Monatsarchive: März 2015

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Galactic Prophecy for Humanity now ready for downloading to your Library…
The Galactics asked Sheldan to present this very special Webinar. It will prepare us for 2015, which ushers in a new epoch for humanity.

For Preview Video: We are Galactic Beings

Topics include…

• Why humans were selected as Gaia’s guardians.
• Battle between Atlantis and Lemuria.
• Why were we created?
• How were we created?
• Rise of the Anunnaki.
• How the legacy of the past affects our present.
• Realizing the heavenly prophecy of Michael.
• 2015 and beyond ~ a new epoch for humanity.

To order Webinar Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Campact | Spenden | Über uns | Kontakt
26.03.2015 – Abonnent/innen: 1.638.468
Liebe Cornelia Dix-Kühn,

es gibt gute Nachrichten: Schweden hat vergangene Woche als 12. EU-Land das Quorum für die selbstorganisierte Europäische Bürgerinitiative „Stop TTIP“ erreicht! Und in Irland haben Bürger/innen schon 115% der benötigten Unterschriften gesammelt.

Das bedeutet: Der Widerstand gegen TTIP breitet sich über ganz Europa aus. Ihre Hilfe und finanzielle Unterstützung haben dazu entscheidend beigetragen. Daher möchten sich unsere Schwesterorganisationen Uplift (Irland) und Skiftet (Schweden) bei Ihnen mit diesem Video bedanken.

Die TTIP-Kampagnen in Irland und Schweden starten jetzt durch:

Schweden ist die Heimat der Handelskommissarin Cecilia Malmström. Dort hegen Politiker/innen bis weit ins linke Lager hinein zuweilen naive Vorstellungen von den Segnungen, die TTIP bringen soll. Skiftet, unsere schwedische Schwester-Organisation, hält mit wachsendem Erfolg dagegen und klärt auf. Seit März hat sie eine professionelle Kampagnenstruktur und mit Robin Zachari einen Campaigner als Geschäftsführer. Die Politik nimmt diese Arbeit ernst: Letzte Woche empfing die Handelskommissarin Robin Zachari zum Gespräch!

In Irland sind die Menschen besorgt um ihre Landwirtschaft, ihr Trinkwasser und die Gesundheit. Sie bangen, dass TTIP zu einer Verschlechterung der Versorgung bei höheren Preisen führt. Außerdem befürchten viele Iren, durch TTIP könnte sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Finanzkrise erhöhen. Uplift, unsere irische Schwester-Organisation, engagiert sich seit Jahresbeginn sehr erfolgreich:

– Innerhalb weniger Wochen hat sie die für das Quorum nötigen Unterschriften für die Europäische Bürgerinitiative „Stop TTIP“ gesammelt.

– Uplift-Aktive sandten mehrere tausend Emails an Minister der irischen Regierung und zwangen den Arbeitsminister, zu den Argumenten gegen ISDS Stellung zu nehmen.

– Auf Abgeordnete der Labour Party wurde erfolgreich Druck ausgeübt, so dass sie bei ihrem Parteitag einen Antrag unterstützten, der TTIP kritisiert. Die Partei distanziert sich außerdem von wichtigen TTIP-Maßnahmen, wie zum Beispiel den geheimen Schiedsgerichten.

– Uplift hat darüber hinaus intensive Medienberichterstattung zu den Argumenten gegen TTIP erreicht.

– Als nächstes möchte Uplift einen offenen Brief an Cecilia Malmström verfassen, der ihr bei ihrem Besuch in Dublin am 27. März übergeben werden soll. Das wird die Medienberichte, die ihren Besuch begleiten werden, gehörig aufmischen und tausenden Menschen, die gegen TTIP sind, die Möglichkeit geben, sich in einer gemeinsamen, kraftvollen Aktion Gehör zu verschaffen.

Robin Zachari (Skiftet) und Siobhan O’Donoghue (Uplift) sind erfahrene Campaigner. Dank Ihrer Hilfe kann Campact sie durch Beratung unterstützen. Wir haben eine Wissensdatenbank aufgebaut und in regelmäßigen Videokonferenzen beantworten wir ihre Fragen. Gemeinsam stärken wir so Bewegungen kritischer Bürgerinnen und Bürger und unterstützen TTIP-Kampagnen in anderen Ländern finanziell.

Es ist schön, wenn Sie mit uns dranbleiben!

Mit herzlichem Dank

Maritta Strasser, Campaignerin
Felix Kolb, Vorstand

Aktuell, kritisch, aktiv! Mischen Sie sich ein und gestalten Sie Politik! Nirgendwo geht das so umfassend und schnell wie bei uns. 1.638.468 Menschen sind schon dabei. Innerhalb weniger Minuten verleiht Campact Ihnen eine Stimme!
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We now stand at the very gates of a new realm and await the next swift steps that are being put into place. This dark global oligarchy is reeling.

from Planetary Activation Organization


Ummac Dan ~ symbol of the Sirian Star system

5 Akbal, 1 Mac, 11 Ik

Selamat Jarin! We come as your precious Mother Earth is reeling from the grand amount of energy being sent here by Heaven. This energy is a symbol of the need, expressed by Heaven, for Gaia to resolve the current problems encountered by the Light. At present, you are still on the verge of great changes. In truth, these changes are the precursor to a number of events, which are ready to happen. These energies are meant to be the thunderbolts that begin a vast round of critical changes. Your financial system is to be the initial point for these changes. Already, the instruments for a new and fairer banking system are implemented. These alterations are presently being tested. So far, success seems assured. Meanwhile, the many banks that retain the old system are being forced to accept the new. Numerous nations in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas are in compliance. More such institutions across your globe are falling into line as well. We expect even more banks to create a truly wondrous network that is to make banking more efficient and fairer worldwide. These changes, ultimately, require that NESARA be declared in North America. Forces are now working toward this goal.

The changes to your global banking system are just the start of a worldwide effort to make banking the instrument, which is to help humanity and not restrict it. Over the years we have watched as this globe’s largest banks and the various multi-national partners have waged a war with humanity and sought worldwide dominance over you. This battle of ideas and money is in fact over. The fiat currency they espoused has lost, and the first step in instigating a new type of global currency has begun. These changes are meant to globally reset currency and to finally re-establish a new gold standard. Also, there is to be the forerunner of a new set of standards for the clean exchange of these monies worldwide. The dark cabal, which had complete charge of you, is now fading. Its vast powers are being taken from it. You are on the verge of watching as the major figures of this once all-powerful monopoly are arrested and removed from office. Governments that were once institutions that did their bidding are to be changed by the weight of NESARA’s enforcement.


This new realm is to be one of graceful transition. You are to witness a global jubilee and see the formal declaration of disclosure by these new governments. These formal announcements are finally to permit us to come before you and openly declare our timetable to you. At that time, we can announce some preliminary landing instructions. We want you to have an idea of just how many scout ships are scheduled by us to land on your beautiful shores. Our mentors also wish to begin a general dialogue with you. It is important that together we commence a discussion on your true history. Much of what you know is improvised speculation. Your fall into limited consciousness in Atlantis has to be seen in the light of what was happening in the last empire of Atlantis. Even the Atlanteans were arguing among themselves over this dark policy of how rebel dissidents were to be punished. Thus, this policy doomed the land and brought on its utter destruction. You need to know this history and to understand it in a true light. The cabal has manipulated you for far too long!

Our prime purpose is to enlighten you about all this, and to ready you for your return to full consciousness. Our many mentors realize this and with the help of your Ascended Masters, are to thoroughly ready you for full consciousness. This sacred process first requires you to shed many false concepts that were given you by the Anunnaki, and then reiterated by their minions. The present dark cabal knows this story in great detail. Over the millennia, their ancestors enforced these false beliefs and used them to control and manipulate you. In fact, you are free Beings dedicated in Love and Light to divine service of the Light. This service was interrupted by the machinations of a number of Atlantean scientists and priests. You are to shortly resume this great service. We have much that we are destined to accomplish together. We welcome the return of your great star nation. Many nations that were once part of the dark Ancharan Empire wait in joy and anticipation for the carrying out of your divine service to them, and indeed to all of physical creation. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

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Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now with great news! Over the past few decades we watched as our associates used their legal and financial expertise to create a scenario to corner the dark cabal, so their various clandestine methods came to no end. Endless obstacles were placed by the dark in our associates’ path. However, the arrival of our space family’s fleets eventually led to a different conclusion. These ambassadors from space used their growing positions to at last create an alternative to what was regularly happening. Suddenly, judges were signing papers and executing special writs. The long process was now moving forward, just as several heavenly prophecies suggested. The end of our millennia-long journey had reached the beginning of achieving the Light’s goal for this physical realm. We met regularly with their liaisons in Agartha. A schedule for humanity’s success was quickly taking shape.

This process was originally to start slowly and gather momentum. This has been the case. It is only in the late part of the first decade of this millennium that we began to see real progress. The dark cabal started our dialogue with a feeling that at some point they could easily trump us. Thanks to the many Galactic Federation liaisons, this idea of the dark began to fail. As the second decade began, the dark initially withdrew and cut off all negotiations. Over a year later, they were forced by the liaisons to reconsider. In that vein, we started again. The results remained as in many previous encounters. This time, the talks were rescued by the ardent assent and growing power of the numerous ancient families. The dark was forced to admit that it no longer possessed the upper hand!

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We were blessed by these events and were joyous at what a constant interaction between these grace-filled families and these divine space ambassadors were producing. As you can guess, gracious Ones, the dark slowly began to accede to our many requests. This led to where we are now. The newer nations of this world came together under the aegis of nations who used their combined powers to forge a most blessed alliance! We now stand at the very gates of a new realm and await the next swift steps that are being put into place. This dark global oligarchy is reeling. It is no longer the be-all and end-all of this world. It is being reduced to merely one of the players in an act. We bless Heaven and graciously thank all who have used their power and resources to help humanity. We remain full of Light and Joy for all that is happening around this globe. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we continued to inform you of the current happenings around this globe. We have drawn ever closer to a resolution and the time when our Heavenly and space families can be close to us. We still have much to do. Let us dedicate this time to making the necessary changes possible. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Explore more from the Galactic Federation at PAOWEB


PAO’s webinars are multidimensional in nature.Let’s use our collective energies to create the changes our hearts’ desire.

Dear Beings of Light, I attended Sunday’s webinar. So very uplifting and I truly believe this was the best webinar ever! The photos were just exquisite and Sheldan, you explained everything so well. Thurs. I will be back watching and soaking all the information and energy downloads within my Divinity. Much love and light, Ellie

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In this Webinar, you will learn the role science plays in merging with our path to full consciousness.

Topics include…

• Science of Lemuria Returns: Breaking the Matrix using Spiritual Science
• Exploring Spiritual Wisdom: The science of miracles
• The New Harmonics tap into the World of Spirit
• Look to nature for answers
• Understanding what we can’t see or prove
• How we will benefit from new (Lemurian) Science

Thursday, March 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

For your convenience: Time Converter

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer

(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Dolphin jumping in water

Forgetting Love is not possible.

March 21, 2015 by John Smallman

To experience Oneness is really not that difficult, it is just a question of waiting patiently and allowing it to happen.  To allow means that you do not attempt to be in control of the moment, of the situation, you just accept what arises, and if nothing arises do not concern yourself about it because nothing arising is very, very close to Oneness.  Oneness is a state of alert attention, a state in which you observe – your feelings, your thoughts, your environment, noises and smells, people or things passing – but do not engage with any of them so that you are always ready for and aware of the next thing, thought, feeling, or sensation that arises in this now moment, the only moment that has real meaning.

It is a very peaceful state in which you are simply present, nothing more, and it is extremely healing because doubts and anxieties do not assail you when you relax into that peaceful state of perfect contentment, needing nothing.  Do not be discouraged by the fact that nothing appears to happen because “what happens” is of the illusion, it is a distraction from being.  Oneness is just being, and being is to be open to creation, to be open to Love, because your heart then expands and fills and replenishes itself from that infinite loving space that is all that exists.

Don’t judge yourself, and do forgive yourself for all the judgments you have ever made.  When you are forgiven you know that you are free, but only you can forgive yourself.  Another’s forgiveness can be pleasing, satisfying, but the only real forgiveness is your own to yourself.  And if you have not forgiven yourself you cannot truly forgive anyone else.  There is always a “holding on to” the offense or hurt that you are attempting to forgive.  You do not forget it, you just store it away to refer to later in case another offense or hurt occurs, and you call this experience, or even wisdom!

Love is always unconditionally accepting because It has nothing to forgive.  If you hold on to a hurt or a grievance, then resentment grows and you shut out Love, and you can only do that within the illusion because outside the illusion, which is tiny, there is only Love.  Anything that is in any way out of harmony with Love is unreal, it does not and cannot exist except within the unreal state that is the illusion.

To not be experiencing Love constantly means that you are immersed in the illusion.  The occasions of Love it seems that you experience within it are but brief forays out of it.  The illusion is like a pond in which you are immersed far beneath its surface and holding your breath, and from which you emerge for brief moments to breathe in the Love on which your very existence depends.  Love is infinitely powerful, so a deep breath from Its endless abundance allows you to immerse yourself in the pond of the illusion for long periods of time.  And when you do, because it is the human condition, it is very easy either to forget about love – the weak faint image of real Love that is all that you can experience as a human – or to convince yourself that you do not need it because it really only complicates life . . .  until the next time you need to take a breath!

Forgetting Love, which is burying or denying your need for It, and focusing on living, on getting on with your life, is not possible!  It is the life force, life itself as you live it as a human, and therefore you are always conscious of it, even if you are not focusing your attention there.  When It ceases or severely weakens, then you notice!  Those of you who have had NDEs (near death experiences) remain intensely aware of life, of Love, when you return to your human bodies and to all the limitations they appear to impose upon you.

Remember, in fact you can hardly forget, that fear is a very noticeable aspect of life in the illusion.  This is because separation from God is utterly unnatural, even the thought of it is terrifying in the extreme, and it does seem that you are separated.  Thus fear lurks constantly just below your level of conscious awareness, forever ready to come to the surface to fill and freeze your mind and shut you off from Love.  As most of your experts in human psychology will confirm, you live daily with the fear of death.  Why?  Because death appears to be the end, the complete termination of existence.

No one has ever come back from the dead to prove that there is no such thing, and while life may not be wonderful to lose consciousness permanently does not in the least appeal to the vast majority of humans.  Belief in an afterlife can help, but not if you believe that you could be sent to hell!

The only hell you will ever experience is one of your own making, which can indeed be horrific and cause great suffering, but it is unreal.  Once you truly forgive yourself you will become aware that hell is unreal because through self-forgiveness you open yourself to Love and to the realization that as a beloved child of God, Who is infinite Love, you are forever and eternally unconditionally accepted and loved.  With the arrival of that realization hell, and any images of hell that you may have formed, will dissolve, dematerialize.

You have your eternal and uninterrupted existence in Reality, within the infinite field of divine Love that contains and supports all of God’s creation, and outside of which nothing exists because there is no outside.  It truly is extremely simple: you exist, you know you do because you are conscious, therefore you are always in the divine Presence.

This being the case there is no need for worry or anxiety of any kind, and any that you experience as humans is utterly unreal.  However, it seems real as long as you maintain it by focusing your attention on it, and on the illusion that supports the games of separation in which you chose to participate.

To free yourselves from the illusion, to disentangle yourselves from it, it is most helpful to quieten your mind, to let go of and disengage from the almost constant but often unconscious flow of thoughts passing through it concerning your life in the illusion as humans.  It is generally an ongoing flow of worry, anxiety, and fear about your value, your severely limited value as an individual in a vast system that you feel sure hardly notices you, and how to increase that value and be noticed – perhaps by taking another workshop, another seminar, another degree, another job, another lover.  It becomes an almost constant state of worrying and wondering about what to do to improve your market value!

But because you are all divine beings you cannot increase your value in any manner at all.  God does nothing by halves, therefore your value is already infinite
Your loving brother, Jesus.

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March 22-29, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There is a sense of accomplishment on the inner planes as the cosmic alignments and human activities are taking place upon your planet. Your loving energies have been given and applied where it is needed the most and every particle has been utilized for the highest good of all, with loving gratitude and appreciation for your efforts. You are loved so very much by your Family of Light! Every particle of Light expands and fills all the places and spaces that are shifting as the shadows recede and in this way is growing exponentially. It is touching the hearts of all upon the planet, and even those who keep trying to douse the holy flame burning within their own heart. It is a time for deep reflection upon that which still needs to be purged and released from every person’s soul and looking deeply within self is a conscious choice that requires total honesty and courage. The fire within you demands such scrutiny and you are capable of it as you continue to follow your own star!

Following your own star means choosing to be your own best friend. It means lavishing kindness, compassion and love upon your own being, and remembering that you are an openhearted soul who is goodness incarnate. Release the past experiences where that goodness was taken advantage of by others who did not take the high road as do you. Let go of the wounds within you that these actions placed upon your soul. You were and are innocent and you are not responsible for the souls who choose to stay in the old paradigm levels of staying small. Let go of the need to ‘save’ them from themselves and their own choices. Nurture yourself and walk tall upon your world, for your Light and your goodness is very much appreciated, as is your ability to expand that Light in ever widening circles of radius. Sooner or later, this will touch all hearts in an opening and expanding way.

Success comes to you as a result of your own efforts and you have all that you need to move forward in the fruition of your dreams, goals and visions. You are ones who must always share the gifts you receive with others, for that is your very nature and you must always be true to self. Give honour to the feminine aspect within you by choosing to work with others in a cooperative manner and by the showing of respect for the diversity of all people. The feminine energy manifests in each individual as a willingness to learn new ways to make one’s ideals and ideas workable. The feminine energy places the importance of life first by taking care of the Earth and all her inhabitants. The feminine influence and foremost law is that there be harm to none. This includes an acknowledgement and honouring of the air, water, fire, earth and cosmic elements for their contribution to the beauty and evolvement of the planet. Everything works together for the common good of all. This is the direction that life upon your planet is once again headed and which will once again prevail.

You have learned that positive thought creates positive change on the Earth. Your efforts to create a world where everyone’s real needs are met, where everyone is free, respected and equal has been and is, creating changes within individual consciousness which in turn is vital and most helpful in group and world consciousness. When there are storms, visualize the winds gentling, the storms easing, the tornado’s moving away from populated areas. Where there is a trouble spot in the world, send love and compassion to heal it and to lessen its pain. Be brave and project healing thoughts of love to your planet, to all her inhabitants and all her elements. As the collective consciousness changes so does the Earth move and evolve in that direction also. This is the beauty of peaceful and positive change that comes through mindful and loving intention.

There is a need to support each other and the Earth. Send love and gratitude to your planet for her fidelity to you, her inhabitants. She has been in a holding pattern for many years, trying to wait for humanity to awaken and join her in the great opportunity that has now come forth for all. She is ready to move forward on her Ascension into the higher dimensions. She wants to take you along with her. When you align in Oneness with the Earth Mother, many miracles of healing and restoration will take place.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

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… by looking into the sky on a clear night, who could honestly still believe, that we are the only ones in the universe ? :)))

…starting the movie at about 14:50 min
