up an inter-dimensional portal.
This inter-dimensional portal connects you with one, or several, of your higher dimensional expressions SELF with whom you can consciously receive multidimensional information. Your higher expressions of SELF could be Angels, Ascended Masters, Elohim and/or higher dimensional Galactic beings.
We want you to know that we, your higher expressions of SELF, are all waiting for your call. We are all waiting because Gaia is a free will planet. Therefore we must wait until you call us.
We see that many of you are calling us. But sometimes you are calling us with a low frequency message, such as, “I hate it here. I want out of here. When are you going to come down and help me?”
These thought forms are a very low frequency because they are filled with fear and anger. The fact is that we are already here, but you can only perceive us via your higher states of consciousness. We are right here. We are in your room, we are in your house, we are walking next to you as you go to the grocery store.
But you cannot perceive us because we resonate to a higher frequency. We resonate to the fifth-dimension and beyond. In order for you to be able to perceive us, you need to expand your consciousness out of your beta waves, even beyond your alpha dream waves and into your theta and your gamma meditationwaves in which you can release time.
With your alpha waves, time goes faster because you are doing something that you enjoy and something that feels good to you. But, it is only with theta and gamma wave consciousness that you are able to begin to release your addiction to 3D time.
When you move into a gamma wave reality, there are no longer thoughts or words lined up sequentially, such as one, two, three, four. Reality in these higher dimensional realities is much like flowing and floating through an ocean.
However, if you are flowing through this higher dimensional ocean and desire a sequence of events or thoughts, you will “fall out” of that reality. You fall out because your attachment to the time that creates the concept of sequence demands lowers your consciousness out of the perceptual range of that world.
Sequence is based on the timing of first, second, third, etc. When ever thing occurs within the Now there is no first, second etc. There is only a swirling, joining, flowing, becoming, entering, and/or leaving.
Feel your consciousness as you allow your mind to flow from one concept to allow a unique concept to flow into the next concept, which expands into the next concept. As an example, feel the thought form of “I wish to experience an intimate relationship with my higher self.” As soon as you make that statement, you create an inter-dimensional thought form. That inter-dimensional thought form flows up into the higher dimensions in search of your Higher Self.
Now, what goes out comes back. Hence, when your Higher Self receives this information it may say, “Oh, we have a com-link with a member of our lower-dimensional self who is able to respond to and perhaps even communicate with us. We, the members of your Higher Self, transmit a message to your higher consciousness to say ‘Hello.’”
Of course, we do not say hello in the English language. We say hello within our Light language. We say hello by tickling your Third Eye, whispering into your expanded hearing, touching you softly on the heart, putting our arm around you and/or making you feel safe and loved.
Hence, when we say “Hello, we are here and would love to communicate with you,” you do not hear that English, or any, human language. However, you may perceive something that you do not know how to understand. This “something, someone, some feeling, some thought, some energy” feels as if it has just flown past you, is encircling you and/or is over you sending you unconditional love.
If you can be still, if you can be very quiet in your brain and can listen with you heart, your Third Eye may be able to perceive that there is an energy field that is coming in to your awareness. You do not know what that energy field is saying to you at first, but you can feel that it is there.
If you were to become frightened, your energy field would fill with fear. Then, your higher dimensional self would instantly leave that energy field because we no longer participate in the energy field of fear.
However, if you can remember to quickly transmute your energy field back into the higher dimensions by sending it Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, we can link our personal and collective energy patterns with yours to facilitate our inter-dimensional communication portal.
Through this portal, we are able to send you our unconditional love and multi-dimensional light to assist you to expand your consciousness to consciously receive our higher dimensional communications.
You see, we are being just like you. In fact, we are the version of you that resonates to a higher resonance of vibration. When you have a conscious connection with your higher resonance, you simultaneously connect with us, your own Higher Self.
Via your own higher states of consciousness you can open your Third Eye, connect with your High Heart, and ground your inter-dimensional essence deep into the core of Gaia. When you ground this energy field into the core of Gaia it is much like plugging it into a universal language translator.
This “universal language translator” will lovingly place entire messages into your consciousness and amplify them so that it is easier for you to consciously experience our communication.
When you have gone through the process of accepting, knowing, serving, and grounding our messages, you are instructing your third-dimensional brain to connect its operating system with your multi-dimensional mind.
Then, you may even be able to perceive your Higher Self through your portal of light. However, you will not perceive your Higher Self in the same manner that you might see your physical self in a mirror.
In fact, you will not perceive your Higher Self at all until you are able to “believe you have a Higher Self,” as you will not perceive what you do not believe.
If you can believe in your own Self, you can say, “I would love to speak with you.” Your answer will not come via words, but via inter-dimensional energy thought forms. Therefore, be aware of the higher frequency energy patterns that enter your Pineal gland.
Share these messages with your Third Eye so that you can better understand them and store the in your High Heart for safe keeping and further understanding. Also, do not forget to ground these “Message from SELF” in the core of Gaia. Then, share your messages with others who are ready. Don’t worry about who is ready.
Just trust your self and you will “know” who is ready to receive what information. Be sure to leave a seed of this message planted in the core of Gaia. Then all the seeds of all the answers to all the question can merge into Unity Consciousness and Unconditional Love to dream, expect, create, own, and protect Gaia’s new, and highest octave of Her planetary body.
Every thought of unconditional love for Gaia and every blessing you send Mother Earth will return to you three-fold. Therefore, dear ascending ones, honor your self so that you can be able to more totally honor others and the planet on which you live.
Blessings to you all, and please remember to keep your inter-dimensional portal open.
The Arcturians and YOUR Higher SELF
Be a part of the new Global CE-5 Initiative !  + Dr. Greer on Art Bell this week
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Washington DC – Saturday November 21, 2015
2 pm – 6pm
Join the founder of the global Disclosure movement, Dr. Steven Greer, in Washington DC for a unique opportunity to learn the most comprehensive and explosive expose of UFO secrecy ever presented!
Dr. Greer has been involved in the highest levels of governments and military for over 25 years and will share what he has learned on the who , what , where and why of UFO secrecy and the deep trans-national security state and the constellation of illegal projects that are currently operating. 
This 4 hour workshop will include:
-How is secrecy maintained through the hybrid of corporate and government programs?
-Which military bases and facilities and which corporations are involved in this secrecy?
-How is black -budget and criminal activity funding these operations? 
-The Connection between the global financial system , UFO technology, drug-running and covert military airspace and bases;
-Where are the key Underground Bases (UGBs) and how are they connected via subterranean tunnels ?
-Who has been involved in managing this secrecy and how is that entity (MAJIC) controlled and operated?
-How do Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) operate and how are they kept secret from the people, the President and Congress?
-The History of UFO secrecy since WW II and how it has devolved into its own illegal trans-national cartel.
-See explosive documents on secrecy, how human military 
-controlled “Abductions” are “stage-crafted” – and what is the agenda for this Deception.
-What is the future agenda for the cartel managing UFO secrecy-and how you need to prepare for this future!
– The Planned Cosmic 911 Deception- What you NEED to know!
The workshop will be held at :
1st Congregational United Church of Christ
“Live at 10th and G”
945 G St. NW
Washington DC 20001
Saturday November 21, 2015 – 2pm – 6pm
Be sure to reserve your seat for the workshop by buying a ticket here ($75)
Or join the  Webinar ($30)  (We will have the webinar link in a few days .  Please check the
Listen to Dr. Greer on the Art Bell show !
East Coast USA – Thursday October 15 – 12 a.m. – 3 a.m.
West Coast USA – Wednesday October 14 – 9 a.m to midnight
3 hours of Dr. Greer discussing everything from how the secret Government works to recent contact experiences with the CE-5 group in Portugal
Go to:

www.ArtBell.Com  & “How to Listen to Art Bell” to figure out your listening options.
All shows are archived.
Sirius Technology Advanced Research LLC|
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Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
Udo Grube

auch in dieser Woche erwarten dich hier, in deinem HORIZONWORLD-Wochenüberblick, Nachrichten der etwas anderen Art:

Neuigkeiten, die dich wirklich berühren, dich inspirieren und dir auf deinem Weg ein Stück weiterhelfen sollen.

Viel Spaß und erhellende Erkenntnisse beim Lesen wünscht dir

Sign Udo

Bild: Udo Grube, Gründer & Geschäftsführer der HORIZON bewusst leben & denken GmbH
Die so genannte Elite verliert die Kontrolle
Die so genannte Elite verliert die Kontrolle

10 deutliche Anzeichen, dass die so genannte “Elite” immer mehr ihrer Kontrolle über die Menschheit verliert! Es scheint einen Ruck durch die Menschen gegeben zu haben, indem sie endlich (!) ihren freien Willen “entdecken” und scharenweise aufwachen! Der Beitrag Die so genannte Elite verliert die Kontrolle erschien zuerst auf Horizonworld – bewusst leben und denken .

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Angenommen Du hättest nur dieses eine Leben…
Angenommen Du hättest nur dieses eine Leben…

… würdest Du es genau so leben, wie Du es gegenwärtig tust? Erfolgsautor und Coach Bruno Würtenberger stellt die Frage, die unserem Leben eine entscheidende Wendung zum Glücklichsein schenken kann. Der Beitrag Angenommen Du hättest nur dieses eine Leben… erschien zuerst auf Horizonworld – bewusst leben und denken .

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Das Prinzip Selbstermächtigung in Ausrichtung auf Liebe
Das Prinzip Selbstermächtigung in Ausrichtung auf Liebe

Siranus Sven von Staden stellt immer wieder fest, dass Menschen an einem bestimmten Punkt stecken bleiben. Wenn wir jedoch, die uns innewohnende Macht und Herzenskraft nicht reaktivieren, werden wir niemals zu der Person werden, die wir wirklich sind. Beginne noch heute. Mache den ersten Schritt. Der Beitrag Das Prinzip Selbstermächtigung in Ausrichtung auf Liebe erschien zuerst auf Horizonworld – bewusst leben und denken .

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Das Horizonworld-Team im JETZT-Raum mit Eckhart Tolle
Das Horizonworld-Team im JETZT-Raum mit Eckhart Tolle

Am vergangenen Sonntag, 04.10.2015, traf sich (fast) das ganze Team von Horizonworld in Hamburg, um im Gegenwarts-Raum mit Eckhart Tolle zu sein, der 3.000 Anwesenden seine berühmte Botschaft des “JETZT” vermittelte. Eine Botschaft, die zur Quelle der höchsten Freude und des Glücklichseins führt. Der Beitrag Das Horizonworld-Team im JETZT-Raum mit Eckhart Tolle erschien zuerst auf Horizonworld – bewusst leben und denken .

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Bypassing the Need to Wait~5th Dimensional Consciousness


When you are always “Waiting” for something that is not present in your life to arrive, you are living in the grand illusion of 3D, that is the Repetitive cycle, and incarnation cycle, of YOU always WAITING to receive that ONE thing you desire the most.  You will receive That one thing you desire the most, which your Soul Desires, which you have incarnated over and over to receive, that is, your Destiny. And it is far greater than you realize.

Your Soul has set before you a Journey to arrival when you incarnated, guiding you in the present moment, to your deepest Desires, which is YOUR DESTINY. This is a fool-proof Journey. YOUR Soul knows what you need to be ready to receive. And no matter how far you go off track, you will always be brought back on track, because there is NO way AROUND IT.

Have you ever noticed, that when you are truly PRESENT, everything just shows up effortlessly? When you have let go of waiting, and trying and obsessing over that One thing, that is not present Now~ everything just arrives.

You have stepped out of 3D waiting, your Soul is guiding you every moment, and you have QUIT the endless battle of struggle and suffering, which is the resistance to the path of ease and grace, in the present moment. Everything magically unfolds, in the present Moment~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness. It is ARRIVAL and the end of struggle and fighting the PATH of your Soul. The path you have incarnated over and over to RECEIVE.

Living in the Present moment, and bypassing the Need to Wait (which is bypassing your need FOR control and resistance to arrival) is the allowance and acceptance of your Arrival, of the present moment, which ends the perpetual need for waiting (which is the 3D cycle) that you keep “incarnating” into. Do you need to wait till another incarnation to receive your Destiny?

Will you STOP Waiting and stop obsessing over everything THAT is not PRESENT NOW in your life now, and you Let that go And arrive NOW, YOU Receive. It is in the being present and in the letting go of the need to control and wait for what is not here now, that you RECEIVE  your Destiny, your Desires AND MORE.

Give YOURSELF MORE Love not less, in every moment, with every experience, with every fear that arises. In all ways you recognize you are waiting, needing to known, controlling. And recognize that is why you are here, to Love yourself, to RECEIVE all that you desire! Love yourself More and More and More. And Receive the Great Love that you ARE in the Present Moment. That you are Not separated from.

Some of you are dealing with a type of Post Traumatic Stress that you have carried throughout many lifetimes, this is the fear that is unresolved, that ONLY WANTS more Love ~ not LESS. Accept you have fear, accept yourself, Love yourself!

Do not WAIT to love yourself TILL you are the way you desire to BE, Love yourself through acceptance NOW.

Through the application of 5th Dimensional Consciousness, which is self-love and acceptance of yourself and the PRESENT MOMENT~ you ENTER the present moment. And Arrive. And enter Receiving All that your Soul has for you to Receive. No longer existing in a 3D world of waiting and struggling and suffering, over and over. You can end this endless cycle NOW. Love what is, STOP endlessly waiting for what is NOT PRESENT NOW. I hold you in this, in the GRAND Destiny of your Eternal Soul, and in this your Freedom from suffering, through YOUR GREAT arrival.

Feel these words, enter deeply the present moment through your Breath and Receive the NOW Moment.

I no longer wait for what is not present to arrive.

Instead I arrive~ in the present moment.

I live in the present Moment which is the Path of my Soul.

My Destiny Unfolds for me, as I have Arrived.

I Am Present, I no Longer “wait” in a timeline of 3D, that only served to keep me in the cycle of waiting.

I have freed myself from this endless cycle.

I Have Arrived.

Eternal Love and Bliss!



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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Every time we come together in Love and shared mission, we strengthen and anchor our new paradigm frequencies. Let’s come together in this month’s webinar as one body and radiate collective compassion to all sources of global tensions ~~ transforming them into peaceful resolutions for the good of ALL. The field of peace and compassion that we create will support us in realizing a true and lasting culture of peace on our planet. So be it.

I love the messages from the Pleiadian Delegate thru L’Aura Pleiadian. They remind us to drop our old paradigm (3D) thinking and patterns AND embrace 5th dimensional consciousness. Transforming our 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness is no small feat. We are doing it. Victory is guaranteed. Now it is up to us to “remember” and put into action the Universal Laws. It is time for us to embody spiritual maturity.

Selamat Ja!

REMINDER: We recommend registering for the webinar early. This will ensure that you receive your link in good order. Be mindful when providing your email address. Also, registering early helps me be peaceful and not chaotic on the day of the webinar. ZaZuMa!


PAO’s Live Webinar for October

What’s happening around the world? How close are we to a new financial system? Will the RV take place? When will we meet our Galactic Mentors? These questions and more will be answered. Join us.

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In this extra special, Live Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!

Topics include…

• How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us
• Gaia’s current ascension symptoms – mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option – the New You and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe rewards action!)

Sunday, October 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, October 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Bypassing the Need to Wait~5th Dimensional Consciousness

from Pleiadian Delegate by L’Aura Pleiadian

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When you are always “Waiting” for something that is not present in your life to arrive, you are living in the grand illusion of 3D, that is the Repetitive cycle, and incarnation cycle, of YOU always WAITING to receive that ONE thing you desire the most. You will receive That one thing you desire the most, which your Soul Desires, which you have incarnated over and over to receive, that is, your Destiny. And it is far greater than you realize.

Your Soul has set before you a Journey to arrival when you incarnated, guiding you in the present moment, to your deepest Desires, which is YOUR DESTINY. This is a fool-proof Journey. YOUR Soul knows what you need to be ready to receive. And no matter how far you go off track, you will always be brought back on track, because there is NO way AROUND IT.

Have you ever noticed, that when you are truly PRESENT, everything just shows up effortlessly? When you have let go of waiting, and trying and obsessing over that One thing, that is not present Now~ everything just arrives.

You have stepped out of 3D waiting, your Soul is guiding you every moment, and you have QUIT the endless battle of struggle and suffering, which is the resistance to the path of ease and grace, in the present moment. Everything magically unfolds, in the present Moment~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness. It is ARRIVAL and the end of struggle and fighting the PATH of your Soul. The path you have incarnated over and over to RECEIVE.

live in the moment 1

Living in the Present moment, and bypassing the Need to Wait (which is bypassing your need FOR control and resistance to arrival) is the allowance and acceptance of your Arrival, of the present moment, which ends the perpetual need for waiting (which is the 3D cycle) that you keep “incarnating” into. Do you need to wait till another incarnation to receive your Destiny?

Will you STOP Waiting and stop obsessing over everything THAT is not PRESENT NOW in your life now, and you Let that go And arrive NOW, YOU Receive. It is in the being present and in the letting go of the need to control and wait for what is not here now, that you RECEIVE your Destiny, your Desires AND MORE.

Give YOURSELF MORE Love not less, in every moment, with every experience, with every fear that arises. In all ways you recognize you are waiting, needing to known, controlling. And recognize that is why you are here, to Love yourself, to RECEIVE all that you desire! Love yourself More and More and More. And Receive the Great Love that you ARE in the Present Moment. That you are Not separated from.

Some of you are dealing with a type of Post Traumatic Stress that you have carried throughout many lifetimes, this is the fear that is unresolved, that ONLY WANTS more Love ~ not LESS. Accept you have fear, accept yourself, Love yourself!

Do not WAIT to love yourself TILL you are the way you desire to BE, Love yourself through acceptance NOW.


Through the application of 5th Dimensional Consciousness, which is self-love and acceptance of yourself and the PRESENT MOMENT~ you ENTER the present moment. And Arrive. And enter Receiving All that your Soul has for you to Receive. No longer existing in a 3D world of waiting and struggling and suffering, over and over. You can end this endless cycle NOW. Love what is, STOP endlessly waiting for what is NOT PRESENT NOW. I hold you in this, in the GRAND Destiny of your Eternal Soul, and in this your Freedom from suffering, through YOUR GREAT arrival.

Feel these words, enter deeply the present moment through your Breath and Receive the NOW Moment.

I no longer wait for what is not present to arrive.

Instead I arrive~ in the present moment.

I live in the present Moment which is the Path of my Soul.

My Destiny Unfolds for me, as I have Arrived.

I Am Present, I no Longer “wait” in a timeline of 3D, that only served to keep me in the cycle of waiting.

I have freed myself from this endless cycle.

I Have Arrived.

Eternal Love and Bliss!

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