Life is changing, we are changing. The Opposing Consciousness that sustains the old reality can feel it, and is thrashing around desperately clinging on, tooth and claw, to the old ways. Remember it always looks strong at the end — but it’s mostly bravado and bluff (just look at the current debacle with the US travel ban: Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Judge.)
Strongly now the old reality is revealing its shocking shadow side and the new one coming increasingly into view. But you can’t necessarily see the New Paradigm with 3D eyes (except in metaphor.) We have to look beyond the unfolding physical drama and intuit the story within the story, both in our own lives and on the worldwide stage.
For each a reason:
Every single moment has a reason, a purpose, no matter how challenging or difficult that moment might be. We lose a job for example, relationships get difficult or break up, physical possessions challenge us like the car, the computer or the TV. Inconvenience seemingly messes with our lives. But there’s always truth within the inconvenience.
When people come on our Advanced Spiritual Courses, which are all about aligning with and following the path of the soul, they pretty much always complete them with a deep inner yearning to truly follow their destined pathway in life. So sometime after the course has completed, something unexpected will frequently happen to derail the old pathway — some kind of ‘spanner in the works’…
Meditation and inner exploration will most definitely reveal the higher self energies we’re looking to integrate. But it’s their direct practical application into daily life where we attain true mastery of self. What are the challenges of interpersonal relationships or of your career? Above all, what happens to you when things go wrong? Do you lose it, do you flap? Or do you see it as an opportunity to soften and go deeper still.