Heute geht es los – 3 Tage weltweite Meditationen und Gebete – Stellt euch die neue Erde vor, wie ihr sie wünscht und tut so als wäre es schon so! Fühlt die Freude und Dankbarkeit und haltet den Fokus … so helfen wir die Blaupause der neuen Erde hier im Physischen zu verankern… macht mit !!! 🙂
3.04M subscribers
OM Mantra Chanting at 417Hz. OM is the Primordial Sound of the Universe. Its the sound that reverberates in the entire cosmos and in every cell of our body, and 417Hz is amazingly beautiful frequency that acts as a cleansing agent for our body, removing negativity, negative blocks and toxicity from our body and mind. And when we combine both of these – it gives rise to an astoundingly powerful effect, of removing all the negative emotions and let the positivity of OM takes it place. It becomes a powerful meditation tool. We recommend that you use this for atleast 30 mins a day, and meditate along with it. You may chant OM along with the track or simply let it play in the background as you meditate and focus on your breathing in and out. Simple but a very effective technique.
Meditate * Visualize – Mellisa Dormoy, CHt
A wonderful meditation to visualize and co-create our new earth as we transform along with her. Enjoy and be blessed! http://www.MellisaDormoy.com

171K subscribers
Magenta Pixie
102K subscribers
Incantation spell for the Solstice Eclipse Stargate, 20th/21st/22nd June 2020. — Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie * Music by Lyndol Descant http://Lyndol.com – used with permission * Video compiled by Catzmagick Magenta Pixie Website: https://www.magentapixie.com Magenta Pixie Products: https://www.magentapixie.com/shop.html Donations: https://www.magentapixie.com/donation…
Magenta Pixie
Solstice Eclipse Stargate 2020 with Laura Eisenhower, Jen McCarty and Magenta Pixie

Motivation Manifested
INFORMATION ⮕ APPLICATION ⮕ TRANSFORMATION Speaker: Dr Joe Dispenza An incredibly powerful and motivating speech by Dr Joe Dispenza, focusing on the importance of connecting with the Divine. 00:00 – 01:00 Coming Up Against Your Limited Beliefs During Transformation 01:00 – 01:40 Thoughts Vibrate With The Unified Field 01:40 – 02:21 The Mystical Will Transform You Energetically 02:21 – 03:40 Becoming a Conscious Creator 03:40 – 05:50 Opening Your Heart To Connect With The Divine 05:50 – 06:30 Love Has No Limits 06:30 – 07:40 How Feeling Love Expands Creative Energy 07:40 – 08:50 The Biochemical Effects of Connecting With The Divine Daily 08:50 – End Entering The Quantum Field Subscribe to Joes channel: ⮕ https://www.youtube.com/user/drjoedis… ———————————————————————— Music licensed through:: ⮕ Spheriá Check out more of their incredible music on Soundcloud: ⮕ https://soundcloud.com/spheriamusic