Hello brothers and sister, beautiful Tribe of Many Colors,
It’s 2018!! As we bring in the new year let us face it with pride and honor in who we are and what we stand for. Many of us see what is happening in the world and become disheartened by the world leaders and their actions, the turmoil, the injustice, and state of our planet, but let us not forget that in this moment lies an opportunity for us! We have a chance to let it all rise to the surface and to become more and more aware so that we can make the greatest change and bring forth the greatest good. As the ugly is rising to the top and becoming more visible, we can no longer hide from it and we have the opportunity to change the dark into light. It is my hope that we can stay positive, stand up for the weak, believe in ourselves and BE the change. This is our time, our moment, to stand together for what we believe in and what we will not accept. It is time for the Tribe of Many Colors to say “Here we are! We are not going anywhere! We are one color, one light, one heart, with one Mother and we stand for LOVE.” Always remember your light shines brightest in the dark!
This year is full of exciting possibilities for change and we can all be a part of that! Be passionate brothers and sisters and live your life by example. If you want a better world; be the change!
If you want more love; be more love. If you want a united world; unite! If you want more kindness and compassion for your planet; be that kindness and compassion! This is our time to make a difference!
Many of you have heard me speak about the Elders call to return to our Sacred Sites, to make them Sacred again. Or perhaps you have read my new book teaching us how to create our own Sacred Sites by building a Medicine Wheel. This year I will be making an important trip to the Maya land in order to do the ceremonies needed, to honor the land, the temples, the people and to bring healing to the Sacred Sites there and you’re invited to come with me.