
Published on Aug 13, 2019

This is the pattern of the new diamond light, sixth dimensional platinum ray field anchoring into your collective consciousness and combined cellular memory on 13th August 2019 and beyond. — Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick. Magenta Pixie Website: Magenta Pixie Products: — BOOKS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote… * The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame… * Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template… * Masters of the Matrix…
— MEDITATION COLLECTIONS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * Elemental Dream… * Sacred Quest… * Magenta Pixie Meditation Mega Bundle… — * Support Magenta Pixie – Donations Gratefully Received *…



Published on May 30, 2018

To attend an Abraham-Hicks Workshop near you, visit Abraham’s opening monologue from the 2017 French Riviera cruise. “It is our expectation that you will find a new level of appreciating yourself. That you will come to recognize the perfection – not the finished perfection – but the current perfection of who you are.” “You are an extension of Source Energy. But you are not separated from that Source Energy. You are an extension of Source Energy and that Source Energy is flowing to you and through you. It is a part of you.”
“It is our desire that you figure how to balance your desire and your belief, so that you come to expectation of what you are asking for, so that you come to realize consciously, that you are a powerful creator, here with magnificent intent and purpose, with so many resources at your fingertips, and so much non-physical assistance flowing to you.” “You do not have to develop patience once you get the hang of this. Instead, you will find yourself enjoying the unfolding of your desire.” “Your work is so simple. Your work is just to think thoughts that match the desire, rather than it’s absence. To say words that match the desire, rather than it’s absence. To tell the story of what you are creating, rather than the story of the reason why you are creating it.” – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –




Published on Aug 6, 2019

Live Channeling Day 1 Saturday, September 14, 2019 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm “Think Outside the Box” Bashar’s ideas are usually bigger than they first appear. In Think Outside the Box he gives us a new permission slip to help replicate that expanded, higher-dimensional way of thinking for ourselves. We can learn to detach from our ordinary way of thinking and move into a more conscious experience of the physical level of higher-energy, higher-frequency, fourth-density reality. It’s about getting to know your higher self in order to go higher. This enhanced experience of the higher self allows for a broader perspective on any topic along with a relatable application in physical life. The meditation will help to crystallize this new skill so we can choose the realities we prefer in this time of transition.
Live Full Moon Contact Meditation Saturday, September 14, 2019 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Live ET Contact meditation under the full moon! Enhance your Bashar Sedona Weekend Event experience by joining us for the Contact Meditation! Bring a blanket and join Bashar under the Sedona night sky for this very special meditation experience. Live Channeling Day 2 Sunday, September 15, 2019 11:00 am – 2:00 pm “The Children of the Future” Most of us believe that who we are in the present results from who we have been in the past. In Children of the Future Bashar explains that the idea of letting the past create the present is only one of our choices. He reminds us that the past and the future are only sensory illusions because of The Second Law: everything that exists is here and now. We no longer have to build on who we have been in the past. Bashar has a new process to show us how to create our present from our preferred future. Along with the expanded perspective discussed in “Think Outside the Box”, this creates a whole new way of moving forward in raising your vibration.
Information & Registration:…

Published on Jul 30, 2019

Diamond Lion’s Gate Portal influx of abundant Diamond light coming in on a bilocational stream of simultaneous negative and positive polarity for integration and transmutation within and by the 5D consciousness individuals. The Nine provide, through their conduit Magenta Pixie, catalyst triggers through Flame Letter codes for a smooth and blissful transitionary experience into the new Diamond crystalline template system. Portal from the 26th of July to the 12th of August with the highest peak on 8/8. The 13th of August is the shift point manifested in 3D physical reality. — Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick. Magenta Pixie Website: Magenta Pixie Products:
— BOOKS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote… * The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame… * Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template… * Masters of the Matrix… — MEDITATION COLLECTIONS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * Elemental Dream… * Sacred Quest… * Magenta Pixie Meditation Mega Bundle… — * Support Magenta Pixie – Donations Gratefully Received *…

Published on Apr 25, 2019

Magenta Pixie discusses her new book “The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote”, AVAILABLE NOW VIA IN PRINT AND KINDLE EDITION. In this transmission from the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, Magenta Pixie brings forward information specific to utilising the Rose Gold Flame as antidote to 5G, EMFs, chemicals and similar. The presented template utilises the Schumann resonance and the technique is Alchemical Unification. The Nine discuss synchronicity, discernment skills and understanding of discordance within truth communities. They present a workable model of expression, assisting the spiritual explorer in creating a necessary toolkit. This allows the individual to construct a ‘shield’ bringing safety, harmony, expansion and cohesive sovereignty into their own personal reality. Order via… — Magenta Pixie Website: Magenta Pixie Products:
— BOOKS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote… * The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame… * Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template… * Masters of the Matrix… — MEDITATION COLLECTIONS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * Elemental Dream… * Sacred Quest… * Magenta Pixie Meditation Mega Bundle… — * Support Magenta Pixie – Donations Gratefully Received *…

Published on Aug 4,

Check out the Schumann Resonance energy update here:… Raise your consciousness and attract your enlightened life-partner here: I’m Jack and I’m a starseed, mystical introvert who’s obsessed with spiritual growth and I’m here to guide souls to their enlightened soul-partner, and through this MASSIVE awakening of consciousness on Earth at this time… Today I’m going to be sharing a bit about the energy updates in the cosmos at this time… specifically, the LIONS GATE portal 2019 energy update that’s lasting from July 26th, and continues until August 12th! Make no mistake, this is a highly charged and powerful spiritual time. Basically, we’re being beamed by cosmic, high vibrational light that is increasing our vibration at a rapid pace, and… like a pot of boiling water we’re going to be cooking (in a good, enlightening way), especially during the peak of the energetic increase on August 8, 2019, the Lions Gate. This time represents the moving of the Sun into it’s ruling sign of Leo, and the rising of the star Sirius, known as our Spiritual Sun. The Egyptians were very intuned with the star Sirius and believed the energy of Sirius carried advanced wisdom. When the star was rising, the Nile River would flood, so it also represented prosperity and fertility. This is a time for the following: 1- great spiritual awakening and Third Eye openings. Let us raise our consciousness further with groundedness and courage. 2- Potent downloads from our Higher Self. Let us sit in meditating and connect to our wisdom within 3- Possible visitations in dream space or in the physical from higher dimensional beings maybe? 4- Increased creativity to move our higher purpose work forward in a big way 5- Past visions surfacing in your memory… this is an opportunity to process and heal past versions of yourself so you can step into full sovereignty as an awakened soul 6- Great manifestation potential: August 8, may be one of our greatest manifestation opportunities in this lifetime!! So set clear intentions and envision your ideal life and your ideal version of Earth (choose the reality that you prefer). Build your emotional excitement throughout the day, and then let it go completely so that your subconscious mind can take over and handle the rest Raise your consciousness and attract your enlightened life-partner here: Next, if you haven’t noticed, the Schumann Resonance has been super high recently. To explain a little bit more… everything is energy… and Quantum Physics has proved this. We’re made up of energy… and just like us Mother Earth is an energetic, living being and actually emits a frequency. In 1952 a scientist by the name of Winfried Schumann discovered the fundamental frequency to be 7.83 Hz. In the past 50 years there has been a hugely significant increase in electro-magnetic fields EMFs which are produced by cell phone towers, wifi, cell phones, etc. and basically bathing most of the planet with new energetic frequencies… PLUS ever since 2012 our planet has entered a highly energetic area in the Milky Way Galaxy which is increasing the vibration here at a rapid pace. All of these energetic influences are creating huge spikes in the Schumann Resonance. Back in July, the spikes went as high as 105 Hertz!! Recently it’s jumped up to 69 Hertz which is significantly higher than the fundamental level of 7.83 Hertz. What this means for us is we could be experiencing all kinds of strange physical, mental, and emotional symptoms such as… -foggy-headedness (I know I am) -headaches -stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, worry, and increased fight-flight-freeze modes -shortness of breath -difficulty sleeping, insomnia -blurred vision -vertigo -strange pains -ringing in the ears -rapid mood swings -extreme fatigue -increased intuition or clairvoyance -nausea or flue like symptoms -extreme hunger or lack of hunger Don’t worry. You’re not crazy. You’re not dying. You’re just being bathed with super-high frequency electro-magnetic fields and you body’s adapting. 📝Ready to know if he’s your Twin Flame? Download the FREE 22 Twin Flame Signs Checklist here:








Magical Journey Into The Sirian Stargate and Beyond

Activations of Unparalleled Importance Leading into 2020

Thursday, August 8, 2019 at
11:00AM PDT / 12:00PM MST / 1:00PM CST / 2:00PM EST
Details and Registration Here


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Maureen Moss Inc.

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Suite 405

Published on Jul 1, 2019

Magenta Pixie and Laura Eisenhower join host Jeffrey Daugherty on his live stream show. Recorded June 29th 2019. — Magenta Pixie Website: Magenta Pixie Products: Laura Eisenhower Website: Laura Eisenhower on YouTube:… Jeffrey Daugherty Website: Jeffrey Daugherty on YouTube:… — BOOKS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote… * The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame… * Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template… * Masters of the Matrix…
MEDITATION COLLECTIONS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * Elemental Dream… * Sacred Quest… * Magenta Pixie Meditation Mega Bundle… — * Support Magenta Pixie – Donations Gratefully Received *…

