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July 12, 2015

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“Sirius” film on Netflix

    We are so excited to announce that the Sirius film can now be seen on Netflix.  So many people subscribe to Netflix …so watch it another time, tell friends and enjoy!
If you don’t have netflix you can watch it on our vimeo channel,
or you may want to buy the DVD (click here)
Or Read Dr. Greer’s memoir that was the basis for the film:
Follow up on ideas brought up in the film:
– Evidence – Find a wealth of evidence on the website – Evidence

– Insightful papers by Dr. Greer – www.SiriusDisclosure/CSETI-Papers

– Workshops by Dr. Greer available at

             – The Crossing Point of Light – about how to make Contact

              – The History behind Disclosure – This is the amazing background story behind the Historic 2001 National Press Club Event and the subsequent Disclosure activities.  It is a must to understand the thought and nuance that has gone into this subject.

– Would you like to participate in a week long expedition?

   The next expedition will be in Portugal from September 5 – 12.  For more information go

– People have had AMAZING experiences learning the CE-5 protocols on their own using the I phone or android app.   Download them to your smart phone and then go to our free website/app and find others near you who also want to make contact.

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