


Source:  http://omnithought.org/lions-gate-inf…

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8-8 Lions Gate Activations

by Meg Benedicte


Image credit: Lion’s Gate 8:8 by Ellen McDonough

The annual 8:8 Lion’s Gate occurs on August 8th during the time of Leo, the Lion. It is the time of year when our planet aligns with Star Sirius and the Galactic Center, creating a harmonious portal that unites “matter and antimatter”. It is a special galactic event that enhances your ability to fully embody the divine self in physical form. The powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate portal are assisting Gaia through the Gateways of Time and into the higher dimensions that are guarded by the Royal Sirian Lions of yesterday and tomorrow.

The 8-8 Lions Gate opens the ‘hallways of time’ to ancient history when Sirian Masters traveled to Earth and taught the principles of Ascension in the Mystery Schools of Egypt’s Zep Tepi civilization. They taught the lost Art of Alchemy, which they recorded on sacred scrolls, on pyramid walls and in the Halls of Amenti.

Blue Star Sirius streams the indigo blue Light codes of an advanced race of Light Beings to Gaia and humanity that initiates the path of Ascension. The Sirian Masters acted as mediators between the Galactic 12 Tribes at the Great Central Sun and the new human race of earth. The Sirian Masters introduced “Christ Consciousness” to humanity. They would stream the Crystal Light into the Pyramid complex at Giza and transmit the Codes into the Earth Grids, allowing for a peaceful and fluid transmission of divine energies.

I’ve been working closely with the Sirian Elders for the past 15 years, perfecting my skills with sacred geometry, vortex power and advanced Ascension upgrades. The deep indigo blue Sirian Light assists with opening the chakras, transmuting pathogens, increasing the crystallization of the cells and transmutation of the human-hybrid genetic code.


DNA is now recognized as a shimmering, waveform configuration…a biological quantum field computer that is adaptable and modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. Your dormant ‘junk DNA’ is being stimulated by the incoming galactic Light infusion. The legacy of ancient Thoth/Enoch/Metatron reminds us that the “Language of Light”, the geometry of frequencies and harmonic science of the ancients, is actually transforming human DNA.

Building in momentum since July 26th, the Galactic SuperWave is streaming thru the 8-8 Lions Gate portal and blessing humanity with a powerful Ascension upgrade. It is blasting the veils of illusion and delusion, revealing hidden shadow lurking within. The Galactic SuperWave is a very powerful surge of galactic light force that is awakening all souls to a world reality they never knew existed. A world beyond Duality!

This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated Ascension. On Tuesday, August 8th we will join together with other Light Warriors in the quantum flow of the golden ratio spiral, and travel to the Galactic Center. We will step into the Crystal Stargate at the Great Central Sun, connect with the 8-8 Lions Gate – Lunar Eclipse portal, entering pure consciousness, untouched potential…we are stepping into Source Creator. Using our bodymind connection as anchor points, we will assist in activating the Cosmic Ascension for all life on the planet.

Step into the Quantum Vortex on Tuesday, August 8th at 12 Pacific for the powerful 8-8 Lions Gate – Lunar Eclipse Activations. Join Light Warriors from around the world in a united ‘group mind’ as we co-create our future 5D Earth. 
Register at: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=19374


Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte All Rights Reserved You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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