Join us on World Spirit Day at the exact point of Solstice for a global synchronized moment of Love.
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Scientists and sages both agree:
There’s so much more than meets the eye.
Visible light, which is everything that you and I are able to see, makes up only a small fraction of the whole light spectrum. Often, as humans, we forget this-that there is so much more energy and light in the world than we are able to see. But it’s always there, around us, in us, connecting us.
There’s a beautiful lesson in this, one that the sages and great teachers have always known. The fear and sense of separateness that we experience, in reality, is just a fraction of the energy that connects and weaves through us all.
Our connection is infinitely greater than our disconnection. Love is greater than fear by far. |
At UNIFY, we create events around the world to celebrate this. At the climate talks in Paris, we came together to declare our commitment to our Earth and a future of renewable energy. And now: 195 countries have signed the first global agreement to eliminate fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy! |
The great religions and teachings of the world affirm it also: Love is greater than fear.
“Be good to others.” Muslim wisdom
“Let all that you do be done in love.” Christian wisdom
“The highest form of wisdom is kindness” Jewish wisdom
“Above all else, love each other deeply.” Christian wisdomJoin us to celebrate this on World Spirit Day, December 21st.
At the exact moment of solstice we will come together in meditation, prayer, and celebration to focus our attention on global love dissolving all fear.Whatever your religion or beliefs, however you celebrate or honor this connection: join us. Help us shine the light for others to see: Love > Fear.Join the global World Spirit Day meditation 8:49pm PST December 21st. |
To showing the whole world that LOVE > FEAR.~Your UNIFY Team |
And- if you are interested in bringing the peace and calmness you get from our global meditations into your every day life-or if you know somebody who could use some more peace and less stress in their lives- We have great news for you! |
Our friends at Spire have created an awesome new tool that is like having your very own personal mindfulness coach. Transform the way you live, breath by breath, and become a more calm and peaceful version of you.This is the perfect gift for whichever holiday you are celebrating this season- Christmas, Solstice, Hannukah, and more! Get one for you, for your friends, for your family, and get more peace every day. |