Watch Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Begins and join the CE5 Movement.Help us get to #1 on iTunes and Amazon.
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Dr. Steven Greer
Presented by Dr. Steven Greer, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind presents the most controversial information ever released to the public. Whistleblowers and scientific experts bring viewers face to face with extraterrestrial visitors and their message to humanity. Available to watch April 7th, 2020. Pre-order your copy on Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Vimeo, and most online digital platforms! Amazon iTunes Vimeo… As UFOs suddenly grace the covers of the NY Times and Washington Post in the age of “fake news” and conspiracy memes, how can we make sense of these revelations without losing our grip on reality? #DrStevenGreer #CloseEncountersoftheFifthKind #CE5 “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” is a feature documentary presented by Dr. Steven Greer, the global authority on extraterrestrials who created the worldwide disclosure movement and routinely briefs presidents and heads of state on the ET phenomenon. His previous works, Sirius and Unacknowledged, broke crowdfunding records and ignited a grassroots movement. In this film, Dr. Greer presents the most dangerous information that the architects of secrecy don’t want you to know: how forgotten spiritual knowledge holds the key to humans initiating contact with advanced ET civilizations. The film features groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab; legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Russell Targ, who headed the CIA’s top-secret remote viewing program. Their message: For thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story. Follow us on social:…… And on Discord
Join Dr. Steven Greer for the global digital premiere of Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact has begun. Never before has a movie had a global, fully online premiere. #CE5 There is no better movie than Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact had Begun to blaze this trail. We will begin our 24 hours of fan interaction at Midnight Eastern time in the US. Throughout the day we will be showing never before seen clips, viewer reactions to the film and Dr. Greer will be live on his official channel throughout the afternoon and evening. This is an unprecedented level of access and interaction with fans communicating in real-time on Facebook, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram, and through the live chat on YouTube and watch parties around the world. You don’t want to miss a moment. Time to make your voice heard and become a part of the CE5 movement. Watch the movie and then submit your reaction video! We will feature YOUR videos during the live streams on YouTube and on social media throughout the day. So watch it early and send in your video – click here to register to send it a video: Miss getting dressed up? Now you have a reason. Get Instagram ready and take a pic of you and yours enjoying movie night and glam. We may be locked down, but that doesn’t mean we can’t show off! Take a pic and submit it on one of the social posts asking for your pics or on Instagram at #CE5MovieNight – we will be selecting the best of the best to feature as our Favorite Fan! For 24 Hours starting at midnight Eastern on 04/07 we will be showing never before seen footage. Fan reviews, Dr. Greer clips, and pictures never seen before. Then starting at 5 PM Eastern Dr. Greer will be streaming on YouTube with special guests. Be sure you are subscribed and have your notification bell ON. Available to watch April 7th, 2020. #DrStevenGreer Pre-order your copy on Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Vimeo, and most online digital platforms! Amazon iTunes Vimeo…