Published on Jan 24, 2019

Light-encoded to assist your journey of #Ascension. Audio download available at For more High-Vibe content, subscribe to this channel here:… Global Unity Meditations Every SUNday – Join us! Details at ===== ASCENSION INSPIRATION AND SUPPORT ===== Weekly articles, free tools and events. Sign up for the Newsletter: Instagram:… Facebook:… Twitter:
===== ABOUT SANDRA ===== Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide and Wayshower in service to the Shift in Consciousness. She assists awakened HUmans through writings, videos, classes, events and creations focused on the Ascension. Sandra shares information as a contactee and pure conduit to empower, inspire and accelerate the Ascension of HUmanity. She is a published author, certified Life Coach, artist and Energy Healer. Sandra lives in Mount Shasta, California. Ascension Path Core Values: – Create unique inspirational content, classes and events to expand the mind, open the heart and assist the Ascension. – Honor and Serve the journey with courage, HUmility, grace and Divine intent. – Empower the collective to co-create the new paradigm of peace and Unity Consciousness. Visit

Published on Sep 11, 2018

Can love really make us healthier? Dr. Bruce Lipton gives a powerful insight.

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