Monatsarchive: September 2015

Der Countdown läuft! Haben Sie schon die europäische Bürgerinitative unterschrieben? Foto: Jakob Huber
Liebe Unterstützerin, lieber Unterstützer,

die Fieberkurve steigt, der Herbst wird heiß! In 21 Tagen endet nach einem Jahr die europäische Bürgerinitiative gegen die Freihandelsabkommen TTIP und CETA. Die Initiative ist schon jetzt die größte europäische Bürgerbewegung aller Zeiten. Gemeinsam mit 2,6 Millionen Menschen haben wir einen in der EU nie dagewesenen zivilgesellschaftlichen Protest aufgebaut.

In den verbleibenden 21 Tagen wollen wir noch so viele UnterstützerInnen für die Bürgeriniative gewinnen wie möglich. Jede Stimme zählt hierbei. Helfen Sie uns, die fehlenden 350.000 Unterschriften zu bekommen, mit denen wir die 3-Millionen-Marke knacken!

Unterzeichnen Sie hier die Bürgerinitiative gegen TTIP und CETA!

Haben Ihre Freunde und Bekannten bereits die Bürgerinitaitive unterzeichnet? Drucken Sie sich hier die Unterschriftenliste aus und sammeln Sie weitere wichtige UnterstützerInnen in Ihrem Freundeskreis, in der Nachbarschaft oder im Sportverein.

Drucken Sie sich hier die Unterschriftenliste aus!

Nur gemeinsam wird es uns gelingen, die geplanten Freihandelsabkommen zu stoppen und unser Ziel zu erreichen: einen gerechten Welthandel.

Viele Grüße vom Köllnischen Park
Norbert Franck, Nikolai Miron und Holger Böthling

Linie gruen
Kommen Sie zur TTIP-Demo nach Berlin! Hier Mitfahrgelegenheit buchen!

Auf zur TTIP-Demo nach Berlin!

Am 10. Oktober findet in Berlin die bundesweite Großdemo gegen TTIP und CETA statt. Seien Sie dabei! Es fahren fünf Sonderzüge nach Berlin, die Sie günstig zur Demo und zurück bringen. Außerdem gibt es zahlreiche Mitfahrgelegenheiten mit Bussen und Zügen.

Kaufen Sie hier online Ihr Ticket für die Sonderzüge!

Infos zu anderen Mitfahrgelegenheiten

Überschwemmungen in Maglaj, Bosnien-Herzigowina; Foto: Luka Tomac

Weltweite Ketten bilden

Der Klimawandel findet überall auf der Welt statt: Überschwemmungen, Dürren, Hitzewellen zerstören Ernten und machen Menschen heimatlos. Wir por­trä­tieren einige Klimaopfer – aber auch Klimahelden, die sich wehren. Anlässlich der Klimakonferenz in Paris wollen wir gemeinsam mit den Betroffenen weltweit Menschen­ketten für den Klimaschutz bilden.

Werden auch Sie ein Klimaheld

Autoshow; Foto: Jens Hilgenberg

Autobauer ignorieren Klimaschutz

Diese Woche startet die IAA in Frankfurt – mit der Präsentation immer größerer, leistungs­stärkerer Boliden. Fortschritte bei der Verbrauchs- und Emissionsreduktion werden auf der Automesse dagegen kaum zu bestaunen sein. Die Modellpolitik der deutschen Autoindustrie gefährdet damit die Klimaschutzziele Deutschlands, wie ein neues BUND-Gutachten zeigt.

BUND-Gutachten herunterladen


BUND-Müllsammelaktion auf Juist im März 2015; Foto: Anke Hofmeister

Pro Jahr gelangen über sechs Millionen Tonnen Plastikabfälle ins Meer: eine große Gefahr für unsere Umwelt und die Tiere im Wasser und an der Küste! Am 19.9. findet deshalb zum 30. Mal der internationale “Coastal Cleanup Day” statt. Auch viele BUND-Gruppen organisieren um dieses Datum herum Müllsammelaktionen an Nord- und Ostsee. Helfen Sie mit, unsere Strände sauber zu halten!


Igel-Schnecke aus dem BUNDladen

Der Igel ist ein Gehilfe, wie ihn sich jeder Gartenbesitzer wünscht: Nachtaktiv ernährt er sich von Insekten, Larven, Nackt- und Hausschnecken. Er ist standorttreu und geht nicht auf Wanderschaft, wenn seine Lebensbedingungen stimmen. Und dazu gehört ein trockenes, sicheres Lager, das nicht von Hunden aufgestöbert werden kann. So wie die Igel-Schnecke aus dem BUNDladen.

Die Erde braucht Freunde! Der BUND e.V. finanziert sich aus Mitgliedsbeiträgen und Spenden. Bitte unterstützen Sie uns. Vielen Dank!

Jetzt Mitglied werden Jetzt online spenden
Linie bunt
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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.

Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world.

from Planetary Activation Organization


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

11 Etznab, 11 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Our allies are coming together to defeat the dark cabal. This operation is seemingly taking longer than initially expected. The world conceptualized by the Anunnaki is filled with hidden mental traps. What is needed is a newer construct. With Heaven’s approval we have put forth a new reality modeled upon the one you all know and love! This reality is now being manifested by the numerous decrees of Heaven. It is one, which the Earth allies can, at times, find hard to fully fathom. Nonetheless, these brave souls of the Light continue to move forward. The dark controlled the old, cruel reality with a diligence that forced you to accede mightily to their heinous desires. This dark, silent controller still maintains a certain hold upon you, but this is starting to fade from the inner desires of the Light’s leadership. It is being replaced by a deep need to fulfill the decrees of the Light for a new and more just reality. These desires are currently driving the ancient families to complete the construction of a new reality that firmly isolates the dark cabal from its former subjects. Thus, the dark is ultimately doomed as this new reality begins to flesh itself out.

Above all, this reality shift needs your heartfelt support. One of the major outcomes of this change is the rise of new perceptions about how the world is supposed to work. As you grow up, you are constantly bombarded by your environment, your parents and friends to act or react in an acceptable manner. This acculturation process is really “second nature” to you. You now need to learn a new set of parameters, designed to expand your view of the world. This is required to truly alter this present reality. These powerful new perceptions are the main key to the path to full awareness. Up to now, Heaven has used your rising consciousness to permit a subtle degree of change to creep into your reality. This process is to be quickened as various funds become available. Hence, new banking regulations, a global currency reset and the rise of precious-metal backed monies is to greatly alter your everyday reality. This reality is to be centered on personal growth, outer peace and the start of a final path toward full consciousness.


Sheldon’s book, Your First Contact

As you grow in consciousness and begin to take on new chakras, remember the perilous journey that began when the Anunnaki changed the game and forced you to endure nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This terrorized you and led to a number of edicts being given you by the Anunnaki. The dark isolated you from your brethren in Inner Earth (Agartha) and preached a power concept that caused you to question how Heaven was to defeat the dark cabal and its many minions. This group of minions was first given a whole host of powers that the Anunnaki slowly redefined over many millennia. In the end, the minions felt they were all-powerful and defied their former masters’ edicts to acquiesce to the Light and permit Heaven to end the long dominance of the dark. Instead, these dark ones forged a scenario that prolonged their evil shenanigans for an additional twenty years. However, their misdeeds are about to isolate them from you. You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.

This coming age has taken an extended time to achieve. Long ago, the dark was given a very specific carte blanche. This special set of exceptions was to last a relatively short period. At a specially appointed time, Heaven was to regain its Loving hold over you and in a very detailed manner, finish a means to return you to a full awareness. This is to restore those abilities the Atlanteans had taken from you. This process was to be centered on a special living crystal chamber. In effect, the Agarthans and us are to welcome you home. This process is to permit you to remember your former roles as rebels in Atlantis. In this mode, you can use your abilities to join with the Agarthans and forge a unique galactic society destined to spread itself throughout the other three water planets. These planets are again to be returned to their former state within this special solar system. This solar system is to become one of the major gathering places for the Galactic Federation as well as many “galactic unions” that are now made up of over 20,000 nearby galaxies.

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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Millennia ago, the dark cabal were given a time dispensation by Heaven. This ruling was to better prepare each of us for this time. Along the way, Heaven told its heavenly guardian to set up a special group that was to graciously aid these blessed divine hosts. We were chosen over the years to fulfill these most sacred posts. As all of us on the Earth plane head toward a new day, we need to remain ever aware of what is now expected of us. We Masters have come together to freely guide you on the final part of a path that began with the abdication of the Anunnaki and the sudden rise of their minions, the dark cabal to power in the mid 1990s. Since then, the many types of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical changes have truly gripped you. Our sacred task is to support, aid and mercifully guide you down this most glorious path to full awareness. As this divine path unfolds, you are seeing and feeling more of our special supervision of your sacred souls! This task requires you to remain positive and to set aside any potential frustration. You need as well to sense the inner changes that occur daily. We are to assist you in this magnificent knowing.

The coming time is to be one in which many near miraculous events are to suddenly manifest. See these as signs that this former dark realm is changing for the better. The debt jubilee, the sudden prosperity and the growth of world peace are heavenly signs of this. Be ever grateful and go inside. Use these events to gather up your dreams and discover what these events truly signify for you. In this mode, thank Heaven and look for clarification of what this means to you. This is to be a time for inner work and for doing the right thing. Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world. Help the efforts to aid humanity and permit Gaia to see how wonderful this slice of humanity truly is! This is a time for joy and for achieving many positive goals.


Most of all, let your overwrought anticipation go. Instead, slip into a positive, supportive energy. The time for frustration is over. Most of you have waited through nearly a decade of unrequited wishing for what is now forming around you. Be gracious and support what is occurring. Be able to view all in a most gracious Light. Use your ability to cooperate with each other to globally signal that a new time has at last arrived. The fading away of the dark happened due to the unselfish efforts of a great many. Acknowledge them by showing your inner appreciation of these most courageous deeds. You are now ready with this great work to be able to create a new reality. Think of this responsibility in the most positive and gracious of ways. Be able to volunteer freely and watch with true intent what is globally happening. Be one whose intentions are to help and to fulfill your grandest dreams in joy! Hallelujah!

Today, we have as before, given you a general update on what is happening on this globe. Be ready to receive news and events, which can initially amaze you. Once the cabal is gone, some events never before thought possible are to occur. We stand ready to inform and to explain to you what all of this means! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation


We are Transforming our Reality

Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.


With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.


How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness
How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves

Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Transmuting the Pain Body
Misuse of the Mind


Interesting Image

Dear Leaders and Partners for Peace:

Being a part of the global meditation movement is truly an honor. At UNIFY, we are privileged to be able to interact daily with leaders, organizers and meditators from all corners of the globe, from Serbia to New Zealand, Mongolia to Mexico that are sharing how Peace is being expressed in their regions.

Every day, we hear from the people who are stepping up to “Be The Change” they wish to see in the world. They are signing up to join millions of others around the world to participate in World Peace Weekend events in their communities.

Every day, the world starts to feel more connected and committed to peace. And soon, we will be able to see that connection and commitment too.  We are excited to announce the launch of the 2015 UNIFY Global Peace Map!

The UNIFY Global Peace Map is the virtual reflection of our intimate interconnection. We are One Human Family and this is a Global Movement. You, and organizers like you from around the world, can now upload the details of your World Peace Weekend event and we will share it far and wide!

This map not only allows you to find World Peace Weekend events in your region; it also demonstrates how Inner Peace in communities around the world is creating a Global Unified field of Peace, the seeds of World Peace.

Each event on the map represents an organizer who is committed to creating peace and a community of meditators and peacemakers that are unifying for the cause.

Last year, we had 1170 events registered on the map. This year, support us to register even more!

 Be inspired and create your own event. Please follow these four steps to add an event to the UNIFY Map:

1.     Go to our UNIFY website (

2.     Click “Create Event” on the Map

3.     Input your information

4.     Breathe and smile

It’s that simple!

Let the whole world know about your World Peace Weekend event and let us all see how connected we are this year. Upload your event today! Virtual events are also welcome to be posted on the map

You are a Leader for Peace.

Your participation and contribution makes a difference for us all.

Thank you for all your heart work,

The UNIFY Team

   HILARION 2015

September 13-20, 2015

Beloved Ones,

As you allow the greater integration of the cosmic energies to take place within your consciousness and within your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you are digging ever deeper into your psyche. This is a process that is occurring for everyone upon the planet at this time. Depending upon your understanding of all that is happening, you who are reading this discourse are those who are now positioned to be of greater service than ever before. The world needs you to be fully present and willing to use your powerful energies for the awakening of the inhabitants of your planet. As the prevailing energies of polar opposites balance within, you become a mighty powerhouse of a force for good. Your divine essence is descending into your etheric field and there is a deeper integration that is taking place. On the outer level, this activity may not be seen but it is certainly being felt, for it is in the experience of the energy and awareness that one comes into their mastery on the physical level. We say to you, do not be afraid to face the shadows within, rather face them squarely and accept these as an important part of your enlightened journey.

During this process, the qualities of unconditional love, compassion and mercy are being finely tuned within your soul as you now turn these qualities of love towards your own being. Each earthly experience should be seen as an important soul lesson that needs to be observed, understood and accepted. All that occurs in the outer world is a reflection of your desire as soul to learn, grow and expand into ever higher dimensions of reality and understanding. Your intent and willingness to undergo these experiences helps to move you forward on your unique path of light towards mastery of the physical plane. Try to attune your senses to the underlying feelings of zest and enthusiasm that well up from within your soul each time you overcome and release yet another illusionary limitation from your being. Yes, this is you at a higher level relishing the accomplishment! From the level of soul, it means that another test and initiation has been successfully passed. Celebrate these moments and mark them by rewarding yourselves with a special treat or symbolic ceremony that leads you to further empowerment.

Know that you who read this message are all initiates upon the path of light and are now steadfastly moving towards completion of contracts and agreements made before you ever set foot upon this planet in this and other, lifetimes. This current lifetime is for tying up all loose ends that needed to be dealt with from the highest soul integrity that was possible and you have all earned your lightbody and the privileges that come with this accomplishment. These privileges allow you as soul to traverse other regions of the universe as you work upon ever higher levels of ascension of galactic and cosmic experience. This process is ongoing and continuous, for there is always more to experience and learn in order that you grow and expand the divine spark within you, as God in action upon the universal playing field!

Those who are just awakened; arise from your slumber and know that it is never too late! Do not judge yourselves for your lateness of awakenment, for truly, it was not yet your time to do so. All that occurs is in divine timing in accordance with the requirements of your soul and the divine plan for the Earth. In truth, you are equipped with the ability to move forward now with leaps and bounds. Be kind to yourselves as well as others and take note that the evolvement of each individual cannot be wholly discerned upon this planet. It is highly possible that you have slumbered until this time in the Earth’s history in order to bring your unique and valuable energies online at the most perfect time. Honor your own growth and spiritual evolution without judgement and open yourselves to the inpouring energies, synchronistic opportunities and possibilities that now unfold.

Those who have paved the way before you hold the space for your movement forward during these times and will continue to do so in the times ahead. You are never alone! Remember this and walk steadfastly and resolutely forward in your daily lives, holding this knowledge in your ever expanding hearts and minds. You are invited to attend my retreat in the Temple of Truth during your sleep times (all you must do is set the intention before bedtime) in order to apprise yourself of the divine plan for your own life and to gain a greater understanding of the divine plan for the evolvement of the planetary life wave that is now in motion. We welcome you with open arms!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Watch video version here:

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

New! – Please note: Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by other people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe do not have permission to do so unless it is personally applied for to the author/channel/scribe and given permission from her. Any video’s that are done and published under the name of their websites/video channels from this date forward without permission are considered illegal and in violation of the author/channel/scribe’s rights. The Universal Law of Reciprocity and the Universal Law of Integrity is now invoked.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.






A gift from Dr. Wayne W.Dyer who left the earth on 29. August 2015. In gratitude for his wonderful work…

You can watch the Movie here:




Am 10. Oktober mit vielen zehntausenden Menschen in Berlin gegen TTIP und CETA demonstrieren – das schaffen wir nur, wenn ganz viele Menschen aus der Stadt mit dabei sind. Damit das gelingt, haben wir bereits am Samstag, den 26. September Großes vor – und brauchen Ihre Unterstützung. Unser Plan: An mindestens tausend Orten in Berlin verteilen Campact-Aktive viele zehntausend Demo-Flyer – und zwar direkt dort, wo sie wohnen.

Machen Sie mit! Verteilen Sie eine halbe, eine oder gar mehrere Stunden Info-Flyer am Supermarkt um die Ecke, vor der nächsten Bankfiliale, am Eingang zur nächsten U-Bahn oder wo immer Sie wollen.

Bestellen Sie jetzt online Ihr Paket mit Demo-Flyern. Sie erhalten es kostenlos per Post. Wenn Sie lieber an einem anderen Tag als dem 26. September verteilen möchten, können Sie dies natürlich auch tun.

Hier kostenloses Flyer-Paket bestellen…

Die Mobilisierung so vieler Menschen aus einer Stadt ist uns bereits im Juni in München gelungen: An 800 Orten verteilten Campact-Aktive hunderttausende Demo-Flyer zur Demonstration anlässlich des G7-Gipfels. Das wunderbare Ergebnis: Über 40.000 Menschen gingen gegen TTIP auf die Straße.Diese Zahl überstieg damals unsere kühnsten Erwartungen – und macht uns heute große Hoffnung auf Berlin. 

Wir sind davon überzeugt: Die allerbeste Form, viele Menschen für die Demo zu erreichen, ist und bleibt der persönliche Kontakt. Deshalb setzen wir auf Sie und alle anderen Campact-Aktiven in Berlin. Verteilen Sie am Samstag, 26. September, Demo-Flyer bei Ihnen vor Ort – oder gerne auch an einem anderen Tag.

Hier kostenloses Flyer-Paket bestellen…

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Christine Borchers, Campaignerin

PS: Aus ganz Deutschland machen sich Menschen auf den Weg in die Hauptstadt – mit Sonderzügen, mit Bussen oder Fahrgemeinschaften. Wir können sagen: Bundesweit haben wir die Demonstration schon gut bekannt gemacht. Aber letztlich kommt es darauf an, dass so viele Berliner wie möglich den kurzen Anreiseweg nutzen und mitdemonstrieren!

Jetzt hier klicken und die Demo bekannt machen!

Aktuell, kritisch, aktiv! Mischen Sie sich ein und gestalten Sie Politik! Nirgendwo geht das so umfassend und schnell wie bei uns. 1.670.059 Menschen sind schon dabei. Innerhalb weniger Minuten verleiht Campact Ihnen eine Stimme!Unterstützen Sie Campact!Werden Sie Fördermitglied! Campact | | Campact e. V. | Artilleriestraße 6 | 27283 Verden |