Monatsarchive: August 2015




In 1971, a small group of activists set sail from Vancouver in an old fishing boat. Their mission: to stop President Nixon’s atomic bomb tests on Amchitka, off Alaska. They succeeded – and from these humble but brave beginnings, Greenpeace was born.

Now I’m excited to tell you about the launch of an award-winning feature length documentary about Greenpeace’s formation, focusing in particular on one of our founders – Bob Hunter. In ‘How to Change the World’, director Jerry Rothwell uses dramatic archive footage that has not been shown for over 40 years, and transforms it into a gripping, vivid and often-thrilling film.

The film features incredible scenes of the first peaceful direct actions our founders took to prevent nuclear testing and whaling. It is here that the Greenpeace philosophy of bearing witness, and using peaceful direct action to generate media attention was born. These are still the core values behind all our campaigning today.

On Wednesday 9th September there will be a live premiere of the film with panel discussion and Q&A broadcast via satellite to over 140 cinemas across the country. As one of our supporters this will be an amazing opportunity to come along and enjoy this unmissable event at your local cinema.

The panel will be chaired by Mariella Frostrup and includes:

  • legendary fashion designer and long-standing Greenpeace supporter Vivienne Westwood
  • the film’s director Jerry Rothwell
  • Bob Hunter’s daughter and Greenpeace activist Emily Hunter
  • Greenpeace Arctic campaigner Sophie Allain

…with more to be announced.

You can attend a screening of the live premiere in any of the 140 cinemas around the country. Find your nearest cinema and reserve your place

The film will then be on general release nationwide from 11th September.

Having already won the Environmental Award at the Sheffield Documentary Festival and won praise at the Sundance Film Festival, ‘How to Change the World’ is one of the must-see documentaries of 2015.

Book your tickets to a screening of the premiere and watch the trailer


John Hutchin
Greenpeace UK

We don’t accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you canmake a regular donation by direct debit. Thank you!

If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we’ll be really sad, but you can unsubscribe here.

Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

Campact | Spenden | Über uns | Kontakt
21.08.2015 – Abonnent/innen: 1.700.765
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Immer wieder beeinflussen Lobbyisten die Politik zulasten der Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Und in Berlin wird die Lobbyszene stetig dichter und undurchsichtiger. Unser Partner LobbyControl schafft Durchblick. Mit einem ganz besonderen Stadtführer.Hier den Stadtführer LobbyPlanet bestellen…
Wer durch das Berliner Regierungsviertel spaziert, hat sich sicher schon gefragt, was hinter den vielen Glasfassaden geschieht. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass dort Lobbyisten ihr Werk tun, ist groß. Das zeigt auch das spannende Buchprojekt unseres Partners LobbyControl. Doch lesen Sie selbst, was LobbyControl Ihnen dazu schreibt…Mit herzlichen Grüßen

Felix Kolb, Campact-Vorstand


Liebe Campact-Aktive,

ärgern Sie sich auch häufig darüber, wie Lobbyisten die Politik beeinflussen? Immer wieder fallen wichtige politische Entscheidungen nicht zugunsten der Bürger/innen, sondern zugunsten wirtschaftlicher Einzelinteressen. Das wollen wir ändern. Mit dem neuen LobbyPlanet Berlin bringt LobbyControl Licht ins Dunkel der Berliner Lobbyszene. Entlang der glitzernden Fassaden der besten Adressen im Regierungsviertel erzählt der Stadtführer mit vielen Beispielen, wie es um die Lobbyrepublik steht. Ab heute können Sie den neuen Stadtführer LobbyPlanet vorbestellen und sich ein druckfrisches Exemplar sichern!

Klicken Sie hier und bestellen Sie den lobbykritischen Stadtführer…

Lobbyismus schadet uns – dazu ein Beispiel: Am Boulevard Unter den Linden, inmitten des Berliner Regierungsviertels, reiht sich Lobbybüro an Lobbybüro – darunter das des Pharmakonzerns GlaxoSmithKline. Vor einigen Jahren bestellte die Bundesregierung aus Sorge vor einer Schweinegrippe-Epidemie Millionen Impfdosen. Bei GlaxoSmithKline, dem Hersteller des Mittels, klingelte die Kasse.

Die Grippewelle verlief jedoch nicht annähernd so schlimm wie erwartet, ein Großteil des Impfstoffs musste vernichtet werden. Der Schaden für den Steuerzahler wird auf über 200 Millionen Euro geschätzt. Wie konnte es dazu kommen? In den Gremien, die die Notfallpläne für Epidemien ausarbeiten, saßen zahlreiche Experten mit engen Geschäftsbeziehungen zu Pharmafirmen wie GlaxoSmithKline.

Diese und andere Geschichten erzählt der LobbyPlanet. Anhand von über 100 Stationen, Bildern und Karten leitet er uns durch das Berliner Regierungsviertel. Dabei stoßen wir auf viel Empörendes: Konzerne beeinflussen Unterricht an Schulen, Abgeordnete sind gleichzeitig Lobbyisten für die Rüstungsindustrie. Der LobbyPlanet bringt diese Fälle an die Öffentlichkeit – die Öffentlichkeit, die die Lobbyisten scheuen. Wenn viele Bescheid wissen, können wir uns gemeinsam gegen übermäßigen Lobbyeinfluss wehren.

Hier die Fakten zum Buch:

  • 300 Seiten, vierfarbig
  • sechs Routen durch das Regierungsviertel
  • zwei Spezialtouren zur Gesundheitslobby und zur Energielobby
  • Erscheinungstermin ist der 3.9.2015
  • Preis: 10 Euro

Wenn Sie den LobbyPlanet bis zum 30. September bestellen, schicken wir ihn portofrei an Sie.

Ich lade Sie herzlich ein, eine der ersten Leser/innen unseres außergewöhnlichen Stadtführers zu werden und so dazu beizutragen, den Berliner Lobbydschungel auszuleuchten.

Jetzt den lobbykritischen Stadtführer von LobbyControl bestellen…

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christina Deckwirth, Berliner Büro LobbyControl

PS: Wenn Sie diesen Stadtführer gelesen haben, werden Sie Berlin mit anderen Augen sehen. Bestellen Sie jetzt das Buch und unterstützen Sie damit auch unsere Arbeit für mehr Transparenz und Lobbykontrolle.

Jetzt portofrei bestellen bis Ende September…

Aktuell, kritisch, aktiv! Mischen Sie sich ein und gestalten Sie Politik! Nirgendwo geht das so umfassend und schnell wie bei uns. 1.700.765 Menschen sind schon dabei. Innerhalb weniger Minuten verleiht Campact Ihnen eine Stimme!

Unterstützen Sie Campact!
Campact | | Campact e. V. | Artilleriestraße 6 | 27283 Verden |


Jetzt Förderer/Förderin werden!

Hallo und guten Tag, Cornelia Dix-Kühn

wie sagte der Philosoph Jürgen Habermas letztens: “Die Politik macht das, was 80 Prozent ablehnen. Deshalb wird die Demokratie zum Störfaktor”. Damit brachte er auf den Punkt, was immer mehr Menschen denken: Wie kann sich ein Land demokratisch nennen, wenn das, was die Politiker entscheiden, nicht dem Willen der Bevölkerung entspricht, sondern dem einzelner Interessengruppen? Warum wählen wir eigentlich, wenn am Ende nicht DAS geschieht, was WIR wollen und ALLEN nützt, sondern vor allem das, was die Gewinne der Banken, Versicherungen, Auto-, Chemie- und Lebensmittelkonzerne mehrt?

AmpelUnd warum ist das so? Ganz einfach: 30.000 Lobbyisten – ja, Sie haben richtig gelesen – 30.000 Lobbyisten, also fast 40 pro Europaparlamentarier, sorgen in Brüssel dafür, dass die Demokratie zur Lobbykratie mutiert. Und daran wird auch die Anfang Juli beschlossene Karenzzeit von 12 – 18 Monaten für Politiker, die in die Wirtschaft wechseln wollen, nichts ändern. Denn dieser Zeitraum ist viel zu kurz. Zumal den Politikern erlaubt ist, schon während dieser Karenzperiode Arbeitsverträge für die Zeit danach abzuschließen! Es wird nichts daran ändern, dass das Demokratieprinzip weiterhin außer Kraft gesetzt wird.

Lobbykratie zum Ersten: Mit Marktmacht, Geld, “Think-Tanks” und Anwaltskanzleien wehren die Konzern-Lobbyisten Gesetze ab, ja, verwandeln deren Stoßrichtung ins Gegenteil. Eine Milliarde (!!) Euro hat die Lebensmittelindustrie aufgewendet, und mit einer jahrelangen Kampagne die “Ampelkennzeichnung” verhindert, die über 70 Prozent der Verbraucher wünschen. Mit der Ampel hätten Käufer auf einen Blick erkennen können, ob ein Lebensmittel viel, mittel oder wenig Zucker, Salz und Fett enthält. Deshalb war die Milliarde aus Sicht der Lebensmittelindustrie sehr gut investiert – im Vergleich zu den drohenden Umsatzverlusten und Gewinneinbrüchen. Denn plötzlich hätten die Verbraucher vermeintliche Fitness-Produkte als Zuckerbomben entlarvt.

Lobbykratie zum Zweiten: Seit Jahren tut die Lebensmittelindustrie alles, um die Schriftgröße für Informationen auf Lebensmittelverpackungen möglichst klein zu halten. So klein, dass sie kaum lesbar ist. Was ihr denn auch immer wieder gelingt! So haben es die Lobbyisten geschafft, den Vorschlag der EU-Kommission, die Schriftgröße auf 3 Millimeter festzulegen, zu verhindern. Die vorgeschriebene Mindestschriftgröße beträgt nun 1,2 Millimeter auf die Höhe des kleinen x bezogen. In einigen Supermärkten finden Sie an den Einkaufswagen festmontierte Lupen! Eine Lupe als Symbol für die Bankrotterklärung der Politik. Das i-Tüpfelchen, liebe foodwatch-Interessierte ist aber die Begründung der Lebensmittelindustrie. Sie argumentiert nämlich, eine größere Schrift würde ihren “Markenauftritt” gefährden! Klarer kann man nicht sagen, dass nur der Gewinn zählt und der Verbraucher nichts!

KleingedrucktesLiebe foodwatch-Interessierte, es gehört zur Demokratie, dass Interessenverbände sich für ihre Anliegen stark machen und Parlamentarier und Regierungen davon überzeugen dürfen. Auch foodwatch, als Streiter für die Rechte der Verbraucher, macht von diesem Recht Gebrauch. Was aber nicht sein darf: Dass die Gesetze nach den Interessen einer Wirtschaftsbranche geschrieben werden und unsere Regierungen als Dienstleister der Industrie agieren! Wenn Sie, liebe foodwatch-Interessierte, das auch so sehen, dann schließen Sie sich uns an und werden SieFörderin/Förderer.

Lobbykratie zum Dritten: Das Schweinefleisch für den Schwarzwälder Schinken darf aus ganz Europa, ja sogar aus den USA kommen – wir erfahren es nicht. Und die Früchte der Marmelade können aus Südamerika kommen – wir erfahren es nicht. Weil aber Verbraucher wissen wollen, woher die Lebensmittel kommen, die sie kaufen, hat sich das EU-Parlament für eine verbesserte Herkunftskennzeichnung ausgesprochen. Auch diese Initiative ist an der hartnäckigen Lobbyarbeit der Lebensmittelindustrie gescheitert. Nach eigenem Bekunden “rügte” der Spitzenverband der Lebensmittelindustrie das Ansinnen des EU-Parlaments als “zu weitgehend”. Das Ergebnis ist bekannt: Es gibt nach wie vor keine Herkunftskennzeichnung für verarbeitete Lebensmittel. Anscheinend hat mittlerweile die Lebensmittel-Lobby die Oberaufsicht über die Gesetzgebung: Bei Verbesserungen für den Verbraucher wird “gerügt” und – basta!

EU-ParlamentUnd was macht die Politik? Sie knickt ein. Es gibt beispielsweise ein “Transparenzregister” in Straßburg und Brüssel. Hier sollen sich alle Lobbyisten mit ihrem Interesse und Budget eintragen. So der fromme Wunsch. Doch dieses Register ist, mit Verlaub, eine Lachnummer! Warum? Die Eintragung in das Transparenzregister ist freiwillig!

Liebe foodwatch-Interessierte, mittlerweile habe ich einige Jahre politischer Erfahrungen hinter mir. Aber ich muss Ihnen leider sagen: Es wird nicht besser, es wird schlimmer! Mit immer ausgefeilteren Methoden und Strategien hebeln Wirtschaftsinteressen das Allgemeinwohl aus. Und die Regierungen lassen sich regelrecht vorführen. Es möglichst den Konzernen recht machen – das scheint die Devise zu sein. Mein Team und ich wollen das nicht akzeptieren. Es darf nicht sein, dass die Lebensmittelkonzerne die Lebensmittelgesetze schreiben! Stärken Sie die Stimme der Verbraucher. Werden Sie Förderer/Förderin von foodwatch.

Wir brauchen Ihre Unterstützung, um diesen Kampf für uns alle zu führen. Im Moment sind wir in ganz Deutschland etwas über 30.000 foodwatch-Mitglieder, also ungefähr genauso viel wie Lobbyisten in Brüssel, die der europäischen Politik ihre Ziele einflüstern. Wenn wir etwas verändern wollen, müssen wir aber MEHR werden und die Anzahl der Lobbyisten deutlich überschreiten. Dann können wir gemeinsam den Einfluss der Lebensmittellobby zurückdrängen. Ich bitte Sie deshalb, werden Sie ein Teil von foodwatch, werden Sie noch heute Förderin/Förderer von foodwatch..
Wirtschaftliche Macht darf nicht mehr Einfluss auf politische Entscheidungen haben als unsere demokratischen Rechte auf Transparenz und Gesundheitsschutz beim täglichen Lebensmitteleinkauf!

Wirtschaftliche Macht darf nicht mehr Einfluss auf politische Entscheidungen haben als unsere demokratischen Rechte auf Transparenz und Gesundheitsschutz beim täglichen Lebensmitteleinkauf!

Werden Sie jetzt Förderer/Förderin von foodwatch! Ich verspreche Ihnen – wir geben nicht auf!

P.S.: Geld ist das eine. Die Anzahl unserer Förderer spielt aber auch eine große Rolle, um uns als Organisation Gehör zu verschaffen. Je mehr Unterstützer wir haben, desto leichter können wir Druck ausüben. Deshalb: Werden Sie bitte Förderin/Förderer und kämpfen Sie gemeinsam mit uns für Ihr Recht!

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SUNDAY IS WEBINAR TIME with Sheldan and the Pleiadeans

Since childhood, Sheldan’s main Sirian guide, Washta, told him that since ancient times, a joint command, consisting primarily of the Sirian Star-Nation and the Star League of the Pleiades, had observed and indirectly guided the peoples of Mother Earth. Both groups had enjoyed a long history of overseeing this solar system and have had a profound influence on many of our ancient civilizations.

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Quote from the chapter on the The Pleiadean Star League in Sheldan’s book, Your Galactic Neighbors:

“One of my first visits occurred when I was nearly six, when Washta introduced me to a delegation of planetary scientists from a large Pleiadean mothership cloaked approximately 100 miles (161 kilometers) ahead of us. This group had originated from the star that we call Electra. I was struck by their remarkable resemblance to us. Even their height was similar: dressed in vivid blue jumpsuits, they were slightly shorter than Washta, with the same merry twinkle in their equally blue eyes. We entered one of their mothership’s main conference rooms to find them immersed in a lively discussion with a group of Sirian scientists on possible future levels of Mother Earth’s volcanic and seismic activity. Both groups paused in their conversation to honor Washta. He, in turn, introduced all of them to me, giving me my first change to inquire about the Pleiades.

“Out of this and many later discussions aboard the Sirian mothership, I was able to learn much more about the Pleiades Star League and its extraordinary history. The Pleiades consists of many advanced galactic societies that have joined together to sorm a splendid star covenant. Now with much joy, I introduce them to you. (page 55-56 Your Galactic Neighbors)



The Pleiadeans played, and are playing, a key role in the future of GAIA and Humanity.

This Webinar will reveal why they originally came here and how they will help us all to become galactic humans.


Topics Include:

Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters of Taurus
Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda and Lyra
Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet as it looks today
12 Clans of the Pleiades
Gaia’s History: Galactic wars, the Anunnaki and more
Pleiadeans’ role in the Galactic Federation
* Our joint Galactic Future

Sunday, August 23, 12:00 to 1:30pm PDT


Thursday, August 27, 6:00 to 7:30pm PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live … simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To register make payment: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

For your convenience, time converter


The Substance of Divine Light ~~ Immersing Yourself in Liquid Love from the Source of all Life

Archangel Uriel from Shanta Gabriel ~ ~ August 19, 2015


Dear Ones,

Revel in the substance that is Divine Light. It is the Liquid Love from the Creative Force in whom you live, move and have your being. When you allow yourself to awaken to this truth in your heart, the power of Divine Love transmutes all that you have judged as unworthy within you. You are reawakening to the truth and majesty of who you truly are.

That is why the Archangels are working in the Earthly realms in such a profound way at this time. We are here to not only encourage but to empower, to not only inspire but to transform, to not only lift the veils of ignorance but to so illuminate your mental capacities that you are forever transformed by the Light. You are meant to be a blended being — one who is anchored in the Earth and attuned to the Divine Presence — aligned from Heaven to Earth within your physical body.

The Archangels have come to bring Light from the Source of all Life to the world. We are here to inspire and guide those who will listen and learn to free and be freed. There is no place we are not creating new life and offering it to those who are open to receive. Divine Guidance lives in the Intelligence of this Light. It is only withholding love from yourself that cuts you off from what you most want to receive. When you give love to yourself, you are healed at such a deep level that your heart is illuminated and your receptor channels are activated. This allows you to create new life from Divine Light in this new time awakening on the planet. You can begin now to create the structure you want to live in and the future aspects of yourself you want to become.

When you immerse yourself in Divine Light, new frequencies entrain the field around your body and you have access to the love and intelligence that lives within your heart. There is no power on Earth that can match the Divinity inherent in the Light of God. Reverence for your path is key to conscious immersion in this loving Presence. It is what your heart longs for. It is what your mind is drawn to experience. Your awakening into the Light of Divine Presence allows you to find the freedom to soar above the mundane and yet create in clear practical ways. Without working in multi-dimensional levels you cannot bring Heaven to Earth and receive the gifts your Soul has been longing to bring to life.

This longing of the Soul is under the pain and suffering of so many people. Divine Union is at the basis of all desire. When you commune deeply within your Soul’s longing, the essence of this truth becomes a reality. When people seek partnership, the union of the sacred masculine and feminine is at the heart. When people choose to buy the material things that they believe will make them happy, it is the desire for union within the self they are seeking. You are wanting to fill the empty places within you. Very often the acquiring of a physical object does not satisfy your longing for a substantial length of time.

Coming back to the depth of yourself again and again opens the doorways to your Soul, where the true gifts you long for live within you. There is an awakening to the love that is being provided for you, and your connection to this overflowing fountain of true love is available as a gift. This need to connect to Source of Divine Union within the depth of your being is paramount to creativity and will feed you when you honor it.

All Creation awaits you in this activity as you become pure Divinity walking the Earth and living the fullest radiance of your Soul within a human body. That is how the Light Body is created. From the acceptance of the brilliance of Divine Love awakening in your heart to the breadth of Divine Intelligence expanding through the channels of wisdom available to you, the radiance of this connection becomes full Divine Union.

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Whether or not you suspect it, you are being groomed on the physical/emotional level for the Divine Union your Soul longs to experience. Your receptive channels are expanding and opening to the higher frequencies. We are asking you to be a receiver for the Divine Wisdom now available. The true beauty within your alignment with Source energy is transforming your structural integrity to be in harmony with the gifts of your Soul. As you hold more of this divine connection, a melding takes place that allows your cellular structure to radiate new life in crystalline form. This is your true inheritance as a child of God, because your original form was within the crystalline frequencies.

As you hold more Light within your being, all that cannot align with these frequencies drops away and you are free. The freedom that you seek in life is dependent on the power of the connection you feel to All That Is. Immersion in Divine Light allows connection to the Source of all life and brings to you the ultimate satisfaction of remaining free and in alignment with the truth of you moment to moment.

As you look within your deepest Truth, you find yourself on the Path of the Heart. Great strides are possible on this path if you can allow your heart to melt into Love. The Source of All Life requires nothing of you but your total allegiance to being in Unity within yourself. This essence of Divine Union is expanded into multidimensional realms to allow you to partake of the new structures being created in Light.

From that place, all will unfold as you allow yourself to sit in the purity of a field of Divine Love. Accessing this power comes from meeting it with the full force of your agreement to love — no matter what. Within every photon of Light is the creative aspects of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love. Coming back to the depth of love within yourself again and again opens the doorways to your Soul and your awareness that love is being provided for you now and always.

Your connection to this overflowing Fountain of True Love is a gift. All you need to do is to align your being with the Substance of Divine Light, then open your heart and mind to receive. And so it is.

Archangel Uriel



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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

HeartMastery Blog event

Learn How to Develop More Care, Compassion and Resilience

Are you looking for a more satisfying life – one with more purpose, contentment and harmony? Would you like to experience some tools and techniques that can make this happen for you?

HeartMastery® is an easy, inexpensive and convenient way to learn. It is an online/tele-training program validated by cutting-edge heart/brain science which:

  • Introduces you to the power, intelligence, and potential within your own heart.
  • Empowers you to lead a life you truly love.
  • Supports you to live life from inner-knowing, genuine care and purpose.
  • Gives you a step by step process and community in which to create a heart-based world.

ico-conversationHeartMastery is an interactive learning program consisting of pre-recorded, webinar-based classes, downloadable workbooks and supporting materials, combined with weekly live discussion group calls for each course. Each course has four classes and a bonus class. Everything is recorded, allowing for self-paced learning. All are mobile-friendly and downloadable! Plus, 60 days of Daily HeartStart calls are included.

For a limited time, HeartMath Institute is offering special discounts:

Shift to the Heart Beginner Course – 60% Discount

ico-home-heartThe beginning HeartMastery Shift to the Heart Course introduced effective ways to recover from and prevent unnecessary stress to develop more care, compassion and resilience to actualize your heart’s desires. How? You will learn: Quick Coherence®, Heart Lock-In®, Freeze-Frame® and Inner Ease™ Techniques.

Click Here to Learn More.

HeartMastery Intermedia Course – 70% Discount

ico-hearts-twoThe Intermediate Course material moves to the next level in empowering you to proactively live from the heart to create and empower your life. You’ll discover how to proactively create a heart-filled environment and experience increasing vitality and passion every day!

Click Here to Learn More.

HeartMastery Advanced Course – 70% Discount

ico-mind-puzzleIn the Advanced Course, discover the common thread between what stresses you out the most and what matters to you most, and how you can leverage that to bring the spark of spirit and heart purpose into your life and the world.

Click Here to Learn More.

Together, let’s create a world filled with heart and love.

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Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Dark ones realize that a massive arrest procedure is about 10 days away. When these arrests begin in earnest it becomes time to truly deliver the immense amount of funds that you deserve…

Believe in the Light and focus in joy at what is now about to happen!..

from Planetary Activation Organization


Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation

9 Oc, 3 Uo, 12 Manik

Selamat Matah! (“Peace Be With You!”) Much is happening on your surface world. Movement is now afoot to utterly change how your reality operates. At present those who wish to implement such change are in the process of a set of final negotiations to determine how the order for these transformations are to manifest. All of this is dependent on just how our allies are to produce what they have so far agreed to. This critical first step requires us to finish our meetings with those who are this world’s secret sacred societies. At present, the first part of these joint plans is nearly complete. The next step is to begin a massive repositioning of their immense forces and of those who can start the massive delivery operation. Hence, the beginnings of these delivery operations are in an initial stage. The cabal remains in disarray and barely able to oppose these plans. Dark ones realize that a massive arrest procedure is about 10 days away. When these arrests begin in earnest it becomes time to truly deliver the immense amount of funds that you deserve. The Agarthans are presently working with our delivery system operators to ensure that all works as planned.

In our last report, we explained some of your ancient history. The most important part of this report is the time when the Anunnaki came to the fore. You were taught untruths that were later used by their minions to keep you docile, under control and in full belief of their manipulated origin stories. These falsities are now unraveling as the Anunnaki’s minions start to lose full control of this reality. Nevertheless, a certain degree of secrecy is still required to insure that these deliveries go as planned. Once these operations have gone far enough to declare NESARA, then these precautions are to become unnecessary. Until then, the cabal possesses a limited degree of power, which needs at some point to be honored. It is this limited power and many associated tricks, which have somewhat, delayed these necessary actions to arrest them and to provide you with the means to receive your blessings. We must ask your forgiveness for these delays that have so frustrated and upset each of you! We are in the process of countering these past disasters and giving you your much needed blessings!


This complex process is initially to take somewhat longer than you might expect. Nevertheless, be prepared to see what you have been waiting for to at last commence. It is not easy to prepare this world for the vast transformation it needs. You have spent lifetimes being adjusted to a reality that was really one in which your inner powers and abilities were discounted by the minions and their former masters, the Anunnaki. Now, it is essential that you quickly accept one where what was long discounted is now being readily accepted by a new reality. This process is to be accelerated by the lessons to be offered by the Ascended Masters. Yet, this is only a start toward seeing this world in a very new way. The mushrooming electronic age of the past decade is aiding this process by opening up new vistas for global interpersonal communications. This vastly speeds up how news around you is rapidly disseminated. Think how fast this is to be when you can freely use your telepathic abilities to spread vital information across this globe.

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Next, imagine how this is to be when we arrive. Our mission is to prepare you quickly for your return to full consciousness. Inside your vast human genome is a series of key sequences that were altered by the Atlanteans long ago. These are to be unblocked by your crystal chamber. Before this, a special mentor is to address the epi-genetics that were introduced to each of you over the millennia as either by group or individual alteration. Each mentor is to address this, which is in reality a psychological phenomenon. Thus, you are looking at your change from two angles. First there is an emotional set of events to be looked at and a series of changes to take place while in the crystal chamber. Hence, your mentor and you are to tackle head on what have been your experiences in this lifetime as well as a glimpse at what happened in your family’s past lives. While this is to be somewhat traumatic, it is to be a good first start on what your time in limited consciousness is really about. With this, you can begin to better understand why Heaven permitted the Anunnaki to temporarily manipulate you.

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Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! This realm is transforming! The sacred and blessed forces of Heaven are preparing this beautiful blue orb for a most magnificent miracle. Those who have ruled this world for millennia can no longer continue as before. Their lascivious actions and immoral plans are now coming to naught. The dark still believes in an unholy plan to dismember humanity. All of this is blessedly failing as the source of this power rapidly fades away. Into this growing void have come the forces of Light to lovingly alter the course of this realm and produce the events needed to set you free. The Light is as well to provide the monetary resources to transform Gaia and all who dwell upon her surface worlds. These sets of grand events are now beginning to manifest as a new banking world and reset currencies come upon the scene. In the weeks and months ahead, you are to marvel at what Heaven has readied for you. Believe in the Light and focus in joy at what is now about to happen!

A few centuries ago, we Masters decided to transform how the Anunnaki’s minions collected and used their most impressive wealth. This special reform forged several world trusts and eventually a fractional banking system. This was the ruse needed to encourage avarice and lead these dark ones to monetary gluttony. By this last century, gold and silver were replaced en masse by a thing called fiat currency. The thoughtless swine had now cleverly been led down a path to their ruin. Blessedly, there had at this time been those who had the wisdom, Love and resources to create elements needed for this most luscious and divine plan. This Age of Light dawned and soon the dark was without its overlords or even the sanctity to realize what was to happen to them. We are hence at the moment where the path ends and a most magnificent set of realities sets in for those who did not heed the decrees and desires of Heaven.


This present time is when you, my most wonderful Ones, are finally to receive the sweets of the dark ones deviousness. Be ready to move from utter frustration to a most glorious joy! It is not easy to wait while you see little changing. We understand in the fullest what the dark and its overlords did to you. Once we were as you, we lived lives of quiet desperation! These times are to be changed and a most delightful reward is to be given to you. Right now, many are working in divine joy to make it possible to provide you the resources both financial and sacred to permit you to carry out those events that are to provide all with a great and righteous realm. You are meant to live in this new reality and to forge a union between the two realms that are Gaia. You are meant to be able to fulfill your destiny. Use your Love to support this luxurious realm!

Today, we completed yet another message to inform you about what is now happening across this globe. Soon, you are to bask in the ways of a new and divine world. Use this remaining time to prepare to welcome in this new age! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation


Pleiadeans’ role in the Galactic Federation

The Pleiadeans played, and are playing, a key role in the future of GAIA and Humanity.

This Webinar will reveal why they originally came here and how they will help us all to become galactic humans.


Topics Include:

Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters of Taurus
Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda and Lyra
Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet as it looks today
12 Clans of the Pleiades
Gaia’s History: Galactic wars, the Anunnaki and more
Pleiadeans’ role in the Galactic Federation
* Our joint Galactic Future

Sunday, August 23, 12:00 to 1:30pm PDT


Thursday, August 27, 6:00 to 7:30pm PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live … simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To register make payment: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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