….vielen Dank für die großartige Produktion….zeitlos und ewig gültig….
Ein Vorwort:
…wenn ich auf mein jetziges Leben zurück blicke, war es von Kind an eine Herausforderung Dinge für selbstverständlich zu halten, die im Massenbewusstsein nicht als „normal“ galten. Ich hatte in meiner Jugend das Gefühl ein einsamer Sonderling zu sein, belächelt und mit Skeptik betrachtet. Das führte zu Zurückhaltung und dem Status eines stillen Beobachters. In der Stadt, in der ich aufwuchs, Hannover, fand ich damals nicht einen einzigen Gleichgesinnten, und sogar Freunde wendeten sich dezent ab. Das änderte sich, als ich mit Anfang zwanzig nach Berlin zog. Hier gab es viele „Kollegen“ :). Dennoch war es immer ein Spagat abzuwägen, wann, wo und wie ich Dinge äußern konnte, die ich tief in mir wusste und erforscht hatte. Man dachte häufig ich wäre kühl und unnahbar, doch das war nur eine antrainierte Schutzhaltung, denn das Gegenteil war der Fall. Ich bin hypersensitiv, fühle, was alle anderen um mich herum fühlen und nehme „leider“ auch oft die Gedanken war, die um mich herum durch den Äther fliegen. Das war und ist nicht immer angenehm, doch gleichzeitig eine Gabe, um die Arbeit ausüben zu können, die meine Berufung ist.
Auch ich habe mich natürlich genauso wie Foster Gamble gefragt, wie viel ich von meinem Wissen auf meinem Blog zeigen möchte und entschloss mich dazu, meiner Aufgabe der Bewusstseinsverbreitung kompromisslos zu folgen und somit ALLE Themen zu berühren, die mir am Herzen liegen. Mir geht es dabei nicht um Selbstdarstellung, denn ich weiß, was ich weiß und lebe danach. Es ist ein Geschenk von mir an meine Mitmenschen zur Aufklärung und Vorbereitung, ob es nun so verstanden wird, oder nicht. Es gab Zeiten, da wurden wir für unser Wissen gefoltert, verbrannt, ausgestoßen und eingesperrt. Was macht es da schon aus nur belächelt zu werden :))) und wir werden sehen, wer zuletzt lacht :)))….
Die Zeit drängt und das Thema „ET“ und „Multidimensionale Entitäten“ wird zunehmend wichtiger, aus den Gründen, die Foster Gamble bestens in seinem wunderbaren Film „The Movie“ auf www.trivemovement.com geschildert hat.
Ich werde meinen Ausdruck nicht zurück halten, um denjenigen zu gefallen, die zu bequem oder zu ängstlich sind wissen zu wollen, was sie für „nicht Status Quo“ halten und, oder, Ihrer verzerrten, angepassten, eingeschränkten Facette Ihres wahren Wesens, genannt IMAGE, eventuell an öffentlichem Ansehen Schaden könnte…Auf der Basis des IMAGE zu leben zerstört unser konstruktives, mitmenschliches Zusammenleben und unseren wunderschönen Planeten !!! Ich ermuntere alle Gleichgesinnten und Kollegen dazu, sich uneingeschränkt und furchtlos auszudrücken. WIR SIND DA …und …DER RICHTIGE MOMENT IST JETZT !!!!!!…LOS GEHT’S :))))… In Liebe und Dankbarkeit, Arya C.Dix-Kühn
Und hier jetzt zu Foster Gamble:

January 29, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as vision. Having vision is focusing on a preferred future. One person with vision in their heart can change the world. For example, a higher vision as a quality within oneself is a positive way to respond to the happenings in the world. This encourages each individual to always take action based on their desire for the highest good of all. By holding the higher vision and staying focused on one’s individual life as an expression of pure spirit, it is their intention to grow into that awareness and role. This also provides them the foundation to walk their path in life in faith and trust that all is well in their affairs. Each individual’s effort to maintain their higher vision is met with grace from the universe which creates and manifests the embryo for finding spiritual growth in everything. When an individual sees life with an expanded spiritual awareness, their virtuous actions as a way of life are the only ones that make sense to them.
As each individual seeks truth as their highest vision, their own sense of honesty strengthens and they are able to see more clearly into their own spiritual heart. They begin to appreciate the perfection of their spiritual nature. They become more content with who they are and how they act in responding to the world around them. Their worldly attachments and desires naturally dissolve into the stream of their higher aspirations and vision. They become free from limited desire but seek more as their faith and trust in the benevolence of the universe increases. As their surrender to their higher vision increases, it allows the beneficence of universal grace to guide their every step. Their future vision expands into gratitude for the perfection of everything that comes to them at every new step of their life. They have created a personal vision which recognizes material diversity and spiritual unity at the same time. They recognize that within each embodied form there resides an individual spark of consciousness that lives simultaneously in the hearts of all living beings, therefore their vision is clear, perfect, and universal in its scope of understanding.
As each individual advances in spiritual realization, their higher vision becomes increasingly purified, and this vision becomes a natural part of their life. It causes a profound shift in their perceptions and awareness of what is in their lives. They are able to see all of reality in the way God has made it, including their individual self. They see, hear and understand all of life with their heart awareness. Their heart understands that it all depends on their own character, on knowing that they must be pure of heart in order for their spiritual vision to manifest in the world. They know it means refusing to do harm to others or even thinking harmful thoughts that may not manifest in actual physical creation. They are committed to bringing out their higher human potential by always following a habitual pattern in the subordination of their senses and lower tendencies. They experience forces that awaken their sense of love, compassion and service to all. They contemplate the eternal perfection of the divine nature of God which flows like a river within each living form.
In order to maintain their higher vision, each individual is required to be consistent in their efforts to maintain a focus on their given course of action. They must have insight and understanding into where they stand spiritually and to see from a higher viewpoint. They discover fresh insights about the way things are and the different outlooks on what can be. They find their own wisdom within that they attain to align with spirit. This process involves developing good judgment, deliberation, and common sense. The regular practice of holding a higher vision will give each individual a more balanced outlook on life. By visualizing their goals and believing in them, their higher vision manifests in incredibly stronger and more powerful ways. They realize their soul’s purpose as they align their human desires with their higher spiritual visions. They strive to embody the necessary qualities to become true visionaries, as they dare to step into new territory without accepting the status quo. Because they are wiser through their chosen path, they are continually re-evaluating their lives in order to discover hidden potential, by thinking creatively, explore new possibilities, and are active, not passive in their approach to life.
Higher vision is the perspective from which each individual views life. No matter how much spiritual information one receives, they can only take in as much as their present capacity allows. One’s ability to understand the information is limited to their capacity to process and assimilate the information. They must discern and accept that there is more to learn when they are ready to absorb, and not become hard on themselves for not yet being open. The greater the capacity to understand and assimilate the wisdom given, the more capacity there is to receive the wisdom that one seeks. By approaching everything with wonder and a belief in a better reality, all things work together for one’s good. It is important to remember that when one has a higher vision for their personal or collective life, they must believe that their vision is already actualized and manifest and it shall be given to them.
As I take my leave, I encourage you to expand your own spiritual vision and your own capacity to know and understand through the actions of prayer, contemplation and spiritual awareness.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
Oneness and individual identity are incompatible.
January 29, 2015 by John Smallman
Here in the spiritual realms we are all on high alert as the moment for humanity’s mass awakening draws ever closer. Yes, we are pushing the envelope of your acceptance of our forecasts . . . again! And although it seems to you that we have let you down or disappointed you, you do need to remind yourselves frequently that time is of the illusion. In truth there is only the eternal moment of “now.” Everything happens “now,” there is no other possibility because there is no other moment. So we talk of “soon” and “near” and “close” to impress upon you the reality of making things happen now.
You all incarnated at this point in humanity’s evolution, in this moment of the illusion, to take part very actively in the awakening process. After many earth lives you were ready to awaken and ready to assist others who, for a variety of reasons, are far more deeply asleep and therefore need the devoted assistance that only you can provide. You provide that assistance by your loving intentions, repeated every time that you go within to the quiet and eternally loving center of your beingness, which, as we – your spiritual guides, mentors, and friends – have told you before, are enormously powerful. You made the choice to incarnate because of the enormous power that you would each unleash as individual aspects of the Tsunami of Love, to bring the awakening to fruition, and because the awareness of what you would be doing was so enthralling.
You are all aspects in form of the mightiness that is being released on Earth by the Tsunami of Love. That is why you are drawn so strongly to your spiritual paths; you resonate with the divine field of Love in a glorious harmony of aligning frequencies. You are shielded from the full force of the Tsunami of Love because your physical form could not be maintained without that protective shield, but that shield also blocks your awareness of who you truly are, and that is why doubts and anxieties about the awakening, about God’s divine plan for humanity keep arising and unsettling you.
You knew before you incarnated that it would not be an easy task as you experienced it in human form, but you also knew that what you had set yourselves up to do would be unfailingly and most gloriously achieved. You absolutely know that the event for which you are all so expectantly longing cannot be prevented, and that knowing does penetrate your human form which is why you have the strength to keep holding your Light on high through all the apparent delays and disappointments.
You have no idea how deeply honored you are up here in the spiritual realms as we watch over you proudly and lovingly while you assist most ably in bringing this stage of God’s divine plan forwards towards completion. As you awaken all will be most stunningly revealed for your amazed delight and joy. You will know yourselves once more as you truly are: eternal divine beings of infinite potential through which you create endless patterns of beauty in a vast array of sensations that are far beyond anything you could conceive of with your limited human consciousness.
It seems to many of you that you are on a long path seeking meaning and purpose in your lives and then, as meanings and purposes are uncovered, revealed, and achieved, the search starts once more because you constantly need more stimuli, more goals, something new to excite or interest you. But what you are really seeking you already have deep within you, lying unrecognized because you rely far too heavily on your human form, its competences, and its abilities for stimulation and interest. Truly, although you do need to care for it sensibly, your human body is a distraction because you are so aware of it to the exclusion of what is real, Love, and Whose flame burns always within you maintaining your eternal existence. And yet you seek It, quite unknowingly, without, where It can never be found.
Love is the energy field in which all exists, but because It constantly supports you in every moment, because you are never without it for even the most infinitesimal moment, you do not notice It. An analogy is a fish out of water. Without God’s Love enveloping you in every moment you would be in far worse shape than a fish out of water, you would cease to exist. By becoming still, going quietly within and resting in a high state of alertness, you can uncover that flame, the Light of Love within you, and in doing so you will realize, instantly, that you have no needs, because all is already yours.
God, as you have so often been told, is Love. Love withholds nothing from Its beloved, and you are that beloved. All you have to do is open to Love. Mostly, however, humans get caught up in the unfounded belief that to survive is an ever-present struggle that demands ninety nine percent or more of their attention, and so they become distracted, lost, and unhappy in their seeming aloneness, and seeming defenselessness against all that could destroy them if they ceased to pay attention. And that is why all the masters, mystics, and spiritual guides keep telling you to go within and rest in the peace that you will find there.
To find that inner peace, however, you have to let go, you have to allow the present moment to be – it will, whether you do or not! – and by so doing let your awareness develop of the reality that you are far more than the persona with whom you normally identify. Identity is a useful tool within the illusion where you seem to be separate, individual, but when you go within to commune with God, with Love, with Reality, your true Self, All that exists, you need to release that sense of identity which blocks out the awareness of that state you are attempting to access.
Oneness and individual identity are incompatible. As you find inner peace in that quiet inner sanctuary your sense of identity will have dropped away because you have no need of it. As you become more accustomed to entering this divine state you will find that your sense of identity weakens and becomes far less demanding of your attention. Then you will find that you are beginning to see the divine, the flame of God’s eternal Love in others, and your need to judge will also weaken. Acceptance of others will become normal, and from there forgiveness arises, of yourselves, and of others, eventually of all others.
And that is Oneness, where there is never any sense of threat, danger, or anxiety, because it makes no sense at all when there is only Oneness. Humanity is evolving towards a permanent state of Oneness where its limitless potential can join with God’s to produce wonders beyond anything you can presently conceive of. Know that all is completely well, and that your awakening into Oneness is inevitable.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
https://johnsmallman2Jesus through John Guidance from an elder brother.wordpress.com
January 25-February 1, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are finding the adage “know thyself” as a common theme that is shared by all at this time in one form or another. The fine tuning and recalibrating is still taking place and now you look ever more closely within yourselves to look at all the patterns you have played out throughout your lifetime and are now willing to face self in all its many facets. You are willing to take full responsibility for all that has shown up in your lives. You know you are the one who first created the experience in order to bring this pattern to the surface as that which has limited you in your forward movement and which needs to be transmuted and released. Open your hearts wider to this experience and be willing to see the beauty of the gift it has given you. It has brought you freedom from self imposed suffering and has assisted you to move beyond former limitations, sometimes in unexpected and totally surprising ways.
You now look at how you may further allow the unfolding of your greater perceptions, seeing your life and the events in it from the perspective of your divine self. You see the dramas playing out around you and lovingly detach from them. You realize that there are always cycles, ebbs and flows in the patterns that are unfolding. You resolve to work in harmony with these energies rather than resisting the gifts of awareness that they bring. You are being moved on the path towards greatness of spirit and creativity that has always resided within you. Your new beginnings beckon with infinite possibilities and there is a sense of impeding magic in the air, a sense of something wonderful that is soon to come into view. As you move towards the manifestation of your dreams, you are also shining the light that you are as a beacon of hope for others and are uplifting the energies for the collective.
As you hold the higher ground that you have claimed as your own, you inspire and uplift the people in your sphere of influence. Know that you are perceived from a place of respect and admiration now. The flow of the river of life is sweet and joyous and you experience many more moments of sublime bliss as you daily go within to the core of your divine self. You look to the light to conquer and transmute your thoughts as they come in your spiritual practices and thus gain many new insights and wisdom through this experience. As you connect to the higher version of your self, you strive to make it even more beautiful and significant and in so doing, you ignite the light in the hearts of others.
Always trust in your powers of perception and intuition. Following this guidance will steer you in the direction of your highest and greatest good. You will stay in the flow of the beneficent energies of the universe which will unerringly put you on the path of divine and right timing, and everything in your life will work out well. Connecting daily with your divine self brings in its power, beauty and majesty. The puzzle pieces of your life to the present now come together in exciting and magical ways to create the reality you have been seeking.
The adventure of many lifetimes now stretches before you and you know that you have the tools necessary to make it count. You have everything that you need within you and you move onto the next step of your spiritual journey with confidence, grace and ease. By staying present in each moment, you are led unerringly to achieve your highest good in the manifestation of your most heartfelt desires. The road to mastery of self becomes easier because of your willingness to own all of your experiences as an integral part of it.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Core Structural Changes
These new cosmic frequencies are forcing everything hidden to be revealed in so that core structural changes can be developed in order to survive or progress forward. The operating system of organizations and entities must change in value from a closed (exclusive) system to an open (inclusive) operating system, in order to evolve and survive ongoing in these new frequencies. We may be required now to build a new platform for our life, or make small or big changes to how we function in our day to day life.
The higher frequency you are working within that is inside any of these old organized structures will reflect the sudden onset of collapse, immediate chaotic changes or economic flatline. As an example, people that are working within jobs of creative, artistic or spiritual interest will have an immense pressure to change their attitudes, values and rules of engagement to reflect a matched higher vibration. The matched vibration is open and inclusive – not hidden or exclusive. The more dense control structures take more time to dismantle fully, and although not impervious to radical chaotic change, will be slower because of the bureaucratic red tape of the governmental and societal systems that are very slow to make progressive changes. These systems are collapsing, but are meeting a critical mass of its “collaborative collapse” as so many of the World Pillar control systems are interdependent and falsely propped up on each other. These are completely unsustainable systems built upon competition and divide and conquer.
During this period, when challenged by the 3D structure, practice states of engaged detachment to such scenarios as accusations, betrayals, legal and financial compliance issues, losing material objects, etc. The entire base foundation of one’s primary support structure is changing now. YOU may be pulled out of places or organizations that you were previously working, living or removed from people that you were collaborating with. Meditate and rest a lot, as dealing with these types of issues can be quite physically draining and stressful. Many of us must withdraw continually to our inner sanctum to gather inner strength and energy for the next round of changes.
The old control matrix and the hidden entities manipulating and using it are barking, biting and scratching in every way they can to gain some momentum. The control matrix is an intrinsic part of all of our banking/money, legal, educational, medical/drugs, compliance structures and job systems, so these areas have been slapping us silly with all they got. The closed control system model is deranged and broken. It has been revealing its mad psychosis to us more and more with every passing day. The desperation of these entities behind the control of these systems is desperate when it is realized that they cannot function in the same way anymore. As a result to this desperation, more mind controlled automatons appear with a standard boiler plate to wield more bi-polar attempts to force mass compliance to their generated fear and terrorist mechanism. Unfortunately, the unconscious masses are being mostly preyed upon to be the enforcer of these negative agendas, in fear of a paycheck or security for their families.
We are observing a necessary part of the integration process into the new frequency structures that change the governance directing consciousness energy. We have accelerated in a huge burst forward and it’s changed what level of the frequency structure we can connect into now. It generates temporary energetic schisms of huge discordance in the opposing polarities of the external field. Needless to say it creates a lot of chaos, confusion and disruption to gather the inner strength to transcend. Those on the ascending path should be getting used to this now. You may see undisciplined people acting out their nasty stuff on the stage, as well as human compassion and philanthropic beauty being displayed all in the same moment to moment. Sometimes, it will feel like a chafing of building abrasive energies that can feel unbearable as they integrate inside your personal vessel, as our auric field is designed to work its consciousness magic to harmonize the environment and help resolve conflicts between our being and others. Have you noticed another flux of people from the past, or family, co- workers and all those relationships from multiple identities seeking healing, resolution or guidance? As we are being accelerated forward, at the same time, unresolved conflicts from the past seem to also be pushing these scenarios into the surface for some mad rush for closure.
Most of us recognize this consciousness elevating process (initiation into new fields of frequency) as the “integration of polarities”. One cannot be a true knower without having had the direct experience of becoming it through the embodiment process. Every Mystery School emphasizes this as a critical initiation (state of consciousness elevation) to be able to transcend the illusion of form as being real. This has been especially emphasized with the Starseed, as many of us were not intrinsically 3D human, nor did we share the same Archontic value system of enslaved humanity. We had to learn how to become a 3D human in order to transcend that limitation in service to help the rest of humanity to ascend and find freedom. As most of us have experienced a high level of physical discomfort with the forces of resistance, counter-energies. NAA or a plethora of confused and adversarial forces placing obstacles in our spiritual mission pathway. Many times, the intensity between the polarization of opposing forces is the necessary catalyst to slingshot our way past levels of low density or decrepit energy structures to elevate us quickly to a new consciousness. That is exactly what is happening during this phase and you may be feeling it as such a core rattling experience that it is your molecules rearranging.
Beyond the body’s physical exhaustion and attempts to recover from the pushing and pulling of external energies around us, manifested events have elevated to new bi-polar energetic extremes. For those of us committed to be the vessel of these divine spiritual projects, we know that the backlash is inevitable as the equal/opposite merge of the new frequency appears. Its cellular memory unlocks many dimensional time doorways that were previously closed for the past, present and future, and it changes the current potential possibilities accessed. This is how we perform reconnaissance work and reclaim the consciousness memories, return the silicate matrix DNA of the Cosmic Christ consciousness to humanity and the earth.
This path is not for the weak hearted and clearly all of us have been confronted with extremely challenging issues stemming from the grasping desperation of the Imposter forces behind the 3D mind control programs. The level of unconscious reaction received as a backlash from the new frequency architecture anchoring, has been very difficult and very hard work. We are birthing a completely new open architecture and divine infinite calculus on the planet at this time, and its holds great promise for all of us.
Practicing Engaged Detachment: Develop Self Awareness of Inner and Outer Dialogues through the Observer and Compassionate Witness. Refocusing mental perception from Negative Thoughts to its Positive Polarity through Unconditional Love and Forgiveness towards the self and others. Learning how to focus on positive thoughts to replace negative thoughts are the first stage of ego discipline, the second stage is applying neutrality or neutral association through sustained focus, as in inner stillness found during meditation. This is because many people in ego behavior misrepresent neutrality as disassociative reaction to external events or others feelings. Disassociation and neutrality is not the same state of consciousness. Disassociation is disconnected from circumstances and disconnected from spiritual consciousness. While neutrality is connected through self-awareness, through the observer point of the heart intelligence of compassionate witness. This process is called engaged detachment.
Great interview!
Available on YouTube:
To view and/or download those workshops in their entirety, please go to our vimeo channel: www.Vimeo.com/SiriusDisclosure
by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Copyright 1991
One of the greatest tasks humanity has faced throughout history is the establishment of peace and unity among differing and diverse peoples. Superficial, external and cultural distinctions such as gender, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion and so forth have long divided humanity and been the cause of much warfare and social turmoil. It is only in the last 100 or so years that humans have seriously begun to explore worldwide our points of unity and begun to overcome the barriers which have separated humanity. Central to this evolutionary process has been the dynamic of at once accepting and celebrating diversity while simultaneously seeing the fundamental oneness which all humans share. This dynamic of unity – seeing with the eye of oneness – is the essential foundation for lasting world peace and prosperity, and will be the motivating principle of the next millennium. The long and painful process of overcoming prejudice and embracing humanity’s essential oneness, while by no means yet complete, has brought us to the dawn of a true world-encircling community of one people. The recognition that mankind is one, that race, nationality, gender, religion and so on are secondary to our shared humanness, may well be the crowning achievement of the 20th century.
But what does it mean to be human, essentially human, apart from a purely biological definition? Our deepest point of unity transcends race, culture, gender, profession, life roles, even level of intelligence or emotional make- up, since all these attributes vary widely among people. Rather, the foundation of human oneness is consciousness itself, the ability to be conscious, self-aware, intelligent sentient beings. All other human qualities arise from this mother of all attributes. Conscious intelligence is the root essence from which all other human qualities emanate. It is the universal and fundamentally pure canvas on which the dazzling array of human life manifests. The firmest, most enduring and transcendent foundation on which human unity is based then, is consciousness itself, for we are all sentient beings, conscious, self-aware, and intelligent. No matter how diverse two people or two cultures may be, this foundation of consciousness will enable unity to prevail, as it is the simplest yet most profound common ground which all humans share.
As great as the challenges to unity have been and continue to be for humans, how much greater might this be for the emerging and embryonic relationship between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations. The superficial and cultural differences between, say, an American and a Kenyan tribesman may pale before it! If disunity and conflict arise when we look only to the differences between humans, how much greater will the potential disunity and conflict be if we are able only to focus on the points of difference between humans and extraterrestrial beings. The failed and disastrous ways of the past – of seeing only differences and foreign qualities – must give way to a new way of seeing, of seeing with the eye of oneness. This eye of oneness must be directed not only towards our fellow humans, but towards extraterrestrial people as well, for the same fundamental basis for unity which exists among humans also exists for the relationship between humans and extraterrestrials.
The term extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), so curiously nondescript, wonderfully lends itself to these concepts of unity. Regardless of planet, star system or galaxy of origin, and no matter how diverse, ETIs are, essentially, intelligent, conscious, sentient beings. Humans are essentially intelligent, conscious, sentient beings. We are, essentially, one. On this basis, we may speak of one people inhabiting one universe, just as we now envision one people as children of one planet. Differences are always a matter of degree, but true unity established in consciousness is absolute. The beings currently visiting earth from other planets, while no doubt different from humans in both superficial and more profound ways, are nevertheless conscious intelligent beings. Consciousness is the basis for both human and extraterrestrial existence and is therefore the foundation for unity and communication between the various people of the universe. Beliefs may vary, biological processes may vary, assorted capacities may vary, social systems and technology may vary – but the simple thread of conscious intelligence which runs through all peoples elegantly weaves our unity. This essential unity is not subject to the trials of diversity, for it is pure, immutable and fundamental to the existence of intelligent life itself.
The challenges of establishing unity among the peoples of the universe is a grand extension of the challenge of establishing unity and peace among the people of the earth. Diversity, distinction and differences must be met with mutual respect, acceptance and even celebration, while the deeper foundations of unity are held steadily in view. The eye of oneness does not exclude or reject the diversity among peoples, but relates this diversity to a paradigm of universality based in consciousness. The development of this capacity, of this kind of awareness, is the most important prerequisite for not only peace and unity among humans, but also for the peace and unity between humans and other intelligent life in the universe. We must hope and pray that the errors and shortcomings humanity has manifested in its long and, as yet, incomplete march to world unity will serve as well-remembered lessons as we face the task of peacefully interacting with extraterrestrial peoples. The endless diversity which so outstanding a universe can present will only be endured by minds established in the calmness of universal consciousness. In the coming decades, centuries and millennia, it will be increasingly realized that the success of humanity’s existence will be dependent on the development of consciousness more than on any outward progress.
As there is one God which manifests one creation, so there is one God which is the source of all conscious beings, whether on earth or elsewhere. The great Universal Intelligence has sent a ray of this light of consciousness throughout all conscious beings, and we are united to God and to one another through its subtle and all-pervading effect. It is for these reasons that I state that the reality of man and the reality of other extraterrestrial peoples are one. Viewed with the eye of differences, we are diverse and unrelated, but viewed with the eye of oneness, we are more alike than dissimilar, more kindred than alien. And so it is that we must look to our inner reality to find not only our oneness with our fellow humans, but our oneness with other intelligent life in the universe as well. While ephemeral differences may confound us, our essential oneness in consciousness will never fail us. For there is one universe inhabited by one people, and we are they.
….ich empfehle es wärmstens !!! Arya C. Dix-Kühn
Published on Nov 28, 2014Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media-free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words “should” and “try” from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our “gods” are.
Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious — and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become “bringers of the dawn,” consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth.
The Galactic Federation of Light, which was mentioned in many of the channeled messages of Salusa and Commander Sohin as well as in the books of Courtney Brown, are here to assist us during this ascension process against the dark forces.
The Earth has been quarantined by the Galactic Federation of Light in order to curb the activities of the dark forces. There are large numbers of space fleets surrounding Earth and there are no activities in our sky that goes unnoticed by them. The quarantine will be removed once the dark forces on Earth have been effectively vanquished.
The Galactic Federation of Light is similar to the United Federation of Planets we see in the Star Trek Series. They are not of Earth and are therefore extraterrestrials. Humans of Earth will eventually be a part of the Galactic Federation.
They have discreetly done many things for us such as:
Disabling nuclear missiles
Neutralizing the nanotechnology substance that are infused into vaccines
Mitigating the radiation emitted from the nuclear crisis in japan
Intervening on the use of HAARP
Clearing the oil spill in the Gulf Coast
Neutralizing chemtrails in certain areas
Cleaning up pollutions in certain areas
After World War II, the representatives of the Galactic Federation of Light made contact with the Unites States government to warn them of the extraterrestrials from the Orion Empire which the Unites States government had a secret First Contact with. The representatives are known to be human-looking.
The Galactic Federations of Light have a Prime Directive of not directly interfering with us until enough of us are aware of their presence so that they can appear more openly and without us fearing them. That is a reason why there are increasing UFO sightings all around the world during recent times.
God Bless Everyone!
…mögliche positive Zukunftsmodelle, die JETZT gestartet werden können ….sehen Sie den Film dazu ab 1:37:57 (Er ist in vielen Sprachen einzustellen)
The Movie ist ein Film von Foster Gamble (Proctor & Procter & Gamble