Monatsarchive: September 2015

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You are the peacemakers in the world.
You are the leaders, the organizers, the conscious creators whose vision and actions are helping to evolve our planet.

 Have you seen our UNIFY Global Map lately? At last count, there were nearly 1,168 Peace Weekend events posted, spanning all across the globe. Every icon on the map representing an Organizer, like you, who answered the call to be a leader for peace in their community.
Every icon on the map representing a community where peace is being created.Because of you.And, if you have been wanting to create a Peace Weekend event in your community- now is the time! Here are 5 events you can organize for this weekend:

  • Join or organize a Global Dance Party for Peace! We are partnering with Silent Disco Squad to bring the transformational power of music and dance into everyday moments through massive public dance parties.
  • Celebrate Peace with a LIFE Party! Xanopia LIFE Party’s are gatherings of conscious individuals who want to celebrate in an uplifting (and alcohol-free) atmosphere.
  • Practice yoga. Create a peace themed yoga flow, or host a sunrise yoga ceremony for yourself, your friends, or your community this weekend. Include extra heart-openers (Camel and bridge pose, anyone?) to get your heart ready for peace weekend.
  • Invite friends to a forgiveness letter writing party. Inner peace and forgiveness go hand in hand. Write forgiveness and gratitude to letters to people in your community.
  • Volunteer in the name of peace. Serve a meal at the local soup kitchen, or organize a neighborhood clean up at the local park and add a meditation at the end.

Want more ideas or resources? At UNIFY, our goal is to support Peace Organizers, like yourself, in creating meaningful and impactful events in your communities. Download our Organizer Toolkit (ADIL- CREATE AN ICON) here.

However your Peace Weekend event and celebration looks- please make sure to take videos and photos to share with us! Upload your photos, emails them to us, and post them online with #BeThePeace

Thank you for all your heart work, peace maker.

Your UNIFY Team

 Ps. Have you seen our new 2015 Peace video? Check it out and share with your friends.

More informations about the events…see below


Fellow peace lovers and peace makers,
It is finally here.

Peace Weekend 2015 is arriving with each moment and we are so honored to be celebrating it with you.
As the weekend rises above the horizon, we want to shine the light on all the peace and meditation activities that will be happening around the world this weekend. Each day offers you and the global community new ways to connect in peace and reflection.
On Saturday, September 19th at  5pm PST, 11pm GMT: Join the whole world in a single shared moment of intention during our Global Synchronized Meditation.  Celebrations start at 4pm PST/10pm GMT with the world premiere of the film “Inner Peace to World Peace,” and the Global Synchronized Meditation Broadcast will start after.
On Sunday, September 20th, at 12pm noon local time: Join in the World Peace Wave. At 12 noon, in your own time zone, a Peace Wave will be expanding across the globe- flowing from one time zone to the next. Feel the expansiveness as meditation and peace celebrations encircle our planet.
On Monday, September 21st: The International Day of Peace is here. Take peace into your workplace- help your whole office do a “digitial detox” at noon in your office; get everyone to turn off their phones, turn away from their computers, and turn inwards, even if just for a minute of shared reflection.

Right now, there are 1177 events registered on our UNIFY Global Peace Map. Click here to find or create a Peace Weekend Event in your city.
And a special heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors and partners, who are making all of these Peace Weekend celebrations possible.* BeThePeace * UPLIFT * Xanopia * MedMob * Gaiafield project * Shift Network * Pathways to Peace * Art of Living * Special Envoy to UN * URI * Master Shift * Collective Evolution * Mind Unleashed * Harmony Connect * Spirit Science * Harmonize * Moment of Calm  * Link Media * Peace One Day * WorldWide Forgiveness Alliance * Forgiveness Challenge  * Heart Math *  Earth dance * 1 Giant Mind *  World Peace Prayer Society * Symbiosis Gathering * IAHV * Do As One * Evolver Network * Elevate * Yoga Download
Ps. Have you seen our new 2015 Peace video? Check it out and share with your friends. Click the following image.
UNIFY World Peace 2015
Oh! When you’re out celebrating at Peace Weekend event- please make sure to take videos and photos! Upload your photos, email them to us, and post them online with #BeThePeace. We can’t wait to see all the ways that you celebrate peace!Grateful to be arriving into the World Peace Weekend with you,The UNIFY Team


BTP Portugal
BTP Long Island NY

BTP Nairobi

Dear BeThePeace Family,
World Peace Weekend is almost here! This email is full of all the information you will need for the weekend.
The Map
Please register your events on the map or find an event in your neighborhood. If nothing is listed in your area, you can still host your own!
Peace Weekend Schedule
Film World Premiere 

Register here.

Synchronized Peace Meditation
Join tens of thousands of people from all corners of the world for a spectacular global meditation experience via live teleconference! We will unite with Earthdance events worldwide for the Earthdance Prayer of Peace. We will hear messages of Peace from representatives of The World Peace Prayer Society meditation circles on 6 different continents. Internationally renowned mystic Thomas Hübl from Germany will lead us in a profound global peace meditation. And we will dance together to celebrate Peace! Last year’s call involved almost 3,000 live participants, let’s make this year’s call even bigger!
Listen live here
or via Webcast here.
Telephone: Dial 1-916-235-1003 and enter the PIN 502162#
The Peace Wave
Sunday, September 20th at 12 Noon in Every Time Zone
We invite you all to visualize the wave of peace traveling around the world, every hour in a different region.  It’s beautiful to think of wrapping the earth with love in this way!
International Day of Peace
We invite you all to take all the energy generated over the weekend and put that into action in your lives on Monday!  Here are some ideas to get you thinking:
All Weekend
Here are a few general reminders:
  • Please photograph all your events and share pictures on our Facebook Page!
  • Keep inviting friends to the main event.
  • Be the peace you wish to see in the world throughout it all.
Blessings of peace to you and this beautiful planet!
The BeThePeace Team
  Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter   View on Instagram


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“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!”

Eckhart Tolle

If you would like more details on joining, please click here.


September 17, 2015

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse on the quality of love that is known as joy. Joy is felt within an individual who trusts and is aware that they are part of the infinite oneness and loving power and exuberance of the universe. This awareness opens their mind and heart expanding their consciousness and allows them to live and express their truth fully and freely. Their experience of life allows unlimited opportunities to seek expression through them. They have a balanced ego which allows them to understand that they do not have to justify their presence on Earth or the decisions and choices they make to anyone else. They know that they and they alone, bear full responsibility for the direction their life takes. They contend or argue with no one and are firmly true to self which sets them free to feel a wonderful joy, peace and lightness within. Their entire being is filled with the realization of the love, perfection and spirit of joy that lives within them. They know that they have everything necessary within them for the full and complete expression of the boundless experience of joy and celebration of life.

When one feels lighthearted, playful and free, they are experiencing the joy of their deepest spiritual nature, their divine essence. As one allows life to simply unfold in a natural state of grace and ease, they are connected to a higher vision of their life. They feel deep gratitude for the blessings that come into their daily life. As they focus on the qualities of love, these qualities expand into the outer manifestations of their life as heartwarming experiences. They embrace, own and express their creativity with joy and abandon which brings them peace and satisfaction. This activity engages their spirit so completely that it brings light to every cell in their body.They live in a state of expanded awareness and their actions always feel natural and effortless. They feel joy in everything they do and their chosen actions bring them happy results. When all of their wishes and desires are in alignment with the universe and the divine, they are able to create with effortless ease and they experience the spontaneous fulfillment of their desires. They direct their energy to enthusiastically engage life and achieve their ultimate goal of creating union with the divine.

Joy is essential to living a balanced and empowered life, for every individual is always personally evolving and growing spiritually. Joy is a quality that makes one’s heart resilient. When they feel joy, it helps a person feel more confident and comfortable about who they are. When one resonates with joy at a deep level they attract more joy into their life. There is no limit to what one can do when they create from the most joyful place in their heart. It is a state of contentment, confidence and hope that is embodied within a person. When one turns their mind towards appreciating the goodness in their lives, it brings about a natural uplifting of their mind and a greater determination to have the most joyful life they can imagine. They find inner peace through the natural world around them as they connect to the joy it brings them.

Joyful people are drawn to nature where it is easier to connect with the divine. They spend time each day appreciating the beauty and uniqueness of nature and as they do this they reach a deeper state of consciousness which connects them with their inner joy. When one communes with their natural environment, they receive solace, healing and uplifting energy which is why they take the time to make this a regular part of their day. Some people love gardening, planting flowers and vegetables and watching the miracle of growth and the continuity of life take place and they realize that they are part of the same miracle. Those who do this, sublimely understand that it is the closest that they can come to being present at the creation of life. They find joy and freedom in doing the things they love to do.

When one realizes that joy, peace and happiness are available in the present moment, they are able to relax and enjoy many precious moments that they might have missed otherwise. They take the time to stop to appreciate the moment. They nurture their heart, mind and soul by these moments of joyful solitude and find deep peace and appreciation of life within them. They have a willingness to let go of all definitions of themselves as human beings and just enjoy the experience. They let go of all external concerns in order to follow their heart into activities that bring them joy and a sense of belonging. They attune to the whisper of their deeper selves through these moments of solitude.  They embrace the gifts to be found everywhere when they are open to them as they occur. They become gentle and loving with themselves which restores their inner joy, peace and harmony and in a universal sense, by doing this, they add to the peace and harmony of the Earth.

May the joy that you feel bring you a greater richness of happy experiences in your life.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


See How The Dutch Are Generating 100% Sustainable Electricity From Plants

 by 11 comments.

Do you want to use your green roof to power your house? Would you like to see each wetland and rice paddy field in the world turned into a power plant without harvesting the plants?

These are the questions to which Dutch start-up company, Plant-e, have the answers. Founded in 2009 as a spin-off from the sub-department of Environmental Technology of Wageningen University, the company is headed by CEO Marjolein Helder, PhD., and assistant professor David Strik, a team aiming to provide renewable energy to areas of the world that have no access to electricity, which is about 1.4 billion people currently.

Their concept is simple yet incredible, and this is how it works:

When a plant creates food using photosynthesis, a large portion of the organic matter generated is actually excreted by the roots into the soil. That same organic matter then gets consumed by microorganisms living in the soil, which release electrons as a byproduct of this consumption. By placing an electrode near the roots, it then becomes easy to harvest this waste energy and turn it into electricity.Plant-e-Harnesses-the-Energy-in-Plants-to-Power-Lights-470200-3

In addition, the plants are left unharmed during the entire process. In fact, tests show that the plants will continue to grow normally in the presence of electrodes, providing a constant source of power day and night. Combined with lamps powered by salt water, off-grid locations may have access to sustainable energy sooner than predicted, and areas unsuitable for growing crops could be repurposed as a power source!

All of this simply through the use of light, carbon-dioxide, and water. Can we get some applause for the Dutch, please?
At present, a prototype green roof utilizing this technology is already being developed and tested in the Netherlands. If all goes well, the Plant-e team hopes to utilize this system to harvest a significant amount of energy – maybe even enough to power a house.

The Plant-e modular square foot garden, perfect for those without garden space.

The Plant-e modular square foot garden, perfect for those without garden space.

Plant-e also has plans to release a modular square-foot mini garden that can grow herbs and vegetables while harvesting enough energy to power small electronics, as well as a DIY Plant-e box kit to be used in workshops or for practical lessons in schools.
To follow Plant-e and their latest updates, be sure to check out their website HERE.
What are your thoughts on this sustainable energy innovation? Share with us in the comment section below!
Source: True Activist

Take The 30 Days of YOU Challenge!

Take the free 30 Days of You Challenge and discover more about your heart, mind and soul.

There’s benefits associated with taking time to relax, meditate, do things you love etc, but that means taking YOU time!

This challenge will help you set out on a journey that can transform your life.

Join 100,000+ who have taken the challenge and get the full guidelines on how to do it as well as support!

Click Here!

 About the author

Jeff Roberts

Blogger/Aspiring Author/Scare-Junkie – Writing and blogging my way at CE since 2013. It’s been an incredible journey, to say the least. Journalistically, my interests are wide, including technological innovation and sustainability, health and fitness, plant medicine and more, but my true passion is simply telling someone’s story. If I can help translate and narrate someone’s life story and do it the justice it deserves, then I am complete. On a lighter note, I dream of one day being an accomplished screenwriter and novelist. I love all things scary, as well as my two cats. Three words to describe myself? Honest, compassionate, jokester. If you have a question or want to chat, hit me up at, or follow me on Twitter and Facebook! “You are responsible for your own happiness, so why live a life you don’t love?”

Thank you for joining

There are also Live Video Streamings avilable

Join us for World Peace Weekend

Register now for the Global Meditation and
FREE Online Film Premiere of
‘Inner Peace to Global Peace’

Join us on a journey from creating and maintaining Inner Peace in our lives, through learning to extend that Peace into our communities and then into Peace in the World. Featuring thought leaders like Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggert, Andrew Harvey, Dean Radin, Satish Kumar, Charles Eisenstein, The Gyuto Monks of Tibet and many more. Filmed on location throughout the world and with special coverage of the Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival.
Sign up now and watch the Inner Peace to World Peace’ Premiere at4pm PST/ 11pm GMT on Saturday September 19th *
that will include the perfect build-up to the
Global Synchronized Meditation at 5pm PST/ 12 Midnight GMT led by H.H. Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji.
The event is completely FREE of charge and dedicated to creating Peace in the World for All.
* Sunday September 20th 8am AEST

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Austin, TX 78704

In ein paar Wochen organisieren wir dengrößten Klima-Aktionstag, den es je gegeben hat – und Berlin wird mittendrin sein! Nächsten Dienstag treffen sich Avaazer aus ganz Berlin zum Planen und Ideen austauschen – sei dabei! Hier klicken, um dich anzumelden:

Liebe Avaazer in Berlin,

In ein paar Wochen organisieren wir den größten Klima-Aktionstag, den es je gegeben hat – und Berlin wird mittendrin sein!

Am Vortag des wichtigsten Klimagipfels dieses Jahrzehnts gehen Menschen von Melbourne bis São Paulo und von Johannesburg bis Paris auf die Straße — aber um diese Demos so groß und großartig zu machen, wie sie sein müssen, um ein deutliches Zeichen zu setzen, müssen noch viel mehr Menschen mitmachen als bisher, und zwar schnell.

Avaazer aus ganz Berlin kommen am nächsten Dienstag (22. September) zum Kickoff in Friedrichshain zusammen. Dort wird es eine kleine Vorschau geben, wie wir es zusammen schaffen, so viele Menschen auf die Straße zu bekommen, ein kurzes Update zu den Klima-Verhandlungen und natürlich die Möglichkeit, spannende Menschen zu treffen und sich mit ihnen auszutauschen! Sei dabei! Für mehr Details und die Anmeldung bitte hier klicken:

Viele Leute haben gesagt, dass es unmöglich ist, aber rund um die Welt waren letztes Jahr mehr als 600.000 Menschen auf der Straße. Menschen, die aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen zusammengekommen sind, um die Welt zum Handeln aufzufordern. Und es hat Wirkung gezeigt – zahlreiche Politiker haben Klimaschutz seitdem weit oben auf ihrer Agenda. Und dieses Jahr können wir das Ganze noch größer machen!

Voller Hoffnung,

Rosa, Christoph, René, Antonia und das ganze Avaaz-Team ist ein weltweites Kampagnennetzwerk mit 41 Millionen Mitgliedern,
 das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, den Einfluss der Ansichten und Wertvorstellungen aller Menschen auf wichtige globale Entscheidungen durchzusetzen. (“Avaaz” bedeutet “Stimme” oder “Lied” in vielen Sprachen). Avaaz Mitglieder gibt es in jedem Land dieser Erde; unser Team verteilt sich über 18 Länder und 6 Kontinente und arbeitet in 17 verschiedenen Sprachen. Erfahren Sie hier, etwas über einige der größten Aktionen von Avaaz oder folgen Sie uns auf Facebook oder Twitter.

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