Eckhart Tolle TV in May

April Feature

Eckhart explores reactivity, karmic law, and the role that an individual’s level of consciousness plays in the collective awakening of humanity in this wonderful new issue. The energy field that has created through the madness of human history, as Eckhart suggests, is part of the karmic cycle. How do we emanate peace in our daily lives? To step out of this, we need to embrace not only consciousness, but forgiveness of others and of ourselves.

teachings with kim
Teachings with Kim Eng

This month, Kim presents a series of gentle stretches to counteract the negative effects of sitting for prolonged periods of time.
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question and answer
This month, Eckhart answers several questions from audience members.
question 1
How can we address our
ecological situation?
I’m unsure about medication
for mental illness.
Do you still experience moments
of “losing it”?
A short meditation to heighten our awareness of stillness.
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Explore karmic law, and the role that an individual’s level of consciousness plays in the collective awakening of humanity this month with Eckhart. In this issue, Eckhart teaches us how we might emanate peace in our dealings with difficult situations and people, and follow the universe’s purpose. The greatest power, Eckhart suggests, comes through the act of forgiveness.
Topics Include: 

  • Being a conscious part of the collective awakening of humanity
  • Heightening our awareness of stillness and the power of non-resistance
  • Developing presence to work with painful experiences
  • Bringing awareness to dysfunctions which can become our spiritual practice
  • Exploring how to have a peaceful heart and stay present
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