
Published on Nov 27, 2017

November 27, 2017 Benjamin Fulford benjaminfulford.net


Published on Nov 29, 2017

http://robertdavidsteele.com (see Nobel level ideas on landing page) http://phibetaiota.net (free subscription no email) http://tinyurl.com/GoogleGestapo (Deep State / Zionist censorship system in detail) http://tinyurl.com/pedoempire (free book on line by the chapter, 11 chapters published so far) http://tinyurl.com/pedoempiredonate (author Joachim Hagopian’s IndieGoGo page, please donate to finish the book) . . http://www.jordansather.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jordansather PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/JordanSather DTI Twitter: https://twitter.com/DestroyIllusion DTI Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/destroyingth… My FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/jordan.sather.9


Published on Jul 24, 2015

This is the first episode of a series in which I will attempt to show the viewer how they are unaware of the esoteric world we live in. Later in the series I will cover many topics ranging from media manipulation to the ancient hidden history we have all been denied. I hope to link together these subjects, allowing those of you who are not already aware to gain a new understanding of our world. The aim is to change your current paradigm so you may better understand and cope with the chaotic world we live in. If I have missed any information or if I am incorrect in any area’s please feel free to message me and I will do my best to fix any discrepancies.

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