Millions around the world are familiar with the channeled wisdom of Bashar – empowered messages for living that Darryl Anka has delivered to both audiences and individuals for nearly 35 years. In this special episode of Higher Journeys, filmed on-location at the 17th Annual Conscious Life Expo, we tackle the idea of time. What is it really and moreover what is our relationship to time – particularly if time and reality itself are illusory. In this short 30 minutes or so, Darryl sheds light on this big question based on the perspective of Bashar. But that’s not all we tackled. We’ll also hear about the importance of understanding what the shift really means. Are we accelerating? Or are we simply imagining that we are? How do you move into a higher frequency in order to identify and act on your passion? And why is understanding reality as a paradox so important to our development and growth. Complex questions for sure. But as always Bashar is seamless in his explanation about the true nature of existence AND of our selves. #DarrylAnka#BasharChannel#2019ConsciousLifeExpo ✅ DON’T MISS OUR LAST INTERVIEW WITH DARRYL ANKA. WATCH IT HERE 👉 AND… ✅ DON’T MISS OUT ON THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE A LIVE BASHAR EVENT ALONG WITH MANY OTHER 2019 CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO SPEAKERS PLUS A FREE YEAR OF GAIA TV: