Finding Your Way Upon the Earth with Your Soul by Master Serapis Bey
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 7th August 2015- Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Many of you are accustomed to radiating and focusing upon projecting your soul light into your entire body, aura and
surrounding area. This is a basic practice which not only increases your spiritual awareness and evolution; it creates a
momentum of receiving fulfilment from within and to be experienced outside of you. To radiate your soul light is to connect
deep within your being with the essence and core of your energy. This energy is beyond your physical body and even auric
field, it is an energy which is with you and expresses you whether you are on the Earth or the inner planes. Your soul is a part of
the greater whole of the Creator; therefore it is composed of such rich and fulfilling wisdom, light, love and consciousness. In
truth everything is available to you through radiating and expressing your soul.
It is my wish that you come to realise, not only within your mind, within your belief systems and outlook upon yourself and reality,
that everything is available to you through the expression of your soul. With this knowledge trusted and embedded within all
aspects of your being you can begin to truly work in harmony with your soul as if you are connecting into its advanced
When you radiate your soul do you truly know what you are emanating and bringing into your physical reality? This is a
wonderful question to contemplate, you may have many answers or you may be unsure of the energies, qualities and wisdom
being emanated and how this influences your experiences on the Earth. In my communication with you today I wish to support
you in finding your way in co-creating as well as understanding your soul’s expression and purpose within your reality. When
you emanate and imagine your soul light flowing in all directions from your heart chakra or in truth any other chakra, you are
emanating a vibration of your soul which is drawn forth to support and assist you in that moment. All qualities, light and
consciousness are perfect for each present moment, so in truth there is no need to achieve any more as everything
appropriate is shared, anchored and delivered into your being and reality. This is a powerful knowingness which supports your
greater co-creation and experience of your soul, however there are qualities and aspects of your soul you can connect with
creating a focused energy download into your being which supports you in creating with your soul experiences, energies and
circumstances which propel you forth in spiritual evolution, happiness and fulfilment. I will explain this further.
First I wish for you to connect into your soul, take the attention of your third eye into your heart chakra allowing the light of your
soul to emanate in all directions abundantly. Then invite and ask your soul’s energy to merge with your mind/ thoughts,
emotions/feelings and the divine plan for your soul in your current lifetime. Simply know and allow this to take place observing
any shifts or alterations occurring.
You are now more fully connected to the Divine Creator as you invite yourself to contemplate or be inspired as to important
events, experiences, people or even material objects that require to be manifested within your reality, accepted and
experienced to aid your spiritual evolution, happiness and fulfilment on all levels of your being. In many ways you are asking
what do you as your soul wish to experience and achieve in your current embodiment. This is a very special moment, even if
you do not understand, connect with or gain any inspiration, simply allow this part of the practice to be achieved often until the
inspiration dawns, it may be the same as your current passions and desires in your physical reality. Ideally you may be able to
write down numerous inspired ideas which through their manifestation will support your spiritual evolution, happiness and
fulfilment in your reality.
When you radiate your soul light you will naturally be emanating qualities, energies and consciousness which move you into
alignment or aid creation of experiences which support you in numerous ways, however you can co-create with your soul to
allow your soul to create a greater impact within your being and reality. In many ways this process is about letting go of
boundaries that you may have created yourself for yourself to hinder and limit your soul. If there are areas of unhappiness or
lack within your reality then this signifies you are limiting your soul’s presence in these areas. This is usually because of a
belief you have created which acts as a boundary and interference to your soul. With your inspired ideas which are born from
your soul you will allow yourself in more ways than you could possible imagine to move through boundaries, limitations and
fears to be more connected to your soul and all that is the Creator, thus you create fulfilment through offering freedom to your
soul within your physical reality.
The next part of the practice is to imagine your inspired ideas, dreams and aspirations as you focus upon yourself existing
surrounded by your soul. Feel as if you are in a cocoon of your soul light, safe and supported, while you allow yourself to
visualise or imagine your inspired ideas, especially imagining the feelings you may experience. Achieve this for a few minutes
until you feel a connection with the energy, presence and manifestation they hold.
I now invite you to ask your soul to bring forth from its abundant energy the qualities, energy vibrations or consciousness which
is required to create and manifest your soul’s aspirations.
‘My beloved soul and self, I call your beautiful energies to flow abundantly through and from my being as I invite you to bring
forth the qualities, energy vibrations or consciousness which are aligned to my inspired ideas and are required to support the
manifestation of my spiritual evolution, happiness and fulfilment. Please at this time make me aware of the energies anchoring
from my soul, support me in being able to connect with them, experience and even describe their energies and qualities, so I
may know the energies and qualities I am to become and embody. Thank you.’
You may become aware of only one quality of energy such as peace, love, enthusiasm, activation, healing and so forth or you
may become aware of many. It is important to keep it simple and so we ask collectively and on your behalf that you are made
aware of no more than eight qualities. You may wish to write them down, these will become constant and empowered
downloads into your being to aid your experience of that which you/soul desires. The energies will synthesis to create a very
beautiful and abundant energy which is empowering, satisfying and supportive when you connect with it.
Take some time asking to connect with the synthesised energy which is a combination of the qualities of your soul you have
been made aware of. Invite your soul to download the synthesised energy into your being as you breathe deeply. Feel it
circulating your entire being, enjoy and become accustomed to the sensation, so you can recognise when it is pouring into
your being from your soul. Know that this energy flowing from your soul will support your spiritual evolution, happiness and
fulfilment in your current reality. Know that each time you express your soul light you will also be embodying this concentrated
energy of your soul. Take time in your daily reality to focus upon the synthesised energy merging with your being and reality.
This is a beautiful experience as you are not only connecting with the abundant and expansive energies of your soul you are
inviting your soul to create a concentrated energy as well which is supporting your divine plan upon the Earth and further
connection with your soul.
You may discover that as your inspired ideas and aspirations manifest you will need to move through the entire process once
more to create from your soul new aspirations and concentrated energies, thus embodying your soul free from limitations and
boundaries, offering your soul freedom within your being and reality. The process I have communicated to you is to support you
in co-creating further with your soul thus knowing, sensing and experiencing your soul more fully. It is a process which will allow
much progression.
In love and truth,
Master Serapis Bey
Greetings from Galactic Heart:Ooooppps! We made an error when editing Tuesday’s update. In the first paragraph it states: Nearly 13 millennia ago, your ancestors arrived on this living orb. It should read: Over 900,000 years ago, your ancestors arrived on this living orb. We apologize for the mishap. Selamat Ja! |
We are about to enter The Lion’s Gate, an activation of the number 8/8/8. August, eighth month, in the sign of Leo the lion, on the eighth day of the year, with the numerology year 2015 being 8. There are many aspects to this stargate and I am going to be going through the significance of this event as well as how to utilize this time to it greatest ability. This is the year of the tipping and final balancing of the scale, the yin and yang forces around the Earth are becoming more apparent, as well as inner aspects needed to be addressed inside. If you are listening this is the perfect time to ignite your energy power generator!
The Month of the Lion
Right now we are in the astrological sign of Leo and this lion is a natural leader when all aspects are balanced. When the Leo is in it’s center and balanced it expands not only a quiet and powerful confidence like that of a Lion but also a generous and magnanimous heart. We the human heart see expanding literally through incidents like Cecil the Lion being hunted and the humanities heart for sentience being finally awakened! The planet that is also linked to Leo is the Sun and the Sun is starting to go into it’s accelerated ignition. Scientist Nassim Haramein talk the theory about the true meaning of the Mayan calendar being the completion of a solar cycle. All of the universe mirrors itself and at the center of our galaxy is a completely potent cosmic radiation filled black hole, every couple of hundreds of thousands of years the Mayan’s predicted that our Sun would hit this belt that would re-activate and enliven the Sun to become more potent. This is just the beginning of starting the cosmic fire which is going to lead to a mirror of igniting our inner cosmic light and codes here on the planet.
The Solar Plexus
Just like the Sun is the center of our universe that provides energy to all of the beings on the planet. We to mirror this property with an inner Sun located at our Solar Plexus where the diaphragm is located. This is our energy center that progresses us through our power. Have you ever noticed your breath follows your emotions or current energetic state? This is your energy generator fluxing from the thought waves you are producing. At this time it is important to locate this center, are you holding tension in this place. Are you compromising honoring yourself, are you following your truest life’s calling, are you walking the path that ignites your heart? Start with your creating quiet yet intention connection to this center through meditation during this download to reawaken your energy center and life’s purpose. Once you awaken the rise and fall, the stoking of your inner fire, the rest will come naturally.
The Star Lineage linking to Sirius
The Blue Star Sirius will Rise after the Blue Moon in Aquarius and just like the Aquarians the energy from this blue star as well holdthe renewal of future technologies and frequencies that will be downloaded onto our planet and consciousness. The Sirians are energetic beings that hold the frequencies and memories of lands like Lemuria and Atlantis bring forth technologies like free energy from magnetics, tensor and telsa energy generators. Sirius will rise with orion’s belt to align with the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx to activate the Lion’s Gate of universe true consciousness and the trinity of DNA codon activation through Giag’s grid networks.
The Number 8 Structure
The number eight in many lineages represents infinity and abundance but also mirrors the geometric shape of our DNA and during this time, humanity that is open, will be activating old yet new strands of memory from their DNA. The codes or codons will be activated keys to unlocking your signature frequency that you are here to piece together with others on the planet. Each one of us hold a unique center and elemental construction to fulfill resetting the planets grid back to purity and restoration. This center is activated through the Solar Plexus and Heart fifth dimensional frequencies which Gaia is here to help us ascend and attune into.
2015 Numerology Year of 8
The year of eight is the year of balance. The yin and yang, the pure in heart and the manipulating forces of the planet are becoming more and more apparent as the time goes on and this light that shines from the Lion’s gate brings truth and justice to our Mother, to our people.
You are the healing on the planet. We are the ones we have been waiting for and if you have always felt like you don’t fit in on this planet it is now time to ignite that unique frequency code within to enliven your healing center to fulfill it’s purpose on this planet! Join me by going into nature in meditation, Gaia needs us and if you feel called to tap into this frequency it is for a reason. Meditation will unlock this information whether consciously or subconsciously. Imagine that your channel is syncing with Gaia’s center and you can see a white light entering your crown chakra at the top of your head to transmit these codes deep within your light and physical body! We are one.
Hi everyone, my name is Jocelyn Daher and I am a team member and writer for Spirit Science. I see every person as an extension of my family. My passion is reminding humanity how to love, in hopes to ignite the memory that you are in fact a walking embodiment of universal perfection! Did you resonate with this article? If so check out my website at
Trinken Sie DIES morgens als Erstes:
Dieser tägliche Trick kann Ihnen helfen, sich zu entgiften, Ihre Verdauung zu verbessern und Ihren Stoffwechsel sowie Ihr Energieniveau anzukurbeln
Artikel von Mike Geary – Diplomierter Ernährungsexperte
Autor des Bestseller die Top 101 Anti-Aging Lebensmittel
In der heutigen modernen Welt werden Sie von Giften bombardiert … überall von der verschmutzten Luft, die Sie atmen, dem Wasser, das Sie trinken, den Shampoos und anderen Kosmetika, die Ihren Körper mit Chemikalien einschäumen und natürlich von all den chemischen Zusätzen, Pestiziden, Hormonen, Antibiotika und anderen schädlichen Stoffen in der Nahrung, die Sie essen.
All diese Gifte können sich schädlich auf Ihren Körper auswirken, den Stoffwechsel und die Hormone schädigen, die Verdauung beeinträchtigen und Ihre Energie löschen.
Wenn Sie EINE Sache kennen würden, die Sie jeden Morgen direkt nach dem Aufstehen tun könnten, um Ihrem Körper zu helfen, einige der Gifte zu beseitigen, Ihre Verdauung zu verbessern, den Stoffwechsel anzuregen und Ihre Energie IN DIE HÖHE ZU TREIBEN, würden Sie sie anwenden?
Selbstverständlich würden Sie das…und sie dauert weniger als 1 Minute!
Hier kommt der Trick…
Drücken Sie jeden Tag direkt nach dem Aufstehen etwa ½ bis 1 ganze Zitrone (kommt auf die Grösse der Zitrone an) in ein 0,25 l Glas mit reinem warmen Wasser oder Wasser mit Zimmertemperatur. Dieses ist früh morgens schonender für Ihren Körper als eiskaltes Wasser. Ich habe festgestellt, dass es einfacher ist, die Zitrone vor dem Ausdrücken per Hand in Viertel zu schneiden, als ganze Zitronenhälften auszudrücken. Trinken Sie dies mindestens zehn Minuten bevor Sie die erste Mahlzeit des Tages zu sich nehmen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie frische, biologisch angebaute Zitronen für das Getränk verwenden und nicht abgefüllten Zitronensaft. Bei biologisch angebauten Zitronen können Sie sicher sein, dass sie keine Pestizide enthalten.
3 wesentliche Vorteile dieses Morgentrunks für Ihren Körper, Ihre Gesundheit und Ihre Energie
Eine führende Informationsschrift im Gesundheitsbereich,, schreibt:
“Der gesundheitsfördernde Nutzen von Zitronen ist beachtlich. Seit Jahrhunderten ist bekannt, dass Zitronen mächtige antibakterielle, antivirale und das Immunsystem ankurbelnde Komponenten enthalten. Wir alle wissen, dass Zitronen grossartige Verdauungshilfen und Leberreiniger sind. Zitronen enthalten Zitronensäure, Magnesium, Bioflavonoide, Vitamin C, Pektin, Calcium und Limonen, die unsere Immunität aufladen, so dass der Körper Infektionen bekämpfen kann.
Zitronen gelten als eines der am stärksten alkalisierenden Nahrungsmittel, die Sie essen können. Dies mag merkwürdig klingen, da sie ja selbst säurehaltig sind. Im Körper jedoch wirken sie alkalisch; Die Zitronensäure erzeugt keine Übersäuerung, wenn sie verstoffwechselt wird. Die Mineralien in den Zitronen sind genau das, was dabei hilft, das Blut alkalisch zu machen. Die meisten Menschen sind zu übersäuert (da sie zu viel Zucker und Getreide essen). Warmes Zitronenwasser zu trinken, hilft den gesamten Säuregehalt zu reduzieren, indem Urinsäure aus den Gelenken gezogen wird. Dies lindert Schmerzen und Entzündungen, die viele Menschen verspüren. Und die American Cancer Society empfiehlt warmes Zitronenwasser, um regelmässigen Stuhlgang zu fördern.”
Vorteile, die es Ihnen bringt:
1.Verbessert die Verdauung
Zitronensaft hilft Ihrem Körper, die Verdauung zu verbessern und er stimuliert die Gallenproduktion. Zitronensaft kann sogar bei Sodbrennen und Magenverstimmungen helfen.
2. Treibt Ihre Energie für den Tag in die Höhe:
Es wurde bewiesen, dass allein der Duft von Zitronensaft Ihre Stimmung und Energie steigert und Ängste verringert. Weiterhin kann der entgiftende und alkalisierende Effekt frischen Zitronensaftes die Energie steigern, indem dem Körper Gifte entzogen werden.
3. Hilft Ihnen Fett abzubauen:
Da Zitronensaft dabei hilft, das Verdauungssystem zu verbessern, Gifte zu entfernen und Ihre Energie zu steigern, führt all dies auch dazu, dass Sie Körperfett verlieren, durch eine Verbesserung des hormonellen Gleichgewichts…Noch eine Grund also, um warmen Zitronensaft in Ihre tägliche Morgenroutine zu integrieren!