Worldwide synchronized meditation on Saturday, September 16th, 12PM NY Time, or 9AM Pacific US time
We hope you can join us. And please remember that you can join me live on our global conference call.There is such power in the joining, and we hope you will be there. If you cannot join the call, please stop and center your feelings of peace on the Korean Peninsula for 15 minutes.
To join the conference call dial:
Dial-in Number: 1-857-232-0158
Conference Code: 419241
James Twyman
Is this the year for experiencing Full Enlightenment? The answer is YES, and here’s how: Beginning on January 1st James Twyman will offer a free YEAR LONG program based on his bestselling book The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking. You’ll receive 365 musical lessons, as well as participate in daily conference calls and special retreats. THIS IS OUR GIFT TO YOU!
Listen to a sample lesson now CLICK HERE
“I am fully committed to your awakening, and that’s why I’m offering this program. Imagine receiving an email each day with a musical lesson that is meant to dive into your soul and lead to your awakening. And imagine doing that with a community of thousands of other people from around the world. Let 2017 be the year of your Illumination.”
James Twyman
To register for the FREE lessons CLICK HERE
World synchronized Meditation
What is The World Peace Pulse?
Imagine what would happen if millions of committed individuals from around the world were ready to mobilize for the sake of world peace – at a day’s or even a moment’s notice!
Our goal is to create a community of peace activists committed to using world synchronized meditations to heal the heart of humanity.
What is a World Synchronized Meditation?
It has been scientifically proven that massive numbers of people focusing positively on a world situation or crisis actually affects that event in a positive way.
Our goal is not to focus on what is wrong or out of balance in the world, but to use our shared energy to manifest a New Earth. When a situation occurs somewhere in the world that requires prayerful focus, tens of millions of people are ready to add their light.

Are you called to be a Minister of Peace and Soul Manifestation Coach?
Twelve years ago James Twyman initiated a two-year program called The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking. To date over 600 people have been ordained through the program and many of them now have their own spiritual communities and churches. Three years ago James founded The Academy of Soul Manifestation, a two-year program on becoming a Soul Manifestation Coach. Many of them have gone on to form successful coaching practices as well as other ministries.
For over twenty years, James Twyman, also known as The Peace Troubadour, has traveled to countries at war to share the prayers of peace from the 12 major religions of the world he put to music in 1994. He has been invited by peace organizations and even the leaders of countries to Bosnia, Iraq, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Syria and many other countries to initiate world synchronized meditations while battles raged around him. Each time millions of people participated, and miracles have often followed. James is also the NY Times bestselling author of fifteen books, has recorded over eighteen albums, and has produced or directed six films.
Click HERE for more information
- James Twyman
Schedule - Books
- Music
- Movies
- Academy of
Soul Manifestation - Seminary of
Spiritual Peacemaking