October 20, 2015
Global Oneness Day: October 24
Have you seen the names of the world leaders, scientists, entertainers, spiritual leaders, activists and business leaders who are part of Global Oneness Day this year?

Global Leaders pick and choose what programs they will participate in and an extraordinary number are gathering on Global Oneness Day, Saturday, October 24th to celebrate this “Earth Day” for an awakened humanity.

All of the speakers who are gathering are volunteering their time.  They include:Iyanla Vanzant, Michael Beckwith, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, Ken Wilber, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Ervin Laszlo, Neale Donald Walsch, Panache Desai, Nassim Haramein, Dean Radin, Doreen Virtue, Patricia Cota-Robles, Stephen Dinan, Matt Kahn, and a video recording created for this occasion by Desmond Tutu.  There are over 40 speakers gathering in total.

Why is this day important?  It is a day to explore how we are separate from nothing.  On this day, we see We Are All One with the Divine and each other and we model it.  It is a day of at-ONE-ment.  It is a day to talk about living in Oneness in practical ways, to revere and nurture life as the prime value.  Global Oneness Day is a call to expanded consciousness, an invitation to conscious creation.  This day calls us to serve life first, to pre-serve the Earth, nature, humanity and all of life’s diversity.  In short, it is an impactful day that has enormous opportunity to change our lives and the world for the better!

If you’ve been yearning for greater spiritual health for you and your family and you’d like to explore how we can become part of a critical mass that is life enhancing, life supporting and life sustaining you don’t want to miss this fee event (that also includes a free 48 hour replay of the entire event).

Will you join leaders from all over the world (and co-sponsors like our organization) in calling for an awakened humanity?

Click here to see the Global Oneness Day program and speakers

This 12 hour program is amazing and it’s on a Saturday so you can listen-in more easily.  There are fourteen programs and all of them are complimentary.  You will definitely want to see the speakers on each panel.

I encourage you to reserve your spot now for this unparalleled event.

Blessings of Peace,
David, for the Gaiafield Council
Gaiafield Project / www.gaiafield.net

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