Monatsarchive: Juni 2017

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Zweieinhalb Jahre gekämpft und jetzt gewonnen: Das aktuelle Gentechnik-Gesetz von Agrarminister Christian Schmidt (CSU) ist endgültig vom Tisch! Unser ausdauernder Widerstand hat sich gelohnt. Mit dem Gesetzentwurf wäre die Risikotechnologie womöglich zurück auf unsere Felder gekommen. Einzelne Bundesländer hätten Gentechnik erlauben, andere verbieten können – dabei machen Genpollen nicht vor Ländergrenzen halt. Sie haben das Gentechnik-Comeback verhindert: Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung! 

Zuerst sah es nicht so aus, als könnten wir das Gesetz noch stoppen. Denn die Vorlage von Christian Schmidt liegt seit mehr als zwei Jahren hartnäckig auf dem Tisch der Regierungskoalition. Die SPD-Bundesminister/innen hatten dem Gesetz schon zugestimmt – es fehlte nur noch das „Ja“ von CDU/CSU und SPD im Bundestag. Doch wir gaben nicht auf, sondern drehten die Stimmung. Vor zwei Wochen lehnte die SPD im Bundestag die Gesetzesnovelle ab.[1]

Wie wir das gemacht haben? Wir haben die Stärken einer echten Bürgerbewegung über mehr als 24 Monate richtig ausgespielt:

  • Über 15.000 Teilnehmer/innen trugen bei der „Wir haben es satt“-Demo im Januar in Berlin ihren Protest gegen Gentechnik und Agrarindustrie zum Bundestag. Um sieben Uhr morgens verwandelten 50 Campact-Aktive Schmidts Pressetermin in einer Berliner Bäckerei in eine Protestaktion. Sowas beeindruckt die Politik. Denn bei Campact reden nicht Lobbyisten, sondern Bürgerinnen und Bürger – so wie Sie. 
  • Auf den Stationen von Schmidts PR-Sommerreise, vor einer Konferenz der Bundesländer oder bei einer Expertenanhörung im Bundestag: Sobald um Gentechnik gerungen wurde, schmetterten wir vor der Tür laute Slogans. Unser Protest bleibt in Erinnerung: Denn Campact-Kampagnen sind für ihre Hartnäckigkeit bekannt. 
  • Mal lag ein Gentech-Flickenteppich vor dem Kanzleramt aus, mal tanzten Gen-Mais-Kostüme, mal flogen Schmetterlinge vor einem Monsanto-Monster davon – solche Bilder schaffen es in die Abendnachrichten und auf die Titelseiten der Tageszeitungen. Denn unsere Aktionen sind bunt und kreativ. 
  • Umweltverbände zerlegten Schmidts neuesten Gesetzentwurf, kritische Expert/innen erläuterten die Gentech-Risiken in den Anhörungen des Bundestages. Im großen Bündnis organisierten wir eine Großdemo. Denn Campact weiß: Nur zusammen sind wir stark.

Wir haben alles gegeben! Dieses Mal ist es uns gerade noch gelungen, die Rückkehr von Gen-Mais auf unsere Felder zu verhindern. Doch neues Unheil braut sich zusammen: Die beiden Gentechnik-Konzerne Bayer und Monsanto schließen sich zu einem neuen Agrarriesen zusammen. Damit wächst der Einfluss der Gentech-Lobby weiter. Und für uns wird es immer schwerer, ein bundesweites Gentechnik-Verbot durchzusetzen. 

Der kommende Streit wird uns viel Kraft kosten! Wir wollen unsere Stärken weiter ausbauen und noch schneller und schlagkräftiger agieren. Mit Ihrem regelmäßigen Förderbeitrag geben Sie uns dafür die notwendige Rückendeckung, Kampagnen wie diese zu gewinnen. Nochmals herzlichen Dank!

Herzliche Grüße
Linda Neddermann, Campaignerin
Chris Methmann, Teamleiter Kampagnen

[1] „CDU/CSU verweigert praktikable Regelung für Gentechnik-Anbauverbote“, SPD Bundestagsfraktion, 18. Mai 2017

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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for June…


As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.

In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.


Topics include…

• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from? 
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis? 
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings? 
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance? 
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans’ DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness? 
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea? 
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up? 
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans? 
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?

Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live … simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register ~~Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Violet Flame Upgrade

from Natalie Glasson ~ Sacred School of OmNa


I am the Consciousness of the Violet Flame. In the same way that you are an essence of the Creator taking form, so am I. I take the form of the Violet Flame of Transmutation supporting the release of negative, stagnant and unneeded energies to further aid your healing and ascension process of the Earth. I am an energy consciousness that you can call upon whether you are in existence upon the Earth or the inner planes to co-create healing on all levels of your being. I am present to be of service whenever you think of me, call me, express an intention for healing or letting go of limiting and separating energies. As the Violet Flame of Transmutation, I am a potent and intense energy that burns up energies, thoughts, beliefs and fears within you that hinder your connection with the Creator. Due to this, my energy is always accompanied by Angels from the 7th Ray of Light whose sole purpose is to anchor angelic love into your entire being after experiencing a co-created healing with my presence, the Violet Flame of Transmutation. My presence can empty your being of all unneeded energies, the space created then needs to be filled with love to continue the healing process. The Angels promote this by distributing love while also activating your inner love vibrations to blossom into your entire being.

My purpose of connecting with you is to share the shift and upgrade which has occurred within my consciousness. This shift and upgrade is not due to my own evolution, in fact, it is due to the large steps humanity are taking along their spiritual evolution, as well as, the needs of humanity altering. In your past with many low vibrational and stagnant energies to release and heal from your being and reality, a potent cleansing vibration was necessary. Humanity has let go of a great volume of limiting energies and beliefs, that cleansing with such a potent light is no longer required. This means that as the Violet Flames consciousness I am able to access higher vibrations and frequencies of my being from other dimensions, bringing them to synthesis with the aspect of my being humanity connects with and draws upon. Your evolution has allowed me to expand into my greater truth in your presence, allowing me to access higher dimensions of myself to bring forth to you. In truth, this is also what you are doing; you are constantly accessing higher dimensions of yourself bringing them into manifestation within your current existence, therefore expanding the presence of your truth upon the Earth. You are constantly changing and shifting, therefore, your needs, and the energies you draw upon to support your ascension are also shifting to remain in harmony with you.

The potent and intense cleansing and purification vibrations of my energy will remain ever present. However, when you call upon my energies, you will discover I am much gentler in vibration with a deep flowing energy which promotes connectivity within your being, between your energy systems and with the Creator. This flowing connectivity will promote a powerful sense of oneness and peace within your being, between yourself and others, as well as between yourself and the Creator. Connectivity within your being and with the Creator is one of your intentions within your ascension process, whether you consciously realise this or not. Thus, when you call upon the Violet Flame for purification, cleansing and healing, you will still receive this, and yet the overall sensation and experience will be of energies connecting.


Connectivity creates a greater understanding of self and the Creator while magnifying the light that you are, awakening your inner remembrance to the powerful presence of your inner light. The flow of connectivity will promote truth revealed to you or unfolding from within your being, a harmony with yourself and the Creator, as well as a sense of being fully supported and assisted by the Universe and Creator. My greater presence and co-creation with you will support realisations and embodiments of the wholeness of your being, as well as the wholeness of the Creator within your being. This means that even after you have called upon my assistance and I withdrawn from your energy, you will accelerate akin to a spiral with greater speed and awareness within the energy of unity, connectivity to all and wholeness. In truth, my presence will trigger an activation within you encouraging you to recognise yourself as whole and united, rather than separate, incomplete and imperfect.

Within the vibration that I, the Violet Flame, now share with you is an awakening of accelerated healing which is the process of bathing all aspects of your being in the purest vibration of the Creator’s light. This brings all aspects of your being back to the light, existing in harmony with your light and truth. My presence will promote, activate and develop the intensity, power and presence of your own natural self-healing abilities. In truth, your self-healing abilities will be magnified. You will notice more and more healing taking place within your being due to your intentions, energies or assistance from the divine you have called upon or your own healing energy being directed to certain areas of your being. As you may be able to gather, I am awakening the truth within you and co-creating a deeper connectivity to the truth of the Creator.

When calling upon my energy you can still hold the same intention as before for healing, cleansing and purification, however, so much more will take place as I have explained. If you do call upon my presence with the intention of promoting your self-healing, experiencing a greater connectivity and wholeness within your being or a greater unity with the Creator, then I will co-create this with you in the most appropriate and magical way. It is your choosing as to whether you wish to retain your original focus or expand your mind to consciously explore the co-creation we can achieve together.

Co-Creating with the Violet Flame

During meditation or quiet time, call upon my energy to be present with you:

‘Violet Flame of Transmutation and Connectivity, I call upon your presence to draw forth, surround me and co-creating with me. I welcome your energies, consciousness and activations to be of service to my ascension in ways that I can understand as well as ways guided by my soul which I may not need to acknowledge. As your energy fills my entire being, I share with you my intention and reason for calling upon your assistance and service.

(Please state your intention in your own words from your heart.)

I now surrender to your co-creation of my intention within my being and reality, knowing that my soul and higher aspects will oversee all transitions and shifts activated within my being. Violet Flame of Transmutation and Connectivity I now receive your energy. Thanks and gratitude is expressed from my heart.’

Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you exist within a Violet Flame, which completely surrounds your body and energetic bodies. Stay within my energy observing your entire being or allowing yourself to recognise any areas which require healing or any transformations which take place.


Imagine from the base of my energy, the Violet Flame which surrounds you, a pale violet light spirals moving up through the centre of your being, reaching out beyond your crown chakra. This is my energy merging the connectivity frequency of my energy, activating a frequency of wholeness within your being which blossoms into all aspects of your being. Simply focus upon the pale violet spiral continuously flowing from below you, up through the centre of your being and beyond.

Bring your attention to your higher heart chakra, your own sacred energy and self-healing vibrations will begin to awaken, overflowing to fill your entire being. Qualities of unity, truth, oneness and self-love may be recognised within the sacred energy now filling your being. You may notice that you feel your inner energy expanding consciously, connecting with aspects of the Creator. This will support an acceleration of your ascension while downloading new Creator energy into your being.

Much will occur which may be beyond your recognition; it is important to remain in meditation until you feel my energy withdraw as then you will be certain that my co-creation with you is complete. If the energy becomes too intense, please make a direct request to me to decrease the speed of my vibration until it becomes more comfortable for you. Finally, it is appropriate to know and understand that as my energy withdraws so, the Angels of the 7th Ray of Light will draw forth and channel angelic love into your being to assist further and to complete the process.

With loving intentions for your ascension,

Violet Flame of Transmutation and Connectivity

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….after listening to this, you will understand it all….hopefully

Published on Jun 5, 2017

Robert David Steele is the Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network and is devoted to teaching holistic analytics, and open source everything engineering. He is a former CIA clandestine services officer and was the second highest ranking civilian in US Marine Intelligence. He is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the 2017 cycle for his work into open source intelligence.

In this interview we discuss in #Unrig campaign to push for electoral reform, how Donald Trump can work to defeat the Deep State, and the potential humanity could have once suppressed and hidden technologies are released. 
Robert can be found on his personal website and his public intelligence blog:





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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

It is June already ~ my how time is flying. In Sheldan’s April webinar, he reported that the energies coming in from our galactic core are directed at our first three chakras. These chakras effect most of our internal organs, legs/feet and our digestive system. Many people are receiving nudgings from their Higher Self to change their diets. For me, the message is prepare your temple for our physical/mental/emotional/spiritual merging/integration.


These increased frequencies can effect our legs and feet causing the feeling of having “jelly” legs or weak legs. When we mentioned this ascension symptom during April’s webinar, many people wrote confirming that they too were experiencing “jelly” legs. I experienced this symptom in March so I thought I was past this integration but I was wrong. The last couple weeks of May I sporadically experienced weak legs. This symptom usually lasts a day or two at a time then disappears as quickly as it appeared.

Last December I listened to the nudgings from my Higher Self and made some life style adjustments regarding my diet and exercise routines. I already ate well but I still had a few less than desirable habits. It has been 6 months and I have lost 12 pounds. There are several products that helped me immensely. I will share a few of these to see if they will help you as well. We are all different and at different stages of integration with these new frequencies. I am not affiliated with any of these products. I’ve received many requests to share products that I have found effective (for me). There are so many options available to us so these are just suggestions for you to personally decide if they are right for you.

I have a delicate nervous system and I am experiencing neuropathy symptoms. I inherited it from my Mother’s side of the family. It is important for me (and all vegetarians) to take a good B complex supplement (especially B12). I was already taking a good “B” supplement but then I came across Nervestra from Rejuvica. I listened to the nudging from my Higher Self and purchased some. I did not research it, I simply followed my inner guidance. I experienced immediate relief.

Supa (my Arcturian Light Body Specialist) informs us that globally people are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Found in bones, teeth, and red blood cells, magnesium serves as a building block for DNA and is an essential element required for proper functioning of the nervous, muscular, and cardiovascular systems. (Please do your own research.)

I found a product that has changed our lives. It is called NanaCea’s Manna. Patty McPeak’s Manna is a true SuperFood! It is made from stabilized rice bran, which has been predigested with natural digestive enzymes to make it more bioavailable and easy to digest. It is the most nutrient-dense whole food ever tested, containing over 120 antioxidants and phytonutrients. It is also rich in magnesium.

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Sheldan and I also take NanaCea’s CeaZyme. I take CeaZyme first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then again one capsule with each meal.

Why are enzymes important? Enzymes are proteins that control the speed of chemical reactions in your body. Without enzymes, these reactions would take place too slowly to keep you alive. Some enzymes, like the ones in your gut, break down large molecules into smaller ones. Others, like the enzymes that make DNA, use small molecules to build up large complex ones. Enzymes also help cells to communicate with each other, keeping cell growth, life and death under control.

If you are interested in more information on NanaCea’s products, you can contact Patty McPeak at 916-941-1000 or email her at She is a wealth of information. Below I’m sharing a couple of videos from Patty McPeak.

Keep shining your Light bright. 
Selamat Ja! 

Here’s a couple of videos from NanaCea ~ Patty McPeak.

First video talks about NanaCea Manna. 
The second video talks about NanaCea CeaZyme

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Health benefits of Manna

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Health benefits of CeaZymes Digestive Enzymes


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for June . . .


As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.

In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.


Topics include…

• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from? 
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis? 
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings? 
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance? 
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans’ DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness? 
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea? 
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up? 
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans? 
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?

Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live … simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register ~~Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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During the first 20 min Simon talkes about the last London attack, Trump & Paris climate change agreements, global warming, chemtrails to reflect back incoming higher vibrations, the independance of D.Trump and the planetary controller group, Cern and Bilderberg Meeting. After that there are questions and answers.

Go to Simons Parkes website, to understand who he is >



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