Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
October 20, 2015 by John Smallman
Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me tonight?
Jesus: And a very good evening to you as well, John. Change is in the air, can’t you feel it?
Me: I’m not very good at feeling! So, I’m hopeful, because of what others are saying, and I have a sense that “all manner of things will be well.” And then I read the mainstream media and learn about all the suffering – floods and mudslides in the Philippines, destruction of homes and families in Syria, thousands of migrants making their way to Europe in desperation – on and on. I send love, I think I intend, but it all seems so hopeless as those “in charge” seem set on military responses to these ongoing “problems,” problems from which they are very securely separated! Yes, they talk of humanitarian responses, but they only seem to be able to conceive of military might to contain and control the frightful situations for which it would seem they are largely responsible. And how many thousands of times has that been unsuccessfully tried? As the song goes “When will they ever learn?”
Jesus: Yes, the mainstream media reports are not encouraging. But underneath and behind the scenes much is happening that will bring essential changes for the benefit of all. Keep on intending to send love to all – not only to those who are suffering but also to sadistic and violent criminals and dictators – because all are being seriously influenced by the Tsunami of Love that has enveloped the planet since late in 2012, and the divine plan is for all awaken. God is not complete without even one of His children. There is not one that He does not Love infinitely and eternally. Some are just more confused and seemingly separated from His Love than most.
Seek the good news that the alternate media are reporting, there is a LOT of it! Then relax into your inner self, your own personal altar, tabernacle, or sanctuary, and be Love! That is your true nature, and if you intend to operate through It instead of through your ego your intentions are extraordinarily effective. Love is All, engage with It and change not only yourself, but also the world. Enormous numbers of you are doing that and it truly is extremely effective. KNOW that the intent of the collective has changed from fear and doubt to hope and optimism, and that that intent is strengthening in every moment. There is Light ahead, so focus your vision there as you move into It.
As I, and many others, keep telling you, you are not alone, abandoned, adrift in an ocean of danger and despair. You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams, but, nevertheless, you are close to your inevitable awakening. The dream has lasted far longer than you intended when you chose to experience separation from our divine Source, and it is drawing to a close. Deep within yourselves, but mostly hidden from you because of your frequent choices to be unloving and self-centered, you know that the lives you are experiencing in the illusory world you built are unreal, despite the pain they have caused you. That pain, like time, like the illusion, is unreal, and when you awaken it will be as though it never happened . . . because, in truth, it never did!
You are all the divine and beloved children of God, created in Love for eternal joy, and nothing has or ever can change that because there is nowhere except the Presence of God, Heaven, your eternal Home, where you reside permanently and without interruption. When you awaken it will be as though you had never left, because you never have.
That is very hard for you to conceive of, let alone believe, as you wander, seemingly lost, within the intimidating and frightening maze that is the illusion that you built with such skill. You have incredible skills, you just used them rather unwisely when you built the illusion, but illusions, by their very nature, do not last. They fade away, and all that occurred within them is quickly forgotten, because what is unreal cannot be remembered for more than a very brief moment. You will barely have time to think “isn’t this amazing, and wasn’t that utterly insane, how could we have believed it was true?” as you awaken into Reality, and the joy and wonder with which It presents you, and all that was the illusion rapidly dissolves and is totally forgotten, because you do not need memories, especially ones like these, in the eternal now.
Go daily within, seek the peace that that holy place provides, make a point of rejoicing because you are soon (that unfortunate and much misunderstood word comes up yet again!) to awaken into the brilliant Light of God’s divine Presence and know It once more as your eternal Home.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Announcing the Global CE-5 Initiative !
We are happy to announce the Global CE-5 Initiative Day on The first Saturday of each month. Join others world wide who want to unite in consciousness to reach out to the stars in Universal Peace.
Thousands around the globe have already formed contact groups.
Now is the time to magnify global coherence by all of us coming together in higher consciousness in a way that can move the world and humanity onto the path of Universal Peace. Get together with your existing group, or form a group of your own to reach out to the ETs with your intent for peaceful contact.
Imagine each individual or group as a light shining from Earth into the Cosmos – all on the same day around the globe. The earth will be glowing!
If you want to form a group you can go to our free website/app – and put in your name and contact information. If you don’t want to use your usual email , create a special email address just for this purpose and then you can form a group with others nearby. If you do not put some form of contact information, no one will be able to reach you.
Let’s start on Saturday November 7, then Saturday December 5 and move into 2016.
We will send out a reminder each month.
If you wish, share your experiences on the facebook page : SiriusDisclosure(formerly Sirius:TheMovie).
If you want ideas about how to make contact or how to form your own group you may want to use these tools:
Iphone or Android app – a full training program on what to look for, how to make contact and more. Click here for a more complete description but go to your app store to purchase – ETContact Tool.
We have a comprehensive program including Dr. Greer’s books and CDs called the : Contact Training Program. Click here for the details about it.
You may also want to watch some of our videos: Crossing Point of Light or the Glendale webinar available on our vimeo
Inter-dimensional Communication Portals-The Arcturians
Bypassing the Need to Wait~5th Dimensional Consciousness
When you are always “Waiting” for something that is not present in your life to arrive, you are living in the grand illusion of 3D, that is the Repetitive cycle, and incarnation cycle, of YOU always WAITING to receive that ONE thing you desire the most. You will receive That one thing you desire the most, which your Soul Desires, which you have incarnated over and over to receive, that is, your Destiny. And it is far greater than you realize.
Your Soul has set before you a Journey to arrival when you incarnated, guiding you in the present moment, to your deepest Desires, which is YOUR DESTINY. This is a fool-proof Journey. YOUR Soul knows what you need to be ready to receive. And no matter how far you go off track, you will always be brought back on track, because there is NO way AROUND IT.
Have you ever noticed, that when you are truly PRESENT, everything just shows up effortlessly? When you have let go of waiting, and trying and obsessing over that One thing, that is not present Now~ everything just arrives.
You have stepped out of 3D waiting, your Soul is guiding you every moment, and you have QUIT the endless battle of struggle and suffering, which is the resistance to the path of ease and grace, in the present moment. Everything magically unfolds, in the present Moment~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness. It is ARRIVAL and the end of struggle and fighting the PATH of your Soul. The path you have incarnated over and over to RECEIVE.
Living in the Present moment, and bypassing the Need to Wait (which is bypassing your need FOR control and resistance to arrival) is the allowance and acceptance of your Arrival, of the present moment, which ends the perpetual need for waiting (which is the 3D cycle) that you keep “incarnating” into. Do you need to wait till another incarnation to receive your Destiny?
Will you STOP Waiting and stop obsessing over everything THAT is not PRESENT NOW in your life now, and you Let that go And arrive NOW, YOU Receive. It is in the being present and in the letting go of the need to control and wait for what is not here now, that you RECEIVE your Destiny, your Desires AND MORE.
Give YOURSELF MORE Love not less, in every moment, with every experience, with every fear that arises. In all ways you recognize you are waiting, needing to known, controlling. And recognize that is why you are here, to Love yourself, to RECEIVE all that you desire! Love yourself More and More and More. And Receive the Great Love that you ARE in the Present Moment. That you are Not separated from.
Some of you are dealing with a type of Post Traumatic Stress that you have carried throughout many lifetimes, this is the fear that is unresolved, that ONLY WANTS more Love ~ not LESS. Accept you have fear, accept yourself, Love yourself!
Do not WAIT to love yourself TILL you are the way you desire to BE, Love yourself through acceptance NOW.
Through the application of 5th Dimensional Consciousness, which is self-love and acceptance of yourself and the PRESENT MOMENT~ you ENTER the present moment. And Arrive. And enter Receiving All that your Soul has for you to Receive. No longer existing in a 3D world of waiting and struggling and suffering, over and over. You can end this endless cycle NOW. Love what is, STOP endlessly waiting for what is NOT PRESENT NOW. I hold you in this, in the GRAND Destiny of your Eternal Soul, and in this your Freedom from suffering, through YOUR GREAT arrival.
Feel these words, enter deeply the present moment through your Breath and Receive the NOW Moment.
I no longer wait for what is not present to arrive.
Instead I arrive~ in the present moment.
I live in the present Moment which is the Path of my Soul.
My Destiny Unfolds for me, as I have Arrived.
I Am Present, I no Longer “wait” in a timeline of 3D, that only served to keep me in the cycle of waiting.
I have freed myself from this endless cycle.
Eternal Love and Bliss!
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