Monatsarchive: Oktober 2017


A Message to Lightworkers – October 13, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Transformational Ones!


We note many powerful and Earth-shifting changes occurring now, not in only the atmosphere surrounding Earth, but the vibration of Earth life itself, including empowering shifts in your own individual and increasingly unified group consciousness.


Some of you have been aware of the great influx of Light that reached the planet, with an initial outpouring and new Light-grid creation that occurred on October 11, over a twelve-hour span.*


This Light is unlike that which has reached your planet for many millions of years.


This is a form of energy once only experienced in the higher realms, and felt and experienced by those of higher consciousness, for millennia.


It has come to the planet now not only due to astrological shifts and occurrences, but because human consciousness has called out with intention and desire to experience that which you once would have once considered impossible to experience on Earth, except in rare moments of Divine insight and revelation.


This is what is meant by the term “revelation.”

It is simply the opening of a portal in consciousness that opens the way for an experience or vision which your everyday vibration and awareness do not generally offer.

You are aware of the Book of Revelation, known as the “last book in the Bible,” as if it were a definitive statement of the end of the old era.

Though written in symbolic terms, this writing, much revised over the centuries, cannot be considered a map for what is occurring in these “end times,” which are not the end of your world, but the end of an era.

You are moving forward now—some days joyfully, some days with utter exhaustion as you experience the birthing pains of one bringing forth new life—into a place in space/time that is not entirely new to you energetically, yet new to your Earth experience.

Most of you have had lives in the times of Atlantis or Lemuria, or in Inner Earth where the vibrations are still that of the fifth dimension or higher, and other higher dimensional Earth experiences, including times spent living amongst Earth-based Angelic beings or the faery realm.

Yet you have not yet experienced the feeling, the reality, of Earth life as it moves from the depths of density in the third dimension, into the fifth dimension.

You are already seeing increasing fifth dimensional aspects to Earth life, whether you realize it fully or not.

Some of that is a greater desire and even greater demonstration in many aspects of your media to tell the truth regarding what is occurring amongst the old power structure now, rather than obediently hiding the truth of what is happening, out of fear of retribution.

Certainly, some of that still exists.

Yet there is also a brave new stance taken on over the past decade or more, and growing all the stronger, as the internet and other non-mainstream forms of communication take their place as expressions of consciousness that will not be contained or controlled to serve another’s dense purpose.

You are aware as well that those who call themselves white hats in media, government, education, medicine, and other areas of Earth life, including your space programs, are gaining an increasingly stronger foothold as they come forward with histories, explanations, solutions, and inventions that would have been suppressed in past decades, and violently so in past centuries.

You are seeing unrest in parts of the world such as Spain and other countries where some of the populace are asking for an identity other than that which they were assigned at birth, or handed by an invading and occupying force.

Do not be disturbed as these last vestiges of of the old order express themselves, wherever you may see them occurring in the world.

There are also moments of great beauty, courage, and expression of higher Love.

You are seeing now groups of African-American athletes and their non-Black colleagues kneel in protest at the worship of a symbol that is duplicitous at best, having come to symbolize freedom and equality for an elite minority, and not the majority it was originally meant to serve.

We view this not as disrespect on their part, for we see into their hearts, and note the bravery with which they question a system that claims to reward them but in fact punishes them with physical and psychological injury in a Roman gladiator-style contest, as it turns a blind eye to the unnecessary deaths of innocent persons of color.

From the high heart, one is able to view their actions as grasping individual and group freedoms.

An expression not of disrespect, but of their higher selves’ desire for the dismantling of an old oppressive system as the newer one, supported by these astounding energies, comes into place.

They are in their way doing as the majority of humankind are doing now: requiring that what they experience, and even the air they breathe, be blessed with the kind of freedom that ensures dignity, safety, and respect for all.

These are not simply momentary glitches in the old order.

These actions and that of many others, such as the brave mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and those within the Hollywood system coming forward to report the criminal actions of those in power there, requires a democracy that unquestioningly and consistently serves all, regardless of a person’s ethnicity, beliefs, gender, or other social identifiers.

In releasing and refusing the victimization placed upon humanity for so long, and in taking in through every cell of your being this astounding new higher Light vibration, you are in fact becoming an entirely new race of beings.

A higher race vibrationally—one in which the Light of your souls pulses through all the more powerfully as each day you resonate more and more fully with the new Light data and energetic waves pouring over your planet.

And so we may now call you god-men and god-women, and not only the humans you have been known as for millennia.

For why would you not recognize the incredible growth, grace, joy, and creative expression of your Divinity, as it pours forth through every aspect of your new humanity, freeing you to be New Earth Beings of higher Light and higher Love.

We bow to you, as always, dear ones.

Do not be disturbed by the waves of change and the apparent disturbances and shocks they can bring, in any given moment.

For none of this defines you.

You yourselves are defining the moment, defining the Earth, defining what many call the New Human Template.

And we bless you and give thanks for all you are and are becoming in this glorious new day.

We see and we celebrate the Divinity within you.

Namaste! We are with you, always.

*For information on the great onrush of Light that reached the planet this past week, see and]

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.



About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author and speaker who channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.





















November events



Published on Oct 12, 2017


Seit dem 10.8.2017 ist das Buch “Kontrollverlust” ein Spiegel-Bestseller (am 28.9.2017 sogar auf Platz 1). Wir freuen uns sehr darüber und danken allen Käufern. ▶Alles zum Buch und die Bestellmöglichkeit:… ▶JournalistenWatch: “Kaufen Sie Kontrollverlust – unbedingt.”… Wichtig: Legt Amazon dem Buch bewusst Steine in den Weg? Lieferzeit am 8.8.2017: 2 bis 4 Wochen. Aktuell sind es 1 bis 3 Wochen. Amazon und andere Konzerne dominieren und diktieren. Sagen wir NEIN dazu. Bestellen Sie das Buch bitte über und der Verlag liefert es Ihnen direkt. Oder bestellen Sie es direkt auf der Seite des Verlags. Oder unterstützen Sie den Buchhandel und suchen das Buchgeschäft Ihres Vertrauens auf. Sie unterstützen so den Einzelhandel und Amazon hat dann das Nachsehen. Das neue Buch Kontrollverlust mit einem Vorwort von Willy Wimmer “Freiheit, die wir meinen”, der 33 Jahre für die CDU im Deutschen Bundestag saß, ist ab 26. Juli 2017 erhältlich. Willy Wimmer schreibt: “Freiheit wird verspielt und bewusst eingeschränkt – und Thorsten Schulte redet und schreibt dagegen an. Dazu braucht es Mut, und den hat Schulte…” Viele Informationen über das neue Buch erfahren Sie auf der Seite zum Video:… Thorsten Schulte ist Vorsitzender des gemeinnützigen Vereins “Pro Bargeld – Pro Freiheit e.V.”. Erfahren Sie mehr: ▶Pro Bargeld – Pro Freiheit: Unseren YouTube-Kanal abonnieren:… Besuchen Sie uns auf Facebook:… Wie hat Ihnen das Video zum Buch Kontrollverlust gefallen? Wir würden uns über einen Daumen nach oben, einen Kommentar oder ein Abo unseres Youtube-Kanals freuen. Vielen Dank und bis zum nächsten Video! ▶Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite: Kontrollverlust! Merkels Rechtsbrüche. Flüchtlinge, Bargeld, Freiheit, Euro. Was uns droht und wie wir uns schützen.






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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for October . . . .

Examining the Evidence

Our world has never been so chaotic. We are witnessing an unparalleled effort by the dark Cabal to provoke an escalating climate of fear and despair.

In this Webinar, Sheldan, in conjunction with the Galactics, will examine and explain the hidden signs that point to a coming shift for humanity.


Topics include…

• Political Unrest – Dividing People by Creating Chaos
• Fueling Wars and Fomenting Mass Immigration.
• “Fake News” – Discrediting Truth to Confuse Humanity. 
• Amplification of False Flag Events to Frighten Society.
• Acceleration of Earth Changes – Extreme Weather Conditions
• Banking – Creating the Gold Standard
• Increase in Reported UFO Sightings
• Intensifying Our Ascension Preparations
• Heaven is Ready for a Shift in Consciousness

Sunday, October 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, October 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.




Source: Ronna Herman ~ September 30, 2017


Beloved masters, it is time to take an inventory of what you are thinking and the emotional energy you are projecting during these days of conflict, turmoil and stress on your planet. Are you diluting or distorting the aura of harmony you have created around you by allowing yourself to be caught up in the chaos of miscreation and destruction that is taking place on planet Earth at this time? Are you engrossed in the scenarios that are being presented over and over again via the television, radio and newspaper media? Have you once more allowed yourself to be drawn back into the density of the negative environment of illusion? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you are fueling the chaotic vibrations of the world situation with your energy instead of adding your Love/Light/Power to that of other emissaries of peace around the world. Will you stand on the side of those whose greatest desire is to bring about a peaceful solution for the greatest benefit of all, or will you unintentionally align with those who wish to perpetuate separation, suffering and domination?

We do not mean that you shouldn’t stay informed as to what is taking place around the world, but we are saying that now, as never before, you must rise above what is occurring and join us as observers from a higher vantage point, a vantage point where there is no right or wrong way, only different shades of truth and different motives, a vantage point where no race, country or religion is totally righteous or blameless, nor totally in the wrong. Remember, each and every Soul on Earth carries a Spark of the Divine within. You must stay heart-centered and attuned to your Higher Self with a Spirit-inspired consciousness so that your actions and decisions are always in alignment with the Divine plan. Then, beloveds, you will stand among the ranks of the righteous ones whose greatest desire is to return the Earth and humanity to a true state of peaceful co-existence in an environment where our Father/Mother God reigns supreme.


Granted, there are those who have agreed to play the “devil’s advocate,” those who are presenting your shadow side to you in its most destructive way. There are others who self-righteously claim to have only the highest, most altruistic motives, but we see and know the ulterior motives behind the decisions that are being made, and the actions that are being initiated in the name of peace and justice. The game of duality is being played out on Earth in its most dramatic form right at this moment, and it is up to you as to whether or not you will be drawn into the swirling downward spiral of mass karmic action that is now taking place.

We have spoken many times before about the laws of cause and effect, or for every action there is a reaction, which results in what is known as negative or positive Karma. For many ages, you, as the en-Lighten-ed ones, have been working diligently to bring into balance your personal karma, ancestral karma and race karmic influences. That was a major part of the game of duality and polarity: returning to balance and harmony in all Facets of your Beingness. And so what will happen now as the winds of war, conflict and destruction swirl like a dark and heavy cloud around the Earth, touching and affecting everything and everyone? It depends on what you are feeling and thinking, dear ones, what is on your mind and in your heart as to whether you will stand firmly in the Light, or add to the negative karmic thought forms that are being created each and every moment. Many of you have succeeded admirably in balancing your Karmic ledger of life, and let us now call it that, your “Ledger of Life,” whereby you have a plus and a minus column and your goal is to turn the minuses into pluses or positive energy patterns.

We are not asking you to passively sit by the wayside and do nothing. You are being asked to stand up and be counted, for your dynamic Life Force energy is needed now as never before. You are much more powerful than you can imagine, my brave friends; you are playing an important role in attaining a peaceful solution to a very unsettling world situation. The energy you are radiating forth from your heart center has just as much an influence on the outcome of this great conflict as those who are on the “front lines.” You, too, are on the front lines, so to speak, for you have the ability to tap into the pure, unmanifested Creator substance and mold it into powerful thought forms and actions that can overcome any adversity. Those brave Souls who have been called to the battlefield, no matter which side they are fighting for, if they are doing so with a desire for true justice for all, and with compassion of Spirit for their fellow human beings, instead of hate, a desire for revenge and to enslave or control others, then they are functioning as righteous warriors, and the forces of Heaven are with them.


It has disturbed or confused many of you that we use the terms “Warriors of Peace” and “Warriors of Light” or what might be construed as militant terminology. Here again, there are many different interpretations and different facets of truth. Since the Earth’s and humanity’s fall into the density of separation and pain, we have fought diligently for you and with you. We have fought the shadows of illusion, and the negativity created by your mass consciousness beliefs of fear, guilt and unworthiness. We have fought to assist you to reconnect with your Divinity, and to help you remember how magnificent you truly are. We have diligently carried out the orders and directives handed down from our Father/Mother God and the Creator, “Assist our children to return to the Light and to reclaim their Divine Heritage.” Yes, we have been involved for aeons of time in a war between the Light of the Creator and the shadows of humanity, but our weapons have been love, compassion, understanding and support as you traverse the valleys of despair and seek to soar to the mountain tops of hope and illumination.

If you will join us in our efforts to bring Light unto the shadow world and hearts of humanity; if you will stand firmly in your convictions that ultimately right will prevail (knowing that only our Father/Mother God are aware of the total picture and what is truly the best outcome); if you can maintain a sense of peace and joy within and radiate the expansive love of the Creator to ALL humanity; then you are truly a warrior in our Legions of Light.

Those who protest, shout and march for peace are adding their energy to the melting pot of chaos. They are not offering solutions or taking positive action, but laying blame and protesting the actions of others, while declaring that non-action is the only way to achieve peace and harmony. It is another form of fence-sitting, or not taking a stand. We have told you many times before, it is time to “get off the fence,” it is time to declare which side you will serve, the Light or the shadow side. It is time to declare either that you are an Emissary of the Light, a blazing Spark of the Divine, and a cocreator of love, joy, abundance and harmony, or that you are a human being who is willing to take the easy way by following the dictates of others, thereby, for the time being, putting aside your Divine Birthright.

“Peace” is an often-used word in these unsettling times, and it can be interrupted in a multitude of ways. You use the term “peace of mind,” which means having a calm, tranquil state of mind that is free of discord, inharmonious thoughts, or mental conflict. Peace can mean a mutual agreement between two people, a family, a group, neighborhood, city or nation, which benefits all who are involved, and which brings about a calm, serene and secure atmosphere, as well as lawful order. It can also mean a treaty or agreement to prevent or stop a conflict between two dissenting factions. You may be called a peaceable person or a pacifist because you are inclined toward or seek to promote a peaceful environment. You may “seek peace” or endeavor to “keep the peace” through conciliatory actions or by settling disagreements through compromise. Peace is the end result of achieving harmony and balance in any situation. Peace is never attained via the emotional nature or mind of the ego, but through the higher vibrational energies of Spirit, which always seeks the greatest/best outcome for ALL concerned. In your world of duality and polarity, the optimum goal is to seek harmony and balance in all things, but this harmony must begin from within. It must blossom within the heart as you allow Spirit to descend and once more take dominion within your physical vessel. Then you will begin to see through eyes filtered with love, and listen with ears tempered by compassion. You will know that all you ever require is yours for the asking, and you no longer seek to take that which belongs to another.

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You always strive for a win/win solution, and you know that when one loses, everyone loses as well. You become champions of Light, and you walk softly but courageously as you carry the blazing etheric sword of Divine will, honor, truth and justice. You affirm what is your truth, and you live your truth steadfastly with integrity and humility, teaching by example, and you allow all others the same right. You must first seek peace from within, beloveds, and when you find what you are seeking, you will radiate an aura of peace out into the world where it will be joined and magnified by that of others with a peaceful and harmonious nature.

Together and in force, you can overcome any adversity, and you can create and enhance the cells/areas of Light that you are building on Earth, as well as in the Fifth Dimension. And when those thought forms of Light reach a certain level of magnification, they will miraculously begin to manifest on the earthly plane. Many of your visions are nearing that point and will manifest seemingly without effort. The final touches are being made and the preparations are almost complete, brave hearts; now watch for the wondrous results of all your steadfast efforts.

Humankind’s inhumanity toward one another has been an ongoing, never-ceasing process since the fall into density. Peaceful co-existence has hardly ever been the ultimate outcome of a conflict. The underlying intent has most often been to conquer, seize, and force others into submission without any consideration for the welfare of those caught in the middle or forced to fight.

We explained several times how the chasm between the Light and the shadows is widening, almost as if a world filled with the vibrational patterns of Light is being superimposed over the Third/Fourth-Dimensional world of illusion and shadows. This condition is becoming more dramatically defined every day. It is imperative that you stay vigilant, heart-centered and Spirit-inspired each and every moment. You must learn to set energetic boundaries, and to constantly reinforce your shield or column of protective Creator Light. You must listen to the whisperings of your heart, for it is there that your angelic guides and teachers will leave treasures of wisdom for you to access and use.

Go within, my faithful companions, and remember how, so many aeons ago, we soared throughout the universe together, creating new galaxies, worlds and civilizations beyond your wildest dreams. Remember how you had available to you all the Divine substance of Creation, and all you had to do was reach out with your mind and mold it into form? Remember how all you had to do was envision something and it miraculously appeared before you. Try to remember the many forms you have taken, some human, but also many different forms in a variety of compositions, textures and features, but all beautiful and perfect in the eyes of our Father/Mother God. It is important that you remember that you have experienced every Root Race that has ever populated the Earth — meaning that you have been every color, and you have borne the characteristics of every Race now embodied on your planet. We are telling you that you are a multi-faceted Being who has experienced all the richness and diversity that this Earth, this solar system, galaxy and universe has to offer. And so how can you judge your brothers and sisters, because in this lifetime they have different colored skin than you, because they have different customs, beliefs and worship differently or call their God by a different name? It has been said, but bears saying over and over again: “WHEN YOU DO SO, YOU ARE ONLY JUDGING YOURSELVES!”

Remember, beloveds, during these times of great change, you can make a difference. Shine your Love/Light for all to see. Allow us to assist you to fulfill your earthly mission and nurture you with our love. Together, we shall prevail. I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE * STAR*QUEST 775-856-3654 www.StarQuestMastery.comEmail:

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October 8th – The Calm Before the Storm

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On the Las Vegas Incident…Sunday, October 8, 2017

“I’m being asked if the Las Vegas action was a false flag or a real terrorist incident.

It was a false flag!”



Published on Oct 4, 2017

How do the truthseekers and spiritually aware individuals move on from the recent event that occurred in Las Vegas? Was this a ‘false flag’? Were the Illuminati behind this? How can we find out the truth of what really happened? Are we currently in the middle of a spiritual war? How do we move beyond this incident and recover our faith? In this transmission, the ‘White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine’ respond to these questions and more. This video is dedicated to all those who lost their lives in the recent incident on October 1st 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada. Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick. — Magenta Pixie Website: Magenta Pixie Products:







Renommierter Psychiater bestätigt: Deutsche Spitzenpolitiker psychisch gestört
Eva Herman im Gespräch mit Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz und Andreas Popp.

Was hält eine Bundeskanzlerin davon ab, die Wahrheit klar zu formulieren? Warum verwendet sie Textbausteine wie „Wir schaffen das“? Warum verhehlt sie eisern, dass sich Deutschland spätestens seit Beginn der Masseneinwanderung 2015 in einer schwerwiegenden Krise befindet?

Der renommierte Psychiater und Psychoanalytiker Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz nimmt auf einem Wissensmanufaktur-Seminar dazu Stellung. Er stellt fest, dass die meisten Spitzenpolitiker unter zum Teil schweren, narzisstischen Störungen leiden, die das Persönlichkeitsprofil erheblich beeinflussen. So werden bedrohliche Lebenssituationen permanent verharmlost. Das notwendige, entschlossene Handeln bleibt aus.

Maaz erklärt auch, warum die Wähler immer wieder auf dieselben Mechanismen hereinfallen und genau jene Politiker wiederwählen, die ihnen den Weg in den Niedergang ebnen. Ein hochspannendes und aufrüttelndes Gespräch!


















